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Name: __________________________________________ Grade/Track/Strand__________________

Direction: Answer what is asked in the following questions.

_________________1. These are all literary works written and published at the latter part of the 21 st century
(from 2001 onwards)
_________________2. It is the historical development of writings in prose or poetry which attempts to provide
entertainment, enlightenment, or instruction to the reader/hearer/observer, as well as
the development of the literary techniques used in the communication of these pieces.
_________________3. These are written works, especially those considered of superior or lasting artistic merit.
_________________4. It is a category of literary composition. Genres may be determined by literary technique,
tone, content, or even (as in the case of fiction) length.
_________________5. It refers to any specific, deliberate constructions or choices of language which an author
uses to convey meaning in a particular way.
_________________6. It refers to the language of life of the Philippine literature where stories of myths, folks
and narratives are meant to be sung and passed orally generations to generation.
_________________7. These are usually used to explain certain events or phenomena in our ancestor’s lives
that cannot be explained by the limited practical kind of science they knew back then.
_________________8. These are practical observations and philosophy of everyday life that are written usually
in a rhyming scheme. It is obviously meant to entertain while teaching basic skills in
surviving local life.
_________________9. This is a story about struggle and love of two individuals during the war between the
Christian Albanians and the Moros (Muslim people) and paralleled the events of the
author’s life, particularly when he was imprisoned.
________________10. He is the son of Duke Briseo and Princess Floresca


Direction: Write True if the statement is correct and False if otherwise.

1. Theme conveys truths and values according to author’s purpose and perspective on the human
2. Prose a piece of writing, such as a book or poem, that has the purpose of telling a story or entertaining,
as in a fictional novel.
3. Hiligaynon is a a language that is adopted as a common language between
speakers whose native languages are different.
4. Regional Literature is a literature that focuses on specific features, such as dialect, customs, history, and
landscape of a particular region.
5. Aesthetic experience is a discipline concerned with the perception, appreciation, and production of art
such as looking at paintings, listening to music or reading poems.
6. Author is the writer of a literary work; one that originates or creates a literary work.
7. Melchor F. Cichon is a native of Bacolod City, whose specialization and expertise is in Creative Writing in
8. Kinaray-a or Hiraya is the mother language in Central and Southern towns of Iloilo, Province of Aklan and
9. Leoncio P, Deriada was tagged as “the country’s first and foremost cultural anthropologist” and a
proponent of the Core Population Theory of peopling of Southeast Asia
10. Jason Paul Laxamana – a writer, Indie filmmaker, book author and a pride of Pampanga

III. ESSAY. (5 points)

Direction: Write your answer in 100 words.

1. As a student, how can you preserve our literature?

IV. WRITING (5 points)

1. Write a short poem on Pandemic in any language.


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