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Check your understanding of the input by answering the following questions:

1. What are models of communications? Why do you think they are introduced?

 Osgood-Schramm Model of Communication

 Berlo’s Communication Model

-To help identify and understand the components and relationship of the communicationprocess being

2. How can one observe ethics in communication?

 1. Establish an effective value system that will pave the way for the development of
your integrity as a person;
 2. Provide complete and accurate information, the data should always be
contextualized and correct;
 3. Disclose vital information, whether it is needed or not. Never hide or conceal vital
information necessary for transparency.

3. Why is it important to have a code and conduct of ethics?

-To know the proper, and correct way to communicate

4. Could you explain the communication flow in the given model on Figure 2s, the Source-

Encoder-Decoder and Signal?

-Message includes (1) content; (2) elements such as the

language used and gestures employed; (3) treatment or the manner by which the message is

transmitted; and (4) structure which refers to the arrangement of parts or flow of the message.

The code shows how the message is sent: that is, the language (verbal code) used and the

accompanying gestures (non-verbal code) employed.


View on YouTube the Speech of President Rodrigo Duterte at the 2020 SONA on January 27,

2020. Do you think the five principles of effective oral communication were followed? Which

ones were followed? Which ones were not? What advice would you give to make the speaker

more effective? Write your thoughts below.

-I would say that mister President u should open your eyes o the people they need you more today
because of what is happening today at our world and our country is at stake.

1.U need to be more assertive towards China you are just a puppy to them, close all borderlines,and all
ongoing overseas transactions, establishments and especially airports.

2.Please monitor all corrupt transactions towards each and other political bodies.

3.implement academic so that children will not breath heavily and parents will not have a hard time

I know that this is not all, but some other people will fight for their rights!


1. How did English become the global lingua franca or an international language?
-Because of the British empire had spread through its colonies and geopolitical

2. Watch “The History of English in Ten Minutes” on YouTube”

After watching it, come up with your list of the factors that led English to take its global
-The British empire
-Post-War USA\
-The coolness factor
-The snowball effect

3.How do you feel about the role and status of English in the Philippines?
-a little bit sad because almost half of the population of our country isn’t specifically talking our
very own language.

A. Explain the meaning of the following Filipino slangs to correct English

terminology or

1. plastic -fake 6. hitmen -hired assassin

2. do- 7. tip -advice/
3. salvage -extrajudicial killing 8. megastar -a legend/famous
4. double dead -hot meat 9. trip -to annoy
5. flip American born pinoys 10. toxic -not healthy

B. Give the meaning of some common foreign terms below.

1. de luxe -high quality 6. bona fide -good faith
2. a la carte -solo 7. status quo -current situation
3. croissant -bread 8. entrepreneur -businessman/woman
4. esprit de corps pride/fellowship 9. persona non-grata -not welcome
5. meme -humorous image etc. 10. modus operandi -trick or scam

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