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1. (a) Derive the dimensions of the following:

(i) force, F (ii) work, W
(b) Hence express the following units in terms of the base SI units:
(i) newton, N (ii) joule, J

2 Derive the unit of (eta) in term of basic unit for the equation below:

where F is the force, A is the area, v is the velocity and x is the distance.
3 A sphere of radius r and density  falls in a liquid of density d. It achieved a terminal velocity v
given by the following expression:
v =kr ( d− ρ )
where k is a constant. What is the dimension of k?
4 The dependence of the heat capacity C of a solid on the temperature T is given by the equation
C = α T + βT3
What are the units of α and β in terms of base units?
Ans: kg m2 s-2 K-2, kg m2 s-2 K-4 Pelangi

5 The escape velocity for a tomahawk missile which escape the gravitational attraction of the earth
is given by the following expression:
x y
v=kg r
where r is the radius of the earth, g is the acceleration due to gravity, k, x and y dimensionless
constants,respectively. Determine the values of x and y.
Ans : x = ½ dan y = ½ Matrix

6 The rate of flow of a liquid through a horizontal tube under streamline condition depends on
(i) a, radius of the tube
(ii) ƞ, viscosity of the liquid
(iii) , the pressure gradient along the tube
where p = pressure difference across the length of the tube
l = length of the tube
Derive an expression for the rate of the flow of a liquid through a horizontal tube in terms of a, ƞ,
p and l.

dV k a4 p
Ans: = Pelangi
dt ƞl
7 The period of vibration t of a tuning fork depends on the density ρ, Young modulus E and length l
of the tuning fork. Which of the following equations may be used to relate t with the quantities

Aρ ρ AE l
(a) t=
E √ gl3 (b) t = Al
√ E
(c) t=
ρ √ g

where A is a dimensionless constant and g is the acceleration due to gravity. The table below
shows the data obtained from various tuning forks made of steel and are geometrically identical.

Frequency / Hz 256 288 320 384 480

Length / cm 12.0 10.6 9.6 8.0 6.4

Use the data above to confirm the choice of the right equation. Hence, determine the value of the
constant A.
For steel: density ρ = 8 500 kg m-3, E = 2.0 x 1011 N m-2
Ans: equation (b) is correct. Pelangi 7

8 For each of the following figures, state the vector R in terms of the vectors P and Q.

Pelangi 16

9 The force F on a charge q moving with a velocity v in a magnetic field B is given by vector

In figures below, a particle of charge 2.0 C enters a magnetic field B of 0.25 T with a velocity v of
350 ms-1. Show the direction and magnitude of the force F on the charge.

Pelangi 17


A particle P experienced a force of 10 N as shown above. Find the x-component and the y-
component of the force.
Ans: -8.66 N, 5 N Matrix

11 The speed of a boat crossing the river in still water is 2.0 ms -1. The river is 50 m wide.
(a) Find tht magnitude and direction of the resultant velocity of the boat when the current
downstream is 1. 5 ms-1.
(b) Calculate
(i) the time taken by the boat to cross the river.
(ii) the distance down the river when the boat reaches the opposite bank.

12 A straight river of width 250 m flows at a rate of 2 m s -1. A person can row a boat at a speed of
2.5 m s-1 in calm water. The person starts to row a boat at a point on one side of the river bank
to another point directly opposite to the starting point on the other side of the river bank.
(a) the time taken for the journey if the path is always perpendicular to the river bank,
(b) the shortest time taken to cross the river.
Ans: 167 s, 100 s Pre-U STPMLongman17

13 How many significant figures are expressed in the following measured values?
(a) 2.56 cm (b) 4.05 cm (c) 0.25 cm
(d) 2.560 cm (e) 2.00 x 103 N

( Longman25)

14 Given below are measured values which are either being added, subtracted, multiplied or
divided. State the final answers to the correct number of decimal places or significant
(a) 2.031 x 1.57 = 3.188 67 (b) 10.54 x 0.0795 x 0.52 = 0.435 723 6
(c) 7.552 = 57.002 5 (d) = 122.977 6
( Longman26)

15 Two length x and y which are measured in an experiment are

x = (10.0 ± 0.1) cm and y = (5.0 ± 0.1) cm
Calculate the uncertainty in
(a) ( x + y) (b) ( x - y) (c) xy (d)
4 x3
Ans: ±0.2 cm, ±0.2 cm, 2 cm2, 0.06, 70 cm5/2 ( Pelangi25)

16 The following readings were obtained by a student to determine the density of a metal
Mass of cylinder, M = (102.5 ± 0.1) g
Length of the cylinder= (36.1 ± 0.1) mm
Diameter of cylinder = (20.0 ± 0.1) mm

(a) What is the percentage uncertainty in the value of the density?

(b) Calculate the density of the metal and the uncertainty in its value.
Ans: 1.37 %, (9.0 ± 0.1 ) g cm-3 ( Pelangi24)

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