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Research Project

Executive summary (150)

The current project is tending to base on the topic of key aspects of talent management as
strategic priority along with analysing its role in leading improved success and productivity of a
firm for which an investigation is undertaken on Bentley. The main purpose of current study is to
evaluate key aspects of talent management that makes it a strategic priority within a firm along
with determine about the role of talent management in leading improved success and higher
productivity for a firm. Further, examination of the effective ways of talent management that can
be considered by Bentley to have a more skilled and motivated workforce has been also made.
Use of quantitative method of research is made within current project as it supports more
effective collection of data along with improved presentation and analysis of objectives facts.
The main finding and recommendation of current stud comprises of fact that Providing online
process training, providing incentives and other benefits to the employees, Concern over hiring
experienced people and Tailoring the employees experience are effective ways of talent
management at the time of covid-19.
Title of the Study
Talent management as a strategic priority. A research project on Bentley.

Overview of the Research
The study aims to evaluate the aspect of talent management as strategic priority along with
analysing its role in leading improved success and productivity of a firm, Therefore, managing
talent is the key role and responsibility of the HR manager of the business as it aids value for the
business in developing operational ability and increasing the business growth. The key intention
of executing analysis over this area is to that it is an effective area of study, which aids value in
enhancing individual skills and ability and also resolving the issue of talent management at
workplace. In this particular study analysis has been executing over Bentley, thus it s a British
manufacturer and marketer of luxury cars and SUVs, and a subsidiary of the Volkswagen Group
since 1998. The headquarter of the firm is in Crewe, United Kingdom. The company was
founded in the year of 1919 by the significant motivation of : W. O. Bentley, H. M. Bentley.
Research Aim
To evaluate the key aspects of talent management as strategic priority along with analysing
its role in leading improved success and productivity of a firm. A project on Bentley.
Research Objectives
 To evaluate key aspects of talent management that makes it a strategic priority within a
 To determine about the role of talent management in leading improved success and
higher productivity for a firm
 To identify the effective ways of talent management that can be considered by Bentley to
have a more skilled and motivated workforce for mitigating the challenges created by the
current situation of COVID-19.
Research Questions
 What are the key aspects of talent management that makes it a strategic priority within a
 What is the role of talent management in leading improved success and higher
productivity for a firm?

 What are the effective ways of talent management that can be considered by Bentley to
have a more skilled and motivated workforce for mitigating the challenges created by the
current situation of COVID-19?

Research Methodology
It forms out a vital and important section of every project that facilitates information about
the research method and approaches that are applied for undertaking an investigation and study
in a systematic manner to effectively met the set aim and objectives. The research method that
are allied and used for current study on Bentley are provided as below along with leading a
proper justification for their selection and use within current project:
Research Philosophy- this section of the methodology facilitates the ways that are applied for
knowledge generation and better underdoing of the topic which is divided into two main types
consists of positivisms and interpretivisim philosophy. Selection of positivism philosophy has
been made with respect to current study on Bentley as it is appropriate to analysis the role of
talent management on success of firm in a more systematic manner. The justification for making
use of positivistic philosophy for current study is based on the fact that it ensures a more
practical ways of study based on objective nature of data and facts which leads to efficient
achieving of objectives.
Research Approach- deductive and inductive are two main types of research approach which
supports effective collection, analyses as well as proper interpretation of facts. As per the nature
of current study, use of deductive approach is justifiable as it supports better testing and scanning
of the numeric and objective nature of data. Along with this, use of deductive approach is also
suitable for current study as it is properly in line with positivistic philosophy thus, ensure better
determination of role of talent management in improving success level of a firm.
Choices of method- Basically there are three main methods of conducing a research which
consists of quantitative, qualitative and mixed method of investigation. The qualitative method
comprises of detailed analysis of facts which is much more time consuming and complex. Thus,
use of quantitative method has been made for current study that ensures a more cost and time
efficient way of data collection in numeric terms along with ensuring better presentation of facts
to effectively meet and accomplish set goals. Further, use of quantitative nature of method is also
justifiable and appropriate for current study as facilitates better creation of relationship and

correlation among various components thus, ensures better examination of role of talent
management in ensuring improved success of a firm.
Research Strategy: The aspect of research strategy is the key component of investigation
methodology as it mainly determined how the investigator initiated to assist the work in right
manner. There are assorted strategies like survey design, case study, action research, grounded
theory, interview and so on. In the case of this present investigation work, survey has been
considering by the researcher as it is the suitable tool to gathering immense number of
information with the help of implementing structured questionnaire as it is the most effective tool
to gather information from the wider population in relation to the aspect of talent management as
strategic priority along with analysing its role in leading improved success and productivity of a
firm. However, the approach is effective in securing the standardized outcome which can be
tabulated and treated statistically or mathematically while at the same time adopt flexibility to
aid secure and maximum possible data. In addition to this, the collection of information is
managed via sending the questionnaires to the participants through online channels like email,
social media and so on. due to the restriction of COVID 19 online platform is recognised as the
best option to avoid physical interaction.
Data Collection Tools: The collection of information is mainly relay over two aspects i.e.
primary and secondary source of data collection. In the case of executing the present study in
effective manner, both primary and secondary source are implementing by the researcher, as the
primary research is effective in gathering specific data with the help of executing survey where
questionnaire has been designed to accumulate valid and reliable data. Whereas, secondary
sources like books, journals, articles and so on are effective in executing literature review in
most effective manner to enhance theoretical understanding.
Data Sampling Tools: The selection of sample is the most important thing which helps the
researcher to gathering valuable information. The selection of sample is relay over two aspects
i.e. probabilistic and non-probabilistic data sampling tools. For the effective execution of the
present study, sample has been select by applying random sampling method from the
probabilistic tools, therefore, this is the suitable tool where individual are randomly picked to
gather information and this also avoid biasness in the sample selection. The sample size for this
study is 40 employees of Bentley as the employees are more liable in gathering detailed
information about the aspect of talent management at workplace.

Ethical Consideration: while leading out a primary set of research work and investigation many
ethical concern related with maintaining the authenticity and reliability of facts among with
privacy of information is being faced. Thus, with respect to current study implication and use of
the BERA code of ethics has been made to ensure the meeting of ethical consideration. Further,
proper consent and approval has been also taken from the participants among with option of
withdrawal of consent. Along with this, adoption of data protection act is also made to ensure the
maintenance of authentic and privacy of collected information.
Q1) Do you have an understanding in relation to the aspect of talent management in the context
to business?
Q2) According to you, which can be the most effective aspect of talent management that plays a
vital role in making it as a strategic priority in a business?
Attracting and retaining talent candidate
Effective performance management
Higher learning and motivation
Improved skills and competencies
Q3) Do you agree with the fact that, talent management plays an important role in business to
leading higher success and developing productivity within Bentley?
Q4) What do you think, are the key role of talent management in leading improved success and
higher productivity of a firm?
Effective workforce planning
Improved employee engagement
Continuous development of employees
Higher succession and retention rate
Q5) As per your perspective, in what manner talent management affects the operational and

progression ability of Bentley?
Q6) What do you think are the major challenges faced by Bentley in ensuring and leading
effective talent at workplace in the current situation of COVID 19?
Lack of employee motivation
Ineffective leadership
Complex demand of employees
Increasing employee turnover
Q7) As per your view, what are the effective ways of talent management that can be considered
by Bentley to have a more skilled and motivated workforce for mitigating the challenges created
by the current situation of COVID-19?
Providing online process training
Providing incentives and other benefits to the employees
Concern over hiring experienced people
Tailoring the employees experience
Effectively optimizing workforce planning and strategy
Q8) Please provide recommendation to Bentley for progression the operations in the COVID 19

Results and Findings

Theme 1: Understanding in relation to the aspect of talent management in the context to business
Q1) Do you have an understanding in relation to the aspect of talent Frequency
management in the context to business?
Yes 35
No 2
Average 3

Theme 2: Most effective aspect of talent management that plays a vital role in making it as a
strategic priority in a business
Q2) According to you, which can be the most effective aspect of talent Frequency
management that plays a vital role in making it as a strategic priority in
a business?
Attracting and retaining talent candidate 12
Effective performance management 8
Higher learning and motivation 11
Improved skills and competencies 9

Theme 3: Talent management plays an important role in business to leading higher success and
developing productivity within Bentley
Q3) Do you agree with the fact that, talent management plays an Frequency
important role in business to leading higher success and developing
productivity within Bentley?
Agree 38
Disagree 1
N/A 1

Theme 4: Key role of talent management in leading improved success and higher productivity of
a firm
Q4) What do you think, are the key role of talent management in leading Frequency
improved success and higher productivity of a firm?
Effective workforce planning 9
Improved employee engagement 13
Continuous development of employees 8
Higher succession and retention rate 10

Theme 5: Talent management affects the operational and progression ability of Bentley
Q5) As per your perspective, in what manner talent management affects Frequency
the operational and progression ability of Bentley?
Positive 32
Negative 3
Neutral 5

Theme 6: Major challenges faced by Bentley in ensuring and leading effective talent at
workplace in the current situation of COVID 19
Q6) What do you think are the major challenges faced by Bentley in Frequency
ensuring and leading effective talent at workplace in the current
situation of COVID 19?

Lack of employee motivation 11
Ineffective leadership 7
Complex demand of employees 10
Increasing employee turnover 12

Theme 7: Effective ways of talent management that can be considered by Bentley to have a more
skilled and motivated workforce for mitigating the challenges created by the current situation of
Q7) As per your view, what are the effective ways of talent management Frequency
that can be considered by Bentley to have a more skilled and motivated
workforce for mitigating the challenges created by the current situation
of COVID-19?
Providing online process training 9
Providing incentives and other benefits to the employees 7
Concern over hiring experienced people 8
Tailoring the employees experience 6
Effectively optimizing workforce planning and strategy 10

Theme 1: Understanding in relation to the aspect of talent management in the context to business
With respect to the above drawn pie chart and set theme it has been observed that from a
total of 40 participants, 35 participants were tending to have proper understanding in relation to
the aspect of talent management in the context to business while only 2 respondents were
unaware of this fact along with the remaining 3 respondents who tend to have an average level of
understanding in relation to the aspect of talent management in the context to business.

Theme 2: Most effective aspect of talent management that plays a vital role in making it as a
strategic priority in a business
It has been analysed on the basis of current study that attracting and retaining talent
candidate is most effective aspect of talent management that plays a vital role in making it as a
strategic priority in a business as per the opinion of 12 participates while the 8 tend to support for
the effective performance management. Further, it has been also seen that 11 participants were
having a view point that higher learning and motivation is the most effective aspect of talent
management that plays a vital role in making it as a strategic priority in a business while the
other 9 favoured for the improved skill and competencies.

Theme 3: Talent management plays an important role in business to leading higher success and
developing productivity within Bentley
Interpretation: In this study, survey has been executing among 40 participants and out of that 38
people are agree with the aspect that, talent management plays an important role in the business
to leading higher success and developing productivity within Bentley and 1 individual is not in
concern with the same as the individual is not thinking the same and remaining 1 participants is
neutral as the personal is not providing any view on the same.

Theme 4: Key role of talent management in leading improved success and higher productivity of
a firm.
Interpretation: According to the descriptive analysis executing over the present study, it has been
identified that, there are different key role of talent management in leading improved success and
higher productivity of a firm. Therefore, 9 out of 40 people are in concern with effective
workforce planning, 13 people are go with developed employee engagement, another 8
participants are in concern with continuous development of employees and remaining are in
favour of higher succession and retention rate.

Theme 5: Talent management affects the operational and progression ability of Bentley.
Interpretation: As per the detailed analysis of the study, it has been interpreted that, 32 out of 40
people said that talent management affects the operational and progression ability of Bentley,
therefore, managing talent creates value for the business in enhancing their working ability and
on the other hand, 3 people are not in concern with the same and leftover people are prefer to be
quite on the same as they are not having that much idea about the same.

Theme 6: Major challenges faced by Bentley in ensuring and leading effective talent at
workplace in the current situation of COVID 19
According to the detailed analysis of the study it has been interpreted that, there are assorted
challenges like lack of employee motivation, ineffective leadership, complex demand of
employees, increasing employee turnover and so on that are effectively be faces by the Bentley
in ensuring and leading effective talent at workplace in the current situation of COVID 19.

Theme 7: Effective ways of talent management that can be considered by Bentley to have a more
skilled and motivated workforce for mitigating the challenges created by the current
situation of COVID-19
Interpretation: from the detailed analysis of the study it has been identified that, there are
effective ways of talent management that can be considered by Bentley to have a more skilled
and motivated workforce for mitigating the challenges created by the current situation of
COVID-19. Therefore, 9 out of 40 people are with the aspect of Providing online process
training, 7 rendering incentive and other benefits to the employees, 8 people are go with the
aspect of concern over hiring experience people and remaining people are go with tailoring the
employees experience and effectively optimizing workforce planning and strategy.

According to the detailed analysis executing over the aspect of analysing the key aspects of
talent management that makes it a strategic priority within a firm, it has been concluded that,
Talent management is mainly considered as a business' procedure which is adequately perceive
by the organizations in the expectation of holding their top generally gifted and talented
representatives at working environment for the more drawn out progress tasks of the business.
Accordingly, ability the board should be treated as the essential need for the business as it is
powerful in guaranteeing the fascination of top ability in the competition market to acquire
advancement and development. Talent management also arranged parts of human asset as it
includes improvement of representatives through grouped instruments. Business needs truly
make ability the executives a business' need and a significant piece of a business culture.
Organizations in the advanced time, requirements to consider ability the board as the essential
need for the aim to drawing in and holding top ability and ad lobbing the tasks of the business
through using the extraordinary abilities of the representatives at work place.




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