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Feedback Control System s 6/30/2021

Feedback Control Systems

Fernando Victor V. de Vera, ECE, MT

Feedback and Control System © Fernando Victor V. de Vera, ECE, M.Tech

Fernando Victor V. de Vera, ECE, M.Tech
University of the East – Manila
College of Engineering
Electronics Engineering Department

Part 0 >>Feedback Control Systems


Feedback and Control System © Fernando Victor V. de Vera, ECE, M.Tech

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Feedback Control System s 6/30/2021

Course Outline
1. Introduction to Feedback Control Systems.
2. Control system terminology.
3. Review of the Laplace transforms.
4. Introduction to system modeling and the transfer
5. Introduction to LTI systems.
6. The concept of linearization.

Feedback and Control System © Fernando Victor V. de Vera, ECE, M.Tech

Course Outline (cont’d)

7. Poles and zeros of transfer functions. The pole-zero
8. Introduction to time response and different types of
test signals. First order LTI system transient response
9. Second-order LTI system transient response analysis
10.Block diagram representation of systems and block
diagram algebra.

Feedback and Control System © Fernando Victor V. de Vera, ECE, M.Tech

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Course Outline (cont’d)

11.Signal flow graphs.
12.Stability theory.
13.Steady-state errors.
14.Sensitivity and Disturbance rejection.
15.Root Locus.
16.Controllers, Compensators, PID Controller
17.Frequency response analysis: Bode plot, Nyquist
diagram, and Nichols chart.

Feedback and Control System © Fernando Victor V. de Vera, ECE, M.Tech

• Nise, N.S., “Control Systems Engineering”, 6th Edition,
John Wiley and Sons, Inc ©2011
• Dorf, R.C., “Modern Control Systems”, 12th Edition,
Pearson ©2010
• Shaum’s Outline on Feedback and Control Systems

Feedback and Control System © Fernando Victor V. de Vera, ECE, M.Tech

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Feedback Control System s 6/30/2021

Fernando Victor V. de Vera, ECE, M.Tech
University of the East – Manila
College of Engineering
Electronics Engineering Department

Part 1 >>Feedback Control Systems


Feedback and Control System © Fernando Victor V. de Vera, ECE, M.Tech

Control System
 an arrangement, set, or collection of things connected or related
in such a manner as to form an entirety or whole.
 an arrangement of physical components connected or related in
such a manner as to form and/or act as an entire unit.
 To regulate, direct or to command.
 an arrangement of physical components connected or related in
such a manner as to command, direct, or regulate itself or another

Feedback and Control System © Fernando Victor V. de Vera, ECE, M.Tech

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Practice Exercise No.__

A. What are the purpose, or advantages of a control
system? Explain and give examples on each.

Feedback and Control System © Fernando Victor V. de Vera, ECE, M.Tech

Simplified Description of a Control System

• Input
 “stimulus”, “desired response”
• Output
 “actual response”
 Composed of the Transient Response and the Steady State

Feedback and Control System © Fernando Victor V. de Vera, ECE, M.Tech

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Output (Response)
• Transient Response
 System dependent
 Based on how the systems Acquires or Dissipates energy.
 Also the “Natural Response”
• Steady-State Response
 Input-dependent
 Also the “Forced Response”
• Steady-State Error
 The difference between the input and the steady-state

Feedback and Control System © Fernando Victor V. de Vera, ECE, M.Tech


Input – Output Relations

Feedback and Control System © Fernando Victor V. de Vera, ECE, M.Tech

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Input-Output Relations

Feedback and Control System © Fernando Victor V. de Vera, ECE, M.Tech


Classifications of a Control System

• Open – Loop Control System

• Closed-Loop Control System

Feedback and Control System © Fernando Victor V. de Vera, ECE, M.Tech

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Open – Loop Control System

• No problem with instability.

• Accuracy is dependent on calibration.
• No means of correcting errors.

Feedback and Control System © Fernando Victor V. de Vera, ECE, M.Tech


Practice Exercise No.__

Give 3 examples of Open Loop systems.

A. Indicate the system.

B. Draw its block diagram.
C. Explain briefly why it is an open-loop

Feedback and Control System © Fernando Victor V. de Vera, ECE, M.Tech

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Closed Loop System

• Feedback – the output is measured and

compared with the input for proper control.
• More accurate and can correct errors.
• Has a possibility of being unstable.
Feedback and Control System © Fernando Victor V. de Vera, ECE, M.Tech


• A property of a closed-loop system which permits the
output (or some other controlled variable) to be
compared with the input to the system (or an input to
some other internally situated component or
subsystem) so that the appropriate control action may
be formed as some function of the output and input.

Feedback and Control System © Fernando Victor V. de Vera, ECE, M.Tech

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Characteristics of Feedback
1. Increased accuracy. For example, the ability to faithfully
reproduce the input.
2. Tendency toward oscillation or instability.
3. Reduced sensitivity of the ratio of output to input to
variations in system parameters and other characteristics.
4. Reduced effects of nonlinearities.
5. Reduced effects of external disturbances or noise.
6. Increased bandwidth. The bandwidth of a system is a
frequency response measure of how well the system
responds to (or filters) variations (or frequencies) in the
input signal.

Feedback and Control System © Fernando Victor V. de Vera, ECE, M.Tech


Types of Feedback
 A portion of the output is added to the input signal
 Can cause oscillation or instability

 A portion of the output is subtracted from the input signal
 Used in error-correction

Feedback and Control System © Fernando Victor V. de Vera, ECE, M.Tech

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Positive Feedback

• The gain increases

• The system may oscillate or maybe unstable
• Noise and distortion increases
• Bandwidth decreases
Feedback and Control System © Fernando Victor V. de Vera, ECE, M.Tech


Negative Feedback

• Gain decreases
• System is stable
• Noise and Distortion decreases
• Bandwidth increases
Feedback and Control System © Fernando Victor V. de Vera, ECE, M.Tech
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Components of Feedback Control

• INPUT TRANSDUCER – device (or sensor) that translates the

input (or “set-point”, “reference”) to a signal that the
controller understands.
• SUMMING JUNCTION – also “Mixer” or “Comparator”, a
device that adds or subtracts the input and feedback
signals for proper control.
Feedback and Control System © Fernando Victor V. de Vera, ECE, M.Tech


Components of Feedback Control

• PROCESS or PLANT – the device which delivers the

output or that subsystem that varies the output
• OUTPUT TRANSDUCER – a sensor that measures the
output parameter.
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Practice Exercise No.__

Describe typical sensors that can measure each of
the following:
A. Linear position
B. Velocity (or speed)
C. Nongravitational acceleration
D. Rotational position (or angle)
E. Rotational velocity
F. Temperature
G. Pressure
H. Liquid (or gas) flow rate
I. Torque
J. Force
Feedback and Control System © Fernando Victor V. de Vera, ECE, M.Tech


Classifications of
Control Systems
• Process Control
 Parameters: Temperature, Pressure, Flow Rate, Liquid Level,
Acidity, Viscosity, etc.
 Used in manufacturing systems and similar industries
• Motion Control
 Also “Servo Systems”
 Parameters: Position, Speed, Acceleration
 Used in mechatronic systems, robotic applications, vehicular
systems, etc.

Feedback and Control System © Fernando Victor V. de Vera, ECE, M.Tech

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Practice Exercise No.__

Give an example of a process control system.

A. Describe the system based on its

application and the parameter that is
being controlled.
B. Draw the control system block diagram.

Feedback and Control System © Fernando Victor V. de Vera, ECE, M.Tech


Practice Exercise No.__

Give an example of a motion control system.

A. Describe the system based on its

application and the parameter that is
being controlled.
B. Draw the control system block diagram.

Feedback and Control System © Fernando Victor V. de Vera, ECE, M.Tech

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Types of Control Systems

1. Man-Made
 All components are man made (does not occur naturally)
2. Natural including Biological
 No part is made nor intervened by humans.
3. Both Man-made and Natural
 There is a human intervention in the control.
 Or, a naturally occurring phenomenon is being controlled by
a man-made device.

Feedback and Control System © Fernando Victor V. de Vera, ECE, M.Tech


Example No. ___

Man-Made Control Systems
• All components are man made (does not occur
A. Automatic Air Conditioning system (Temperature Control)
B. Dam (Water Level Control)
C. Antenna Positioning System (Position Control)
D. AGC – Automatic Gain Control (Signal Level Control)
E. Power Supply Units (Voltage regulation)

Feedback and Control System © Fernando Victor V. de Vera, ECE, M.Tech

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Example No. ___

Natural (Including Biological) Control
• No part is made nor intervened by humans.

Feedback and Control System © Fernando Victor V. de Vera, ECE, M.Tech


Example No. ___

Natural (Including Biological) Control Systems
• No part is made nor intervened by humans.

Feedback and Control System © Fernando Victor V. de Vera, ECE, M.Tech

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Example No. ___

Both Man-made and Natural (Hybrid) Control Systems
• Man riding a Bike

Speed and

Feedback and Control System © Fernando Victor V. de Vera, ECE, M.Tech


Analog and Digital Control Systems

• ANALOG Control Systems
 Process only continuous time or continuous data signals
• DIGITAL Control Systems
 Processes (at one or more points in the system) signals that
are discrete time, discrete data or sampled data.
 The signals are discrete in time and in amplitude.

Feedback and Control System © Fernando Victor V. de Vera, ECE, M.Tech

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Examples of Early Control Systems

Feedback and Control System © Fernando Victor V. de Vera, ECE, M.Tech


Float Regulators
• The first applications of feedback control
appeared in the development of FLOAT
REGULATOR mechanisms in Greece in the period
300 to 1 B.C.
• The water clock of Ktesibios used a float
• An oil lamp devised by Philon in approximately
250 B.C. used a float regulator in an oil lamp for
maintaining a constant level of fuel oil.
• Heron of Alexandria, who lived in the first
century A.D., published a book entitled
Pneumatics, which outlined several forms of
water-level mechanisms using float regulators.

Feedback and Control System © Fernando Victor V. de Vera, ECE, M.Tech

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Water-Level Float Regulator

• The first historical
feedback system,
claimed by Russia, is
said to have been
invented by
I.Polzunov in 1765 .
The float detects the
water level and
controls the valve that
covers the water inlet
in the boiler.

Feedback and Control System © Fernando Victor V. de Vera, ECE, M.Tech


First Automatic Feedback Controller

• The first automatic
feedback controller
used in an industrial
process is generally
agreed to be James
developed in 1769
for controlling the
speed of a steam

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Selected Historical Developments of Control


Feedback and Control System © Fernando Victor V. de Vera, ECE, M.Tech


Selected Historical Developments of Control

Systems (Cont’d)

Feedback and Control System © Fernando Victor V. de Vera, ECE, M.Tech

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Automatic Control Systems

 Control with human intervention.
 A device or a process that work by itself.
 No human intervention or control.
 The control of a process by automatic means.

Feedback and Control System © Fernando Victor V. de Vera, ECE, M.Tech


Example No. ___

• An ELECTRIC SWITCH is a manufactured control system,
controlling the flow of electricity. By definition, the
apparatus or person flipping the switch is not a part of
this control system.
• Flipping the switch on or off may be considered as the
input. That is, the input can be in one of two states, on
or off.
• The output is the flow or non-flow (two states) of

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Example No. ___

• A simple control
system which
automatically turns
on a room lamp at
dusk, and turns it
off in daylight.
Draw the functional
block diagram.

Feedback and Control System © Fernando Victor V. de Vera, ECE, M.Tech


Example No. ___

• A Human
reaching an

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Example No. ___

• Automobile steering control system

Feedback and Control System © Fernando Victor V. de Vera, ECE, M.Tech


Example No. ___

• Aircraft’s attitude
varies in roll, pitch
and yaw.
• Roll stabilization
control system:

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Example No. ___

• A temperature control system operates by sensing the
difference between the thermostat setting and the
actual temperature and then opening a fuel valve
proportional to this difference.

Feedback and Control System © Fernando Victor V. de Vera, ECE, M.Tech


Example No. ___

• Rotating Disk Speed Control (Open-Loop)

Feedback and Control System © Fernando Victor V. de Vera, ECE, M.Tech

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Example No. ___

• Rotating Disk Speed Control (Closed-Loop)

Feedback and Control System © Fernando Victor V. de Vera, ECE, M.Tech


Example No. ___

• A closed-loop automatic toaster. Draw the functional
block diagram.

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Practice Exercise No.__

Give an example of a natural (including biological)
system that employs
A. negative feedback and
B. positive feedback.

For each example, draw (and label) the block diagrams

and explain their operation.

Feedback and Control System © Fernando Victor V. de Vera, ECE, M.Tech


Practice Exercise No.__

Give an example of a control system that you think does not
yet existed in home use. Or it is existing already but needs to
be redesigned.
A. Draw and explain the system.
B. Identify the input and output
C. Draw the open-loop control system block
D. Remodel the system to make it a closed loop
system, and draw the control system block
E. Explain why the system should be made (or
not) into a closed loop system.
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Practice Exercise No.__

Answer the following questions:
A pressurized tank must maintain a gas at 325 psi. A
pressure sensor is used to measure the condition of
the controlled variable. As the gas cools, the
pressure in the tank decreases. When it drops to 300
psi, a valve is opened, which allows steam to flow to
a heat exchanger inside the tank. The additional
steam heats the gas and causes the pressure to rise.
A. The manipulated variable
B. The input signal
C. The controller
D. The process or plant
E. The feedback transducer
Feedback and Control System © Fernando Victor V. de Vera, ECE, M.Tech


Practice Exercise No.__

A “sun tracking” automatic closed-loop mechatronic system
is to be used to position a solar panel so that the sun’s ray is
always normal to its surface.
A. What is the input signal?
B. What should be the input transducer? How should it work?
C. What should be the process/ plant? How can it provide the
actual response?
D. What is the input transducer?
E. How can the error signal be derived?

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The Design Process

The control system design process is itself a closed-loop
1. Transform requirements to physical systems.
2. Draw a functional block diagram.
3. Create a schematic.
4. Develop a mathematical model (block diagram or a
signal flow graph).
5. Reduce the block diagram (or find the transfer
6. Analyze and (Re)Design.

Feedback and Control System © Fernando Victor V. de Vera, ECE, M.Tech


Example No. ___

• Antenna Azimuth position control system.

System Concept

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Example No. ___

• Antenna Azimuth position control

Detailed layout.
Feedback and Control System © Fernando Victor V. de Vera, ECE, M.Tech


Example No. ___

• Antenna Azimuth position control system.


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Example No. ___

• Antenna Azimuth position control system. (Continued)

Block Diagram:

Feedback and Control System © Fernando Victor V. de Vera, ECE, M.Tech


Practice Exercise No.__

A “sun tracking” automatic closed-loop mechatronic
system is to be used to position a solar panel so that the
sun’s ray is always normal to its surface.
A. Transform requirements to physical systems.
B. Draw a functional block diagram.

Feedback and Control System © Fernando Victor V. de Vera, ECE, M.Tech

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Feedback Control System s 6/30/2021

Analysis and Design Objectives

• Transient Response
 The transient time should not be too fast or too slow. The
transient time objective depends on the application.
• Steady-State Response
 The steady state error should be zero (ideal) for the designed
input type to the system.
• Stability
 The system should be stable, otherwise, it will not be useful.

Feedback and Control System © Fernando Victor V. de Vera, ECE, M.Tech


Test Waveforms Used in

Control Systems Design

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Test Waveforms Used in

Control Systems Design (cont’d)

Feedback and Control System © Fernando Victor V. de Vera, ECE, M.Tech


Test Waveforms Used in

Control Systems Design (cont’d)

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Practice Exercise No.__

Consider the input signal for a position control system.
Give an example (and explain each) of an object, a system
or anything that gives a signal considered as:
A. Step
B. Ramp
C. Parabolic

Feedback and Control System © Fernando Victor V. de Vera, ECE, M.Tech


Design Methods
• Design by Analysis
 Accomplished by modifying the characteristics of an existing
or standard system configuration.
• Design by Synthesis
 Accomplished by defining the form of the system directly
from its specifications.

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Practice Exercise No.__

An autofocus camera will adjust the distance of the lens
from the film by using a beam of infrared or ultrasound to
determine the distance to the subject.
A. Sketch a block diagram of this open-loop control
system, and briefly explain its operation.

Feedback and Control System © Fernando Victor V. de Vera, ECE, M.Tech


Practice Exercise No.__

Land-based public utility transportation system in the
future can be “intelligent”. Every PUV such as taxis,
jeepneys, and buses operating in Mega Manila can be
equipped with a device that automatically measure its
present location, traffic condition, road condition
(flood, roadblocks, etc), passenger info (current load,
passenger waiting queue on stations, etc) and local
weather situation. Data from these measurements will
be uploaded periodically towards a network of data
hubs which collects, analyze and gives information
back to individual PUVs for proper routing and
guidance to where they should be deployed to pick-up
passengers, and generally to ease-out the traffic. Draw
the functional block diagram of this control system.
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Practice Exercise No.__

A common example of a two-input control system is a
home shower with separate valves for hot and cold
water. The objective is to obtain a desired temperature of
the shower water and a desired flow of water. Sketch a
block diagram of the closed-loop control system.

Feedback and Control System © Fernando Victor V. de Vera, ECE, M.Tech


Practice Exercise No.__

Control systems are aiding humans in maintaining their
homes. The robotic vacuum cleaner is an example of a
mechatronic system under active control that relies on
infrared sensors and microchip technology to navigate
around furniture. Describe a closed-loop feedback
control system that guides the robotic vacuum cleaner to
avoid collisions with obstacles.

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End of Part 1

Introduction to Control Systems

17 Examples
15 Practice Exercises

Feedback and Control System © Fernando Victor V. de Vera, ECE, M.Tech


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