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Course Code and Title: IS104-System Analysis and Design

Laboratory Activity 1 (Week 2)


Name of Student: Year and Section:

1. . Information Technology solutions should be used in the suggested project.

2. The proposed system must be unique or innovative.

3. System Analysis and Design Module should be used in the suggested system.

4. The suggested system will be used by the organization/company.

Proposed Title: When naming your proposal, be specific and concise.
Example: “Development of Mobile application for Disaster Management”

Student Attendance and information monitoring using code number,

Scope and Specify the project coverage and limitation of the project proposal
This project is for student to monitor their everyday attendance and to easy
identify the information of every students,

Reasons for Choice Explain why you prefer the suggested project.
of Project:
To help the school to easily identify the absences of the students and not hustle
to find the information of the students when they have an emergency, problem in
school or have a failed grades and to contact their guardian.
Importance of the Explain why the proposed project is important or significant.
Make a list of the issues that the planned IT project will address.

The importance of this project is it will help the school to find the list of students
and their location and contact person.

Users/Beneficiary: List at least five people who will benefit from the project.

Guards in school

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