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Visayas State University

College of Arts and Sciences

Department of Liberal Arts and Behavioral Sciences


Course/Year: BECED – 1
Date: AUGUST 24, 2018

“The Flight from Conversation”

In the article “The Flight from Conversation”, Sherry Turkle argues how

technology basically changed the way people communicate over the years. Turkle

believes that we live in a society where mobile or electronic devices limit our growth as

human beings. In the article, it describes how people would rather use text, e-mail and

other social media flat forms to communicate rather than talking or conversing face-to-

face with each other. Turkle have mentioned that for over 15 years, she studied mobile

technologies and talked to hundreds of people about their ‘plugged-in lives.’ She found

out that mobile devices are so powerful that it not only changed how people do but also

who they are. People have become so used to technologies that it became the new way of

solitude. As she finishes, Turkle gives strategies on how to encounter the technology

attack. Turkle finishes her article with an advice. She said that we should look up and

look at one another and start the/a conversation.


I. Positive points raised

“We live in a technological universe in which we are always

communicating,” Turkle wrote this as her first sentence in her article. This is

so true. Today, we are living in the era of technology. We use technology to

travel, to communicate, to learn, to do business, and to live comfortably. It is

very useful for us people. No doubt technology is one of the greatest

inventions. With the help of mobile technology we are able to talk to our

friends and relatives who are living far from us. With the help of internet, we

are able to learn new things. With the help of technology, we are able to reach

distant places within hours which took years of time to reach in the past. We

are using the all natural resources available for making our life better. With

the help of social networking, we are able to connect with friends, relatives,

etc. and important events in their life. With the help of information technology

we are able to share information to any part of the universe. 

II. Negative points raised

Turkle pointed that the mobile devices or technology are so powerful. It is

because it doesn’t just change on what we do but also who we truly are.

Instead of expressing who we truly are, we “edit” or “customize” ourselves to

fit better to the expectations of the society. Another point raised was that she

is right about the slow dying of solitude. Never be alone is most crucial and

the moment they feel alone, they seek people to connect. That is where
technology comes to the rescue. That is how technology makes us feel and it

can be solved by giving us a way to connect to others. But in reality, people

become more isolated because the rush to connect prevents people from

accepting solitude. Solitude is important because without it, people turn to

others to feel alive and less anxious. Though people think constant connection

will make them less lonely it has the reverse effect. People need to know or

realize that solitude is conversation’s partner.

III. Reaction/Recommendation

Overall, I agree with Sherry Turkle that technology has changed the way

everyone communicates. I really feel new technologies create more efficient

ways of communicating, but can make some people become lazier. Also, I do

realize that everyone relies greatly on technology for communication more

often than we used to years ago. Everywhere we go or everything we do, we

always text, call, or check our phones because the mobile phones are

conveniently and with us all the time. Our form of communication has

changed dramatically from writing and sending physical mail to a click of a

button on an email or messenger. I always bring my phone with me

everywhere I go, just in case of emergency. Carrying the phone becomes a

normal habit for everyone because it is so easy to use, very convenient, and it

is there when you need it most. In the article, Sherry talks about how losing

connection to technology can make people feel lonely. It reminds me of this

one time when I lost my phone, it made me miserable and lonely for the whole
time because I could not call and text anyone and no one could reach me. I felt

like I was disconnected or unplugged from the rest of the universe. It is

amazing what technology have accomplished so far in improving lives in

endless ways.

IV. Suggestions/Recommendations

It’s astonishing to see as to how a century can change our lives. All thanks to

technology. The social impact of technology is huge because today we spend

more time online than ever before and the internet plays a key role in various

areas of our lives. There is no doubt that technology has eased our lives and

our communication with the universe, but it also has many visible flaws. One

is a serious lack of contact with other people and social activities. Simply,

isolation. We isolate ourselves because we prefer communicating online and

we avoid face-to-face interaction. Another is obesity. Being engrossed in a

laptop or a tablet, people tend to eat a lot, sleep late hours or no sleep

and exercise less. There are so many negative effects of technology to us. But

it is on us on how to properly take care of ourselves.

V. Synthesis

The one quote that stuck out to me the most in Turkle’s article was: “We

expect more from technology and less from one another and seem

increasingly drawn to technologies that provide the illusion of companionship

without the demands of relationship.” I think this quote perfectly describes

most people in our society, which is sad. People need to build meaningful
relationships with others in life. Without these relationships, people feel

lonely and seek companionship, which, as I have said above, they find

through technology. And the cycle just keeps on repeating.

Technology is such a great advancement or creation in our society. But

certain aspects of day to day life cannot be achieved through these online

techniques or communication. I feel and strongly suggest that face-to-face

conversation or communication needs to be emphasized in our lives before we

entirely lose the ability to speak with others in person.

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