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Senior Executives Commitment to Information Security - from Motivation to


Jorma Kajava Juhani Anttila

University of Lapland Quality Integration
P. 0. Box 122, FIN- 96101 Rovaniemi, Rypsikuja 4, FIN-00660 Helsinki,
Finland Finland
Rauno Varonen Reijo Savola
University of Oulu VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
P. 0. Box 7200, FIN- 90014 University of P. 0. Box 1100, FIN-90571 Oulu,
Oulu, Finland Finland
Juha Roning
University of Oulu
P. 0. Box 4500, FIN- 90014 University of Oulu, Finland

Abstract motivated, senior management lacked the necessary

information security management skills. This was
For senior executives, information security is a evidenced by the fact that an external consultant
basic requirement for business success. Yet, despite managed to convince the top management to agree to a
being well-motivated, top managers often have only a work safety study without asking experts on the
superficial understanding of information security, company payroll, who anticipated a better information
which may lead them to make decisions that are not security solution. Examples such as this one can be
conducive to raising the organization's security level. found also in governmental offices and at univiersities.
Enhancing information security awareness among all Our work aims at elucidating the significance of
employees has been found necessary, but the key to senior management in the promotion of organizational
success is raising the awareness level of senior information security. A great number of organizations
management. Playing a decisive role, they must boast extensive security awareness programmes, but
assume overall responsibility for information security. the top management often shies away from them.
The question is how to achieve this in an efficient and Damage caused by an individual employee may have
natural way. far-reaching consequences for a company, but when
damage is inflicted by senior management, the effects
1. Introduction: Information Security and may be devastating. Thus, it is important to get top
managers to endorse the adopted information security
Safety at Odds solutions whole-heartedly, which involves not only
being motivated to follow security principles, but also
Attitudes toward information security vary. accepting the responsibilities that go with the highest
Everyone knows the fundamentals, but few have a positions.
deeper understanding of it. Some time ago, an As its starting-off point, this paper takes the new
extensive survey, conducted in a Finnish company, international standard ISO 17799 [1] However, as we
indicated that although all employees were well- are dealing with a serious issue, standards are not

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sufficient, we must advance from a discussion on objectives must be known by corporate employees as
standards to a change in culture [6]. well as by external partners.
Information security policy represents the position
2. Day to Day Business of senior management toward information security,
and sets the tone for the entire organization. It is
Business life tends to value ease-of-use more than recommended that coordinating the organization's
security. A change of values occurs often only after a information security policy should be the responsibility
serious mishap, although only part of the damage may of some member of top management.
be expressed directly in terms of money. Encouragement should be given to the extensive
The prevailing view seems to be that information application of information security within the
security produces costs, not profit. Unless we change organization and among its stakeholder groups to make
our way of thinking, we will soon find that the cost of certain that problems are dealt with in an efficient and
doing nothing is even higher. As indicated by our regular manner. When necessary, external
survey, there are great deficiences in the management professional assistance should be sought to keep
of information security, particularly as regards the abreast of advances, standards and values in the field.
commitment of senior managers. To remedy this At the same time, this enables establishing forms of
situation, we must find the means of gaining this collaboration for potential security breaches.
commitment, before some hostile party forces the The key component of information security work is
change. the visible support and engagement of senior
As a rule, information security management is seen management. In practical terms, this commitment
from the viewpoint of large corporations. In today's involves allocating necessary funding to information
world, however, we must become cognizant of the fact security work and responding without delay to new
that business is based on networking. Even giant situations. Nevertheless, swelling the size of the
corporations are not islands, they are connected with information security organization is unwise, for a small
other, smaller companies through subcontracting and organization is often more flexible and faster on the
outsourcing, for instance. As a result, negligence in the draw. A better alternative to enlarging security staff is
management of information security, even when it to enhance information security skills and knowledge
occurs several nodes down from some large at all levels of the organization, because that is where
corporation, may nevertheless affect it through the the actual work processes are. Yet another way of
network. Commitment to information security is showing management commitment is participation in a
therefore of utmost importance for the entire network. range of information security-related events, which
By their commitment, corporate managers help pave serves to underline the importance attached to the
the way towards the information society. topic.

3. Commitment of Senior Executives 4. Evidence Supplied by Surveys

Ultimate responsibility for managing information We became aware of the sensitive nature of the
security is borne by corporate management, which topic in 2002, when several reports were published
provides the resources and sets the requirements on the highlighting the commitment of senior management to
basis of which the IT security manager promotes and corporate information security solutions. Of particular
coordinates security activities. A lively discussion has interest was the report stating that the commitment
been going on for some time now on the commitment level among Finnish managers was slightly above 20
of senior management to information security. percent [5]. This finding provided a good starting point
The objects and activities of information security for a national discussion. When the result was
must be in line with the organization's business explained to a group of Austrian researchers, they
objectives and the requirements imposed by them. congratulated us on the high percentage rate. This was
Senior management must take charge of this and a little confusing, as the title of the original paper
provide visible support and show real commitment. To declared that information security does not interest
do this, they have to understand the seriousness of the corporate management. Moreover, the paper went on
threat that information risks pose to corporate assets. to point out that only two managers out of ten have
Further, they need to ensure that middle management realized that information security is of strategic value
and other staff fully grasp the importance of the issue. to their company. And yet this survey involved 50
The organization's information security policy and companies among the top 500 businesses in Finland

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listed by business magazines. The crucial question 5. Information Security Awareness
was: how is this result to be understood and evaluated Programmes
One central issue identified by the survey was that Success in information security management, as
merely 11 of the 50 largest companies had an stated in the ISO/IEC 17799 standard (2005) [1],
information systems manager or a corresponding demands two things: commitment of senior
person on the management team. This is a far cry from management and provision of information security
showing commitment, and is undoubtedly reflected in awareness programmes to all staff. The contents of
corporate attitudes and practices. Thus, the sentiments such a programme were already outlined in earlier
implied in the title of the paper, information security documents of the ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27/WG 1. In
does not interest corporate management, describe the 2002 - 2004, we applied this information to create an
situation spot on, because smaller companies display intranet-based learning environment for information
even less commitment. security [3].
At around the same time, we conducted a survey in An information security awareness programme may
a Northern Finnish company with 500 employees. It incorporate at least the following topics:
turned out that all members of the fairly large * factors that influence organizational information
management team as well as key personnel were well- security policy together with such extensions to
versed in information security and its attendant risks. the policy, guidelines, directives and risk
Yet, although they were motivated to deepen their management strategy that enable a deeper
knowledge and hone their skills, we were left understanding of risks and security measures,
wondering, whether they had internalized their own * implementing the information security
roles in the management of information security [6].
What does commitment to security work entail? A programme/plan and verifying the effects of
key factor is enthusiasm, "getting personally security measures,
involved", believing in what you are doing. Another * basic data protection requirements,
important factor is providing resources for the work. * a classification scheme for protection of
Everyone must also know who is responsible for information,
taking decisions and directing activities. On this road, * reporting procedures for information security
the first step involves motivation and gaining an breaches, attempts thereof and investigation of
understanding of information security. Obtaining such breaches,
funding serves to anticipate future needs and has far- * significance of security extensions to end users
reaching consequences, but training staff and winning and the entire organization,
their support are equally important. * work procedures, responsibilities and job
At the management team level, the delicate issue of descriptions,
authority and responsibility often leads to conflict. * security audits and checks,
Authority should be exercised in a manner that * managing activities and organizational structures,
promotes performance even under difficult * explaining effects of unauthorized activities.
circumstances. Responsibilities stand in relief when There are several avenues of obtaining guidelines
things go wrong and a mishap occurs. Authority and on information security training. It may be confusing
responsibilities are also necessary during the following for some employees that they receive security-related
recovery period, and should be considered in advance. information from several sources or through many
Most information security breaches and violations take different channels. In larger organizations, the
place within the organization, by its own staff, who are implementation of information security programmes is
involved either wittingly or unwittingly. Incidents of coordinated by IT security managers. Nevertheless,
this type show how important it is that the person these awareness programmes are invariably the
charged with coordinating information security really responsibility of senior management who must
has the support of the senior management and acts integrate the approach with the organization's genuine
with their authorization. Although it may be business needs.
disconcerting, action must be taken to prevent insider
abuse before anything serious happens. 6. Promoting a Culture of Security
An approach that considers the best interests of all
participants and the characteristics of information

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systems, networks and associated services can be both policy objectives and take a leading role also in
efficient and secure [7]. security;
The OECD approach comprises nine principles that * should define what the critical assets are that must
deal with awareness, responsibility, response, ethics, be protected. For that, they need to have a basic
democracy, risk assessment, security design and understanding of information classification; and
implementation, security management and * must pledge a holistic commitment to information
reassesment: "Security management should be based security, manifested, for example, by active
on risk assessment and should be dynamic, participation in business continuity planning.
encompassing all levels of participants' activities and
all aspects of their operations. It should include 7. Conclusions
forward-looking responses to emerging threats and
address prevention, detection and response to We have discussed one of the most remarkable
incidents, systems recovery, ongoing maintenance, practical-level problems of information security
review and audit. Information system and network management in organizations: the lack of senior
security policies, practices, measures and procedures management commitment to information security.
should be coordinated and integrated to create a This problem is difficult to solve because many
coherent system of security. The requirements of professionals think that it is not a good idea to "teach"
security management depend upon the level of their managers, or "preach" to them. However, if the
involvement, the role of the participant, the risk information security awareness of senior management
involved and system requirements." [7]. of a company is at too low a level, the consequences
In addition, the OECD guidelines state that may be very dramatic to the company's business.
fostering a culture of security requires both leadership Products - goods and services - with poor information
and extensive participation. Security design and security solutions can be very easily driven out of the
management should be an important element in market by consumers. In addition, co-operation
corporate management, and all participants must partners may vanish after they realize that a company
appreciate the value of security. The principles set up is not paying enough attention to its information
by the OECD form a foundation for promoting a security management and that the key persons - senior
culture of security across the society. All participants management- are not committed.
must assimilate and promote this culture as a way of
thinking about, assessing and implementing 8. References
information systems and networks.
Organizations are exhorted to adopt a proactive [1] ISO/IEC 17799:2005. "Information Technology
approach to information security. Business is likely to Security Techniques - Code of Practice for Information
suffer if senior management has insufficient Security Management", ISO, Geneve. (2005).
knowledge of security. This state of affairs poses a [2] ISO/IEC 27001:2005. "Information Technology -
severe threat not only to the organization's reputation, Security Techniques - Information Security Management
but to its entire business and existence. Systems - Requirements", ISO, Geneve. (2005).
This paper seeks to emphasize the role of senior [3] Heikkinen, I., Ramet, T., "E-Learning as a Part of
management in the creation of an organizational Information Security Education Development from
culture of security. A solution that is custom-tailored to Organisational Point of View". Oulu University, Oulu,
Finland., In Finnish (2004).
a particular organization is only applicable to that [4] Kajava, J., "Critical Success Factors in Information
organization. This raises the issue of how general Security Management in Organizations: The Commitment of
principles and standards could be utilized to create an Senior Management and the Information Security Awareness
approach to information security and security Programme". Hallinnon tutkimus - Administrative Studies,
management that is adaptable to different Volume 22, Number 1, Tampere. (2003).
organizations with certain adjustments. This leads us to [5] Kajava, J., Varonen, R., Tuormaa, E. Nykanen, M.,
propose that the starting point for an information "Information Security Training through eLearming - Small
security awareness model designed for senior Scale Perspective". In VIEWDET 2003. Nov. 26-28. Vienna,
management should incorporate the following aspects: Austria. (2003).
senior management [6] Lempinen H., "Security Model as a Part of the Strategy
of a Private Hospital" (In Finnish), University of Oulu,
* must understand their own roles as business Finland. (2002).
leaders. A better grasp of information security in [7] OECD, "OECD Guidelines for the Security of
fact facilitates their work, as it enables them to set Information Systems and Networks - Towards a Culture of
Security", OECD Publications, Paris, France, 29 p. (2002).

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