An Analysis of Denotative and Connotative Meaning Through Symbolism Found in Queen

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Made Dwika Wibhisana

English Study Program Faculty of Foreign Languages Mahasaraswati Denpasar University

Literature refers to something that can express an implicit message from the writer. The song lyric is a
combination of poem and music that can evoke any particular sense of the readers or the listeners through
the symbols written in the song lyric. Based on that reason, the writer is brought to analyze the symbol and
meaning which are expressed in a song lyric by Queen entitled "An Analysis of Denotative and Connotative
Meaning through Symbolism Found in Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody". This article applied the descriptive
qualitative method in analyzing the data source. Through this method, the writer tried to analyze, to explain,
and to find out the classification symbols that contain in the song lyric by using the theory proposed by
Balla (2012) which classified into three kinds they are; natural, artificial, and philosophical symbol. The
result of this analysis showed that 12 symbols contain in the song lyrics involving natural symbol (7 items),
artificial symbol (3 items), and philosophical symbol (2 items). Then, the writer also applied theory from
Leech (1974) about seven types of meaning which narrowed into two they are; denotative meaning and
connotative meaning that used to analyze the symbol from song lyric Bohemian Rhapsody.
Keywords: Semiotics, Symbolism, Bohemian Rhapsody, Denotative, Connotative

Karya sastra merupakan sesuatu yang bisa menyampaikan pesan tersirat dari penulisnya. Lirik lagu
merupakan gabungan dari puisi dan musik yang mana dapat membangkitkan perasaan tertentu bagi
pembaca ataupun pendengar melalui simbol-simbol yang dituliskan di dalamnya. Berdasarkan alasan
tersebut, penulis pun dibawa untuk menganalisis simbol dan makna yang disampaikan di dalam sebuah
lirik lagu dari Queen dengan judul "An Analysis of Denotative and Connotative Meaning through
Symbolism Found in Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody". Artikel ini menerapkan metode kualitatif deskriptif
dalam menganlisis sumber data. Melalui metode ini penulis mencoba untuk menganalisis, menjelaskan,
dan menemukan klasifikasi simbol yang ada pada lirik lagu Bohemian Rhapsody dengan menggunakan
teori dari Balla (2012) yang diklasifikasikan ke dalam tiga macam diantaranya alam, buatan, dan filosofi.
Hasil dari analisis pun menunjukkan bahwa ada 12 macam simbol yang ada pada lirik lagu meliputi alam
(7 simbol), buatan (3 simbol), filosofi (2 simbol). Kemudian, penulis juga menerapkan teori dari Leech
(1974) tentang tujuh macam makna yang dibatasi hanya pada dua jenis meliputi denotatif dan konotatif
yang digunakan untuk menganalisis simbol dari lirik lagu Bohemian Rhapsody.
Kata Kunci: Semiotik, Simbolisme, Bohemian Rhapsody, Denotatif, Konotatif
INTRODUCTION reflective coda. This song is a masterpiece
all the time because it is very powerful and
Language is essential for human beings. contain a lot of symbolic expression through
It is a bridge for transferring a piece of the lyric. On the other hand, it will always be
information from one to another human. a timeless song which can make the listeners
Sometimes, language is used by the people to travel to the unlimited imaginations and at the
send the message through the literature. In end of the day, every single people either they
most cases, it can express the writer's lived in the different generation; past,
feelings, ideas, emotions, and experiences. present, or future, the question will still lead
Because of those reasons, literature is a field them to the similar questions like the writer
which is mostly enjoyed by the people in and also Freddie Mercury which is about the
every generation. Literary works can be reason for human existence in the world.
categorized into some classifications, but one Inspiring by that phenomenon of
of the famous things is the song. It refers to Bohemian Rhapsody's effect on the human's
the combination of poem and music. life, the writer takes An Analysis of
According to Hornby (1974:822) stated that Denotative and Connotative Meaning
song lyric is a short poem in several verses through Symbolism Found in Queen's
set to music to be sung. Nowadays, it is very Bohemian Rhapsody. Based on the title
popular because of the way it can deliver the above, the writer would like to analyze the
message from the writer through the following problems:
symbolic expression in the lyric. 1. What is the classification of symbols
The word symbol derived from expressed in Bohemian Rhapsody?
symballein, meaning 'to throw together', from 2. What is the denotative & connotative
the Greek, 'symbolon' and Latin 'symbolum', meaning implied through the symbolic
which meant emblem, sign, token, and mark. expression in Bohemian Rhapsody?
It can be substituted into a thing, person, To avoid plagiarism, the writer reviewed
place, and action. Balla (2012) classified some studies which are related to this study.
symbols into three categories; they are First, a study entitled The Types of Idiom
natural, artificial, and philosophical symbols. and Their Meaning in Maroon 5's Hands All
One symbol can represent many things either Over Album by I Putu Widi Antara (2015),
knowledge, reality, or existence. Every single Udayana University. The study focused to
people always needs the principles in their analyze the types of idioms that can be
life. Therefore, a symbol may be meaningful identified in the song lyrics of Maroon 5's
morals and values for the people to Hands All Over Album by using the theory
understand the truth of life. proposed by Palmer (1976) and to find out the
Queen is a British rock band that existed meaning of the idioms by using Leech's
in 1970. There are 4 members as the original theory (1974).
formation they are; Freddie Mercury (lead Second, a study entitled Denotative and
singer), Brian May (guitarist), John Deacon Connotative Meaning in One Direction's
(bassist), and Roger Taylor (drummer). This Songs Lyric: A Semantic Perspective by
band is very popular. Some many albums and Arsiska Sari & Paramita Kusumawardhani
songs were already written and established. (2016), Akademik Bahasa Asing BSI Jakarta.
One of the favorite songs which is an icon for This study aimed to find out some words that
the band is Bohemian Rhapsody. It is six contain connotative and denotative meaning
minutes single which consists of several on a specific object in the three one
sections: an intro, a ballad segment, an
operatic passage, a hard rock part, and a

direction's songs lyric by using Leech's study used the song lyrics of Maroon 5's
theory (1974) about 7 types of meaning. Hands All Over Album and analyze the types
Third, a study entitled Symbols, of the idiom by using Palmer's theory (1976).
Metaphors, and Personifications in Owl Next, the second study used One Direction's
City's Song Lyrics Based on Psychological song lyrics as the data source. Afterward, the
Perspective by Krisna Tankubara (2016), third study used Owl City's song lyrics, and
Sastra Inggris STIBA Nusa Mandiri. This also analyzed the metaphor, personification,
study purposed to analyze the personality of and symbol based on the psychological
Owl City through elements such as symbols, perspective by using DiYanni's theory
metaphors, and personifications in his songs (2004). Then, the fourth study used data
qualitatively and descriptively. source was taken from the movie Rise of the
Fourth, a study entitled Semiotic Study Guardian released in 2011. Last difference,
of Symbol for Sandy the Mute Character in the fifth study focused on analyzing the
Rise of Guardian Movie by Ni Kadek Winda figurative language covering metaphor,
Yanti (2018), Udayana University. The study simile, personification, hyperbole,
aimed at identifying the concept as the alliteration, so on that found in Bohemian
representation of the symbols by using Rhapsody.
Saussure's theory and also describing and Semiotics is a study of a sign. Sign
analyzing the meaning behind the use of the functioned as a substitution for everything
symbols by using theory from Leech (1974). which can significantly represent something
Fifth, a study entitled The Analysis of else. According to Sebeok (2001:3), a sign is
Figurative Language in Bohemian any physical form that has been imagined or
Rhapsody's Lyric by Queen by Octa Pratama made externally (through some physical
Putra, Herlin Widasiwi Setianingrum, Sufi medium) to stand for an object, event,
Alawiyah, Fitriyah Fitriyah & Juniato feeling, etc., known as a referent, or for a
Sidauruk (2020), Universitas Bina Sarana class of similar (or related) object, event,
Informatika. This study is coincided with feeling, etc., known as a referential domain.
seeking out the use of figurative language Saussure (as cited in Sebeok 2001; 5-6),
content in Bohemian Rhapsody lyric by defines two parts of signs as a signifier (a
Queen by using a qualitative method to form of a sign) and signified (the image or
analyze the data source. concept that is represented). Also, there is the
There are some similarities from this 'typology of signs': starting from Pierce's
research with five previous studies. There are trichotomy (as cited in Sebeok 2001:10) are
three studies from I Putu Widi Antara (2015), icon, index, and symbol. An icon is a sign that
Arsiska Sari & Paramita Kusumawardhani is made for representing a similarity between
(2016), and Ni Kadek Winda Yanti (2018) the signifier and its referent. An index is a
are similar in the use of Leech's theory (1974) sign that shows the signifier is connected to
in analyzing the data source to find out the the signified which is being represented. On
types of meaning. Then, the method to the other hand, a symbol has no resemblance
analyze the data source is similar to all of the between the signifier and the signified but it
previous studies which used the qualitative stands for its referent in an implicit arbitrary,
method. Last, the data source used in the fifth conventional way.
reviewed study is similar in using Bohemian The symbol is an element that is used for
Rhapsody by Queen. Meanwhile, there are meaning development in the literature. It can
some differences between the previous deliver the ideas and emotions of the writer.
studies with this study, the first previous A symbol can illustrate many things at one

moment and bring an endless imagination to money, and landmark, so on. For example,
the readers based on their interpretation. It Sang Saka Merah Putih symbolizes the
follows that what the text literary says Indonesian people. Two-color patterns are
(predictable) is somehow contradicted by combined to make the formation. Red is a
what it means and suggests (unpredictable). symbol of courage and white symbolizes
The symbol is very necessary to be purity. When it is reflected the Indonesian
contextualized because of the meanings can people to fight their independence, there are
be a contrast in space and time. Bonaventure two things which illustrate them; red
Balla-Omgba is an Assistant Professor at represents the human blood and white
Winston-Salem State University in Northern represents the human spirit.
California. His study is focusing on the A philosophical symbol is something
semiotics field. He wrote a book entitled that challenges the critical thinking/analysis
Symbolism, Synesthesia, and Semiotics, of life and existential realities. It postulates
Multidisciplinary Approach. According to and spark a sharp reflection on ontological
Balla (2012: p. 20), a symbol is the concrete realities and encourage people to find the
representation of an abstract reality. Balla answers to eschatological questions. It is
also classified three categories of symbols related to death, judgment, and the final
they are: natural, artificial, and philosophical destiny of the soul and humankind.
symbols. Symbolism can figure out the meaning which
A natural symbol is something that can can be the values and beliefs of the human
be generated from nature. It is implied to be being. It can be fundamental for
universal and identical in every society all understanding existential facts and life.
over the world. It can do a shift of meaning Existentialism is connected to the
based on the context of its usage in the philosophical theory that emphasized the
literature. Natural symbol implicitly defines existence of the person as someone who
the emotion and reflection of the writer to the decides their own life through action or
reader. It can convey meaning through color willingness to find out their identity.
patterns, things, places, and more. For Battery and yin yang are the symbols of
example, the wind is the symbol of mental life balance. Life is represented as harmony
activity. There is no sign to understand where between the opposite. It is filled with each
the wind will blow. It also reflects the other. This concept is known as Dualism.
development of mental abilities such as Everything lived in co-existence, such as
human minds, feelings, and emotions. No one male-female, body-mind, light-dark,
can predict the human condition and situation positive-negative, and good-evil. This
mentally. Because it is an abstract, happiness concept suggests everyone can decide what
can be expressed by a breeze, sadness can be they want in their life. There are no people
expressed by a storm, and anger can be who can interfere with someone's life
expressed by a tornado. because it will be nothing. White and black
An artificial symbol is something that dots can represent everything about the
can be created conventionally by society. human situation and condition depend on
Living in an environment where the people what they want to choose.
can speak through the symbol which suggests Meaning is the purpose of the writer to
specific ideas, concepts, notions, values, share the message through the form of
lifestyles, and ideals. It can demonstrate language to the readers. It defines as a bridge
something which is usually used by the for the writer to speak with the readers about
people who lived in the society such as flag, their personal feelings and thoughts. Leech,

(1974) mentioned there are seven types of morals and values for the people to
meaning they are; denotative meaning understand the truth of life.
(meaning by dictionary), connotative The data that is collected by the writer
meaning (meaning by suggesting of mind), from Queen's Greatest Song Bohemian
social meaning (social context), affective Rhapsody was observed by using the library
meaning (convey about personal feeling), method which following by several steps
reflected meaning (multiple conceptual they are;
meaning), collocative meaning (association 1. Listening to the song of Bohemian
of words), and thematic meaning (message of Rhapsody on YouTube.
the meaning). The usage of meaning is 2. Reading the song lyric of Bohemian
narrowed to both denotative and connotative Rhapsody repeatedly from
meanings which are used to interpret the
meaning in the song lyrics of Bohemian 3. Identifying the data of Bohemian
Rhapsody. Rhapsody by taking a note.
Conceptual meaning (sometimes called 4. Selecting the data related to Bohemian
denotative or cognitive meaning) means the Rhapsody.
literal meaning of a word, a gesture, or any The data which has been collected were
mark without emotion. It also refers to the analyzed by using the qualitative method
word which is taken from the dictionary. based on the theory that is used for the study.
Denotative meaning is widely assumed to be Qualitative research is understanding people
the central factor in linguistic communication from their frames of reference and
(Leech, 1974: p. 9). For example, dove means experiencing reality as they experience it
a stocky seed- or fruit-eating bird with a small (Corbin & Strauss, 2008) as cited in (Tailor,
head, short legs, and a cooing voice. 2016: 8-9). In this study, the writer focused
Connotative meaning means a word that to classify the type of symbols which convey
implies to the reader's expression. According the meanings based on the theory in usage.
to Leech (1974: p.12), the connotative The collected data related to the first problem
meaning is the communicative value an was classified by using the theory proposed
expression has under what it refers to, over by Balla (2012). This theory is used to find
and above its purely conceptual content. For out the classification of symbols contained in
example, dove means purity, love, peace, and the song lyric Bohemian Rhapsody. To
faith. support the first problem, the data collected
was explained by using theory from Leech
METHOD (2015) about types of meaning.
The data will be presented by using the
The data source used in this study is table to get factual and accurate answers for
taken from Queen's Greatest Song Bohemian the first research question. It will also be
Rhapsody in their album A Night at the explained descriptively to get an
Opera. It is the Queen's fourth studio album understandable answer for the second
that was released on November 21st, 1975. following question about the symbolic
This song entitled Bohemian Rhapsody is meaning.
chosen as the data source for its rich symbolic
expression that is expressed in the song lyric
which is needed for this study. Furthermore,
the symbol that is written in this song lyric is
very interesting since the meaning might be

RESULT & DISSUSION I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all
1. Result I see a little silhouetto of a man
This chapter is focused on the result of Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you do the
the collected data that is analyzed by the Fandango?
writer by using the theory that concerns the Thunderbolt and lightning, very, very
classification of the symbolic expressions frightening me
used in the song lyric of Bohemian Rhapsody (Galileo) Galileo
by Queen. The data will be presented by the (Galileo) Galileo
table to shows the classification of symbols Galileo-Figaro Magnifico
proposed by Balla (2012) that contain in But I'm just a poor boy, nobody loves me
Bohemian Rhapsody. He's just a poor boy from a poor family
Spare him his life from this monstrosity
Bohemian Rhapsody's Lyric Easy come, easy go, will you let me go?
Bismillah! No, we will not let you go
Is this the real life? (Let him go) Bismillah! We will not let you
Is this just fantasy? go
Caught in a landslide (Let him go) Bismillah! We will not let you
No escape from reality go
Open your eyes (Let me go) Will not let you go
Look up to the skies and see (Let me go) Will not let you go
I'm just a poor boy (Never, never, never, never let me go) Ah
I need no sympathy No, no, no, no, no, no, no
Because I'm easy come, easy go, (Oh, mamma mia, mamma mia) Mamma
A little high, little low mia, let me go
Any way the wind blows doesn't really Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me, for
matter to me, to me me, for me!

Mama, just killed a man So you think you can stone me and spit in
Put a gun against his head my eye?
Pulled my trigger, now he's dead So you think you can love me and leave me
Mama, life had just begun to die?
But now I've gone and thrown it all away Oh, baby, can't do this to me, baby!
Mama, ooh Just gotta get out, just gotta get right outta
Didn't mean to make you cry here
If I'm not back again this time tomorrow
Carry on, carry on as if nothing really (Ooh)
matters (Ooh, yeah, ooh, yeah)
Nothing really matters, anyone can see
Too late, my time has come Nothing really matters
Sends shivers down my spine Nothing really matters to me
Body's aching all the time Any way the wind blows
Goodbye, everybody, I've got to go
Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth
Mama, ooh (Any way the wind blows)
I don't wanna die

Table 1 this song is represented to someone who is
Symbol Classification wondering about his life. He is confused
Lyric Symbol about the reason for his existence in the
Landslide Natural world. It is reflected in the word "fantasy", he
Wind Natural thought that life is unreal, just a big illusion.
Skies Natural The reason because he always struggles to
Shiver Natural hide something unreal, either his identity or
Silhouetto Natural his desire. He was tired to be alive within the
Scaramouche Artificial fake personality. Therefore, he wanted to
Thunderbolt and Natural express everything that he wanted to deserve
lightning in this world which is about something that is
Galileo and Figaro Artificial very in contrast to society.
Bismillah Philosophical
Beelzebub Philosophical DATA 2:
Skies (n) in "Open your eyes, look up to the
From the table above, there are 12 words skies and see."
taken from the lyric and contained symbolic
expression in Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen (Bohemian Rhapsody, Line 6)
based on the theory proposed by Balla
(2012). Several symbols are taken from the The word "skies" in the sixth line refers
lyric, natural symbols (7 points), artificial to the natural symbol because it is an element
symbols (3 points), and philosophical of nature. Then, it is also an expression for
symbols (2 points). the connotative meaning because it sounds
like there is something wanted to deliver by
2. Discussion the songwriter through this word. The writer
In this part, the analysis of symbols in here argued that this is about a reflection of
Bohemian Rhapsody used the theory of types society's expression because in the song it is
of meaning proposed by Leech (1974), sung by the back vocal. They wanted to
denotative and connotative meaning. prevent the main character here to do
something which is very in contrast to reality.
DATA 1: They also did not want the main character
Landslide (n) in "Caught in a landslide, no here lived in misery and told him to surrender
escape from reality." to God. Everything will be better if he
followed the suggestion. Because those
(Bohemian Rhapsody, Line 3) people thought that God is the savior for
someone hopeless. But the main character
The word "landslide" in the third line here is a rebellious person. He did not need
refers to the natural symbol because it is any advice. He wanted to follow what he
related to the phenomenon of nature. It also believed. Freddie wrote it in:
has a connotative meaning since it is reflected  I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy.
as something different from what it looks  Because I'm easy come, easy go, little
like. Freddie Mercury started this song with: high, little low.
 Is this a real life? He needed no sympathy either it is from
 Is this just a fantasy? family, friends, society, or anyone. Because
Then, the next line came with the term when he just followed what people told him,
"landslide" implied. The writer argued that it is not satisfied himself, it killed him just

like everything come easy and go easy, just (Bohemian Rhapsody, Line 28)
an emptiness that filled his heart.
The word "silhouetto" in the twenty-
DATA 3: eighth line refers to the natural symbol
Wind (n) in "Anyway the wind blows." because it represents something in nature. It
is also a denotative meaning because it
(Bohemian Rhapsody, Line 10) reflected the meaning literally. The writer
argued that a new figure is already illustrated
The word "wind" in the tenth line refers by the character described in this song. He
to the natural symbol because it is also an found his new identity with a set of a new
element of nature. This term is related to the personality. He is enjoyed being that new
connotative meaning because there is a character.
hidden meaning that wants to be expressed.
The writer argued that it means nothing DATA 6:
should have cared. It happened when the Scaramouche (n) in "Scaramouche,
main character dares to start his new life. Scaramouche, will you do the Fandango?"
Society already has gotten away from him.
Everyone rejected him to be a part of them. (Bohemian Rhapsody, Line 29)
But in the end, the main character here just
thought that it did not matter for him as long The word "Scaramouche" in the twenty-
as he found his happiness. Freddie wrote it in: ninth line refers to the artificial symbol
Anyway the wind blows doesn't really matter because it is made conventionally by society.
to me, to me The term "Scaramouche" is a stock character
from the Italian clown tradition commedia
DATA 4: dell'arte. This symbol also reflected
Shivers (n) in "Sends shivers down my spine, connotative meaning since it has a hidden
body's aching all the time." meaning that wants to be revealed. The writer
argued that the character's life is a joke which
(Bohemian Rhapsody, Line 21) can be illustrated from his journey in life. He
always observed everything. He played a new
The word "shivers" in the twenty-first character and found a new identity and
line refers to the natural symbol because it lifestyle. Freddie wrote it in:
represents something related to the human's  Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you do
life in nature. This word is a denotative the Fandango?
meaning because it reflected the human act. Fandango is a Spanish dance that can be
The writer argued that something has made illustrated as something that can be explored.
the character is living in pain. It is his fake The way to find his identity which is
personality, wrong identity. The person here symbolized by "Scaramouche and Fandango"
wanted to escape from that struggle because very clearly represents that the character's life
it always shares wound to his heart and makes here is very boring at first, that's why he
him not live under his control. wanted to find his real-life by exploring
everything including his identity.
Silhouetto (n) in "I see a little silhouetto of a DATA 7:
man." Thunderbolt (n) in "Thunderbolt and
lightning very very frightening me."

Amadeus Mozart. Both, Galileo and Mozart
Lightning (n) in "Thunderbolt and lightning are symbols of evolution in their field.
very very frightening me." Galileo was well known in science while
and Mozart was well known in music. It
(Bohemian Rhapsody, Line 30) refers to the main character who is successful
to do an evolution for his own life. He finally
The words "Thunderbolt and deserved his choice. It is magnificent. But,
Lightning" refer to the natural symbols everything is not always with a good ending.
because both are elements of nature. They It is just like Galileo and Mozart, even though
also reflected the hidden meaning which can they started an evolution but in the end, they
be categorized as connotative meaning. The just faced their death because of their success.
writer argued that because he is very far away Galileo died because he invented the sun-
to explore his identity until it brought a centered system, then got socially isolated
plague which can make him suffering later. until his last day and Mozart was killed with
The words "thunderbolt and lightning" are poison by his hater. Meanwhile, in this song,
like a punishment for the people who made the character here is started to close from his
mistakes in their life. It seemed like the main death because of his own mistake. But, no
character here is in the situation. He just one can blame for it. That's why he must take
regretted exploring his identity until he it sincerely.
forgets his existence, about the reason for his
life in the world. But everything is late, he DATA 9:
cannot go back to his old life. Therefore, he Bismillah (n) in "Bismillah! No, we will not
must deserve every consequence that waits let you go!"
for him in the future.
(Bohemian Rhapsody, Line 38)
Galileo (n) in "(Galileo) Galileo, (Galileo) The word "Bismillah" refers to the
Galileo, Galileo Figaro Magnifico." philosophical symbol since it represents
something about religion and faith. This term
Figaro (n) in "(Galileo) Galileo, (Galileo) also reflects the connotative meaning because
Galileo, Galileo Figaro Magnifico." there is a hidden meaning that one wants to
deliver. The word "Bismillah" is related to
(Bohemian Rhapsody, Line 33) the "name of God" in Islam. But, the writer
here argued that it is not just related to
The word "Galileo & Figaro" in the religion but it characterizes that the main
thirty-third line refers to the artificial symbol character is very depressed with his own life.
because it is made conventionally by the He did everything but he deserved nothing.
society in the previous era. These symbols All of the things have been taken from him.
are reflected connotative meaning because Sometimes, when that position comes to
there is the implicit meaning that wants to be someone's life again, actually there are still
expressed. Galileo was an Italian astronomer, other people who want to help. It is explained
physicist, and engineer, sometimes described by back vocal in:
as a polymath, from Pisa. Meanwhile, Figaro  Bismillah! No, we will not let you go
was a scheming Spanish barber who appears  (Let him go) Bismillah! We will not let
as a character in eighteenth-century French you go
plays. It was composed by Wolfgang

 (Let him go) Bismillah! We will not let thing. Those things are represented by
you go "Bismillah" and "Beelzebub". But at the end
 (Let me go) Will not let you go of the day, he finally claimed that "Beelzebub
 (Let me go) Will not let you go has a devil put aside for me", which means
There are some lyrics of "Bismillah! We the bad things have already influenced him
will not let you go" that refer to the other and he could not escape from it. Therefore,
people who wanted to help the main character he decided to continue his journey on that
once again. But, in the end, the main path for the rest of his life.
character here always wants to go. He said
that just let him go to what he chose whatever CONCLUSION
the consequence is. Based on the analysis of this study, the writer
concluded there is some classification of
DATA 10: symbols found in Bohemian Rhapsody by
Beelzebub (n) in "Beelzebub has a devil put using the theory proposed by Balla (2012).
aside for me, for me, for me!" There are 12 used for this song and with the
following classification; natural (7 symbols),
(Bohemian Rhapsody, Line 46) artificial (3 symbols), and philosophical (2
symbols). Each symbol has its representation
The word "Beelzebub" refers to the for the meaning that wanted to express for the
philosophical symbol because it is also listeners and most of them are connotative
related to something about religion and faith. meanings. Through the concept which is used
This symbol reflects the connotative meaning proposed by Leech (1974), the meaning of
because of the hidden meaning that wanted to symbols in this study pictured the
be revealed. The writer argued that this is the chronological phenomenon which happened
answer of the main character here for the to the human's life in reality. They can
reason he wants to go and take aside from convey the meaning beautifully and evoke
God and obey the devil symbolize as the particular sense of listeners to unlimited
"Beelzebub". Beelzebub is represented as the imagination to interpret the meaning and also
prince of Hell and also the other name for understand what the songwriter wanted to
Satan. express in the song about the reason for
The main character here is very confused identity existence in the world.
to decide on his belief. There is a terrible
struggle in his self to choose a good or bad

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