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Bangladesh Atomic Energy Regulatory Authority


Assignment On
Background Study about BAERA

Submitted By
Md. Nahid Hasan
Engineer (Computer)
Nuclear Safety Section
Nuclear Safety, Security and Safeguard Division
Bangladesh Atomic Energy Regulatory Authority
E-12/A Agargaon, Dhaka-1207
Bangladesh Atomic Energy Regulatory Authority
In the present era, nuclear energy is a must need for various reasons. The main cause of nuclear energy is
increasing energy demand which is not possible to provide by using convenient energy generation without
hamper the environment. Nuclear power plant is the way to provide this kind of huge energy.

Background: Bangladesh Atomic Energy Regulatory Authority (BAERA) was formed in 2013 by the
enactment of the Bangladesh atomic energy regulatory act-2012. The vision of BAERA is to Ensure long-
term control, safety, and stability in the safe and peaceful use of nuclear energy through the
establishment of a reliable regulatory system. The prime responsibility of BAERA is to supervise the
licensee’s activities to ensure nuclear safety, security, liability, safeguards under the guidelines of the
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). In order to carry out this responsibility the authority (i)
established regulatory standards, codes, and criteria (ii) review and evaluate the safety analysis and
environmental report (iii) inspect the licensee’s facility to ensure that the design, manufacture,
installation, and operation conform the specific rules and regulations. According to NRC rules, the
regulations process involves five main components: (1) developing regulations and guidance for our
applicants (2) licensing or certifying applicants to use nuclear materials (3) overseeing licensee operations
and facilities to ensure that licensees comply with safety requirements (4) evaluating operational
experience at licensed facilities (5) conducting research, holding hearings to address the concerns of
parties affected by agency decisions, and obtaining independent reviews to support our regulatory

In order to assist the government of Bangladesh for nuclear safety and manage the radioactive materials
the authority divides the responsibility and regulatory functions into five technical divisions. These are

1. Radiation, Transport and Waste Safety Division (RTWSD)

2. Nuclear Safety, Security and Safeguard division
3. Training and Documentation division
4. Planning and Development division
5. Technical Division

Process of Regulation: As per the IAEA Safety standard GS-R-3 the core processes for the regulatory
bodies are Regulations and guides, Authorization, Review and Assessment, Inspection and Enforcement.

Regulations Authorizations Review & Assessment

Enforcement Inspection

Fig: Regulation process of BAERA

Currently, BAERA supervises the safety aspect of the first nuclear power plant in Rooppur. On 21st June
2016 Bangladesh Atomic Energy Regulatory Authority (Baera) is set to issue a site license to the
Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (Baec) to run the Rooppur nuclear power plant. The design and
construction licenses have been prepared by BAERA with the help of experts from the International
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Russia and India after evaluating all the regulatory documents. On 2nd
November 2017 BAERA Issued “Design and Construction” license for unit-1 and on 8th July 2018 for unit-

Steps for Licensing: The Nuclear Regulatory authority licenses and regulates the operation of commercial
nuclear power plants in Bangladesh. The licensing process requires both a construction permit and an
operating license. The steps for licensing include

• Environmental Impact Study

• Site License
• Preliminary Safety Analysis Report
• Construction Permit
• Final Safety Analysis Report
• Operation License
• Periodic Safety Review
• Extended Operation License

AS per BAERA ACT-2012, BAERA is an independent regulatory body to oversight of Rooppur Nuclear Power
Plant program. BAERA’s licensing requirements and licensing steps are fully consistent with IAEA SSG-16.
“Safety First” is the prime factor of the regulatory body. So, the nuclear power plant area is continuously
supervising the licensee’s activities for ensuring safety of the worker, people and environment.

Achievement: During the time period 2013-2021 BAERA has the following achievement

a) Bangladesh has entered into the nuclear elite club through issuing the license of RNPP
b) Bangladesh has enlisted as 33th country of the world which are producing nuclear energy
c) Regulatory control of radiation facilities and new project of Rooppur NPP through licensing
d) Prepared “NPP site criteria for Nuclear Installation”
e) Give the design and construction license for unit-1 and unit-2 of RNPP.
f) It has a strongly Organization structure
g) Developed a management System
h) It has Human Resource Development (HRD) Plan
i) Complete the phase-1 Recruitment of new regulators.

Conclusion: Bangladesh Atomic energy regulatory authority will play a vital role for safely securely use of
nuclear power plant all over the country. Hopefully, Rooppur Nuclear power Plant will solve the huge
energy crisis of Bangladesh.

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