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CASE STUDY- The Curious

Corporal Dilemma of Harshad


Dr. Harshad Mehta is the Co-founder of Global Synox Neo-

Pharmaceutical solutions and Systems, a multi-million dollar company
whose net worth is an astonishing 500 million USD.
He was the owner as well as the board chairman of the Corporation. The
vice chairman was however in an unexplainable vendetta , a raw rude
and jealous attitude towards Harshad and wanted to remove from the
position of head chairman and wanted to take over both positions and
unify them as the Lead Chairman.
One fine day after observance of the market reports and discrepancies in
some reports by the junior ranking officials , the vice chairman sued Dr.
Harshad in a case of signatured transactions and since all the accounts
of the company linked to Harshad , the board had to unanimously
removed him from his position by an act of resignation compliance by
law . In short window of 22 hours he was put under house arrest and his
financial assets were frozen.
Some of the members/employees knew about this and remained to stay
silent. Collectively the Board of Directors and Vice Chairman were
involved in this power struggle frame.
However after few months , the corporation started to take a turn and
soon their profits started to dip and within 8 months of Harshad being
removed from his position, the company started going into massive
financial blunders , losses calculated upto 1.3 billion Euros and revenue
had fell by 30%.
Around an year had passed away and out of 10 board of directors and 7
financial and 20 technical panelists , only 5 of the board members
remained , most financial panelists and 10 technical panelists had been
fired or had resigned to join the competitor companies . This was a huge
loss to the company’s vision and mission and hurt the morale of the
workers and market customers and corporal dealers.
The individuals who knew about the vice chairman and his dirty tricks,
they approached him and asking him to tell confess everything and
bring back stability in the structure of the company or he and his
company which is in ruins now would go bankrupt .
The naturally adamant and arrogant vice chairman refuses to do it .Then
the other board members threaten him that they would expose his wrong
doing in court of law and he would be terminated as soon as the truth
comes out . The vice chairman still didn’t agree to it as there wasn’t
concrete evidence stating that he was lying.
Backlogs of the company still had blueprints of the ex-Chairman Dr.
Harshad Mehta . Raj Mehta , cousin and competitor in the market and
leader of chain of corporations handling the pharmaceutical monopoly
had been exposed a few months after the house arrest of Harshad to be
involved in backdoor conversation with the Vice Chairman in a slow
boiling scam to scrap away the funds and sell Harshad’s foundation and
corporation , this case is still at halt in the Delhi High Court.
Another dimension to this case is that Vision Med Tech , A corporation
which is a sister organization of Global Synox and is funded by Harshad
Mehta Foundation to serve in the MENA region , is currently still active
and having 90% of fund activation from Harshad’s foundation , if
negotiated and included back would shape some profits in from the
Pacific-Asian region of operation of Global Synox , this would mean
sapping in major profits and decreasing operations in MENA region in a
1 year period .
Plans for the future
So Harshad Mehta decides on the possibility of leading Vision Med
Tech onto greater heights
Meanwhile the employees don’t want Harshad Mehta to leave Global
Synox ,so the manager of human resources and development reaches
out to Harshad Mehta .
The manager fixes a meeting with Harshad Mehta inorder to negotiate
with him for his sudden decision of leaving Global Synox.

A case study by Aditya Karthik Gupta2k19/EC/008

Tushar Pal2k19/CE/130

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