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ENG 1460 - Additional Problems from Older Editions of Borgnakke and Sonntag

Problems with Solutions Chapter 3

3.46 (9th Edition) Air goes through a polytropic process from 125 kPa, 325 K to 300 kPa and 500 K.
Find the polytropic exponent n and the specific work in the process.

Problems and Solution from Fundamentals of Thermodynamics, Borgnakke and Sonntag Edition 8 & 9;
Reproduced with permission
ENG 1460 - Additional Problems from Older Editions of Borgnakke and Sonntag

3.133 (9th Edition) A vertical cylinder fitted with a piston

contains 5 kg of R-410a at 10°C. Heat is transferred to the
system, causing the piston to rise until it reaches a set of stops,
at which point the volume has doubled. Additional heat is
transferred until the temperature inside reaches 50°C, at which
point the pressure inside the cylinder is 1.4 MPa.
a. What is the quality at the initial state?
b. Calculate the heat transfer for the overall process.

Problems and Solution from Fundamentals of Thermodynamics, Borgnakke and Sonntag Edition 8 & 9;
Reproduced with permission
ENG 1460 - Additional Problems from Older Editions of Borgnakke and Sonntag

3.141 (9th Edition) Air in a rigid tank is at 100 kPa, 300 K with a
volume of 0.75 m3. The tank is heated to 400 K, state 2. Now one side
of the tank acts as a piston letting the air expand slowly at constant
temperature to state 3 with a volume of 1.5 m3. Find the pressures at
states 2 and 3, Find the total work and total heat transfer.

Problems and Solution from Fundamentals of Thermodynamics, Borgnakke and Sonntag Edition 8 & 9;
Reproduced with permission
ENG 1460 - Additional Problems from Older Editions of Borgnakke and Sonntag

3.183 (8th Edition) A piston/cylinder has 0.5 kg air at 2000

kPa, 1000 K. The cylinder has stops so V min = 0.03 m3. The air
now cools to 400 K by heat transfer to the ambient. Find the
final volume and pressure of the air (does it hit the stops?) and
the work and heat transfer in the process.

Problems and Solution from Fundamentals of Thermodynamics, Borgnakke and Sonntag Edition 8 & 9;
Reproduced with permission
ENG 1460 - Additional Problems from Older Editions of Borgnakke and Sonntag

3.216 (8th Edition) A rigid insulated tank is separated into

two rooms by a stiff plate. Room A of 0.5 m3, contains air at
250 kPa, and 300 K and room B, of 1 m3 , has air at 500 kPa
and 1000 K. The plate is removed and the air comes to a
uniform state without any heat transfer. Find the final
pressure and temperature.

Problems and Solution from Fundamentals of Thermodynamics, Borgnakke and Sonntag Edition 8 & 9;
Reproduced with permission
ENG 1460 - Additional Problems from Older Editions of Borgnakke and Sonntag

3.240 (8th Edition) A piston/cylinder arrangement B is

connected to a 1 m3 tank A by a line and valve. Initially
both contain water, with A at 100 kPa, saturated vapor
and B at 400°C, 300 kPa, 1 m3. The valve is now
opened, and the water in both A and B comes to a
uniform state.
a) Find the initial mass in A and B.
b) If the process results in T2 = 200°C, find the heat
transfer and the work.

State 1:
VA1 = 1 m3; PA1 = 100kPa; xA1 = 1.0
vA1 = 1.69400 m3/kg and uA1 = 2506.06 kJ/kg Table B.1.2
mA1 = VA1 / vA1
= 1 m3/(1.69400 m3/kg)
= 0.590319 kg

VB1 = 1 m3; TB1 = 400 OC; PB1 = 300kPa;

Since TB1 > Tcr and PB1 > Pcr , superheat vapour
vB1 = 1.03151 m3/kg and uB1 = 2965.53 kJ/kg Table B.1.3
mB1 = VB1 / vB1
= 1 m3/(1.03151 m3/kg)
= 0.969453 kg

State 2:
m2 = mA1 + mB1
= 0.590319 + 0.969453 kg
= 1.55977 kg

T2 = 200 OC (given)
P2 = PA1 = 300kPa (Piston floating temperature)
Water is superheated vapour since P2 < Psat @ 200 OC
v2 = 0.71629 m3/kg and u2 = 2650.65 kJ/kg Table B.1.3
V2 = v2 x m2
= 0.71629 m3/kg x 1.55977 kg
= 1.11725 m3
VB2 = V2 – VB1
= 1.11725 m3 – 1.0 m3
= 0.11725 m3

1W2 = P2 (VB2 - VB1 )

= 300 kPa * (0.11725 m3 – 1.0 m3 )
Problems and Solution from Fundamentals of Thermodynamics, Borgnakke and Sonntag Edition 8 & 9;
Reproduced with permission
ENG 1460 - Additional Problems from Older Editions of Borgnakke and Sonntag

= -264.83 kJ
U2 –U1 = m2 u2 – mA1 uA1 – mB1 uB1
= (1.55977 * 2650.65) – (0.590319 * 2506.06) - (0.969453*2965.53)
= -219.91 kJ

1Q2 = (U2 –U1) + 1W2

= -219.91 kJ -264.83 kJ
= -484.73 kJ

Problems and Solution from Fundamentals of Thermodynamics, Borgnakke and Sonntag Edition 8 & 9;
Reproduced with permission

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