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Splendid Expressions

Week 5
We publish a free quiz from 'Splendid Expressions' every day, Monday to Friday. Try
each quiz on the dates below.

Worksheet for Week 5 (of 26)


Monday 2 August 2021. Topic: Business


1) Her latest book describes the ........ to riches success of a young business woman.

2) Stop worrying so much. The deal's signed and .........

3) I've got to go and see the boss and bring him up to ........ with the IT project I'm
involved in.


Tuesday 3 August 2021. Topic: Learning


4) Monique worked really hard throughout the course and she says she found the
exam a piece of ........

5) This is the third sales call today! I don't want you phoning again. Do you get
the .........?

6) The new job is a bit stressful at the moment but I'm sure I'll enjoy it once I learn
the .........

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Wednesday 4 August 2021. Topic: Possibility & Probability


7) I think it's on the ........ that Sally will get the job. She's got everything they're
looking for.

8) It's without a ........ of a doubt the best restaurant I've ever used.

9) Nobody had given him a chance but he won the race against all the ........


Thursday 5 August 2021. Topic: Health & Illness


10) Karen was telling me she's shaken off her cold now and is feeling as ........ as rain.

11) The operation has given his father a new lease of ........ and he's now really active.

12) What's the matter with you? You look like death ........ up.


Friday 6 August 2021. Topic: Work


13) It didn't take Mary long to make her ........ on her new job. As soon as she arrived
she restructured the

14) Do you often feel like leaving the rat ........ and getting a less stressful job?

15) The workers downed ........ and went on strike when they heard about the new pay

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