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Progress test Unit 9 Test B

Progress Test 9B
Name: ___________________________________________

1 Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.
1 "You failed your exam through being lazy."
If you wouldn't have / hadn't been lazy you'd have passed your exam.
2 "We wouldn't have minded your leaving early."
You might / could have left early as far as we were concerned.
3 "In your place I think I’d have acted differently."
I shouldn't / mightn't have done that if I'd been in your position.
4 "It was wrong that he spoke to us that way."
He couldn't / needn't have spoken to us like that.
5 "The Romans had to win that battle to be sure of winning the war."
If the Romans had lost that battle they wouldn’t / might have lost the war.
6 "He wasn't very fit, but he couldn't have won the match anyway."
Even if he'd been fitter he wouldn't / shouldn't have won the match.
7 "With a better candidate they would have had a better chance in the election."
They might have won the election if they had chosen / chose a better candidate.
8 "You offered unnecessarily to pay for the meal."
You needn't have offered / hadn't to offer to pay for the meal.
9 "I came to this lecture mainly because of your suggestion that I do so."
I needn't / mightn't have come to this lecture if you hadn't suggested it.
10 "We were ready to babysit but you didn't ask us to."
We would have been / should have been happy to babysit if you'd mentioned it.

Mark __/10

2 Choose the best verb for each sentence, using each of them only once.
mightn't should couldn't would could
1 Judy ____________ have said so sooner if she wanted to go on the trip.
2 Bell’s performance was poor – he ____________ have beaten Harris even if he was fit.
3 Chris ____________ have sprained his ankle if he weren’t overweight.
4 The floor was so clean we ____________ have eaten our lunch off it.
5 They ____________ all have loved to help if they could.

Mark __/5

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Progress test Unit 9 Test B

3 Using the words in brackets, form conditional clauses with a comparative.

1 I'm off to the party now. If George ________________________ (tell, me, soon), I'd have been
there already!
2 My parents ________________________ (not be, cross) now if I'd admitted what I'd done.
3 Your handwriting ________________________ (be, clear) if you'd use a proper pen.
4 The car ________________________ (start, well) if you bought a new battery.
5 If ________________________ (telephone, early), your order would be ready.

Mark __/5

4 Choose the correct answers.
1 It was really disloyal / considerate / cowardly of her to tell everyone about his illness when he
asked her to keep it a secret.
2 I don't want to be over-sensitive / eager / pushy, but do you think you could finish the project
by Friday?
3 Ian is always giving up his free time to help others. He is so eager / altruistic / heroic.
4 I'm sure he didn't mean to be rude. He can be eager / thoughtless / spiteful at times.
5 She was erratic / hysterical / ruthless when they told her that her boyfriend had had a climbing
6 His girlfriend is so spiteful / foolish / pretentious. She's always doing something to hurt him.
7 Deceitful / Pushy / Reckless people often lose friends when people see through their constant
8 It would be really short-sighted / disloyal / thoughtless of you to leave your job. You have to
think of the long-term future.
9 Alfred is not a heroic / considerate / cunning enough liar to deceive Bridget.
10 Stop being so over-sensitive / foolish / clumsy! That's the third time you've knocked
something over today.

Mark __/10

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Progress test Unit 9 Test B

5 Complete the text with the correct forms of the words in brackets.
Driving through 1 _____________ (mountain) terrain in a vehicle without winter tyres can be
hazardous at certain times of the year when there is a danger of snow storms. Summer tyres are not
as 2 _____________ (respond) in snowy conditions as winter tyres, and are highly 3 _____________
(appropriate) during the period of November to February, as numerous routes are not
_____________ (access) and even attempting to drive on such roads is 5 _____________ (point).

Mark __/5

6 Complete the sentences with appropriate words.

1 She took her neighbour to c___________ for taking her car without her permission.
2 There's a lot of t___________ between the headmistress and her deputy.
3 They had to make an insurance c___________ after the accident.
4 My new boss is far too demanding. Working for him is a n___________.
5 When I lost my job, my whole world t___________ upside down.

Mark __/5

Use of English
7 Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.
1 Jill’s family were very ____. They welcomed me kindly and cooked a great meal.
a pretentious b hospitable c over-sensitive
2 The wind was blowing, so it was very ____ up on Beacon Hill.
a squeaky b breezy c woolly
3 Dan was held _____ in traffic and got to the concert late.
a out b over c up
4 Clouds moved across the sky ____ above our heads.
a high b height c highly
5 If Shirley _____ work early, she wouldn’t have got to the station in time to catch the train.
a didn’t leave b hasn’t left c hadn’t left
6 I left home early ____ make sure that I got to the airport in plenty of time.
a so that b in order c so as to
7 Sophie ______ have phoned to say she was going to be late. It was rude not to.
a would b must c should
8 It was______ a wonderful day that we went to the beach.
a such b so c as
9 I don’t know what has caused the break-______ of Clive and Claire’s relationship.
a out b away c up
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Progress test Unit 9 Test B

10 I wish I ____ Dean for coffee yesterday.

a met b had met c was meeting

Mark __/10

8  You will hear a news programme. Choose the correct answer A–D for the questions
1 The news article informs us that the Prime Minister:
a criticised his own party for not giving enough information out before the general election
b believes people should be informed about parties' true intentions prior to the elections
c thinks that politicians should live in houses that they can afford
d admits that he is under a lot of stress in the period before the elections
2 According to the news article, the new drug Curesoll:
a cures all cancers
b has fewer negative side effects than were admitted by the manufacturer
c might not cure all the cancers that it claims to
d has been widely used in hospitals and clinics
3 The mother who is trying to sue her ex-husband:
a is upset about how he has been treating the family lately
b believes her ex-husband has been dishonest about his financial situation
c wants him to increase the size of the payments he is making
d doesn't really need the money but thinks he should pay it anyway
4 The news informs us that the rock singer Will O'Scanlon:
a has had a difficult life recently
b has been famous for the last three years
c will be sentenced in court for not paying child maintenance fees
d will probably be fined for not paying his child maintenance fees
5 According to the news article, the new laptop:
a might not be too popular with customers
b is the most creatively designed laptop on the market
c has an unbreakable screen
d is a laptop and a house robot in one

Mark __/5

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Progress test Unit 9 Test B

9 Read the following text and fill the gaps with the missing sentences. There are two
sentences you will not need.
The mysteries of human behaviour
Scientists have created test-tube babies, sent men to the moon and learnt to read the DNA which makes us who
we are, yet they have failed to fully explain some of the mysteries of ordinary human behaviour. Our everyday
lives are filled with actions that are still mysterious, such as creating art, blushing and altruism. 1 ___ Here are
some theories on why we do the things we do.
Even Charles Darwin was unable to explain why evolution made our cheeks turn red when we are lying, shy
or embarrassed. 2 ___ Over-sensitive, non-confrontational or shy people may blush because they are trying to
avoid conflict, and some might be revealing weakness.
In evolutionary terms, giving things away, helping old people across the road or being very hospitable despite
knowing that we might not get anything in return is rather strange behaviour. Some say that it is more natural
for people to be inconsiderate, and to prioritise their own needs over those of others, but many of us keep
displaying signs of altruism on a daily basis. 3 ___
When we paint, dance, sculpt and write music, we could be showing off our skills and potential, or
communicating what state of mind we are in. If, for instance, we paint a picture of a romantic countryside full
of blooming flowers, this could be sending a message that we are exceptionally supportive, hospitable and
dependable. Composing sad songs, on the other hand, may be a sign of feeling gloomy or that we believe we
are in a hopeless situation. 4 ___
___ Some suggest that teenage years help our large brain reorganise itself before adulthood, and allow us to
experiment with certain behaviours inappropriate for adulthood, before we take over full responsibility for our
A An explanation for such behaviour is that it may be helping us with group bonding or that being
kind to others simply gives us pleasure.
B One of the explanations scientists have given is that this behaviour alerts others to the fact that
we are being deceitful, or are under emotional stress.
C Scientists believe that this is one of the reasons why such a small number of people behave this
D However, some scientists suggest that creativity could in fact be a tool for spreading knowledge
or sharing our experiences with others.
E Historically, it was considered odd for women to write classical music, but this has now changed.
F As it seems nothing is more fascinating to us than our behaviour, it is not surprising that
scientists have been trying to explain certain human traits and behaviours for decades.
G No other animal undergoes a stage in its life where it becomes unpredictable, mischievous and
even foolish.

Mark __/5

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Progress test Unit 9 Test B

10 Write a story (200-250 words) that begins with the sentence: It was Friday evening and it had
just started snowing. Include the following points in your story:
 Set the scene (place, background etc.)
 Describe the personality and characteristic behaviour of the main characters
 Describe what happens in the story
 Explain how the story ends

Info 1 Info 2 Info 3 Info 4

/1 /1 /1 /1
Form Vocabulary Grammar Total
/2 /2 /2 / 10

Total: ___/70

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