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in English 8
NAME: ________________________________ SCORE: _________
TEACHER: Miss Ilyn R. Bacan

Test I- Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.

___1. Why does Oedipus choose to blind himself?

a. He did not want to see how the gods were going to punish him.
b. He wanted to try to kill himself by poking his eyes out.
c. He did not want to see the pain he had suffered or caused.
d. He thought by blinding himself, he might still be allowed to stay in Thebes.
___2. Why is Oedipus' reaction to anagnorisis one of the most tragic in literature?
a. He drove all of his loved ones to their deaths.
b. He chooses to live with his revelation in misery and suffering.
c. He asked to stay in Thebes so he could be an example to others.
d. He killed his wife and then killed himself.
___3. What act made Oedipus great in Oedipus Rex?
a. He conquered Thebes. c. He killed King Laius.
b. He solved the Sphinx's riddle d. He built the Sphinx.
___4. Why would Oedipus' running away to avoid a terrible prophecy be considered a mistake to
the original ancient Greek audience of Oedipus the King?
a. Not accepting the fate given to you by the gods was considered a sin.
b. Running away from home was considered a betrayal of one's family.
c. It shows a lack of intelligence on the part of Oedipus.
d. It reveals Oedipus' poor leadership qualities.
___5. What is Oedipus' punishment in Oedipus Rex?
a. He is killed c. He is blinded and exiled
b. He is imprisoned d. His wife marries another man
___6. Who tells Oedipus that he will go blind?
a. The Oracle of Delphi c. Jocasta
b. Laius d. Tiresias
___7. Oedipus lived during what period in the mythological history of Greece?
a. The Age of the Titans c. The Golden Age
b. The Age of Heroes d. The Silver Age
___8. Why is Juno angry at the Trojans?

a. Because she's a patron of Aeneas's enemy

b. Because she's evil
c. Because Paris didn't pronounce her the "fairest"
d. Because Anchises wronged her
___9. How is Anchises finally convinced to flee Troy?

a. The troops threaten Aeneas's wife, Creusa

b. He sees omens that indicate that he should leave
c. He is wounded and needs treatment
d. Aeneas is struck with an arrow
___10. Why does Neptune become angry at Aeolus as mentioned in book I?
a. Because he's in a bad temper over a fight with Jupiter
b. Because Aeolus woos Neptune's wife, Venus
c. Because Aeolus sends two nymphs to taunt Neptune
d. Because Aeolus stirs up the waves, which are Neptune's territory
___11. What are the names of the twin brothers, suckled at the breast of a wolf, who become the
founders of Rome?
a. Ascanius and Pallas c. Hercules and Evander
b. Nisus and Euryalus d. Romulus and Remus
___12. How does Venus make Dido fall in love with Aeneas?
a. She sends Anna with a love potion
b. She appears to dido in Aeneas's form and says he loves her
c. She sends cupid, in the guise of Ascanius
d. She makes Aeneas unbearably handsome
___13. Why does Juno want Dido and Aeneas to marry?
a. To keep dido away from Juno's husband, Jupiter
b. Because it will anger Venus, Juno's enemy
c. Because then Aeneas's great city will be in Carthage
d. Because she thinks the wedding would be a great party
___14. Why did Dido flee Phoenicia to found a new city, Carthage?
a. Because she no longer loved her husband, Sychaeus
b. To escape Mezentius's oppressive rule
c. Because Juno sent an omen telling her to do so
d. Because her brother killed her husband, Sychaeus
___15. How does Aeneas resolve the footrace in Drepanum?
a. He gives everyone prizes
b. He gives only Salius a prize
c. He gives only Euryalus a prize
d. He gives only Nisus a prize
___16. How does Creusa convince Aeneas to flee Troy?
a. She sends Hector to plead with him
b. She threatens him with violence
c. She tells him he must fulfil his destiny to found a city and take a royal bride
d. She tells him that he will be killed if he does not leave
___17. Who convinces Dido to succumb to her love for Aeneas?
a. Beroe b. Juno c. Queen Amata d. Anna
___18. Where does King Priam die?
a. On the outskirts of the city c. On his altar
b. In his bedroom d. In Anchises' house
___19. Who is the one Trojan who urges the others not to bring the wooden horse inside the gates?
a. Laocoon b. Aeneas c. Sinon d. Hector
___20. Why do the Trojans finally decide to bring the horse inside the gates?
a. They are afraid of arousing Minerva's anger
b. Laocoon convinces them to
c. They think it will look nice in their courtyard
d. Aeneas convinces them to

Test II- ESSAY. Write your answer on the space provided

1. Why is Hera unhappy that Zeus agrees to help Achilles? (5 points)

2. What is the role of women in The Iliad? Does the poem contain any strong female
characters, or do the acts and deeds of males dominate the work? (10 points)
3. How does Penelope test Odysseus? (5 points)

4. In the Odyssey, what does Teiresias (the prophet in the Land of the Dead) warn Odysseus
against in his prophecy? (5 points)

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