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Multiculturalism: Diversity challenges in 21st century

Every single person all over the world has a different perspective of something, like or dislike,
agree or disagree. This uniqueness is called a diversity. It is exist because of the differences
among race, tribe, ethnic, religion, culture, and belief. Therefore, multiculturalism can grow and
develop in the social life of society. According to A. Rifai Harahap (2007), multiculturalism is
ideas, perspectives, policies, attitudes, and actions, by a group of people in a country which is
complex in the ethnic aspect, culture, and religion, and so on. However, it has a purpose to
develop a nationality of people and pride in order to protect those complex diversities.

In the beginning, the term of multiculturalism was born in America. At that time, the culture of
white immigrants who cultivated WAPS, that is white people’s culture (White), English speaking
(Anglo Saxon) dominated the land of Uncle Sam. Then, the black immigrants who origin from
Africa and lived in America did the political struggle in order to demand the rights equality.
They demanded rights for their own culture so it can be more appreciated by white Christian
people. This struggle also developed into education aspect. In 1960, for the first time in America
and other Western European countries began to be discussed and discoursed an idea about a
movement which demanded attention for civil rights. The main purpose is to reduce the
discrimination cases in public area, home, workplace, and education institutions which is done
by a group of majority to minority. Because for many years, in America and other Western
European countries, it is only known for one culture, which is white Christian people’s culture.
The other groups will be categorized as minority with limitation on their rights. (Supartan

In Indonesia, a concept of multiculturalism have born since Nusantara is still in the kingdom era.
Since the era of Classical Indonesia from the Kutai Kingdom to reach the greatness of Majapahit,
Indonesia has been inhabited by various ethnics and race who interact with each other while
bringing their own culture. Hindu with its cultures still dominated the kingdom in Nusantara.
Several centuries later, lots of abroad ethnics such as Chinese, Arabian, Persian, and Indian
began to enter Indonesia. It was happened because Indonesia was known as one of the strategic
trade routes in the world. Therefore, a lot of merchants from other countries with different
ethnics, races, and cultures came to Indonesia for trading. Moreover, those people also did the
cultural exchange with the local people. It is the cause why the Nusantara’s history which then
changed to Indonesian history proved that the continuity is exist in the cross-boundary culture.

Even though, lots of cross-boundary cultures were exist among the foreign culture with
Indonesian culture, but it did not damage the origin culture. The harmonic life among the
different ethnics and races were still clearly seen. As a result, along the islands of Java, Sumatra,
and Bali there are a lot of historical heritages whether it was sarcophagus, place of worship
which indicated the good relationship between ethnic groups. Besides, the relation of harmonic
multicultural was also seen in the cultural products such as Batik, an art and tradition which
illustrated the existence of cross-boundary culture. As like, Mosque of Ceng Ho in Surabaya and
Ulun Danu Batur Temple in Bali which integrated with Chinese origin ornaments. Similarly, the
former of Demak Empire has leaved the historical legacy of cross-boundary culture among
Hinduism, Confucianism, and Islam and it was also happened in Sriwijaya Kingdom, the
combination of Hindu-Buddhist’s belief was exist until today. Although, there is an influence of
foreign culture but they lived in the middle of harmonic ethnic relationship, there is no
domination and discrimination for certain cultures.

However, when the European colonialist came to Indonesia, every single harmonic relationship
among the multicultural ethics were being broken. The Dutch bought the concept of Western
culture as a symbol of domination. It was seen more superior and powerful rather than the
Eastern culture, especially Indonesian culture. They spread their ideology to the ethnics who was
considered as old-fashioned culture. Even, their number are not too much but their domination
ideology that was uphold by them could make a culture domination for Western culture.
Therefore, the multicultural life which was developed for a long time slipped down like
swallowed by the earth. Thus far, the concept of Western culture still exist in Indonesia,
therefore, there are a lot of classifications towards certain ethnics begin to spread unconsciously.

In this 21st century, Indonesian people are the biggest multicultural society in the world. It is
proved by the number of populations approximately 264 million people with 300 different ethics
and languages which make Indonesia become “the biggest island country in the world”
(Adiwoso-Suprapto 1982). It was estimated that in the middle of 2010 around 99.4% of people
are the followers of biggest religions in the world: Islam (87%), Christian (7%), Catholic (3%),
Hindu (1.7%), Buddha (0.7%), and Konghucu (0.05%). All of them are living side by side in the
social life of society. Nevertheless, the intolerance cases are often happened among people. It
was probably caused by the interference of Western people in the colonialism era. As a result,
how certain culture wants to uphold their own culture but on the other hand it also damages the
other cultures. For the example, terrorism, it shows there are the existence of certain ethnic
groups which is strong however it also against towards the identity and interests of Indonesian
people which is just to uphold their personal interests. We can also evaluate some separatism
cases which happen all over Indonesia and it proves that the lack of tolerance among the ethnics,
races, religion and cultures are still exist especially for our friends, families, and relatives in
Eastern Indonesia. As a proof; attacks on places of worship, racism and racial conflict, or even
some particular groups who claim as a concept which will harm the identity of Indonesian people
and they are still exist and grow in Indonesia. In order to strengthen the identity of their own
culture, obviously, it can impact to the nationality interest which is one of the principle of
Pancasila, Nationality.

The clash among the equality claims also need to be solved. If the essence of multiculturalism is
a recognition for each groups whether it is minority or majority are should be equal, therefore we
will face a problem of: what about minorities in minorities? Even, the minority can discriminate
their own minority. It can be seen in our reality. For the example, gender equality. The way how
we treat a woman in the middle of patriarchy belief is the big portrayal on that. We can see how
women still do not get the equality rights yet, it happened among in the workplace, household, so
on and so forth. As like, how women still do not get the equal wages in the workplace. How
women do not get an enough protection towards the discrimination which is happened in
household. Similarly, how women do not have any opportunity to speak up in order to deliver
their ideas. In addition to gender inequality, we can see how the discrimination is still happened
to disability people. Nowadays, how they still get some treatments which are should not be
deserved by them. So, what kind of multiculturalism that can treat them properly? If the equality
and recognition for diversity are still exist, will they deserve it too? So, it is some cases which
should we think deeply. Who knows? Next time, we find a fundamental solution to solve those
kinds of problem.

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