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Sir, can you please explain the significance of aircraft maintenance and how often it is being carried out


The maintenance of aircraft cannot be overemphasis as contained in the aircraft manuals. As the
manuals contain the required standards which when followed help the aircraft achieve its compliance
with the aviation regulations. Thus, the existence of regulatory authorities for the airworthiness of
aircraft operating throughout the world ensures that airline operators comply with all safety standards
and that airplanes are safe and in optimal condition.

However, is important to note that regular aircraft maintenance is key to both private aircraft owner and
commercial airlines which involves inspections, realignment with attendants’ repair of major
components of both small-to-medium aircraft and large-sized airplanes.

Besides, for aircraft to stay serviceable and maintain good performance there is a need for regular
inspections and maintenance tasks. As such tasks and before embarking on any flight, there are
operational checks (A-Checks, B-Checks, C-Checks, and D-Checks note checks: dependent on the aircraft
type) perform to ensure that no failure occurs.

In avoidance of lost travel time, airlines plan frequent maintenance of their airplanes per the aircraft
performance manuals as provided by the various manufacturer. Also, the safety and security of
passengers are paramount to operators hence the continuous aircraft maintenance. Hence, the regular
checks and inspections will eliminate any mechanical, structural, and electrical failures in relation to
increasing the safety of the traveling public.

Another significance of aircraft maintenance is to extend the useful life of the airplane when all
inspections and maintenance are followed professionally as in the maintenance manuals, as this will
reduce the wear and tear of the product. Meanwhile, the improvement in the aircraft performance
resulting from maintenance carried out regularly can extend the useful life of the product.

Conclusively, it is advisable as given by aviation experts for airliners/operators to ensure preservation

frequencies of the airplanes which are mainly cost-effective in the long run while carrying out the
maintenances saves cost to the operators/airliners.

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