Rojek Advance Solutions Employee Handbook

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Employee Handbook

Employment Basics

 Employment contract types.

 Full-time employee: Employee that have passed the 6-month probationary period or as
determined by the Supervisor/Manager and work for 40 hours a week or as indicated in their

 Part-time employee: Employee that have passed the 6-month probationary period or as
determined by the Supervisor/Manager and work for 20 hours a week or as indicated in their

 Probationary employee: All new employees needs to undergo the training phase for 6-months
or less as deemed by the Supervisor/Manager.

Equal opportunity employment

Rojek Advance Solutions is an equal opportunity employer. We don’t tolerate discrimination against
protected characteristics (gender, age, sexual orientation, race, nationality, ethnicity, religion,
disability, veteran status.) We want all employees (including executives and HR) to treat others with
respect and professionalism. In practice, this means that we:

 Hire and promote people based on skills, experience or potential and try to reduce bias in
every process (e.g. through structured interviews.)
 Make accommodations to help people with disabilities move about safely on our premises and
use our products, services and equipment.
 Use inclusive, diversity-sensitive language in all official documents, signs and job ads.
 Conduct diversity and communication training.

Apart from those actions, we commit to penalizing every discriminatory, offensive or inappropriate
behavior. To do this properly, we ask you to report any discriminatory action against yourself or your
colleagues to HR. Our company will not retaliate against you if you file a complaint or discrimination
lawsuit. Any employee who retaliates or discriminates will face disciplinary action.

Recruitment and selection process

Our hiring steps might vary across roles, but we always aim for a recruitment and selection
process that is fair and effective in hiring great people. If you are hiring for an open role, you will likely
go through these steps:

1. Identify the need for a new job opening.

2. Decide whether to hire externally or internally.
3. Review job descriptions and write a job ad.
4. Get approval for your job ad.
5. Select appropriate sources (external or internal) to post your job opening.
6. Decide on hiring stages and possible timeframes.
7. Review resumes in our company database/ATS.
8. Source passive candidates.
9. Shortlist applicants.
10. Screen and interview candidates.
11. Run background checks and check references.
12. Select the most suitable candidate.
13. Make an official offer.

Steps may overlap, so skip steps when appropriate. Each member of a hiring team might have
different responsibilities (e.g. recruiters source and hiring managers interview candidates.)

Throughout this process, we aim to keep candidates informed, communicate well with each other and
give everyone an equal opportunity to work with us. Ask our recruiters for help whenever you need to
enhance candidate experience or write an inclusive job description.

Background checks
If you want to run background checks on candidates, ask HR for guidance. This process is sensitive
and we must always abide by laws and ensure candidates understand our intentions. As a general
rule, commission a background check for finalists only. Use our contracted provider and ensure you
have your candidates’ permission.

We expect you to be present during your scheduled working hours. If you face an emergency that
prevents you from coming to work one day, contact your manager as soon as possible. We will
excuse unreported absences in cases of serious accidents, acute medical emergencies. But,
whenever possible, we should know when you won’t be coming in.

 Employees are expected to come in at least 10 minutes before the start of their shift or as
stated in their contract agreement.

 Sick leave: Employees need to inform at least 6 hours before work to call in sick. 3 consecutive
or cumulative absences (within 1week) will require the employee to provide doctors note
before returning to work.

 Vacation leave: Employees are advised to inform and seek for approval from their supervisor
or manager in advance in advance. 1-2 months advance notice is required for 3-5 days and 3-
4 months advance notice is required for 6 or more leaves of absences.

Workplace Policies
Employee confidentiality policy

Policy brief & purpose

We designed our company confidentiality policy to explain how we expect our employees to treat
confidential information. Employees will unavoidably receive and handle personal and private
information about clients, partners and our company. We want to make sure that this information is

We must protect this information for two reasons. It may:

 Be legally binding (e.g. sensitive customer data.)

 Constitute the backbone of our business, giving us a competitive advantage (e.g. business
This policy affects all employees, including board members, investors, contractors and volunteers,
who may have access to confidential information.

Policy elements
Confidential and proprietary information is secret, valuable, expensive and/or easily replicated.
Common examples of confidential information are:

 Unpublished financial information

 Data of Customers/Partners/Vendors

 Patents, formulas or new technologies

 Customer lists (existing and prospective)

 Data entrusted to our company by external parties

 Pricing/marketing and other undisclosed strategies

 Documents and processes explicitly marked as confidential

 Unpublished goals, forecasts and initiatives marked as confidential

Employees may have various levels of authorized access to confidential information.

What employees should do:

 Lock or secure confidential information at all times

 Shred confidential documents when they’re no longer needed

 Make sure they only view confidential information on secure devices

 Only disclose information to other employees when it’s necessary and authorized

 Keep confidential documents inside our company’s premises unless it’s absolutely necessary
to move them

What employees shouldn’t do:

 Use confidential information for any personal benefit or profit

 Disclose confidential information to anyone outside of our company

 Replicate confidential documents and files and store them on insecure devices

When employees stop working for our company, they’re obliged to return any confidential files and
delete them from their personal devices.
Confidentiality Measures

We’ll take measures to ensure that confidential information is well protected. We’ll:

 Store and lock paper documents

 Encrypt electronic information and safeguard databases

 Ask employees to sign non-compete and/or non-disclosure agreements (NDAs)

 Ask for authorization by senior management to allow employees to access certain confidential



Confidential information may occasionally have to be disclosed for legitimate reasons. Examples are:

 If a regulatory body requests it as part of an investigation or audit

 If our company examines a venture or partnership that requires disclosing some information
(within legal boundaries)

In such cases, employees involved should document their disclosure procedure and collect all
needed authorizations. We’re bound to avoid disclosing more information than needed.

Disciplinary Consequences
Employees who don’t respect our confidentiality policy will face disciplinary and, possibly, legal

We have the right to file a lawsuit to the offender.

We’ll investigate every breach of this policy. We’ll terminate any employee who willfully or regularly
breaches our confidentiality guidelines for personal profit. We may also have to punish any
unintentional breach of this policy depending on its frequency and seriousness. We’ll terminate
employees who repeatedly disregard this policy, even when they do so unintentionally.

This policy is binding even after separation of employment.

Company data protection policy

Policy brief & purpose

Our Company Data Protection Policy refers to our commitment to treat information of employees,
customers, stakeholders and other interested parties with the utmost care and confidentiality.

With this policy, we ensure that we gather, store and handle data fairly, transparently and with respect
towards individual rights.

This policy refers to all parties (employees, job candidates, customers, suppliers etc.) who provide
any amount of information to us.
Who is covered under the Data Protection Policy?

Employees of our company and its subsidiaries must follow this policy. Contractors, consultants,
partners and any other external entity are also covered. Generally, our policy refers to anyone we
collaborate with or acts on our behalf and may need occasional access to data.

Policy elements
As part of our operations, we need to obtain and process information. This information includes any
offline or online data that makes a person identifiable such as names, addresses, usernames and
passwords, digital footprints, photographs, social security numbers, financial data etc.

Our company collects this information in a transparent way and only with the full cooperation and
knowledge of interested parties. Once this information is available to us, the following rules apply.

Our data will be:

 Accurate and kept up-to-date

 Collected fairly and for lawful purposes only

 Processed by the company within its legal and moral boundaries

 Protected against any unauthorized or illegal access by internal or external parties

Our data will not be:

 Communicated informally

 Stored for more than a specified amount of time

 Transferred to organizations, states or countries that do not have adequate data protection

 Distributed to any party other than the ones agreed upon by the data’s owner (exempting
legitimate requests from law enforcement authorities)

In addition to ways of handling the data the company has direct obligations towards people to whom
the data belongs. Specifically we must:

 Let people know which of their data is collected

 Inform people about how we’ll process their data

 Inform people about who has access to their information

 Have provisions in cases of lost, corrupted or compromised data

 Allow people to request that we modify, erase, reduce or correct data contained in

our databases

To exercise data protection we’re committed to:

 Restrict and monitor access to sensitive data

 Develop transparent data collection procedures

 Train employees in online privacy and security measures

 Build secure networks to protect online data from cyberattacks

 Establish clear procedures for reporting privacy breaches or data misuse

 Include contract clauses or communicate statements on how we handle data

 Establish data protection practices (document shredding, secure locks, data encryption,
frequent backups, access authorization etc.)

Our data protection provisions will appear on our website.

Disciplinary Consequences
All principles described in this policy must be strictly followed. A breach of data protection guidelines
will invoke disciplinary and possibly legal action.

Sexual Harassment policy

Policy brief & purpose

Our sexual harassment policy aims to protect men and women in our company from unwanted sexual
advances and give them guidelines to report incidents. We will also explain how we handle claims,
punish sexual harassment and help victims recover.

We won’t tolerate sexual harassment in our workplace in any shape or form. Our culture is based on
mutual respect and collaboration. Sexual harassment is a serious violation of those principles.

This policy applies to every person in our company regardless of gender, sexual orientation, level,
function, seniority, status or other protected characteristics. We are all obliged to comply with this

Also, we won’t tolerate sexual harassment from inside or outside of the company. Employees,
investors, contractors, customers and everyone interacting with our company are covered by the
present policy. For further details about how we deal with harassment from the outside of our
company, please refer to our third party harassment policy.

Policy elements

What is sexual harassment?

Sexual harassment has many forms of variable seriousness. A person sexually harasses someone
when they:
 Insinuate, propose or demand sexual favors of any kind.

 Invade another person’s personal space (e.g. inappropriate touching.)

 Stalk, intimidate, coerce or threaten another person to get them to engage in sexual acts.

 Send or display sexually explicit objects or messages.

 Comment on someone’s looks, dress, sexuality or gender in a derogatory or objectifying

manner or a manner that makes them uncomfortable.

 Make obscene comments, jokes or gestures that humiliate or offend someone.

 Pursue or flirt with another person persistently without the other person’s willing participation.
Also, flirting with someone at an inappropriate time (e.g. in a team meeting) is considered sexual
harassment, even when these advances would have been welcome in a different setting. This is
because such actions can harm a person’s professional reputation and expose them to further

The most extreme form of sexual harassment is sexual assault. This is a serious crime and our
company will support employees who want to press charges against offenders.

Our company’s rules on sexual harassment

 No one has the right to sexually harass our employees. Any person in our company who is
found guilty of serious harassment will be terminated, whether they are VPs or assistants. Also, if
representatives of our contractors or vendors sexually harass our employees, we will demand that the
company they work for takes disciplinary action and/or refuse to work with this person in the future.

 Sexual harassment is never too minor to be dealt with. Any kind of harassment can wear
down employees and create a hostile workplace. We will hear every claim and punish offenders

 Sexual harassment is about how we make others feel. Many do not consider behaviors like
flirting or sexual comments to be sexual harassment, thinking they are too innocent to be labeled that
way. But, if something you do makes your colleagues uncomfortable, or makes them feel unsafe, you
must stop.

 We assume every sexual harassment claim is legitimate unless proven otherwise. We

listen to victims of sexual harassment and always conduct our investigations properly. Occasional
false reports do not undermine this principle.

 We will not allow further victimization of harassed employees. We will fully support
employees who were sexually harassed and will not take any adverse action against them. For
example, we will not move them to positions with worse pay or benefits or allow others to retaliate
against them.

 Those who support or overlook sexual harassment are as much at fault as

offenders. Managers and HR especially are obliged to prevent sexual harassment and act when they
have suspicions or receive reports. Letting this behavior go on or encouraging it will bring about
disciplinary action. Anyone who witnesses an incident of sexual harassment or has other kinds of
proof should report to HR.
How to report sexual harassment

If you are being sexually harassed (or suspect another person is being harassed), please report it to
HR manager, HR generalist or your manager. In serious cases like sexual assault, please call the
police and inform HR that you plan to press charges. We acknowledge it’s often hard to come forward
about these issues, but we need your help to build a fair and safe workplace for you and your

If you want to report sexual harassment within our company, there are two options:

 Ask for an urgent meeting with your HR manager or HR generalist or supervisor. Once in

the meeting, explain the situation in as much detail as possible. If you have any hard evidence (e.g.
emails), forward it or bring it with you to the meeting.

 Send your complaint via email. If you address it to your supervisor, please cc HR to the
email and attach any evidence or information that can be used in the investigation. HR and your
supervisor will discuss the issue and contact you as soon as possible.

If you report assault to the police, our company will provide any possible support until the matter is
resolved. In any case, we will ensure you are not victimized and that you have access to relevant
evidence admissible in court, like security video footage or emails (without revealing confidential
information about other employees.)

Inadvertent harassment

Sometimes, people who harass others do not realize that their behavior is wrong. We understand this
is possible, but that doesn’t make the perpetrator any less responsible for their actions.

If you suspect that someone doesn’t realize their behavior is sexual harassment under the definition
of this policy, let them know and ask them to stop. Do so preferably via email so you can have
records. Please do not use this approach when:

 Your manager, an upper manager, investor or customer is the perpetrator.

 Sexual harassment goes beyond the boundaries of off-hand comments, flirting or jokes.

In the above cases, report to HR as soon as possible.

Disciplinary action and repeat offenders

Employees who are found guilty of sexual assault will be terminated after the first complaint and

Employees who are found guilty of sexual harassment (but not assault) the first time may:

 Be reprimanded and fined.

 Get a “below expectations” performance review.

 See expected promotions and/or salary increases freeze for a year.

We may also transfer harassers or take other appropriate action to protect their victims. We will
terminate repeat offenders after the second claim against them if our investigation concludes they are
indeed guilty.

We apply these disciplinary actions uniformly. Employees of any sexual orientation or other protected
characteristics will be penalized the same way for the same offenses.

HR responsibilities

First and foremost, HR and managers should try to prevent sexual harassment by building a culture
of respect and trust. But, when sexual harassment occurs and an employee makes a complaint, both
HR and managers must act immediately.

Managers should talk to HR and explain our company’s procedures to their team member who made
the complaint.

When HR receives a complaint that an employee harasses another employee, they will:

 Ask for as many details and information as possible from the person or people making the

 Keep copies of the report with dates, times and details of incidents and any possible evidence
in a confidential file (separate from the personnel file.) HR should update this file with all future
actions and conversations regarding this complaint.

 Launch an investigation. If the matter is complex, the HR person can defer to a more senior

 Check if there have been similar reports on the same person. If there are, HR should contact
the perpetrator’s manager to let them know that their team member may get fired when the
investigation is over.

 Inform the harassed employees of our company’s procedures and their options to take legal
action if appropriate.

 Take into account the wishes of the harassed employee. Some might want the matter to be
resolved informally and discreetly, while others might expect more radical actions (e.g. transferring
the perpetrator.) HR should consider the circumstances and decide on appropriate action.

 Contact the harasser and set up a meeting to explain the complaint and explicitly ask for this
behavior to stop, or,

 Arrange for mediation sessions with the two employees (harasser and perpetrator) to resolve
the issue, if the harassed employee agrees or,

 Launch a disciplinary process depending on the severity of the harassment. In cases of sexual
assault or coercing someone to sexual favors under threats, we will terminate the harasser
immediately. We will terminate employees who are found guilty in a court of law of sexually assaulting
another employee, even if HR has not conducted its own investigation.

HR or managers must not, under any circumstances, blame the victim, conceal a report or
discourage employees from reporting sexual harassment. If HR or a manager behaves that way,
please send an email to their own manager or a senior HR leader explaining the situation.
We welcome any feedback or complaints about our procedures and how our employees handled
each case.

Helping harassment victims

Apart from investigating claims and punishing perpetrators, we want to support the victims of sexual
harassment. If you experience trauma, stress or other symptoms because of harassment, consider:

 Taking a few days of sick leave to restore your mental health.

 Speaking to our designated counselors.

Your job and benefits will not be jeopardized or altered if you choose any of those options or other
means to recovery.

Speak up, we listen

Sexual harassment can exhaust those who endure it. Speaking up about this issue is often tough for
fear of not being heard, upsetting managers and challenging corporate culture.

Please don’t let these fears deter you. Our company will do everything possible to stop sexual
harassment and any other kind of harassment from happening, while supporting harassed
employees. We need to know what’s going on so we can act on it. And by raising your voice on this
issue, you help our company create a happy workplace and thrive.

Violence in the workplace policy

Policy brief & purpose

Our workplace violence policy aims to acquaint employees with what we consider workplace violence
and ask them to report early signs or threats. We want to provide our employees with a safe
workplace where mutual respect is a given. We ask everyone to be professional and ethical at work.

This policy aims 

This policy applies equally to all employees, contractors, public visitors, clients and anyone else
whom employees come into contact with during work.

Policy elements
“Workplace violence” refers to physical acts of violence or threats to harm a person or
property. Abusive behaviors, whether verbal, psychological or physical, are also considered violence.
More specifically:

 Verbal abuse can be using unwelcome, embarrassing, offensive, threatening or degrading


 Psychological abuse is an act which provokes fear or diminishes a person’s dignity or self-

 Sexual abuse is any unwelcome verbal or physical assault.

We can’t always predict violent acts, but we ask managers and team members to be vigilant. Report
any concerns or violent acts to HR as soon as possible. Examples of violent behaviour among
coworkers include but are not limited to:

 Intimidating or bullying others

 Abusive language

 Physical assault

 Threatening behavior

 Concealing or using a weapon

 Sexual or racial harassment

We maintain the right to conduct periodic inspections, using reasonable methods, without employees’
consent or prior notice.

Grievance Procedure
All supervisors and managers are responsible to implement our policies and ensure that all
procedures are free of discrimination.

Employees who witness or suspect violence, or are victims of violence, can report to HR or their
immediate supervisor. We will investigate quickly and discreetly. We aim to protect victims from
harassment and victimization.

Disciplinary Consequences
Our company doesn’t tolerate violence. Any such behavior will trigger appropriate disciplinary action,
up to and including termination, removal from boards or committees, as well as potential criminal

Occupational / Workplace health and safety policy

Policy brief & purpose

Our Occupational / Workplace Health and Safety Policy help us preserve the best possible work
conditions for our employees. Every employee has a right to feel safe at work. Our company is
committed to follow legal standards and create a hazard-free workplace.

Our Occupational / Workplace Health and Safety Policy help us preserve the best possible work
conditions for our employees.

This Occupational / Workplace Health and Safety Policy applies to all prospective and current
employees of the company as well as volunteers, contractors and consultants.

Policy elements
There are two aspects to consider when establishing an Occupational / Workplace Health and Safety
Program: Preventative Action and Emergency Management.

Preventative action

Preventative action is any action we take to avoid injuries or illness related to workplace conditions.

We’ll conduct periodical risk assessments and job hazard analysis to discover what is likely to harm
employees. We’ll establish preventative measures accordingly.

Potential threats and dangerous situations include but are not limited to:

 Performing tasks on heights, scaffolds, ladders and other unsteady structures

 Chemical substances (toxic, flammable etc.)

 Operating dangerous equipment

 Slippery or uneven surfaces

 Electrical infrastructure

 Noise/temperature

 Quality of air

We’ll take the following preventative measures:

 When employees work in dangerous contexts or locations, we’ll make sure there are safety
precautions like safety nets and ropes.

 We’ll provide protective gear like gloves, protective uniforms, goggles etc. Using safety
equipment is obligatory.

 Inspectors and quality control employees will inspect equipment and infrastructure regularly

 We’ll hold employee training sessions in health & safety standards and procedures.

 All highly dangerous job tasks require at least two employees to be present

 Exposure to chemicals and radiation will not exceed a certain time limit

 Employees who do repairs or cleaning need to put up caution signs

 We’ll prohibit smoking indoors

Also, we’ll enforce a substance abuse policy to protect employees from colleagues’ misconduct.

Emergency Management

Emergency management refers to our plan to deal with sudden catastrophes like fire, flood,
earthquake or explosion.  These depend on human error or natural forces.
Our emergency management involves the following provisions:

 Functional smoke alarms and sprinklers that are regularly inspected by maintenance

 Technicians (external or internal) available to repair leakages, damages and blackouts quickly

 Fire extinguishers and other fire protection equipment that are easily accessible

 An evacuation plan posted on the walls of each floor and online

 Fire escapes and safety exits that are clearly indicated and safe

 Fully-stocked first-aid kits at convenient locations

We’ll also schedule fire drills and emergency evacuations periodically. We will monitor performance of
health and safety procedures and will revise them to ensure higher level of protection.

Additional measures

Our company will also keep abreast of changes and try to promote health & safety actively. We will:

 Update our policy according to changes in occupational health and safety legislation.

 Use incentive actions for health & safety (e.g. presenting safe employee awards.)

 Analyze past incidents to discover what went wrong.

 Establish clear procedures for accident reporting.

 Revise work procedures to make them safer.

Our company will also consult experts or insurance representatives to ensure it complies with local
and international standards.

Disciplinary Consequences
Every team leader is responsible for implementing this health and safety policy. Employees should
follow health and safety instructions and will be held accountable when they don’t. We’ll take
disciplinary action that may extend to termination when employees consistently disregard health and
safety rules.

It’s everyone’s responsibility to contribute to a healthy and safe workplace.

Employee Code of Conduct

As an employee, you are responsible to behave appropriately at work. We outline our expectations
here. We can’t cover every single case of conduct, but we trust you to always use your best
judgement. Reach out to your manager or HR if you face any issues or have any questions.

Dress code
Our company’s official dress code is Business/ Business Casual/ Smart Casual/ Casual. This
includes slacks/ loafers/ blouses/ boots. However, an employee’s position may also inform how they
should dress. If you frequently meet with clients or prospects, please conform to a more formal dress
code. We expect you to be clean when coming to work and avoid wearing clothes that are
unprofessional (e.g. workout clothes.)

As long as you conform with our guidelines above, we don’t have specific expectations about what
types of clothes or accessories you should wear.

We also respect and permit grooming styles, clothing and accessories that are dictated by religious
beliefs, ethnicity or disability.

Cyber security and digital devices

This section deals with all things digital at work. We want to set some guidelines for using computers,
phones, our internet connection and social media to ensure security and protect our assets.

Internet usage
Our corporate internet connection is primarily for business. But you can occasionally use our
connection for personal purposes as long as they don’t interfere with your job responsibilities. Also,
we expect you to temporarily halt personal activities that slow down our internet connection (e.g.
uploading photos) if you’re asked to.

You must not use our internet connection to:

 Download or upload obscene, offensive or illegal material.

 Send confidential information to unauthorized recipients.
 Invade another person’s privacy and gain access to sensitive information.
 Download or upload pirated movies, music, material or software.
 Visit potentially dangerous websites that can compromise our network and computers’ safety.
 Perform unauthorized or illegal actions, like hacking, fraud or buying/selling illegal goods.

Cell phone
We don’t allow use of cell phones at work unless an approval was given to the user by his/her
supervisor. But also want to ensure that your devices won’t distract you from your work or disrupt our
workplace. We ask you to follow a few simple rules:

 Use your cell phone in a manner that benefits your work (business calls, productivity apps,
 Keep personal calls brief and use an empty meeting room or common area so as not to disturb
your colleagues.
 Avoid playing games on your phone or texting excessively.
 Don’t use your phone for any reason while driving a company vehicle.
 Don’t use your phone to record confidential information.
 Don’t download or upload inappropriate, illegal or obscene material using our corporate
internet connection.

Also, you must not use your phone in areas where cell phone use is explicitly prohibited (e.g.
laboratories.) Any violation may lead to disciplinary actions.
Corporate email
Email is essential to our work. You should use your company email primarily for work, but we allow
some uses of your company email for personal reasons.

 Work-related use. You can use your corporate email for work-related purposes without
limitations. For example, you can sign up for newsletters and online services that will help you in
your job or professional growth.
 Personal use. You can use your email for personal reasons as long as you keep it safe, and
avoid spamming and disclosing confidential information. For example, you can send emails to
friends and family and download ebooks, guides and other safe content for your personal use.

Our general expectations

No matter how you use your corporate email, we expect you to avoid:

 Signing up for illegal, unreliable, disreputable or suspect websites and services.

 Sending unauthorized marketing content or emails.
 Registering for a competitor’s services, unless authorized.
 Sending insulting or discriminatory messages and content.
 Spamming other people’s emails, including your coworkers.

In general, use strong passwords and be vigilant in catching emails that carry malware or phishing
attempts. If you are not sure that an email you received is safe, ask our IT Specialists.

Social media
We want to provide practical advice to prevent careless use of social media in our workplace. We
address two types of social media uses: using personal social media at work and representing our
company through social media.

Using personal social media at work

Nobody is permitted to access their personal accounts at work. They make seek for approval from
their supervisor/manager but we expect you to act responsibly, according to our policies and ensure
that you stay productive. Specifically, we ask you to:

 Discipline yourself. Avoid getting sidetracked by your social platforms.

 Ensure others know that your personal account or statements don’t represent our
company. For example, use a disclaimer such as “opinions are my own.”
 Avoid sharing intellectual property (e.g trademarks) or confidential information. Ask your
manager or PR first before you share company news that’s not officially announced.
 Avoid any defamatory, offensive or derogatory content. You may violate our company’s
anti-harassment policy if you direct such content towards colleagues, clients or partners.

Representing our company through social media

If you handle our social media accounts or speak on our company’s behalf, we expect you to protect
our company’s image and reputation. Specifically, you should:

 Be respectful, polite and patient.

 Avoid speaking on matters outside your field of expertise when possible.
 Follow our confidentiality and data protection policies and observe laws governing copyrights,
trademarks, plagiarism and fair use.
 Coordinate with our PR/Marketing department when you’re about to share any major-impact
 Avoid deleting or ignoring comments for no reason.
 Correct or remove any misleading or false content as quickly as possible.

Conflict of interest
When you are experiencing a conflict of interest, your personal goals are no longer aligned with your
responsibilities towards us. For example, owning stocks of one of our competitors is a conflict of

In other cases, you may be faced with an ethical issue. For example, accepting a bribe may benefit
you financially, but it is illegal and against our business code of ethics. If we become aware of such
behaviour, you will lose your job and may face legal trouble.

For this reason, conflicts of interest are a serious issue for all of us. We expect you to be vigilant to
spot circumstances that create conflicts of interest, either to yourself or for your direct reports. Follow
our policies and always act in our company’s best interests. Whenever possible, do not let personal
or financial interests get in the way of your job. If you are experiencing an ethical dilemma, talk to
your manager or HR and we will try to help you resolve it.

The company has the right to file a lawsuit to the offender.

Employee relationships
We want to ensure that relationships between employees are appropriate and harmonious. We
outline our guidelines and we ask you to always behave professionally.

Fraternization refers to dating or being friends with your colleagues. In this policy, “dating” equals
consensual romantic relationships and sexual relations. Non-consensual relationships constitute
sexual violence and we prohibit them explicitly.

Dating colleagues
If you start dating a colleague, we expect you to maintain professionalism and keep personal
discussions outside of our workplace.

You are also obliged to respect your colleagues who date each other. We won’t tolerate sexual jokes,
malicious gossip and improper comments. If you witness this kind of behavior, please report it to HR.

Dating managers
To avoid accusations of favoritism, abuse of authority and sexual harassment, supervisors must not
date their direct reports. This restriction extends to every manager above an employee.

Also, if you act as a hiring manager, you aren’t allowed to hire your partner to your team. You can
refer them for employment to other teams or departments where you don’t have any managerial or
hiring authority.

Friendships at work
Employees who work together may naturally form friendships either in or outside of the workplace.
We encourage this relationship between peers, as it can help you communicate and collaborate. But
we expect you to focus on your work and keep personal disputes outside of our workplace.

Employment of relatives
Everyone in our company should be hired, recognized or promoted because of their skills, character
and work ethic. We would not like to see phenomena of nepotism, favoritism or conflicts of interest,
so we will place some restrictions on hiring employees’ relatives.

To our company, a “relative” is someone who is related by blood or marriage within the third degree
to an employee. This includes: parents, grandparents, in-laws, spouses or domestic partners,
children, grandchildren, siblings, uncles, aunts, nieces, nephews, step-parents, step-children and
adopted children.

As an employee, you can refer your relatives to work with our company. Here are our only

 You must not be involved in a supervisory/reporting relationship with a relative.

 You cannot be transferred, promoted or hired inside a reporting relationship with a relative.
 You cannot be part of a hiring committee, when your relative is interviewed for that position.

If you become related to a manager or direct report after you both become employed by our
company, we may have to transfer one of you.

Workplace visitors
If you want to invite a visitor to our offices, please ask for permission from our HR Manager/ Security
Officer/ Office Manager first. Also, inform our reception/ gate/ front-office of your visitor’s arrival.
Visitors should sign in and show identification. They will receive passes and will be asked to return
them to reception/ gate/ front-office once their visit is complete.

When you have office visitors, you also have responsibilities. You should:

 Always tend to your visitors (especially when they are underage.)

 Keep your visitors away from areas where there are dangerous machines, chemicals,
confidential records or sensitive equipment.
 Prevent your visitors from proselytizing your colleagues, gathering donations or requesting
participation in activities while on our premises.

Anyone who delivers orders, mail or packages for employees should remain at our building’s
reception or gate. If you are expecting a delivery, front office employees/ security guards will notify
you so you may collect it.

Solicitation and distribution

Solicitation is any form of requesting money, support or participation for products, groups,
organizations or causes which are unrelated to our company (e.g. religious proselytism, asking for
petition signatures.) Distribution means disseminating literature or material for commercial or political
We don’t allow solicitation and distribution by non-employees in our workplace. As an employee, you
may solicit from your colleagues only when you want to:

 Ask colleagues to help organize events for another employee (e.g. adoption/birth of a child,
promotion, retiring.)
 Seek support for a cause, charity or fundraising event sponsored, funded, organized or
authorized by our company.
 Invite colleagues to employee activities for an authorized non-business purpose (e.g.
recreation, volunteering.)
 Ask colleagues to participate in employment-related activities or groups protected by law (e.g.
trade unions.)

In all cases, we ask that you do not disturb or distract colleagues from their work.

Compensation & development

In this section, we outline our guidelines for compensating employees according to their employment
status. We also describe our performance management and employee development policies.

Compensation status
There are two types of employees :

 Full-Time regular employees – Worked in the company for more than 6 months
 Probationary employees – New hire or working for the company under 6 months.

Occasionally, we may need you to work more than your regular working hours. We will pay for
overtime work according to local and national laws.
As per DOLE Philippines 2018

Night Shift Differential

From DOLE Philippines 2018

We pay your salary or wage every 15th and end of month by checks/ bank transfers/ cash. If you are
an hourly employee, you should be diligent in clocking in and out/using our timesheet software so we
can accurately calculate your pay.

Performance management
We have built our performance management practices to:

 Ensure you understand your job responsibilities and have specific goals to meet.
 Provide you with actionable and timely feedback on your work.
 Invest in development opportunities that help you grow professionally.
 Recognize and reward your work in financial or non-financial ways (e.g. employee awards.)

To meet these objectives, we have:

Established quarterly performance reviews. During these reviews, your manager will fill out your
performance evaluation report and arrange a meeting with you to discuss it. Through these
discussions, managers aim to recognize employees who are good at their jobs, identify areas of
improvement and talk about career moves. Pay increases or bonuses are not guaranteed. But, we
encourage managers to recommend rewards for their team members when they deserve them. There
won’t be any forced ranking or other comparison between employees, as our goal is to help all
employees improve and develop their careers.

Instructed all managers to meet with their team members once per week to provide feedback and talk
about their work and motivations. This way, you can receive feedback in a timely manner and avoid
surprises during your quarterly performance review.

How we expect managers to lead employees

If you manage a team, you are responsible for your team members’ performance. To conduct
effective regular meetings and performance evaluations, we expect you to:

 Set clear objectives. Your team members should know what you expect of them. When you
first hire someone to your team, ensure they understand their job duties. Set specific goals for each
team member (and team-wide if applicable.) Revisit those goals during quarterly performance
 Provide useful feedback. During scheduled meetings with your team members, give them
both guidance and praise, as appropriate. Be fair and specific to help them understand and
implement your feedback.
 Keep your team members involved. There should be two-way communication between you
and your team. Make your expectations clear, but always take your team members’ motivations
and aspirations into account. Discuss training and development opportunities that may interest your
team members.
 Keep logs with important incidents about each one of your team members. These logs
help you evaluate your team, but may also prove useful when rewarding, promoting or terminating
your team members.

Benefits and perks

In this section, we describe what we offer to our employees. We provide information on our health
insurance plans and benefits like work from home options and company-issued equipment.

Employee health
Employee health is important to us. We don’t discriminate against people with disabilities or health
conditions, but we want to do everything possible to help employees stay healthy. Upon
regularization, we will provide group health insurance to all eligible employees. For more information
about our insurance package, contact HR.

We have also established non-smoking and substance abuse policies to protect employee health. We
will create a workplace with minimal noise and good lighting and offer free healthy snacks, wellness

Employee expenses
There are some expenses that we will pay directly on your behalf (e.g. hotel rooms for work-related
travel.) But, we ask you to keep track and report on those reimbursable expenses that you pay
yourself. We reimburse employee expenses that are related to:

 Business travel
 Relocation
 Education and training
 Upon approval, outings with business partners or colleagues

Not all travel expenses are reimbursable. For example, we will pay for your transportation to an
airport for work-related travel, but not to a museum for a personal visit. Before traveling for business,
contact HR to clarify which expenses are reimbursable within your particular trip.

Please keep receipts for all reimbursable expenses. You can submit them to your manager through
email within 2 months after the date of each expense. If your manager approves your expenses, you
will receive your reimbursement within two pay periods by check.

Company-issued equipment
As an employee, you may receive company cell phone, laptop or other device, furniture. Unless
otherwise mentioned in your contract, any equipment we offer belongs to our company and you may
not sell it or give it away. You are also responsible for keeping our equipment safe and in as good
condition as possible. If your equipment breaks or malfunctions, let us know so we can arrange to get
it repaired.

If you are part of our corporate cell phone plan, please use your phone within our plan’s restraints.
You may have to pay any extra charges yourself.

Theft and damage of company equipment

Our equipment is insured for theft and damage. We ask you to inform us within 24 hours if your
equipment is stolen or damaged. We might be able to trace stolen laptops and cell phones. Please
also file a theft statement (affidavit) with the police and submit a copy to us.

Security of company issued devices

We advise you to keep your company-issued computer, tablet and cell phone secure. You can do this
if you:

 Keep all devices password-protected.

 Ensure you do not leave your devices unattended.
 Install security updates for browsers and other systems as soon as updates are available.
 Log into company accounts and systems through secure and private networks only.
 Follow all instructions for disk encryption, anti-malware protection and password management
that you received along with your equipment.

 13th Month Pay

Working hours, time off and leave

 Working hours and Paid time off (PTO). Our company operates for 24 hours per day, 7 days
a week. You need to come to work based on your contract or depending on your team’s needs. Every
department will have a different shift schedule, you will follow a shift schedule as needed.

Paid time off (PTO)

Employees receive 20 days of Paid Time Off (PTO) per year. You can take your PTO at any time
after your first week of regularization and you can’t use time off you haven’t accrued yet.

If you want to use PTO, send a request through our HR. If your manager or HR approves, you are
permitted to take your leave. You do not have to specify a reason for requesting PTO.

You cannot transfer any remaining PTO to the next year. We encourage you to use your time off
throughout the year.
If you leave our company, we may compensate accrued PTO with your final paycheck according to
local law. When the law doesn’t have provisions, we will compensate accrued leave to employees
who were not terminated for cause.

Our company observes the following holidays:

 New Year’s Day January 1

 Maundy Thursday Movable Date
 Good Friday Movable Date
 Araw ng Kagitingan Monday nearest April 9
 Labor Day Monday nearest May 1
 Independence Day Monday nearest June 12
 National Heroes’ Day Last Monday of August
 Eidl Fitr Movable Date
 Eidl Adha Movable Date
 Bonifacio Day Monday nearest November 30
 Christmas Day December 25
 Rizal Day Monday nearest December 30
Holiday pay

Regular Full-Time employees receive holiday pay as a benefit after they have worked with us for
more than Six months.

Working on a holiday
These holidays are considered “off-days” for most employees. If you need a team member to work on
a holiday, inform them at least three days in advance.

We will count hours you worked on a holiday to decide whether you are entitled to overtime pay.

Sick leave
We offer one week of paid sick leave. In states or countries where employees are entitled to a greater
number of sick leave days by law, we will follow that law. You can take sick leave to recover from
short-term illness, injuries, mental issues and other indisposition. If you have the flu or other
contagious disease, please use your sick days.

If you become sick, inform your manager and send a sick leave request by calling in sick or sending a
text or email. You may take a partial day off or work from home, but we advise you to rest and
recuperate for a day before returning to work.

Use your PTO or arrange for a flexible work schedule if you want to attend routine health care (e.g.
doctor’s/dentist’s appointments.)
Occasionally, we may ask you to submit a physician’s note or other medical certification and/or
complete a sick leave form. We will do this for insurance purposes if you are absent for more than
three days of sick leave.

Bereavement leave
Losing a loved one is traumatizing. If this happens to you while you work with us, we want to support
you and give you time to cope and mourn.

For this reason, we offer three days of paid bereavement leave. You may take your bereavement
leave on consecutive/non-consecutive days to:

 Arrange a funeral or memorial service.

 Attend a funeral or memorial service.
 Resolve matters of inheritance.
 Fulfill other family obligations.
 Mourn.

If you have to travel long-distance for a funeral or service, you can take two additional unpaid days
off. If you require more time, please use your PTO.

Parental leave
Caring for a newborn is an exciting time for parents. We want to support new mothers and fathers in
their first months of parenthood with paternity and maternity leave. Afterwards, we will continue to
support parents with flexible work options and child care.

Paternity and maternity leave

The company provides eligible employees with 3 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave for the birth or
adoption of a child. You are eligible for this type of leave if you have worked for us for more than 12
months and you have worked at least 1,250 hours within 12 months before your leave begins.
Contact HR for more information when needed.

Our company offers two months of paid maternity and 7 days of paid paternity leave. If local or
national law stipulates longer leave, we will follow the law.

If you are about to be a new mother or father (either through childbirth or adoption), talk to HR to
arrange your leave. Please give us at least three months notice before your leave begins.

Depending on local or national law, pregnant women can take part of their leave before labor. If you
suffer complications during childbirth or have other issues, you can ask for an unpaid leave extension
of up to one month. Contact HR as soon as possible to arrange this.

Returning to work after parental leave

We are committed to helping new parents transition back to work after their leave ends. We offer:

 Remote working/ Flexible hours.

 Onsite/ External paid day care.
 Lactation rooms.

Leaving our company

In this section, we describe our procedures regarding resignation and termination of our employees.
We also refer to our progressive discipline process that may sometimes result in termination.

Progressive discipline
Here we outline steps we will take to address employee misconduct. We want to give employees a
chance to correct their behavior when possible and assist them in doing so. We also want to ensure
that we thoroughly investigate and handle serious offenses.

Our progressive discipline process has six steps of increasing severity. These steps are:

1. Verbal warning
2. Informal meeting with supervisor
3. Formal reprimand
4. Formal disciplinary meeting
5. Penalties
6. Termination

Different offenses correspond to different steps in our disciplinary process. For example, minor, one-
time offenses (e.g. breach of our dress code policy) will trigger Step 1. More severe violations (e.g.
sexual harassment) will trigger step 5.

If you manage employees, inform them when you launch a progressive discipline process. Pointing
out a performance issue is not necessarily a verbal warning and may be part of your regular
feedback. If you judge that progressive discipline is appropriate, let your team member know and ask
HR to help you explain our full procedure.

Managers may skip or repeat steps at their discretion. Our company may treat circumstances
differently from that described in this policy. But we are always obliged to act fairly and lawfully and
document every stage of our progressive discipline process.

Keep in mind that our company isn’t obliged to follow the steps of our progressive discipline process.
For serious offenses (e.g. breach of contract, conflict of interest, sexual harassment), we may
terminate you without warning.

You resign when you voluntarily inform HR or your manager that you will stop working for our
company. We also consider you resigned if you don’t come to work for three consecutive days
without notice.

You are not obliged to give us advance notice before resigning. But, for efficiency’s sake, and to
make sure our workplace runs smoothly, we ask that you give at least two weeks notice, if possible. If
you hold a highly specialized or executive position, we ask that you give us at least a month’s notice,
when possible.

We accept verbal resignations, but we prefer that you submit a written and signed notice of
resignation for our HR records. We will reply with an acceptance of resignation letter within two days.
HR will inform your manager that you are resigning if you haven’t already done so. Whether you want
to announce your resignation to your team is up to you, but we encourage you to be open.
Forced resignation
You can resign anytime at your own free will and nobody should force you into resignation. Forcing
someone into resigning (directly or indirectly) is constructive dismissal and we won’t tolerate it.
Specifically, we prohibit employees from:

 Creating a hostile or unpleasant environment.

 Demanding or coaxing an employee to resign.
 Victimizing, harassing or retaliating against an employee.
 Forcing an employee to resign by taking unofficial adverse actions (e.g. demotions, increased

Terminating an employee is always unpleasant but sometimes necessary. If that happens, we want to
ensure we act lawfully and respectfully.

We may terminate an employee either for cause or without cause.

 For cause termination is justified when an employee breaches their contract, engages in
illegal activities (e.g. embezzlement), disrupts our workplace (e.g. harasses colleagues), performs
below acceptable standards or causes damage or financial loss to our company.
 Without cause termination refers to redundancies or layoffs that may be necessary if we
cease some of our operations or re-assign job duties within teams. We will follow applicable laws
regarding notice and payouts.

We will offer severance pay to eligible employees. We may also help employees who were
terminated without cause to find work elsewhere, if possible.

We may also compensate accrued vacation and sick leave upon termination, depending on local law.
Whenever local law doesn’t have relevant stipulations, we will pay accrued leave only to those who
weren’t terminated for cause. We will also take into account union agreements and abide by agreed

If you manage team members, avoid wrongful dismissal. When you terminate an employee for cause,
we expect you to be certain you made the right choice and keep accurate performance and/or
disciplinary records to support your decision.

When we terminate employees, we may provide references for those who leave in good standing.
This means that employees shouldn’t have been terminated for cause. If you are laid off, you may
receive references. Please ask your manager.

If you resign, you may ask for references and your manager has a right to oblige or refuse.

Separation/Termination of Employment Policy

Policy brief & purpose

Our Termination/Separation of Employment policy refers to the event that an employee ceases to
be part of the company’s workforce. It is beneficial for all parties that the employment separation
process is as clear as possible so misunderstandings and distrust between the employee and the
company can be avoided. The company is bound to handle any cases of termination of employment
as dictated by law with discretion, professionalism and official documentation.

This termination/separation of employment policy applies to all prospective or current employees of
the company in regards to possible separation of employment.

Policy elements
The company will observe all legal dictations referring to termination/separation of employment and
will avoid “implied contracts” and unnecessary terminations.

What is termination of employment?

Termination of employment happens when the contract of an employee is discontinued due to their or

the company’s actions.

The dismissal of an employee from their job duties may be categorized as voluntary or involuntary.

Voluntary dismissal may include the following:

 Resignation

 Retirement

 Failure to show for a specified number of days without notice

 Expiration or completion of contract

Involuntary dismissal may include the following:

 Discharge for cause

 Discharge without cause

Discharge for cause refers to immediate termination of employment due to an employee’s

misconduct. Any kind of disciplinary action or progressive discipline that results in termination may be
considered “for cause”. Other wrongful behaviors or actions that result in immediate dismissal are
also considered “for cause”. Examples of such termination of employees include circumstances
where an employee:

 Breaches their contract of employment

 Is discovered guilty of fraud, embezzlement or other kinds of illegal actions against the

 Is guilty of discriminatory behavior or harassment

 Is guilty of unlawful or immoral behavior on the job

 Is guilty of willful neglect of job responsibilities

 Is discovered to have caused intentional damage to company’s assets

 Continuously disregards company policy

The list is not exhaustive therefore, discharge for cause remains at our company’s discretion. It must
however always reflect an unacceptable behavior or action that violates legal or company guidelines
and may result in financial and non-financial damages for the company, other employees or society.

Discharge without cause can occur when the company decides that the services of an employee are
no longer needed. In general, this does not refer to an employee’s conduct. Reasons for discharge
without cause may be layoffs, rearrangement of a department or redefining of a position. In cases an
employee must be terminated without cause, the company is obliged to give notice a specified
amount of time prior to the date of termination depending on time of service, age of employee or
position. If the employee has to stop working before the date of termination, the company will still
provide compensation for the time remaining, specified as “pay in lieu of notice”.

The company may compensate the terminated employee for accrued vacation time when appropriate.
Severance pay may apply to cases of discharge without cause but not discharge for cause.

The company is bound by the law to refrain from wrongful dismissals of employees. Wrongful
dismissal may occur in cases when:

 An employee is terminated unfairly for cause

 An employee is terminated without cause and is not given prior notice

 An employee is forced into constructive dismissal

The company expects all employees with the right of terminating subordinates to strictly refrain from
discharging someone without adequate reason or without giving notice. Such an occurrence may be
damaging for the company’s respectability and may result in disciplinary action. Discharge on
grounds of discrimination or filed health and safety complaints is unlawful termination prohibited by

Constructive dismissal refers to an employee that has been forced to resign due to an employer’s
intentional or unintentional unlawful or hostile behavior (e.g. breach of contract). It will not be
practiced by any means by the company which is committed to maintain a relationship of honesty and
fairness between itself and employees.

In cases of resignation, the employee must submit an official written resignation letter to the
immediate supervisor. A notice is expected by the employee consistent with the minimum notice
requirement, so the company can arrange alternatives for handling the remaining workload of the
position. The resignation letter must be copied and submitted to the Human Resources department.

In cases of involuntary dismissal, the supervisor must submit an employee termination document to
the human resources department at the date of separation or before that. Discharge for cause
justifies immediate suspension until the necessary documentation for termination has been gathered.
In some instances, a termination meeting with the employee, supervisor and a human resources
officer may be scheduled.
In cases of discharge without cause, the employer must officially notify the employee of the
termination a specified amount of time in advance. When severance pay is appropriate it will be
officially stated in writing.

At all times, proper employee records will be kept containing all relevant documentation. A lawyer will
be consulted prior to termination so the company can ensure the legality of its actions.

Employee Handbook Conclusion

Policy revision
We will always strive for fairness and equal opportunity and penalize offensive and illegal behaviors.
But, as laws and our environment change, we may revise and modify some of our policies.

We have established an annual revision of our handbook to bring it up to date with legislation and
employment trends. We also ask you to contact HR if you spot any inconsistencies or mistakes. And,
if you have any ideas about how to improve our workplace, we are happy to hear them.

Employee acknowledgement
Please sign this form to acknowledge that you’ve read this handbook and that you are committed to
following our policies. If you need any clarifications, feel free to ask HR.

Date: …/…/…

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