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Clinical Guidelines for year 03 & 04 MBBS

Level of com etence to be ach1eve<1

Skills by the end o firotation
(Clinical/ procedural skills marked with "are �ore skills for year 03 and 04. These skills Observed (I)
would be formally assessed in OSCE ( end-of-r9tation and end-of-year exams), other Performed with Assistance (II)
skills serve as building·bloci<s for the forthcoming clinical practice. Additional core skills Performed without assistance under the
for year 04.MBBS are marked with§) sunervision of a faculty member (Ill)
Year03 Year04
History taking & recording in the standardized format (Submit three
complete histories before end-of-rotation OSCE) Ill Ill
Ocular Examination
Visual acuity for distance and near Ill Ill
Pinhole visual acuitv Ill Ill
Anterior seamen! examination Ill Ill
Examination of the lids & unner eve fid eversion Ill Ill
Lacrimal Reouroitation test Ill Ill
Ocular motility examination (Hirschbera test & ocular movements) Ill Ill
Pupillarv examination Ill Ill
lntraocular pressure assessment
Digital Ill Ill
Annlanation tonometrv I I
Direct ophthalmosconv II Ill
Indirect ophthalmoscoov I I
Confrontation visual field assessment II Ill
Retinoscoov I I
Slitlamo examination I I
Cocinitive Skills
Making a provisional diagnosis II Ill
Makino differential diaonosis II Ill
Initiating appropriate clinical investigations II Ill
Formulating a final diagnosis II Ill
Soft Skills
Counseling II II
Health education & promotion II II
Basic eye care skills & procedures
lrric::iation of the eve I I
Instillation of eye drops & ointments II Ill
Staining of corneal ulcer I I
Removal of superficial foreign bodies I I
Patient care related skills
Preoperative care
Filling up investigation forms I I
Putting the patient in a comfortable position during examination II II
Preoperative preparation of the patient (surgery under LAJ GA ) II II
Operative care
Scrubbing in theater I I
PositioninQ the patient I I
Toweling and draping before surgery I I
Observing surgical procedure: major (cataract, glaucoma, OCR) ; minor
{otervaium excision,chalazion,svrinaina) I I
Identification of suraical instruments ( cataract, minor suraeries) Ill Ill
Observina sterilization of instruments (Autoclave) I I
Postoperative care
Exolainino poston instructions to the patients & relative/ attendant I II
Postop follow-uo I I
Oohthalmolociical investiaations
Biometrv I I
Autorefractometrv I I
Plannino management /For the cases specified in the curriculum\
Emeraency II Ill
Non-emeroencv II Ill

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Visual acuity refers to your ability to

discern the shapes and details of the
things you see. It's just one factor in your
overall vision. Others include color vision,
peripheral vision, and depth perception.
There are several different types of visual
acuity tests, most of which are very

0 www.healthline.com , health , visu ...

Visual Acuity Test: Purpose,

Procedure, and Results - Healthline
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