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Social Media Management Brief

Brand Overview:


What is the goal of the brand?

Additional Objectives
What is the purpose, what are we trying to accomplish?
What is the basic overview of the brand? Briefly include background information if relevant.

What are the secondary goals of the new site, or any short-term and long-term goals?

What do we want to say?
What’s the single most important thing we can communicate to achieve the objective?
This should be a simple sentence (or sentences) expressing a specific idea (or ideas). Avoid generalities
because they result in ambiguous communications.

What are the brand’s main selling seasons?


Who are we talking to?

The more precise and detailed the better. Age, sex, demographics, psychographics; buying and usage
habits; values, attitudes, lifestyles, occupation, online frequency?

Key target audience insight

What insights do we have about them? What do they care about?

Current consumer beliefs, understanding, and barriers

What do they think about the brand, product or service?
What barriers/negative perceptions will we need to overcome?

What is the tone and manner, what are the overall personality traits the project must communicate?
What adjectives can be used to describe the way the website and company should be perceived?
What are some specific visual goals the site should convey?

Competitive Positioning

What is the competition?

How is this product or service different from your competition?
What is the product position in the marketplace (for example, it is a leader, follower, new—explain)?
What are our competitors in this space (specifically this product)?
What have they done well?
What have they done poorly that we want to avoid?
How is this product different?
How has the competition promoted their products? Through which media?
Which of the competitors is doing the best job of promoting its product and how is it done?

Product Positioning
Key benefits, proof of those benefits (features descriptions?)
Describe the problem(s) in the industry that this product is going to solve.
List all of the actions that this product performs. (For example, estimates income, analyzes marketplace,
helps you manage accounts better.)
Describe the product or service’s key features and benefits. Please include key supporting facts.
Reasons to believe; rational and emotional.
What specifically sets you apart from your competition?
When you first learned about this product, what sold you?
What is unique? What benefits does the product have?
List industry-specific terms and/or buzzwords that will be included in the documentation. Please define

Upcoming Plans

What are your plans for 2021?

Include new product launches, events, openings...

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