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Level of Performance and Understanding

of the Grade IV- Pupils about the

Layers of the Earth

An Action Research

Presented to
the Faculty of the College of Teacher Education
University of Northern Philippines
Tamag, Vigan City

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Elementary Education
General Education



Ablog, Noemi R., Pineda, Sherylane A., Pino, Jessaine Marie R., Rabena, Melanie R., and
Bachelor of Elementary Education, major in General Education. College of Teacher Education,
University of Northern Philippines.

Research Adviser: GLENDA C. RABANAL, Ed. D

This study was conducted to determine the level of performance and understanding of the

Grade IV pupils of UNP-LGS about the layers of the Earth through the use of Demonstration

Method, model construction and posttest administration during the School Year 2014-2015.

A 30-item multiple choice type researcher-made test reviewed by Science teachers was

used to measure the pupils’ level of understanding about the layers of the Earth. For the pupils’

level of performance, they were asked to construct an Earth model and a scoring rubric was used.

The data gathered were analyzed and interpreted through the use of the mean, frequency, and


The result of the study revealed that the pupils got an “Excellent” performance in

constructing an Earth model with a mean score of 3.26. Thus, the pupils got a “Very Good”

performance on the level of understanding on the layers of the Earth with a mean score of 18.71.

Based on the findings of the study, the researchers arrived at the following conclusions: The

pupils are “Excellent” in constructing their own Earth Model, and the pupils’ level of

understanding about the layers of the Earth is “Very Good.” The student researchers

recommended that Science teachers may use the Demonstration method in teaching specifically

in constructing an Earth model. Furthermore in constructing an Earth model, other criteria aside

from completeness and appearance should be considered to really measure its effectiveness.
Chapter I



Science is one of the most interesting subjects taught in the school because it enhances

the ability of the child towards observing, experimenting, and reasoning. In this field, students

are given the chance to know everything around them and to explore the world and beyond.

Students are also encouraged to magnify findings and to discover new things. Moreover, things

learned from this subject are used as an eye-opener of the different facts that may help them

adapt and grow in the living world. It also helps the learners to acquire and understand science

concepts and skills linked to their real life situations.

Science is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of

testable explanations and predictions about the universe. In an older and closely related meaning,

science also refers to a body of knowledge itself, of the type that can be rationally explained and

reliably applied. Science alone can be engaging for students, especially with the integration of

hands-on lab experiments and relating it to our everyday life (Helibron, 2014).

According to Coffey (2010) there are multiple layers of the Earth. The Earth layers are:

the crust, the mantle, the outer core, and the inner core. Some of the layers are considered to be

parts of the lithosphere and others are parts of the asthenosphere. Each layer has its own

properties, make-up, and characteristics.

The researchers observed during their field study that the science teacher taught the

pupils using different approaches. The teacher extracted the young minds of her pupils using
different educational games like the fish bowl and quiz bee. In connection to this, the materials

used in teaching had a great impact in understanding the topic and in acquiring skill-related facts

for the learners. This observation triggered the researchers to develop models because they

observed that the pupils were very attentive and participative when there were concrete materials

used in their lessons.

That is why the researchers designed an instructional material, Earth Model, in teaching

to understand better the layers of the Earth and this is called Earth Model .It shows that a model

can be a good representation of what is in the reality. The good thing about this model is that

they can see with their own eyes and they can manipulate it for further understanding. The

teacher only serves as the facilitator of learning because of the help of the model.

A constructed model can be used in Demonstration Method especially in teaching the

layers of the Earth. When using such method, the pupils can perform the task independently

since they are assigned to do it in a step by step process until the pupils will eventually be able to

complete the model. This would help the learners enjoy learning activities and sustain their

interest through this strategy. Therefore, models are of great help in the teaching learning

Objectives of the Study

This study would be beneficial to the following persons:

Pupils. The study would help the pupils enhance their manipulative skills through

performing the science activities and develop their sense of curiosity to improve their scientific

knowledge and concepts.

Teachers. The findings of this study may be used as their basis in determining the

strength and weaknesses of their learners especially in the use of an Earth model as a tool to

make the teaching- learning process active and lively.

Researchers. This study may serve as their basis in their future research endeavors related

to the present investigation.

Theoretical Framework

The researchers reviewed related materials to gain meaningful insights in the conduct of

the study and they are as follows:

On Science

Science is the concerted human effort to understand, or understand better, the history of

the natural world and how the natural world works, with observable physical evidence as a basis

of that understanding. It is done through observation of natural phenomena, and/or through

experimentation that tries to stimulate natural processes under controlled conditions.

The word science comes from the Latin word “scientia,” meaning knowledge. According

to Webster (2013), the definition of science is “knowledge attained through study or practice” or
“knowledge covering general truths of the operation of general laws, especially as obtained and

tested through scientific method concerned with the physical world”

Layers of the Earth

The Earth has three layers: the crust, mantle and core. The thin, outermost layer of the

earth is called the crust. It makes up only one percent of the Earth's mass. The mantle is the layer

below the crust. It makes up almost two thirds of the Earth's mass and is about 2900 km thick.

Below the mantle is the core, the center of the earth. It makes up nearly one third the mass of the

earth. The core is also divided into two regions, the inner core and the outer core.

Constructed Model

Using models in science will make teaching and learning process more concrete and

accurate, lively, colorful and interactive. According to Papert (1980), the fundamental fact about

learning is that, anything is easy if one can assimilate it into a collection of model. What an

individual can learn, and how he learns it, depends on what models he has available. Teachers

can use models to help students make sense of their observations, and understand abstract ideas

through the visualization of the processes involved in water cycle that cannot easily be seen

directly like evaporation and condensation. Within the scientific community, models are

important mechanisms for advancing scientific understanding. This involves the construction,

validation and application of scientific models.

The Demonstration Method was used in this study. Demonstration Method can be used to

provide examples that enhance lectures and to offer effective hands-on, inquiry based learning
opportunities in classes. Demonstration is usually found in science and technology classes

(Coffey, 2010).When using the demonstration model, the pupil performs the task step by step

process through the construction of layer model so that the pupils will eventually be able to

complete the same task independently. Then a 30-item multiple choice type teacher-made test

validated by science teachers was used as the research instrument. The data gathered were

analyzed and interpreted through the use of the mean, frequency and percentage, and standard


The student researchers observed the benefits of using materials in teaching to achieve a

better learning so they conceptualized an Earth model. They believed that it is a great help in

teaching the layers of the Earth, the crust, the mantle, and the core. Each layer has its own

properties, make-up, and characteristics. They found out that it is an interesting model in

teaching the different layers of the Earth. The class was able to clearly understand the lesson

through the use of the said instructional material. This idea prompted them to conduct the study

in the elementary level.

In addition, the Earth Model was originally made of Styrofoam ball. It was painted with

corresponding colors depending on the size of each layer of the earth. The model shows that

there are three layers inside the Earth. This model is a great help in the performance in

constructing an Earth model.

On Demonstration Method

Classroom demonstrations can be an effective way to help students grasp important

concepts and principles. Research shows that instructors can enhance the effectiveness of

demonstrations significantly by asking students before the demonstration to predict the outcome.
By making a prediction, students develop an expectation based on their initial understanding of

the concept. As they observe the demonstration, they find out whether their prediction is

accurate. If not, the instructor can discuss the incongruities between their initial understanding

and what the demonstration actually shows (Wilsman 2013).

According to Cunningham (2010), in demonstration, the teacher talks about the mental

activities that occur during the reading and writing processes. Demonstration usually involves

modeling and explaining along with demonstrating the thinking that occurs while reading and

writing. As the students gain more knowledge about a particular skill, they need less support and

the approach should be changed. Demonstration is typically used to introduce a new skill to a

whole group, but it can and should apply to individuals or a small group whenever more support

is needed for their learning.

Using lecture demonstrations can be an important component of an overall teaching

strategy. Demonstrations provide a concrete visual way to help explain a topic, and can be very

helpful in promoting student learning. It makes students interactively involved in lectures,

and is an effective means to recapture students' attention partway through a class (Alder, 2000).

On Related Studies

There is a dearth of research on the use of comparative study in choosing the appropriate

strategy in a particular lesson. So far, there is one action research that can attest to its

effectiveness and these were conducted by Baro (2015).

Baro (2015) looked into the effect of 2R- Model in improving the Grade IV- pupils’

performance in differentiating rotation from revolution of the Earth. Based on the findings of the

study, the student-researchers found out that 2R model were effective. Then, they concluded that
the pupils’ performance in differentiating rotation from revolution of the Earth improved after

the use of the 2-R Model.

One of the studies showed close relationship with the present study especially that of

Baro (2015) whose study was also concerned with the effect of using a model in improving the

Grade IV- pupils’ performance in differentiating rotation from revolution of the Earth. The only

difference with the study was the topic which is differentiating rotation from revolution. While in

the present study focused on the layers of the Earth.

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 presents the conceptual framework of the study.

Level of
Performance in
Earth Model

Demonstration Method

Level of
Understanding on
the Layers of the

Figure 1. Conceptual Paradigm

The figure shows that Demonstration Method can affect the pupils’ level of

performance and understanding about the layers of the Earth. This is also similar with the study

of Alder (2000), who also pointed out that demonstration provide a concrete visual way to help

explain a topic, and can be very helpful in promoting student learning and it was effective means

to recapture students attention partway through a class.


This chapter presents the research design, subject of the study, data gathering procedure,

and statistical treatment used in conducting the research.

Research Design

This action research made use of a Demonstration Method, Model Construction and

administration of posttest to determine the pupils’ level of performance and understanding about

the layers of the Earth.

Demonstration Construction of Earth Posttest

Method Model

Figure 2.The Research Design

As reflected in Figure 2, demonstration method was used in teaching the pupils about the

layers of the Earth wherein, the researchers demonstrated how to construct an Earth model.

Then, the pupils are requested to construct their own model. Finally, posttest was administered to


Subjects of the Study

This action research involved all the 31 Grade IV-Petunia pupils of the University of

Northern Philippines Laboratory Grade School, during the Fourth Quarter of the School Year

Research Instruments

A researcher’s made test (Appendix C) was used to determine the level of understanding

of the pupils about the layers of the Earth. The test was composed of 30 multiple choice-items.

The research instrument was reviewed by science teachers.

The following norms for interpretation were used to determine the level of understanding

of the pupils:

Norms Descriptive Rating

25-30 Outstanding (O)

19-24 Very Good (VG)

13-18 Good (G)

7-12 Poor (P)

0-6 Needs Improvement (NI)

On the other hand, the pupils’ level of performance in constructing an Earth Model was

determined through the use of a rubric.

A Scoring Rubric in Assessing the Performance of the Grade IV-Pupils

Using Earth Model


APPEARANCE Completed the layers Completed the Completed the Earth
of the Earth layers of the Earth layers of the Earth model is
interestingly/creatively with some parts but more messy extremely
, clearly, accurately, less neat. than neat. messy.
and exceptionally neat.

COMPLETENES All parts of the earth Some parts of the Most parts of the No parts
S OF THE model are completely earth model are not earth model are of the
EARTH MODEL present. present. missing. earth
model is

The following norms for interpretation were used to determine the level of performance

of the pupils:

Norms Descriptive Rating

3.01-4.00 Excellent (E)

2.01-3.00 Very Satisfactory (VS)

1.01-2.00 Satisfactory (S)

0-1.00 Poor (P)

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers asked permission from the UNP-LGS coordinator and the science teacher

of the Grade IV- Petunia pupils for them to conduct their study.

The study was conducted for three (3) consecutive days. On the first day, one of the

researchers taught the lesson through Demonstration Method with the use of the Earth Model.
Here, the pupils learned the structures of the Earth. On the second day, the class was divided into

11 groups consisting of two to three members, the materials needed were then given to each

group. Through the use of clay, the pupils constructed their Earth Model.

On the third day, the posttest was administered to determine the level of understanding of

the pupils about the layers of the Earth.

Statistical Treatment of Data

To analyze and interpret the data gathered in the research study, the following statistical

tools were used to determine the pupils’ level of performance in constructing an Earth model and

level of understanding on the layers of the Earth:

Mean. It was used to describe the scores of the pupils’ level of performance in

constructing an Earth model and level of understanding about the layers of the Earth.

Frequency and percentage. These were used to present the distribution of pupils who

garnered certain performances in constructing an Earth model and level of understanding about

the layers of the Earth.


This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions, and recommendations based

on the research findings.

Summary of Findings

This study aimed to find out the level of performance and understanding of the pupils

about the layers of the Earth. The subjects of the study were the 31 Grade IV-Petunia pupils of

UNP-LGS, during the Fourth Quarter of School Year 2014-2015. The research instrument was a

30-item test prepared by the researchers and reviewed by science teachers. The data gathered

were analyzed through the use of the mean, frequency and percentage, and standard deviation.

Based on the data gathered, the following were the salient findings of the study:

1. The Grade IV pupils’ level of performance in constructing an Earth model was

“Excellent” with a mean score of 3.26.

2. The level of understanding about the layers of the Earth was described as “Very

Good” with a mean score of 18.71.


Based on the findings of the study, the researchers arrived at the following conclusions:

1. The pupils are “Excellent” in constructing their own Earth Model .

2. The pupils’ level of understanding about the layers of the Earth is “Very Good.


Relative to the findings and conclusions made in this study, the following

recommendations are hereby forwarded:

1. Since the pupils got an “Excellent” performance in constructing an Earth model, it

is therefore recommended that Science teachers may continue to use Demonstration method in

teaching specifically in constructing an Earth model.

2. Since the pupils got a “Very Good” performance on the level of understanding

about the layers of the Earth, other methods of teaching should be encouraged.

3. Another research study may be conducted to test further the effect of

Demonstration Method in the pupils’ level of performance and understanding about the layers of

the Earth. Furthermore, in constructing an Earth Model, other criteria aside from completeness

and appearance should be considered to measure their ability.



Baro, S.C.,et al. (2014). The effect of 2R model in the performance of the Grade IV pupils in
differentiating Rotation from Revolution.Unpublished action research, University of
Northern Philippines, Vigan City.

Ragandac, J.D. et al. (2015). The contribution of model approach, discussion approach, and
multimedia assisted instruction to students’ understanding of water cycle.
Unpublished action research, University of Northern Philippines, Vigan City


Alder, S(2000). In defence of the classroom science demonstration. Retrieved from

http:// learn-differently. com/ informal- educators/ resources/ in-defence-of-the

classroom- science-demonstration

Coffey, J. (2010). Earth’s layers. Retrieved on March 2010, from http://www.

Cunningham, A. (2010). Children Benefit from Modeling, Demonstration and

Explanation.Retrievedfrom article/children-benefit-
modeling- demonstration/

Helibron, (2014). Modern Science. Retrieved on September 20,2014 from

https:// en.

Papert, S. (1980). Constructionism. Retrieved on June 23, 2013 from (learning theory_

Umar, F. (2013). Demonstration Method of Teaching Meaning Advantages &

Disadvantages. Retrieved from
Wilsman, A. (2013). Teaching Demonstrations, Advices and Strategies. Retrieved from advice-and-strategies/

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