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Name: Daiena Therese A.

Pantilag Grade and Community:12-BFA

Subject: Contemporary Arts Teacher: Ms. Loren Mae N. Wapiri

Week 3: Performance Task

“Lotus Flower”

My artwork is called a Lotus Flower. This artwork is made mostly

up of recycled materials. This type of artwork could help reduce
the plastic waste made from plastic spoons. I believe in the
advocacy of “Reuse, Reduce, Recycle” that’s why I have come up
with this kind of idea. I hope that with this art piece I could show
the world how we can still make beautiful arts with garbage.

Materials Used:

• Plastic spoons (20 pcs. or more)

• Yellow Paint (optional)
• 1/8 illustration board
• Glue gun
• Glue stick
• Pencil
• Scissor


1. Gather all your materials to your working space.

2. Draw a lily pad to your illustration board then cut it afterwards.
3. Cut the spoon between the curve and its handle. Leave only the
curved one because that is what we need to make the flower.
4. Draw a circle on your lily pad like a size of a coin.
5. Glue the plastic spoons together following the circle using a
glue stick.
6. Glue other spoons at the top of the spoons but only at the gap
of the first batch of spoons you glued together.
7. Repeat this process until there is no space anymore at the
center of the flower.
8. Paint your flower with your color desired and let it sit on a sunny space of your house.

“Reduce, Reuse, Recycle”

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