Intro To American Occupation

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MODULE 5: American Occupation

Welcome to Module 5!

You have learned how the Spanish colonization changed the life of the native
Filipinos and the influences that they had left for more than 300 years of their
colonial rule in the country.

Can you give some American influences that are present among us today? I
know that you can enumerate some of these but how much do you know about
the history of the American occupation in the country? Module 5 will bring you
to the topics on the Treaty of Paris, Filipino-American War and the Filipino
Resistance and Responses to the American Occupation.

Module 5 will present and explain The Treaty of Paris that concluded the end of
Spanish-American War and started the American occupation in the country. It was
signed by representatives of Spain and the United States in Paris on December 10,
1898 and agreed upon that some colonies of Spain including the Philippines be
ceded without Filipino representation and consultation. There were Philippine-
American wars between the United States and Filipino revolutionaries from 1899
to 1902, an insurrection that may be seen as a continuation of the Philippine
Revolution against Spanish rule. The Treaty of Paris had transferred Philippine
sovereignty from Spain to the United States but was not recognized by Filipino
leaders, whose troops were in actual control of the entire archipelago except the
capital city of Manila. Although an end to the insurrection was declared in 1902,
sporadic fighting continued for several years thereafter that signified of the
continuous Filipino longing for real Philippine independence.

Module 5 will lead you to review the events preceding the entrance of the
Americans to the Philippines as a context to the American period and compare and
contrast how Filipino-American War is understood from different historiographies.
It will also enable you to compare and contrast Spanish colonial rule from
American Occupation and understand. It is also expected at the end of the
discussion of the module that you will analyse the  Filipino response to American
Occupation and vice versa, with particular emphasis on the Moro and indigenous
responses and understand the transformations resulting to American Occupation of
the country, in terms of land and socio-political relations.

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