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The Proposal

1. Draw a brief character sketch of Ivan Vassilevitch Lomov.

Ivan Vassilevitch Lomov is one of the major characters in the play 'The
Proposal'. He is a rich landowner, in his mid-thirties, prone to anxiety,
stubbornness, and hypochondria. He arrives at the house of Chubukov as a suitor
of Chubukov's daughter Natalya Stepanovna. Yet, being too egoistic, he twice
falls out with Natalya over trivial issues such as a plot of land and hunting dog.
Lomov appears to be too materialistic to be driven by love, even his marriage
proposal to Natalya is more driven by reason than passion. In spite of his
successful courtship, he represents the typical feudal landowners, more concerned
about property and money, than the gentle emotions of life.

2. Draw a brief character sketch of Natalya Stepanovna.

Natalya Stepanovna is the female lead in the play 'The Proposal'. She is
jovial and welcoming, yet stubborn, proud and possessive and yet Lomov
considers her to be an ideal home maker. Being unaware of Lemov's marriage
proposal, she falls out with him over a plot of land. But, coming to know about
the proposal, she forces her father Chubukov to bring Lomov back. Natalya who
was previously seen as an intimidating character, starts behaving modestly. Yet,
she quarrels with him again, regarding hunting dog. Yet, she becomes hysteric
when she finds Lomov motionless and fears that he is dead. She ultimately agrees
to marry Lomov to fill the void in her life, ignoring her difference with him.

3. Comment on the title of the one-act play 'The Proposal'.

Chekhov's play 'The Proposal', has been entitled after the central theme of
the play around which the entire narrative revolves. Lomov comes to Chubukov
with a proposal to marry his daughter, Natalya. A jubilant Chubukov calls
Natalya and while trying to woo her, Lomov falls out twice over trivial issues.
Lomov fails to propose marriage to Natalya and gets humiliated twice. Yet, his
courtship becomes successful due to Natalya’s eagerness for marriage while
Chubukov feels elated and relieved to get his daughter married. The play unfolds
several hilarious situations concerning the act of proposal, which makes the title
4. How did Lemov and Natalya fell out over Oxen Meadow?
Finding Natalya alone, an anxious Lomov started beating about the bush.
As Lomov mentioned that his Oxen Meadows touched, Natalya's Birchwood,
they fell out over the ownership of the meadows. Lomov claimed the meadows to
be his, adding that the meadows had been allowed to be used by Natalya's great
grandfather by his aunt's generous grandmother. While Natalya claimed that their
land extended up to the Burnt Marsh, which included Oxen Meadows too. While
Lomov continuously referred to the history, Natalya rejected it and even accused
Lomov of ingratitude. The dispute became so serious that the marriage proposal
was soon forgotten by Lomov. Chubukov had to intervene and a humiliated
Lomov was forced to leave the house, only to be called back again.

5. Draw a brief character sketch of Stepan Stepanovitch Chubukov.

Stepan Stepanovitch Chubukov, the father of Natalya is one of the major
characters in the play 'The Proposal'. He is a landowner, in his early seventies,
with a conservative mindset and is desperately in search of a worthy husband for
Natalya. Lomov’s unexpected visit surprised and annoyed him initially. But,
Lomov’s marriage proposal for Natalya delighted him. He approved it even
before asking Natalya and called her in without giving her any hint about the
proposal. During the fall out between Natalya and Lomov, he got involved and
his ego overpowered his initial polished behavior. He even called off the
proposed engagement. But, being forced by Natalya, he had to call back Lemov.
He even had to force them to join hands after they fell out again. Overall, he
appear to be sensitive, yet, orthodox.

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