Study of Latest Trends in Sustainability - Edited

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Operations Management

Submitted by
Karun James Philip 2027915

Study of latest trends in sustainability.


In the present scenario, the whole process of managing a project or an initiative is

evolving and will continue to gain speed as well as momentum as a strategic competency and
critical business discipline throughout all the sectors in the industry. This will gradually result
in the increased importance of sustainable growth and development of each and every
industry since it has become a major concern of people all around the world. Various
organizations are adopting a project-based approach increasingly, and there exists no
indication that this method will lose momentum in the upcoming decade.

The whole scenario of work has changed, and it is a must that the discipline of project
management will have to adapt to the changes. In these times of environmental, social,
economic, and rapid technological changes, project management must evolve and adapt to
changing conditions so as to remain relevant and meet the evolving demands of organizations
that are future focused. Some of the major changes in the tech industry include automation,
robotization, digitalization, integration, artificial intelligence and machine learning, a wide
range of internet usage – the internet of things, internet of services, internet of people,
augmented reality, cyber-physic systems, analysis of big data via business intelligence,
virtual reality, 3D printing, blockchain, etc.

The factor of Corporate Social Responsibility, Climate Change, and Sustainability has
become a major concerning factor as customers are looking forward to reducing their carbon
footprint with a focus on becoming responsible environmental citizens. This has directly
impacted each and every aspect of socio-economic and political life, which includes
approaches to delivering projects. Offices that manage various projects, therefore, must
consider energy requirements and must bring forward sustainable approaches and solutions
across the various business landscape from the production aspects to the processes-based

In the future years and decades, it is highly possible that we will see significant changes in
the area of where and how people work and in which way task management is looked into the
discipline of work. The involvement of technology, artificial intelligence, and robotics will
definitely result in a basic and focused shift in the role of humans in project teams and
organizations. We are currently in the center of a transformation, which is worldwide
dispersed diverse remote project teams which will eventually result in an increasing
organizational focus on various aspects like knowledge, flexibility training, competency, and
the adaptability of workers and consumers. These collective changes will have a
transformational impact on how organizations approach the art and science of project
management, the role of the project manager, and the methodologies and frameworks

Sustainability in project management

There is clearly visible swell from society, which is demanding a more environmentally
responsible insight and approach in all of the various project activities as well as an
increasing pressure to develop a sustainable element in various approaches of project
management. A research body has brought in the various approaches on how to indulge the
sustainability factor in methodologies of project management, planning, processes, and
implementation. Mainly projects are short term oriented, the sustainable attitude is long term
oriented, while the projects are more results-oriented. Sustainable development is completely
oriented on the whole life cycle of some particular economic activity, the sponsor is the major
partner of projects, and in this case for sustainable development, the most necessary
stakeholders are current and future generations. The deployment of sustainability in project
management is not merely limited to the various changes in project management tools and
methods. The focus is mainly so on a holistic approach to the sustainability factor in
modifying the project-oriented attitude of the organization’s top management and change of
the existing project culture in the institution through the implementation of six effective
sustainability principles into a particular project management methodology
Sustainability focuses mainly on balancing or harmonizing the various factors like social,
environmental and economic interests with respect to project management that is oriented on
time, cost and scope of the project. Sustainability has both long-term and short-term
perspectives in contrast to project management that has a temporary focus limited to the life
of the particular project. It is about local and global orientation that is looked into, just like
the project management with team members remote working remotely and suppliers
worldwide. The analysis of the most sustainable solution with the least impact on the
environment has to be incorporated into the approach. The whole concept is about the
consumption of various resources and not capital. What particularly is interpreted and
analyzed in project management in the systematic way of resource usage and selection. It is
about accountability and transparency. The rules which are applied in project management
directly affects the future trend in the increase of the transparency presentation to a wider
group of stakeholders. It is more about the personal values and ethics which is an essential
part of international standards of project management so as to maintain a sustainable attitude
it is expanded and strengthened.

Sustainability in Reliance industries

Reliance Industries Limited (RIL), headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, is an

Indian multinational conglomerate firm. Reliance operates companies active in oil,
petrochemicals, textiles, natural resources, retail, and telecommunications in India. Reliance
is one of India's most profitable firms, India's biggest publicly traded firm by market
capitalization, and India's largest revenue-measured company since recently surpassing the
government-controlled IOC. On 22 June 2020, after its market capitalization reached
11,43,667 crores on the BSE, Reliance Industries became the first Indian firm to cross
US$150 billion in market capitalisation.

As of 2020, the organisation is ranked 96th on the Fortune Top 500 list of the largest
companies in the world. As of 2016, it is 8th among Platts' Top 250 Global Energy Firms.
Reliance continues to be the largest exporter in India, accounting for 8% of India's overall
merchandise exports with a volume of approximately 1.47.755 crore and market presence in
108 countries. Reliance is responsible for approximately 5 percent of the gross customs and
excise duty revenues of the Government of India. Also, it is the largest income tax payer in
the private sector in India. Being such a big corporate, it has various responsibilities as well
as commitments towards the society as well as the nature. Sustainable development and
functioning have always been one of the top priorities of the company since majority of the
companies functions and customers are located in India which is one of the most populous
country in the world.

Now looking into the various aspects and procedures the company has adopted to bring up
sustainable development in the company. The main ideology is to look into the internal and
external perspectives so as to identify and help better understand the risks and opportunities
that are arising with new and emerging problems. The major issues identified are then
evaluated for their effect to Reliance and their aftereffects on economic, social and
environmental aspects.

The major focus of the company is on the five strategic pillars which ensures that the growth
of the business at the same time responding to global trends and needs of stakeholders. The
main activities that are done against each of the strategic pillars are constructed on the
progress that has been already made with an ideology to reduce its environmental impact, and
thereby contributing to society with the investment in meaningful endeavours. As per the
vision of the company, it is working on ideas and initiatives that would eventually simplify
lives. From a collective perspective, Reliance’s products and services portfolio covers almost
all Indians on a daily basis, which are across economic and social spectrums.

Technology and innovation are being leveraged to enrich the offerings and ensuring that the
company provides ease of living throughout the country. The sustainable development
approach builds from a validated system for technologies and assessment of risk, which
evolves from the study of materiality that has been carried out over the years. In the
sustainable planning, the major focus areas include Environmental Protection Climate
Growth by creativity Product Responsibility Health and Safety, Social Institution Building,
Energy and Security. As an organization engaged in the supply chain of energy and products,
the company is committed to being responsible for each and every action of theirs.
Through a constant control of all sources of energy and by increasing the quality of
operations, the structures and processes ensure maximum utilisation of energy. The endeavor
in oil & gas exploration & development will ensure India's energy supply, through focus on
imported crude oil, and reduced exposure to crude oil market vagaries. The contribution in
the upcoming 18 months will increase India's indigenous output of hydrocarbons by more
than 40 percent. Natural gas - low-carbon low-pollution natural gas is strongly taking up the
market since the consumers are also focusing more on the sustainability factor. The major
commitment to the sustainability factor goes beyond the operating boundaries of the company
and continuously focuses on adding value to the stakeholders through advancing knowledge
and improving the lifestyles of the people in this country.

The description on emerging trends

The primary mission of the company is to make RIL one of the world's most creative
companies and thereby achieving breakthrough sales and profit with a better the design and
deployment of sustainable solutions. The company is building a creative environment focused
on corporate structures and procedures, talent acquisition, transparent innovation and R&D
facilities which are of world-class level.

A fresh approach to design and development was needed to fix this flawed framework.
Cradle to Cradle's theory derives from mimicking what nature does, that everything becomes
a nutrient that can be restored without a lack of consistency to the atmosphere or recycled.
The grave-to-cradle solution adds in a fourth R-Redesign to the current well-known trio of'
Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle'.

Health and Regulation Safety overrides all the other development priorities. This vision
pursues the company to actively strive for different ways to reach zero occupational injuries.
The idea is to build a committed pool of safety practitioners in the operations and lead in
safety results by focusing on process protection and behavioral protection. The preservation
of the environment and the management of natural resources is a field of high priority as well
as importance. The strategy deployment of projects and strategies is done through annual
environmental strategy and business objectives. The priorities for key performance metrics
related to the environment, such as material strength, GHG pollution, air quality, water use,
effluent discharge, waste generation and disposal, and biodiversity conservation are being set
in the beginning of any project. For them the responsibility of the product is to deliver
effective and secure goods and services with minimal environmental effects from the cradle
to the grave over the life cycle of the product which directly comes under the factor of
Product Obligation.

In order to make qualitative improvements and help the underprivileged, the approach
adopted is to provide near and constant contact with the individuals and societies surrounding
the manufacturing divisions of the company. In the areas of health, education, development
of infrastructure (drinking water, improvement of village infrastructure, the building of
schools, etc.), relief and assistance in the event of a natural disaster and other social
programmes, we contribute. The focus here is mainly to provide comprehensive, preventive
health care. Strategy Accomplishments focuses mainly on Major investments in O&G's E&P
to protect energy sources Adopted mechanisms for tracking and assessing the success of
sustainability Launched intranet sustainability awareness initiatives which are established by
the Reliance Innovation Council Sustainability study secured by independent insurance
provider Reliance Industries Limited.

The companies short-term and long-term plans to achieve excellence in sustainability

initiatives include forming a sustainability council as an apex body to stimulate the
sustainability policies, define and build concrete targets for sustainability, usage of
performance indicators that offer our social initiatives a formal approach and thereby creating
a pan-RIL mechanism to handle organisational performance. Building an e-enabling data and
knowledge storage technology platform also is included in the short-term perspective. Long-
term plan embeds life cycle and systems analysis in all company processes, minimize
environmental impact by the implementation of suitable systems and technology, move to a
low-carbon business Enhance the talent pool to cater to our dynamic and interconnected
market existence thereby creating a triple bottom line.

Contextual relevance

Relevance is determined at each stage by the circumstance, pressures and feelings that the
buyer possess, in other words, it is relational. This corresponds as much to evidence as it does
to actions taken. For any point in time, knowing what is contextually important to each
customer is a big challenge for the suppliers. The commitment to inspiring and enhancing the
quality of life of millions of people is an important part of Reliance's ideology. Sustainability
at Dependence, while generating value for its owners, the company at the same time
promotes environmental and social responsibility. In the operating side, partnership with the
best technology licensors possible is maintained and are working to optimise renewable
energy usage and minimise the carbon footprint that is being left behind. The Reliance
Foundation is actively engaged in rural transition, health education, developmental sports,
emergency relief, community regeneration, and the arts, culture and heritage sectors. 20
million lives across the nation have been positively influenced by the Reliance Foundation
programmes and we are continuously working to involve all partners in our development

The primary aspiration is to be a major global player by prudent investments in the business.
In addition to this, through bringing in cutting-edge emerging technologies and thereby
resource sustainability, operational efficiency which results in healthy operations and
corporate ethics. The company follow global best practises in all of its functioning and
processes. So as to ensure inclusive growth and progress, there is a conscious aim to engage
in sustainable technology on all fronts. Interwoven in the corporate plan, the conceptual
structure puts the political, financial and risk management frameworks and lists out the
overall priorities. This serves as a guide to both existing and new companies in the
community by defining effective strategic goals for each and every organisation.

Organizational challenges

Challenges exist in almost anything attempted new anywhere in the world. The way inn
which we tackle these challenges are what defines us. In the same way the company also
faces a lot of challenges in brining up its sustainability factors and ideology in the global
perspective. Even though the changes are always necessary the fact that sustainable
development is not just a change but also a necessity of the time is an undeniable factor.
Some of the major challenges that are faced in bringing up sustainable functioning in the
company include

1. Lack of a proper regulatory framework

In issues with relation to sustainability, public policy and government agencies are
gradually taking a stronger stance. Global multi-lateral summits are now putting more
pressure on the government to implement new regulations. Some of the pollution
norms, e-waste management regulations, and product take-back regulations are the
emission standards for cars. A couple of cases although like some of the pollution
control requirements have been placed in force in a country such as India has become
a greater challenge to cope up.
2. Mindset Inertia
Certain methods of functioning are used by organizations. The fresh changes that
sustainability demands with regard to many tasks they do, norms compel them to
modify their attitude. So as to state as an example, as the design theory has to undergo
drastic changes.
3. The benefits are not definite
Another major challenge that arises in this case is that the possible benefits for the
company by adopting the sustainable policies are not a confirmed or definite case but
a possibility. So, the risk factor here is also quite high. There will always be a higher
constrain in bringing in investments when the risk factor is high.
4. The requirement for substantiating investments.
There will be a lot of improvements and modernisations that are to be done while
implementing the sustainable development factor. The whole solution to equipment
development can require an adjustment. Investment in lighting solutions focused on
LEDs, harnessing natural lighting, cooling air circulation and the systemic
modification of physical installations and the addition of new facilities may include
wind energy and solar energy in the habits of energy consumption, material choice
and technology will be needed.

Managerial implications

Any kind of plans and developments that frae bough into a company requires proper
planning and effective implications and implementation. Then only these plans or
developments will come to effect in a proper way. And for that the management needs
to take appropriate implications that would enable the effective and efficient
implication of all these plan that would eventually result in the company’s betterment.
In this case it is the sustainability factor that a company like Reliance which is the
largest in India is dealing with. They have all the proper facilities and manpower so as
to effectively implement this kind of a setup.
Companies, policymakers and non-profiting sectors understand that these steps need
to be made, but their competence lies in their own primary operations, not merely in
designing environmental strategies and in this sense, determining operating risk. The
concept of sustainability office, in the long run, should not just be a need but any
office should become an office of sustainability when there is a necessity. In order for
all administrators to become sustainability managers, handling the physical aspects of
sustainability must now be applied to normal operating procedures. Big plans,
optimistic strategies and beautiful strategies do not translate into improvements on the
ground until the company change.
Ultimately, the bigger picture issue here is that the company is attempting to address
to the global sustainability challenge that how can we create a high-performance
economy without destroying the planet. The company is quite literally, focusing on
saving our children's planet.
The challenges at the heart of the managerial implications of sustainability are quite
complex, global and structural, and cannot be solved quickly. This kind of issues need
intervention by stakeholders at all levels: federal and local governments, multinational
This organisational challenge is not generally recognized and it is not the trendiest
topic drawing interest from environmental activists. The company whatsoever is
starting to realise that they do not literally build a sustainability office and hope to fix
the problem. The company’s leader Mukesh Ambani realises that the physical aspects
of sustainability need to be handled. While there is a growing awareness of why
sustainability is needed, but there is still no deep comprehension of how to achieve it;
therefore, the main managerial focus of the company is to get a proper handling of
this factor considering all the future generations.
Concept relevance and recency.

The term and definition of "sustainability" were only understood and common among
a small number of environmentalists and environmental economists at the beginning
of the 80s. Sustainable growth, however has been kept forward on the international
political agenda of the United Nations, including the Brundtland Committee, because
of the recognition of the significant depletion of the human environment and of
natural resources. Reliance industries has taken the concept with utmost priority and
importance looking at a futuristic perspective of the company as well as its
stakeholders. The fact that sustainability is the future and if there is to be a future,
sustainability is necessary is another major factor that drives the companies working
into a sustainable development focused perspective.
The recent development in the company in the field of sustainable development is a
great example of how the company has recently doubled its efforts. Some of the major
recent developments in the company surrounding this factor include

Purified Electricity : Ensure full renewable energy consumption in all of the

operations by collaboration with the best-in-class Licensors for Electronics. Ensuring
Energy Usage Benchmarking in all areas with best-in-class innovations and emerging
Leadership on Environmental Impact :At each location, the industry ensures
industry-leading energy cells and is working on energy stability with an emphasis on
energy protection and decreasing energy use resulting in rising use of lean resources
for the incremental reduction of GHG Intensity of Pollution.
Proper Waste Management: It ensures efficient use of solid catalysts which
includes investment in development of bio-catalysts so as to replace solid catalysts.
Effective Supply Chain Management : The company is committed in building and
maintaining a top-quartile supply chain with a directive on sustainability by
collaborating with different suppliers as well as helping them build their capacity and
thereby addressing sustainability issues through site-level training.
Asset Utilisation : Effective and maximised utilisation of the assets to optimise
energy consumption by implementing operational excellence ensures safe and reliable
operations. This results in implementation of best-in class technologies for real time
monitoring of operational parameters for safe, reliable and efficient operations in all
Other recent developments include Health, customer satisfaction, product stewardship

So as to summarise the whole concept of sustainability and sustainable development it
can be pointed out as the need of the hour. The future depends on the action of the
present. Whatsoever we are enjoying in this world is a gift that our ancestors have
kept or preserved for us. So, it is our responsibility to keep and maintain resources for
our future generations. The nature definitely has everything for our needs but not for
our creeds putting forward this ideology the Reliance industries are striving and
working very hard to ensure a sustainable functioning in all areas of the industry. This
has been set forward by the company as a major goal just as they focus on the
monetary benefits. The importance of such a development in sustainability is
therefore has become a major goal for the company. In the near future the company is
researching for new ways in which they can improve the current sustainable practices
and this shows the futuristic approach of the company in every point of view.

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