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Name of Patient: Ryan Rodriguez Attending Physician:

Age: 27 years old Ward/Bed Number: Impression/ Diagnosis:
Name of Drug Dosage, Route, Mech. of Action Indication Adverse Reactions Special Precautions Nursing Responsibilities
Freq., Timing
Generic: Dosage: Binds to specific Decrease in severity of CNS: vertigo, Patient who are Assess level of sedation and
fentanyl 25-100 mcg opioids receptors in chronic pain lethargy, Delirium, alcoholism and drug level of consciousness
CNS, inhibiting pain anxiety, tremors, abuse
pathways, altering pain sedation and Monitor blood pressure, pulse
Patient with diabetes
perception and seizures severe and chronic and respiration.
Route: increasing pain CV: arrhythmias, pulmonary or hepatic
Brand: IV threshold circulatory disease adrenal Use cautiously in patient at risk
depression, cardiac insufficiency and for opioids abuse, such as those
Actiq arrest renal impairment with mental illness or personal or
family history of substance
GI: anorexia
Resp: apnea and
bronchospasm Monitor patient through the
Frequency: PRN therapy for fentanyl abuse or
Classification: Contraindications: Side Effects: addiction
Functional:  Opioid non- Nausea and
Opioid analgesic, tolerant patients: vomiting To prevent withdrawal
anesthesia adjunct Life-threatening Headache and symptoms after long term use,
dizziness expect to taper drug dosage
Timing: depression and Blurred vision
death could hypotension and Assess patient for withdrawal
Pharmacologic: occur at any hypertension, symptoms after dosage reduction
Opioids agonist dose in opioid tachycardia and or conversion to another opioids
non-tolerant bradycardia analgesic
 hypersensitivity
(e.g. anaphylaxis
) to fentanyl or
components of

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