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Entrepreneurial Management

Activity 2

Name: Mikaela H. Bordeos Course/Year/Block: BSBA Management 4-A

What are the Lending Programs for Small Business Administration in the
Philippine Setting? Provide example and share with the class.

1. Short-Term Loans
2. Bank Loans
3. SSS Loans
4. Government Loans
5. OWWA (Overseas Workers Welfare Administration) Loans

Explain what a Lean Start-up in Business is.

Lean startup is a business and product development methodology that aims

to shorten product development cycles and quickly determine if a proposed
business model is viable; this is accomplished through a combination of business-
hypothesis-driven experimentation, iterative product releases, and validated
learning. Customer feedback takes precedence over intuition, and flexibility takes
precedence over planning in a lean startup. This methodology allows for faster
recovery from failures than traditional methods of product development.

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