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Respect whatever decision a person has about your research work for his

participation in your study comes solely from his or her own decisionmaking powers.

2. Make sure that your study will be instrumental in elevating the living

conditions of people around you or in bringing about world progress.

3. Conduct your research work in a way that the respondents will be safe from

any injury or damage that may arise from their physical and emotional

involvement in the study.

4. Practice honesty and truthfulness in reporting about the results of

your study.

5. Accept the reality that the nature, kind, and extent of responses to your

questions depend solely on the dispositions of the respondents.

6. Decide properly which information should go public or secret.

7. Stick to your promise of safeguarding the secrecy of some information you

obtained from the respondents.

Concept Explanation

Activity 1

Directions: INDIVIDUAL WORK. Answer each question intelligently.

1. Describe one doing a survey research.

2. How does a survey research differ from other experimental research methods?

3. How popular is a survey research? Justify your answer.


4. Explain the relevance of survey research to education.

5. Do you agree that survey research is better than the other research methods?

6. As to how prestigious a research should be, what can you say about a survey


7. Why is the number of respondents crucial to sample selection?

8. Account for the historical development of survey research.

9. Has the history of research affected its present status?

10. How would you describe yourself as a researcher with integrity?


Activity 2

Directions: Write the letter of the expression in B that matches the one in A.


_______ 1. Involves treatment  a. data-gathering instrument

_______ 2. Statistical studies  b. confidentiality

_______ 3. Stress on one’s views   c.  where most survey research


_______ 4. Phone, email, questionnaire d. points to exact data

_______ 5. Variable predictors   e. meta-analysis

_______ 6. Data types and analysis    f. generality

_______ 7. Secret identity of the subject  g. makes survey different from


_______ 8. Social sciences h. true experimental research

_______ 9. Research questions     i. hypotheses

_______ 10. Stands for lots of people    j. variables

 k. survey research

Concept Elaboration

Activity 1

Directions: PAIR WORK. Fill in the blank with the correct answer.

True experimental and _____1______are the two types of experimental research.

___2____selection of subjects happen in true experimental research; purposive

selection occurs in a_____3_____. Another basis of______4____experimental

research is_______5______the experiment is done. If the study happens in

a place surrounded by walls, it is a___6_____But if it is _____7___it is a field

experiment. Actually, the only thing that makes the two types of experimental

research___8______from each other is the method of ___9____the subjects. If the

selection is randomized, it is definitely a___10________.

Activity 2: Research Conference

Directions: GROUP WORK. Form a group of five. Pretend you are guest speakers in a research
conference. Take turns in discussing about one topic on non-experimental research.


Concept-Learning Assessment

Based on the extent of your understanding of non-experimental research, rank

the following from 1 to 10, with 1 being the most learned and 10, not learned well.

_______ Meaning of non-experimental research

_______ Relation between non-experimental and quasi-experimental

_______ Meaning of quasi-experimental research

_______ Ethics in social research

_______ Pluses and minuses of survey research

_______ Survey research design

_______ Purposes of survey research

_______ Characteristics of non-experimental research

_______ Data-gathering techniques of a sociology researcher

_______ Nature of survey research

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