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CLASS: 7A DATE:28/8_________YOUR NAME:Nguyễn Trần Hà Anh


Part 1: You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best
answer (A, B or C).
1. You hear a man talking about planting flower seeds in his garden. When does he expect them
to grow?
A. June B. May C. April
2. You hear two friends talking about when they last met. What was the occasion?
A. a birthday party B. a wedding C. a Christmas party
3. You hear a woman talking about the kind of book she currently enjoys reading. What kind of
book is it?
A. romance B. detective novel C. fairytale
4. You hear two friends discussing the sports they play. Which sport do they most enjoy playing?
A. basketball B. tennis C. volleyball
5. You hear a shop assistant talking to a customer. What is the customer looking for?
A. a shirt B. a suit C. a sweater
6. You hear a man talking about his job as a lighting technician in a theatre. How does he feel
about tonight's performance?
A. concerned about making mistakes
B. surprised to be so nervous about the experience
C. excited about working in live theatre
7. You hear a boy talking about school. Which subject does he like best?
A. maths B. art C. history
8. You hear a travel agent talking about a journey. What is the customer's final destination?
A. Houston B. New York C. Los Angeles

Part 2: You will hear a man called Tom Botham giving a talk about newspaper journalism. For
questions 9-18, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase.
Tom mentions business, news, sport and (9) culture as examples of what journalists write about.
Many journalists have a degree in journalism, though Tom took his in (10) economics .
Tom says it's important to gain a certificate in reporting, carrying out (11) interviews and editing.
When applying for a job, Tom says you need to show a selection of (12) articles you've written.
Tom got experience of writing by working as a (13) film critic on a student magazine.
Tom says journalists must have good communication and (14) organisation skills, in addition to
personal characteristics such as motivation.
Tom was able to demonstrate to employers his experience of (15) .
As a junior reporter, Tom was pleased to attend (16) football matches as well as other local
In Tom's present job, he has a range of responsibilities and most enjoys doing (17) research
Tom is currently exploring the idea of working as a (18) photographer on the paper.
Part 3: You will hear five short extracts in which people are talking about their favourite films. For
questions 19-23, choose from the list (A-H) the reason each speaker gives for his or her
preference. Use the letters only once. There are three extra letters which you do not need to use.

A. It has a complex storyline. Speaker 1 19. C

B. You want to know what happens next.
C. It is highly amusing. Speaker 2 20. G

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Speaker 3 21. F
Speaker 4 22. B
D. It has an unexpected ending.
E. It is very true to life. Speaker 5 23. E
F. The special effects are interesting.
Part 4: You will hear part of a radio interview with a woman called Alice Barker, who has a rare
condition called synaesthesia. For questions 24-30, choose the best answer (A, B or C).
24. Alice describes her ability as
A. connecting emotions and words. B. linking colours and emotions.
C. connecting colours with words.
25. We are told that Alice developed this condition
A. because it is in her family. B. when she was a child.
C. when she had children.
26. When she was younger, Alice and her brother
A. used to think they were going mad.
B. would argue about the colours connected with words.
C. saw the same colours for certain words.
27. Alice says that this ability
A. is directly associated with her moods.
B. can make her feel depressed.
C. makes her feelings more intense.
28. What is the effect of Alice's condition on her reading?
A. It makes her read more descriptions of colours.
B. It can encourage her to reread a sentence.
C. It makes her avoid sentences with bright descriptions.
29. Alice feels that having this condition
A. is very unpleasant at times. B. is generally not a problem
C. not pleasant at all, on the whole.
30. Doctors used to believe that this condition
A. made people insane. B. only affected the insane.
C. indicated the person was going mad.


You are going to read an extract from a short story. For questions 1-8, choose the answer (A, B, C
or D) which you think fits best according to the text.
We always went to Ireland in June. Ever since the four of us began to go on holidays together we
had spent the first fortnight of the month at Glencorn Lodge in County Antrim. It's a large house by
the sea, not far from the village of Ardbeag. The English couple who bought the house, the
Malseeds, have had to add to the building, but everything has been done most discreetly.
It was Strafe who found Glencorn for us. He’d come across an advertisement in the days when
the Malseeds still felt the need to advertise. ‘How about this?’ he said one evening and read out
the details. We had gone away together the summer before, to a hotel that had been
recommended by friends, but it hadn’t been a success because the food was so appalling.
The four of us have been playing cards together for ages, Dekko, Strafe, Cynthia and myself.
They call me Milly, though strictly speaking my name is Dorothy Milson. Dekko picked up his
nickname at school, Dekko Deacon sounding rather good, I suppose. He and Strafe were at
school together, which must be why we call Strafe by his surname as the teachers used to. We’re
all about the same age and live quite close to the town where the Malseeds were before they
decided to make the change from England to Ireland. Quite a coincidence, we always think.

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‘How very nice,’ Mrs Malseed said, smiling her welcome again this year. Some instinct seems to
tell her when guests are about to arrive, for she’s rarely not waiting in the large, low-ceilinged hall
that always smells of flowers. ‘Arthur, take the luggage up,’ she commanded the old porter. ‘Rose,
Tulip, Lily and Geranium.’ She referred to the names of the rooms reserved for us. Mrs Malseed
herself painted flowers on the doors of the hotel instead of putting numbers. In winter, when no
one much comes to Glencom Lodge, she sees to little details like that; her husband sees to
redecoration and repairs.
‘Well, well, well,’ Mr Malseed said, now entering the hail through the door that leads to the
kitchen. ‘A hundred thousand welcomes,’ he greeted us in the Irish manner. He was smiling
broadly with his dark brown eyes twinkling, making us think we were rather more than just another
group of hotel guests. Everyone smiled, and I could feel the others thinking that our holiday had
truly begun. Nothing had changed at Glencorn, all was well. Kitty from the dining room came out to
greet us. ‘You look younger every year, all four of you,’ she said, causing everyone in the hall to
laugh again. Arthur led the way to the rooms, carrying as much of our luggage as he could
manage and returning for the remainder.
After dinner we played cards for a while but not going on for as long as we might because we
were still quite tired after the journey. In the lounge there was a man on his own and a French
couple. There had been other people at dinner, of course, because in June Glencom Lodge is
always full: from where we sat in the window we could see some of them strolling about the lawns,
others taking the cliff path down to the seashore. In the morning we’d do the same: we’d walk
along the sands to Ardbeag and have coffee in the hotel there, back in time for lunch. In the
afternoon we’d drive somewhere.
I knew all that because over the years this kind of pattern had developed. Since first we came
here, we’d all fallen hopelessly in love with every variation of its remarkable landscape.
1. Why did the Malseeds no longer advertise Glencorn Lodge?
A. It was too expensive. B. It was not necessary.
C. It was too complicated. D. It was not effective.
2. What did Dekko and the writer have in common?
A. They did not like their names.
B. People used their surnames when speaking to them.
C. They chose their own nicknames.
D. People did not call them by their real names.
3. The coincidence referred to in paragraph three is that the four friends and the Malseeds
A. came from the same area. B. preferred Ireland to England.
C. lived close to one another. D. were all about the same age.
4. What was special about the rooms at Glencorn Lodge?
A. They had been painted by Mrs Malseed herself.
B. There was no paint on the doors.
C. They did not have numbers.
D. There were different flowers in all of them.
5. What did the writer particularly like about Mr Malseed?
A. He had nice brown eyes.
B. He always came to welcome them.
C. He made guests feel like friends.
D. He spoke in the Irish way.
6. Why did the writer feel contented after Mr Malseed had spoken?
A. Everything was as it had always been.
B. The holiday would start at any moment.
C. A few things had improved at Glencorn.
D. Her friends had enjoyed the holiday.
7. What did Kitty do which made the friends laugh?
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A. She told them a joke. B. She pretended to insult them.
C. She laughed when she saw them. D. She paid them a compliment.
8. The next day the friends would walk to Ardbeag because
A. they would be able to walk on the sands.
B. this was what they always did.
C. they wanted to do the same as other people.
D. it was quite a short walk for them.

Part 1: For questions 1-15, read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits
each space. There is an example at the beginning (0).

When it (0) __became__ quite (1) _____ for people to own a television in the USA in the 1950s,
producers were forced to (2) _____ up with different kinds of programmes. One type that rapidly
(3) _____ popularity was the ‘game show’, in which contestants had to answer questions. One (4)
_____ programme, which was the subject of a film called Quiz Show, caused a scandal of
nationwide proportions over forty years ago.
Like all commercial television stations, the one that (5) _____ this show was interested in the
number and opinions of (6) _____ who watched the programme (7) _____ the sponsors were
paying a great deal of money to get their (8) _____ advertised. This put pressure on the
producers. They had to make sure people (9) _____ on watching so they carried out surveys
about the contestants who (10) _____ on the show. When the public grew (11) _____ of the
champion, there was a danger of people watching another television (12) _____ which, in turn,
would put their jobs (13) _____ risk.
In order to keep everybody happy, they had to ‘fix’ the show. They did this by giving either the
champion or the challenger the answers to the questions, (14) _____ the public’s preferences and
wishes. The plan worked well for a while, but when it was (15) _____ , the popularity of game
shows decreased.

1. A. common B. ordinary C. frequent D. regular

2. A. find B. get C. think D. come
3. A. won B. earned C. took D. gained
4. A. example B. type C. such D. sort
5. A. sent B. broadcast C. announced D. spread
6. A. viewers B. listeners C. audience D. spectators
7. A. To sum up B. In total C. After all D. In fact
8. A. stock B. items C. products D. commodities
9. A. carried B. insisted C. stayed, D. kept
10. A. participated B. appeared C. contested D. opposed
11. A. tired B. bored C. sick D. fed up
12. A. canal B. side C. channel D. station
13. A. in B. at C. to D. with
14. A. owing to B. according to C. on account of D. as regards
15. A. found B. realised C. discovered D. understood

Part 2: For questions 6-30, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space.
Use only one word in each space. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Perhaps (0) __one__of the commonest man-made substances is glass. In fact, it is (16) so
common that few people appreciate its unique qualities. Glass is (17) both hard and transparent. It
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does not expand when heated, it is a very poor conductor and it is resistant to all acids (18)
__________________ hydrofluoric acid, which dissolves it.
(19) nobody knows exactly where or when the manufacture of glass began. (20) what is known,
though, is that there were skilled glass makers in ancient Egypt who practised it as (21) early as
2000 BC, if not earlier. The Romans are also known to (22) have been particularly good (23) for
making glass.
Glass is (24) made from sand, an alkali and other ingredients which can (25) either colour it or
change its properties. These changes are usually achieved (26) by adding certain chemicals
during the process or placing thin layers of other substances (27) between two sheets of glass.
The nature of the glass produced also depends (28) on the quality of the ingredients used.
Nowadays, one of the main uses of glass is in windows, which to us would seem to (29) be quite
logical. However, the art of making glass was known long (30) before it was considered suitable
for windows.

Part 3: For questions 31-40, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the
first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given.
You must use between two and five words including the word given.
There is an example at the beginning (0).
0. He stands a very good chance of getting the job. (LIKELY)
He ___is likely to get__ the job.
31. Your brakes aren’t working properly (TIME)
It is time to have your brakes repaired.
32. I find it surprising that Ralph didn’t fail his driving test. (MANAGED)
I don’t know how Ralph managed to pass his driving test.
33. I’ll finish typing these letters and then I’ll help you. (SOON)
I’ll help you as soon as I finished typing these letters.
34. My cousin is better at painting than I am. (AS)
I can’t paint as good as my cousin.
35. Why should she borrow the money from me? (REASON)
Give me one good reason why I should lend her the money.
36. The lift has broken down yet again! (ORDER)
The lift has in order to broke down yet again!
37. Make sure you have some petrol left. (RUN)
Make sure you are not run out of petrol.
38. Why wasn’t I told about the changes? (ANYONE)
Why didn’t anyone tell me about the changes?
39. “Do you know what has been taken, sir,” asked the detective. (IF)
The detective asked the man if something has been taken
40. In my opinion, it’s better to talk calmly than to argue. (PREFER)
I prefer talking calmly to having an argument.

Part 4: For questions 41-55, read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines
are correct and some have a word which should not be there. If a line is correct put a tick (✔)
by the number. If a line has a word which should not be there, write the word. There are two
examples at the beginning (0 and 00).
0. Nowadays when it is becoming increasingly difficult to get a 0. ✔
00. job and people are finding it more harder to make ends meet, cash 00. more
41. prizes in lots competitions appear to be getting bigger and bigger. 41. v
42. Recently the winner of a draw which organised by a national daily 42. a

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43. newspaper was announced. He was an eighteen-year-old and his own prize 43. an
44. was £50,000 a year for life! Jonathan Ring had just finished work at his 44. v
45. part-time job, for which he earns just £36 a week, when he received 45. v
46. the news that he had won the draw. At first really he couldn’t 46. really
47. believe in his ears. Actually he got rather angry and asked his 47. rather
48. parents to stop joking but when he saw how much serious they were, 48. v
49. he realised they were telling all the truth. Since the marvellous 49. all
50. surprise both he and his family have been planning what to do with 50. v
51. the money. He intends to go on holiday to Barbados, buy a new car 51. on
52. for his father and get a season ticket for his most favourite football 52. v
53. team. Despite of the fact that he won a large sum of money, 53. v
54. Jonathan did not celebrate with champagne but with a cup of tea. 54. with
He also stated that he would be continue working part-time until he had be
55. decided on his educational future. 55.

Part 5: For questions 56-65, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each
line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.
There is an example at the beginning (0).
One of the most (0) __effective__ ways of changing a person’s mood 0. EFFECT
involves using smells. Aromatherapy, which has been in (56) existence 56. EXIST
since it was first (57) successfully used by the Ancient Egyptians, is now 57. SUCCESS
thought to be of great (58) psychological benefit. Although many people 58. PSYCHOLOGY
claim that true (59) relaxation cannot be achieved safely without using 59. RELAX
aromatherapy, the method is still viewed with (60) suspectful by the majority 60. SUSPECT
who are (61) encouraged from trying it because it is surrounded by a 61. COURAGE
'mysterious philosophy’. Today the use of spent to cause a (62) reduction in 62. REDUCE
tension or an increase in the (63) ability to concentrate intensively is made 63. ABLE
even more effective when it is used in (64) combination with music. The 64. COMBINE
most important advantage of aromatherapy is its (65) simplicity . Just a few 65. SIMPLE
drops of oil in a hot bath is said to work wonders.


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