Reading An Embarrassing Moment - Javier

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Name: Class: Date:

Reading Comprehension: An Embarrassing Moment

Read the story carefully, then complete the tasks that follow:
It was a beautiful summer’s day, so I decided to go to
town to do some shopping and look for a birthday
present for my best friend Natasha. I had been walking
around the shops for nearly two hours when I started
to feel a bit hungry. As I had finished all my shopping, I
finally went into the Pound Shop and bought a big bag
of crisps and a cold drink. All the benches in the town
centre were occupied, so I thought I could walk to the little sitting area near our
local library. I found a nice spot under a tree and sat there watching the people
walk past. As I was taking out my drink and crisps, an old lady came over and sat
next to me. After a few minutes, I realised that the old lady was taking some of
my crisps and eating them. By this time, I was getting really annoyed because I
thought she was being impolite for not asking me if she could have some. Hastily, I
took a big handful and carried on eating. The old lady looked at me, grinned and
took more crisps out of the bag. I then thought I had to eat more, before they
finish. So, I took another big handful and then another until only a few were left
at the bottom of the bag. The old lady then emptied the bag onto a tissue and gave
it to me without a word. I didn’t say anything either, but I was angry, really angry!
Then she got up and left. As it was getting late, I picked up my shopping bag to put
my empty bottle away and to my horror, I found my bag of crisps! Only then did I
realise that, all this time, I was eating the old lady’s bag of crisps not my own!

Answer the following in full sentences:

1. Why did the woman go to town? _____________________________________________

2. What was she looking for? __________________________________________________

3. How long was she in town? __________________________________________________

4. What did she buy from the last shop? Why? _______________________________

5. Where did she sit? _______________________________________________________

6. Who sat next to her? ____________________________________________________

7. What was the old woman doing? __________________________________________

8. What happened at the end of the story?

Discussion: Have you ever been in an embarrassing situation?

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