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Bernales, Jan Lianne E.

GEC09 The Life, Works and Writing of Jose Rizal

BSN IV-B Module #2

“Ganito Kami Noon, Paano Kayo Ngayon”
The movie for me was about finding genuine happiness. It started off as a boy whose
parents died and was forced to become a man in his teenage years, his innocence started to fade
when he went on an adventure to find a new home, he was faced with trials and tribulations that
made him toughen up and lose himself in the process. He forgot what it feels like to be child with
parents to go home to, someone who’d care for him as his own. Luckily, a priest found him and
offered him a job that he wouldn’t refuse for its reward is what he always wanted, a HOME. He
was tasked to find a boy and then he set foot to look for him, which eventually he found but was
still tested by fate because they were involved with bad people who are up to no good but the
good thing is they find their way back to the priest. He was given the reward, a lavish life that he
always envisioned for himself. But his eyes were opened to the reality of what’s going on within
the society, how someone would use a person for their own personal gain, and how to defend
himself from people who would hurt him. Not too long the Philippines was colonized by the
Spaniards and he was involved somehow in a criminal activity and was sent to the juvie but
escaped because his fellow inmates revolted against the Spaniards. He came back home to his
huge house and wealthy life but realized that even if he possesses all these things, it will never
satisfy him internally, he wasn’t happy. And so, he then again set off to find where he truly
belongs and enjoy what he does. This is a very interesting movie that is loaded of lessons and
realizations about life that having all the material things in the world can make us happy
temporarily but not for a lifetime. I believe that money is a huge part of our necessity and it can
give us joy through buying entertaining things but it can never achieve genuine happiness.

We can always choose to be someone else, to make a path for ourselves but as years go
by our priority shifts and as human beings, we are naturally drawn to the things that are not yet
introduced to us. Ever since we are children, it is imprinted in our brain to be curious and to
explore different things in the world and look for the place where we truly belong. We were
amazed by the thought that all of the things that blinded us with amazement are what counts.
Long-term happiness can only be achieved through friendship and relationship, those can bring
out the true essence of happiness and fulfilment. You can have all the riches in the world but if
you don’t have someone to share it with, it is pointless. Greek Philosopher, Diogenes says, “He
has the most who is most content with the least.” This means that when a person appreciates and
knows the value of his earnings, and does not take it for granted, and takes care of it properly, he
can be happier than the wealthiest person on Earth.

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