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Name: ………………………………...... ( ) Date: 18/8/2020

Duration: 45 minutes
Class: ………………

Marks 30

1. Write your name, class and index number on this cover page.
2. Answer all questions. For each question in Section A, there are four possible
answers A, B, C and D. Choose the one you consider correct and record your choice
in the table below. For Section B, answer all questions in the spaces provided.
3. The use of an approved scientific calculator is expected, where appropriate.
4. Take gravitational field strength to be 10 N kg-1, unless specified in the question.
5. Candidates are advised to show all their working in a clear and orderly manner.
6. The total number of printed pages including the cover page is 10.

For Examiner’s Use

Section A

Section B

SECTION A – Multiple Choice Questions [10 marks]

Answer all questions from page 2 to 6. Choose the one you consider correct and record
your choice in the table below in ink.

Qn: 1 2 3 4 5


Qn: 6 7 8 9 10


Section A

There are ten questions in this section. Answer all questions.

For each question, there are four possible answers A, B, C and D.
Choose the one you consider to be correct and record your choice in the table
provided on Page 1.
The total marks for this section is 10.

1 The graph shows how the pressure of a fixed mass of gas varies with volume at
constant temperature.

What is the volume of the gas when the pressure is 25 kPa?

A 2.5 cm3 B 10 cm3 C 30 cm3 D 40 cm3

2 Two vessels S and T are filled to the same level with the same liquid. The area of
the base of S is less than that of T.

Which statement is correct?

A The force on the base of S is the same as the force on the base of T.
B The force on the base of S is greater than the force on the base of T.
C The pressure on the base of S is the same as the pressure on the base of T.
D The pressure on the base of S is greater than the pressure on the base of T.

3 The diagram shows a simple manometer that contains a liquid.

Side X is connected to a gas supply of pressure R.

Side Y is open to the atmosphere at pressure S.

Which pressure is the length h measuring?


4 Atmospheric pressure is 760 mmHg.

What is 1 mmHg is equivalent to?

A 1 atm
B 1.01 x 105 Pa
C 133 atm
D 1.32 x 10-3 atm

5 In the diagram shown below, Syringe A is connected to Syringe B by a connecting

tube. Both syringes and the connecting tube are completely filled with an
incompressible fluid X. The area of the piston in Syringe B is twice the area of the
piston in Syringe A.

If a force F is applied on the piston in Syringe A, what is the force experienced by

the piston in Syringe B?

A 4F B 2F C 0.5F D 0.25F

6 A pupil puts 37 g of solid ice at 0 °C in a beaker on a hot plate that supplies a power
of 42W for 5 minutes. The final temperature of the melted ice is 0 °C. No heat is lost
to, or gained from, the surroundings.

What is the specific latent heat of ice?

A 47 J / g B 341 J / g C 4700 J / g D 12 600 J / g

7 What is latent heat of vaporisation?

A the energy required to make molecules expand

B the energy required to make molecules expand and move apart
C the energy required to make molecules move apart
D the energy required to make molecules move faster

8 Less heat is needed to raise the temperature of 1 kg of copper by 1 °C than is

needed to raise the temperature of 1 kg of water by 1 °C.

Which statement explains this?

A Copper has a higher melting point.

B Copper has a lower specific heat capacity.
C Copper has a smaller specific latent heat.
D Copper is a better conductor of heat.

9 A thermocouple is constructed by putting two soldered ends (junctions) of two

different metals into different temperatures. The sensitive voltmeter shows a
deflection that depends on the temperature difference between the junction P and Q
as shown in the diagram.



If P is placed in a liquid of 20 °C and Q is placed into another liquid of 100 °C, the
deflection shown on the voltmeter is 3.5 mV. What will be the deflection shown on
the voltmeter if Q is placed in a liquid of 50 °C while P remains in the same liquid?

A 1.0 mV B 1.1 mV C 1.2 mV D 1.3 mV

10 Some of the liquid in a dish evaporates, as shown in the diagrams below.

What is the energy level of the molecules that leave the liquid and when do they
have a greater average kinetic energy?

Energy level of the molecules that Molecules in the liquid have greater
leave the liquid average kinetic energy…

A High energy before evaporation

B High energy after evaporation

C Low energy before evaporation

D Low energy after evaporation

Section B
Answer all questions in this section in the spaces provided.
The total mark for this section is 20.

11 A house has several solar panels on the roof as shown in Fig 11.1.

Fig 11.1

These panels use solar energy from the Sun to generate electricity which is then
used to raise the temperature of water that passes through tubes inside the

(a) Define specific heat capacity.



(b) (i) On one occasion, the panels are supplying an electric power of 360W.

Calculate the amount of electrical energy generated by the panels in

one hour.

amount of electrical energy = ……………[2]

(ii) In the same duration, cold water is pumped through the panels. The
temperature of the water increases from 16 °C to 45 °C.
The specific heat capacity of water is 4200 J / (kg °C).

Calculate the mass of water that is heated. Assume that there is no

energy loss to the surroundings.

Mass of water = ……………[2]

[Total: 5 marks]

12 Fig. 12.1 shows a mercury-in-glass thermometer made using a glass capillary

Fig 12.1
(a) Describe how to check that the 100 °C mark is in the correct position on the






.................................................................................................................. [2]

(b) Explain how an increase in temperature affects the internal energy of the
mercury in the thermometer.





.................................................................................................................. [2]

(c) The length of mercury in the bore of a thermometer is 5.0 cm at 0 °C and

11.0 cm at 60 °C.

What is the length of mercury in the bore when the temperature is –10 °C?

length of mercury at –10 °C = ……………. [2]

[Total: 6 marks]

13 (a) Fig. 13.1 shows a can of compressed air that can be used to blow dust off
electrical equipment.

Fig 13.1

The pressure of the air inside the can is greater than the pressure of the

(i) Define pressure.


......................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) Explain why the pressure of the air inside the can decreases as it is







(b) A solid, rectangular concrete block is lying horizontally on flat ground with
one of its largest sides in contact with the ground. Fig. 13.2 shows the
dimensions of the block.

Fig 13.2
The mass of the block is 24 kg.

Calculate the pressure exerted by the block on the ground.

pressure = …………… [2]

[Total: 5 marks]

14 A small crack appears in an oil tank and a stream of oil is pushed out through the
crack. The oil hits the floor at P where a puddle of oil starts to form.

Fig. 14.1 shows the oil tank.

Oil tank

6.0 m
Oil Crack

Stream of oil

2.7 m

Fig 14.1

(a) The density of the oil is 940 kg / m3 and the crack is 2.7 m from the base of
the tank.

Calculate the pressure due to the oil at the level of the crack.

pressure = …………… [2]

(b) As time passes, the point where the oil hits the floor moves away from P
and towards the tank.

Explain why this happens.





[Total: 4 marks]


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