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TIME : 2 x 45 minutes

Expressing meaning of written short functional text, recount, narrative, and procedure simple essay in
daily life context and accessing knowledge.

Expressing meaning and rhetorical step of essay accurately, fluently, and acceptably in daily life
context and accessing knowledge in procedure text.

At the end of the teaching-learning, students are able to:
- Identify language feature of procedure text.
- Identify Imperative verb in a procedure text.

- Use appropriate imperative verb in a procedure text.
- Demonstrate an instruction of making a special menu.
- Produce a procedure text orally.

- Be more creative and responsible.

- Identifying language features of procedure text.

- Producing / Demonstrating a procedure text orally.

- Being more creative and responsible

Procedure text

A Procedure is a piece of text that gives us instructions for doing something through a sequence of
actions or steps.

Purpose / Social Function : to describes how something is done through a sequence of the order or
steps. Procedure helps us do a task or make something. They can be a set of instruction or directions.

Generic Structure : Goal, Material or Equipment & Steps

Language features:
1. Focus on generalized human agents
2. Use of simple present tense, often imperative and command
3. Use of action verbs
4. Use mainly of temporal conjunctions (or numbering to indicate sequence)
5. The sequence of order is marked by the words: first, the next, after that, finally, etc.


 Greeting students & Warming Up
a. Giving a brain-gym
b. Making sure that the students bring Indonesian-English and English-Indonesian

 Giving stimulus (Inquiry).

a. Getting students into group ( 3 students ).

b. Giving an inquiry
- What is your favorite food?
- Where do you usually eat out?
- Have you ever watched a Cooking Show?
- Who is your favorite Chef?

a. Asking the students to imagine that they are in a Cooking Show.

( The teacher becomes a Chef and Students become audience )
The teacher sticks the picture below on the whiteboard

b. Informing studens that the chef (teacher) is going to make a special menu, it’s a

c. Showing many necessary pictures (ingredient and kitchenware) to make a sandwich

by questioning or telling its meaning.
- Bread ( white, wholegrain, wheat bread )
- Spread ( butter, mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard or avocado )
- a cup of soup, pickle or fruitjuice
- Fillings ( jam, ham, peanut butter, lettuce, beef, chicken )
- Kitchenware ( Plate, Knife, Fork, Toaster )

d. Demonstrating the way of making Sandwich by using a picture and gesture.
( The teacher pretends to be a Chef who is giving instruction to make a sandwich on
TV )

How to Make a Sandwich

1. Pick your favorite type of bread. You can use white,

wheat, wholegrain or any other type of bread. You need 2
whole slices of bread to make a full sandwich, or you can
use one slice to make a half-sandwich. You can also toast
your bread.

2. Choose a spread that will make the bread stick together.

Margarine, butter, mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard or avocado
are common good choices. Combine the spreads for a
different and delicious taste.

3. Add fillings. Jam, peanut butter, ham, cheese, various other

meats, lettuce, tomato, onions, beef, chicken, -- you've got a
lot of choices. What you put on a sandwich is really up to
your imagination and preferences. Just remember to put
together things you enjoy eating because you have to eat it.

4. Include a side. Add a cup of soup, pickle, fruit juice, milk or
a drink of your choice to go with it for a complete and healthy
meal. Keep in mind that sandwiches can be served at any time
but are best during lunch.

5. When you have finished putting together the foods you like to
eat, slice the sandwich diagonally for easier handling.

Note: Teacher only shows the pictures, without the sample of text.

 Getting students into interactive discussion
- Note: When the teacher has got the answer from students, he/she directly
write it down on the whiteboard
- The teacher also gives students a chance to ask question


a. What kind of food are we making today?

= Sandwich

b. What are the necessary ingredients if you want to make a sandwich?

- Bread ( white, wholegrain, wheat bread )
- Spread ( butter, mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard or avocado )
- a cup of soup, pickle or fruitjuice
- Fillings ( jam, ham, peanut butter, lettuce, beef, chicken )

c. What are the necessary kitchenware if you want to make a sandwich?

= Plate, Knife, Fork and Toaster if necessary

d. How many steps must you do in making a sandwich?

= Five steps

e. What is the first step in making sandwich?

= Picking our favorite type of bread.

f. What do you need in the first step?

= Bread

g. What do you need in the second step?

= Spread, we can choose butter, mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard or avocado

h. What do you do in the second step?

= Choosing a spread that will make the bread stick together.

i. What do you need in the third step and what do you do?
= Fillings, we can choose jam, ham, peanut butter, lettuce, beef or chicken
= We add fillings inside the slides

j. What do you need in the fourth step and what do you do?
= a cup of soup, pickle or fruitjuice
= Including a side

k. What is the last step?

= When we have finished putting together the foods we like to eat, we slice the
sandwich diagonally for easier handling.

l. Where do you usually find this kind of instruction?

= In TV ( cooking show )
= In a Recipe

m. What kind of verb do you use when you give a command or instruction?
= Simple present tense
= First verb


 Facilitating students by giving task.

a. Giving students a completion task about imperative verb.

Supply the following pictured-instructions with the appropriate verbs.

How to Make a Sandwich

1. ______ your favorite type of bread. You can

use white, wheat, wholegrain or any other type of
bread. You need 2 whole slices of bread to make
a full sandwich, or you can use one slice to make
a half-sandwich. You can also ______ your bread.

2. ________ a spread that will make the bread

stick together. Margarine, butter, mayonnaise,
ketchup, mustard or avocado are common good
choices. __________ the spreads for a different
and delicious taste.

3. _______ fillings. Jam, peanut butter, ham, cheese,

various other meats, lettuce, tomato, onions, beef,
chicken, -- you've got a lot of choices. What you
put on a sandwich is really up to your imagination
and preferences. Just remember to put together
things you enjoy eating because you have to eat it.

4. __________ a side. ______ a cup of soup,

pickle, fruit juice, milk or a drink of your choice
to go with it for a complete and healthy meal.
Keep in mind that sandwiches can be served at
any time but are best during lunch.

5. When you have finished putting together the foods
you like to eat, ______ the sandwich diagonally
for easier handling

Answer: 1. Choose, Toast

2. Pick, Combine
3. Include, Add
4. Add
5. Slice

b. Showing students the pictures of the way making sandwich orderly. Then asking
some students to be a chef and give instruction to make a sandwich ( Demonstrating
in a cooking show )

1 2 3

4 5

c. Asking students to write an instruction including the necessary ingredient and

kitchenware with partner ( to help them memorize the instruction more easily when
they demonstrate it ).

Choose one menu on the following!

- How to make a fried rice
- How to make a burger
- How to make a noodle
- How to make an omelet


Menu : ____________________________________

Ingredient : Picture
1. _________________________
2. _________________________
3. _________________________
4. _________________________
5. _________________________

1. _________________________
2. _________________________
3. _________________________
4. _________________________
5. _________________________

Step 1 __________________________________
Step 2 __________________________________
Step 3 __________________________________
Step 4 __________________________________
Step 5 __________________________________
Step 6 __________________________________
Step 7 __________________________________
Step 8 __________________________________

d. After writing an instrution, the teacher orders them to present it in the front (being
like a chef).
e. Closing the class.

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