IELTS - Unit 03, Lesson 08

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I E L T S 8

Unit 3

Modal Verbs

Modal Verbs
May | Might | Can | Could | Shall | Should | Must
• She can swim.
• Can she swim?
• She can not swim.

Semi Modal Verbs

Ought | Need | Have
• She has to go.
• Does she have to go?
• She doesn’t have to go.

ً ‫) مباشـ‬go/swim/play( ‫ مثــل‬،‫ تســتخدم مــع الفعــل األساســي فــي الجملــة‬Modal Verbs ‫ال ـ‬
‫ـرة بــدون أي حــرف‬
:‫ فمثــا‬،‫جــر‬
• She can swim.
She can to swim.
:‫ مثل‬to ‫ ) يجب أن يليهم حرف الجر‬need / have / ought ( ‫ولكن لدينا أفعال مثل‬
• She has to go.
She has go.

‫‪I E L T S‬‬ ‫‪8‬‬
‫‪Unit 3‬‬

‫ال ـ ‪ Modal Verbs‬تســمى أفعــال مســاعدة‪ ،‬وتســتخدم مــع فعــل الجملــة األساســي وال تســتخدم منفــردة‪ ،‬ألن‬
‫وظيفتهــم إعطــاء معلومــات إضافيــة للفعــل األساســي فــي الجملــة‪ ،‬وتســتخدم فــي‪:‬‬

‫‪Degrees of certainty‬‬
‫للتعبير عن نسبة تأكدنا لشيء ما مع ( ‪) could / can / might / will‬‬

‫)‪• Children with no father as a role model will become criminals. (100%‬‬
‫)‪• Children with no father as a role model may become criminals. (Possible‬‬
‫)‪• Children with no father as a role model could become criminals. (Possible‬‬

‫الجملــة األولــى صحيحــة مــن ناحيــة الجرامــر ولكــن ‪ will‬تــدل علــى حــدوث الشــيء بنســبة ‪ ،100%‬لذلــك ليــس مــن‬
‫المنطــق ان نفتــرض أن كل األطفــال الذيــن ليــس لديهــم أب كقــدوة ســيكونون مجرمــون‪.‬‬
‫إذا ال نســتخدم ‪ will‬إال فــي شــيء نســبة تأكدنــا منــه ‪ ،100%‬ألن عندنــا وســائل أخــرى للتعبيــر عــن االحتماليــة‪،‬‬
‫ولذلــك فــإن الجملتيــن التاليتيــن يكونــان صحيحتيــن‪.‬‬

‫لتقديم اإلقتراحات لحل مشكلة ما‪ ،‬ونستخدم…‬
‫‪must | should | ought to | have to | could‬‬

‫‪• Governments must/have to/need to take action to tackle global warming.‬‬

‫‪• Parents should/ought to stop their children watching too much television.‬‬
‫‪• Individuals could recycle more.‬‬

‫‪Hypothetical situations‬‬
‫للتعبير عن أشياء لم تحدث بالفعل‪ ،‬ولكن في الحقيقة تستخدم لتخيل هؤالء األشياء‬

‫‪• If the government spent more money on hospitals, people would be healthier.‬‬

I E L T S 8
Unit 3

Choose the correct answer

1- Which sentence of the following is incorrect?

a) She has to go
b) She has go

c) She can go

2- Which sentence of the following is not acceptable?

a) Children with no father as a role model will become criminals.
b) Children with no father as a role model may become criminals.

c) Children with no father as a role model could become criminals.

3- Which sentence of the following is correct?

a) Parents ought to stop their children watching too much television.
b) Parents ought stop their children watching too much television.

c) Parents should to stop their children watching too much television.

4- What are modal verbs used for?

a) Hypothetical situations
b) Making suggestions

c) A,B

5- Which of the following sentences is expressing possibility?

a) She may go to the party
b) She should go to party

c) She will go to the party

6- Which of the following sentences is expressing certainty?

a) He will possibly go to the club
b) He will go to the club

c) He could go to the club

I E L T S 8
Unit 3

7- If the government spent more money on hospitals, people would be healthier.

We consider this sentence as :
a) Suggestion
b) Hypothetical situation

c) Certain situation

8- Which of the following sentences contains a modal verb?

a) She is going to travel to luxor
b) She will travel to luxor

c) She is travelling to luxor

9- Which of the following sentences is using a modal verb which expresses a certainty
a) She will possibly join us in an hour
b) She have to join us in an hour

c) She should join us in an hour

10- Which of the following sentences is expressing suggestion?

a) He should take care of his plants.
b) He is able to take care of his plants.

c) He is going to take care of his plants in the future.

The Answer

1- She has go 5- She may go to the party

2- Children with no father as a role model 6- He will possibly go to the club
will become criminals. 7- Hypothetical situation
3- Parents ought to stop their children 8- She will travel to luxor
watching too much television.
9- She will possibly join us in an hour
4- A,B
10- He should take care of his plants.


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