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Student Notes System for CICS (ZPPSU)

Presented to
Faculty of the College of Information in Computing Science
Zamboanga Peninsula Polytechnic State University

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the degree Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Group Leader: Candido, Jacob G.
Group member:
Marcos, Karl E.
Sanoh, Christian C.

Background of the Problem
1.1 Introduction
The impact of computer technology on the society is growing at a high speed in
recent time. Digital communications networks now covers the globe and even reach out
into the space. With rise of the computer connectivity the physical system of
organizations across the world is becoming increasingly, integrated and interdependent.
As the world is being developed with the new technologies, discovering and
manipulating new idea and concepts of taking everything online are rapidly changing. It
is difficult for teacher’s to circulate their notes to each every student whom he/she
teaching. Student Notes System provide an easy approach for both students and teacher to
circulate the notes whether of any kind like lecture notes, assignment questions, questions
paper and all important documents.

Most of the Students having trouble looking for lecture to review, when the
Students asking for the lecture the teacher is having a difficult time to reply immediately.
The Students Note System is capable of uploading and downloading lecture and also can
view the Student’s information.

The Researchers aim to develop Students Notes System to eliminate the problem
of the students and teachers with this system the students can easily manage the lecture
and also to Minimize the workload of the teachers, after the discussion the teacher will
upload the lecture and the teacher will ask a favor to admin to approve the lectures that
the teachers uploaded so that the students can see the uploaded lectures and download it.
In this system the Researchers aim to provide accurate system for uploading and
downloading the lectures or Reviewer.

The Students Notes System will focus on uploading and downloading the
Lectures or Reviewer and also will focus only in one department.
1.2 Project Context

There are many students who face problem in studying at the exam time because either they
don’t have the notes provided by teachers or they must not have been in the college. This System
will provide a platform to easily access the notes.

1.3 Purpose and Description

1.3.1 Purpose

The main purpose of the system is to provide an easy approach to share the
documents for studying purpose. Multiple user can work simultaneously on the system. It
will easy for the teachers to circulate the notes to each and every students.

1.3.2 Description

The students notes system is a notes system which helps user to upload, download
and manage the notes of their particular year level

1.4 Research Objectives

The objectives of the system is to provide a better facility to the students and teachers to
bring out the easy circulation of the lectures within healthy environment. It will reduce the
manual paperwork, reduced the sharing and distribution time.

1.5 Specific Objectives

 To provider easy task for teachers and students
 To create a module that can manage the students and teachers.
 To minimize the workload of the teachers.
 To monitor the upload lectures of the students and teachers.
 To provide a reviewer for the upcoming exam of the students.
1.6 Scope and Limitation

1.6.1 Scope
 The admin can manage the approval of the upload notes.
 The admin can add the students account.
 The system is capable of uploading documents.
 The system is capable of downloading documents.
 The system is capable of viewing student and teacher information
 The system is can update students and teacher information

1.6.2 Limitation

 The system is intended only for the department of CICS.

 The system is not capable of accepting payment transaction.
 The system required internet connection.
 The system is not capable of monitoring the student’s attendance.

1.7 Definition of terms

Student Notes
A brief record of something written down to assist the memory or for future
references. Notes, a record or outline of speech, statement, testimony, etc…, or of one’s
impressions of something. A brief written or printed statement giving particulars or


PHP is the final component of the traditional “LAMP” stack: Linux, Apache,
MySQL/MariaDB, and PHP. It provides a full -featured programming language to develop
web pages with active content; it currently is used as the server-side programming language
for roughly 80% of all web sites. The current version of PHP is PHP 7, which was initially
released in December 2015. During 2011–2018, some systems continued to support and run
the older PHP 5, which was released in 2004. PHP 6 was only partially developed and
never reached general availability.

 Is a software distribution which provides the Apache web server, MySQL
database (actually Maria DB), PHP and Perl (as command-line executable and Apache
modules) all in one package. It is available for Windows, MAC and Linux systems. No
configuration is necessary to integrate PHP with MySQL. It is a great fit for this course
and provides a relatively painless installation and way to manage the configuration
changes. Also provided is PhpMyadmin which gives a GUI tool for managing your
MySQL databases. I would highly recommend installing this for Windows or MAC. It
doesn't exclude you from other competing software installations, it just gives an easy way
to get going. For Ubuntu Linux systems, I still would recommend installing
Apache/MySQL/PHP/PhpMyadmin through Ubuntu packages.


MySQL is a commonly used open source relational database that is used in

conjunction with web applications such as Wordpress, Joomla, and Zencart. The
company that developed MySQL was acquired by Oracle, and many of the original
developers of MySQL became concerned for the future licensing of MySQL. They
created a fork of MySQL, named Maria DB, which serves as a replacement for the same
version of MySQL.
Chapter II


2.1 Related literature

2.1.1 Student Information System Quality and Satisfaction

According to Cannur Gürkut, Muesser Nat (2017), Student Information System is

one of the key systems for facilitating the management and development of Higher
Education Institutions. Its use for academic decision- making purposes as well as other
academic tasks is crucial. Therefore, this paper aims to understand the impact of System
Quality, Information Quality and Information Presentation on Student Information
System satisfaction of academic and administrative staff. In this study, System
satisfaction survey is carried out and factor analysis and regression tests are applied to
interpret the collected data. The results show that only Information Quality has direct
effect on satisfaction. Then the impact of decision-making as a mediator factor on system
satisfaction is measured and the results reveal that System Quality and Information
Quality has indirect significant effect whereas Information Presentation does not have
direct nor indirect effect on system satisfaction.

2.1.2 Online Student Course Registration System

According to Rattan Singh, Ravinder Singh, Harpreet Kaur and O. P. Gupta

(2016), with the advent of Information Technology in the last decade, the major focus has
shifted from manual systems to computerised systems. Various systems viz. railway
reservation, hospital management etc. involving manual work have been automated
efficiently. Student course registration process in colleges involve filling registration
forms manually, getting it signed by respective subject teachers, and then getting the
documents acknowledged from the concerned Advisors, College Deans and Accounts
Officers respectively. Finally the registration forms are submitted in the Administrative
Branch. As is evident, this process is very laborious and time consuming. An Online
Student Course Registration System has been developed to simplify the current manual
procedure.This system has been developed using PHP, jQuery, Apache and MySQL. The
front-end is designed using PHP with excerpts of code written using jQuery and back-end
is designed and managed through MySQL. This system software is more secured, user-
friendly and less time-consuming.
2.1.3 Offline MCQ Exam System for Computer based Test using VB.NET

This is a Client Server project entitled Document Management System written in
and SQL Server Management Studio R2 2008 database for Mines and Geosciences Bureau.
There are three (3) sections in the Mines and Geosciences Bureau, namely: under the MGB
ROXIII - ISHES - MMT/CMVR - SDMP - MWMT - NGP/MFP - E/M and Explosive -
Others 1. Safely and Health - Annual Safety and Health Program (ASHP) - Monthly General
Accident Report (MGAR) - Semi-annual Medical Report - Monthly Explosive Consumption
Report - Energy Consumption Report - Others 2. Environment Section - Environment Protection
and Enhancement Program (EPEP) - Final Mine Rehabilitation/Decommissioning Plan
(FMR/DP) - Semi-Annual Mine Waste and Mill Tailings Generated Report - Others 3. Social
Development and Management - Notarized 1.5% Operating Cost - Social Development and
Management Program (SDMP) - Community Development Program (CDP) - Others The
purpose of the system in Bureau is to compile all the documents. Old documents can be scanned
and uploaded in the system in order to preserve the document and for more efficient and
convenient searching. By the use of the system, they can also send files to the different regional
offices of Mines and Geosciences Bureau by using the "SEND FILE" under the report section
module and "RECEIVE FILE" by logging in their respective emails using the system itself.
Thus, time and effort will be less and documents are well organized. Making the Bureau operates
in a paperless workplace.

2.1.4 Online Library System

This Library system is a web based system that is built to properly manage all operations
inside the library. It is developed using PHP, CSS, and MySQL for the database. This Online
Library System in PHP can be used by a user (student) and an admin (librarian). The features of
this system are not that complicated even a newbie can use the system with ease. In this Online
Library System in PHP the admin has an important role in running the system. We can say that
the administrator of this system has the ability to manage all users and all of the library-related
operations. He can have all the access into the Online Library System in PHP if he registered as
an admin and logged in into the system. While, the user has only limited access into the system
but he can still freely choose different kinds on books through online. As he logged in into the
system, he also has the ability to make changes on his account.

2.2 Related System

2.2.1 Student Information System

Student Information System project is developed using PHP and CSS. Talking about
the project, it contains all required features for the system. Before entering the system, a user has
to pass through a login system. Then he/she can view the list of students with all pieces of
information. This project has no login system for the admin panel, which can be accessed from
the user’s dashboard. In information area, student’s name with ID number, department name and
the school year is displayed. From a single login, users can view student’s information and
control admin panel. The username and password can be created by the users from the system
too. Admin has full control of the system, he/she can insert new student’s record, remove
student’s record and modify student’s record. While inserting new student’s record the user has
to provide ID number, Name of student, School Year and Department name. He/she can also add
modify or remove student’s data easily as a list of student’s record are displayed and the user just
has to click on Delete or modify button. A simple dashboard is provided in admin panel for the
easy management of the system. Various images are used for the designing part of the system
and it is made without using JavaScript.

In short, this Student Information System in PHP project is a simple mini project for the
beginners. All the important features that are required for a student’s information is set on this
project. This simple student information system in PHP helps a user to maintain records of
students easily as it is not time-consuming. Design of this project is very clean and simple so that
user won’t find it difficult to understand, use and navigate.

2.3 Synthesis of Review Literature and System

Examining documentation can be helpful when you try to gain some insight as to
how the requirements for a database arose. You may also find that documentation can help to
acquire information on the part of the enterprises associated with the problem. If the problem
relates to the current system, there should have to be documents associated with the system. By
examining documents, forms, reports, and files associated with the current system, you can
quickly gain some thoughtful concepts out of the system.


3.1 Requirement Documentation

3.1.1 Phase 1: Planning

On planning of this system we made the user our top priority. We planned to make a
simple design so that the user can easily to access the System. The admin will register the
account for the teacher and student. The teacher will log in then upload the notes, the teacher can
even delete the notes by logging in. The student will log in to access the notes uploaded by
teachers and view them or download it. The admin has the rights to approve or disapprove the
notes uploaded by particular user.

3.1.2 Phase 2: Design

This Student Notes System recommendation is for College Information of Computer

Science (CICS) school of Zamboanga Peninsula Polytechnic State University (ZPPSU), we used
the logo of the school and the logo of our department. The user interface design needs to be
simplistic, presentable and easily to understand by its user.

3.1.3 Phase 3: Development

In development the student notes system, the most important is to ensure that the function
of this system is hundred percent functioning and can easily track where the error is or what is
the error. To ensure that the admin can create an account for the user and the user can log in and
upload/download the lecture without any circumstances.

3.1.4 Phase 4: Test

3.1.5 Phase 5: Release

3.1.6 Phase 6: Feedback

3.2 Phase 7: Curriculum vitae
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
Start.filomina Mercedes Zamboanga City
Contact No. 09364652033
Email: candidojcob082@gmail.ccom

To work in a challenging environment, achieve skills in the respective field and work for
the simultaneous progression of organized and my self.

Date of Birth: July 12, 1999
Age: 21
Civil Status: Single
Gender: Male
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
College: Zamboanga Peninsula Polytechnic State University
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
2020 – 2021
Senior High: AMA
Information of Computer Technology
2018 – 2019
Junior High: Mercedes National High School
2015 – 2016
Elementary: Mercedes Elementary School
2011 – 2012
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
Contact No: 09774742294

To commit a professional job where I can utilize my field of study and work experience,
share and at the same cultivate my humble knowledge order to expand my understanding of
discipline that I have chosen. To enable me to grow intellectually, morally and emotionally in
new working environment.

Date of Birth: December 24, 1996
Age: 24
Civil Status: Single
Gender: Male
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
College: Zamboanga Peninsula Polytechnic State University
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
2020 – 2021
TESDA: Zamboanga Institute Aviation Technology
Computer System Servicing NC II
Secondary: Zamboanga City High School (Main)
2013 – 2014
Elementary: Guiwan Elementary School
2008 – 2009

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
Contac No: 09774745480


To acquire valuable knowledge and skill to complement those that I have learned from
school in an actual job environment. In return, I offer my service and determination to be an
asset to your company throughout the duration of my training period.
Date of Birth: June 12, 1999
Age: 21
Civil Status: Single
Gender: Male
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
College: Zamboanga Peninsula Polytechnic State University
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
2020 – 2021
Senior High: AMA
Information of Computer Technology
2018 – 2019
Junior High: Maria Clara Lorenzo Lobregat National High School
2015 – 2016
Elementary: Putik Elementary School
2011 – 2012

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