Surface Growth On A Deformable Spherical Substrate

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Surface growth on a deformable spherical substrate

Article  in  Mechanics Research Communications · November 2019

DOI: 10.1016/j.mechrescom.2019.103457


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2 authors, including:

Tal Cohen
Massachusetts Institute of Technology


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Mechanics Research Communications 103 (2020) 103457

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Surface growth on a deformable spherical substrate

Rami Abi-Akl a, Tal Cohen a,b,∗
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, United States
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Kinetics of surface growth with coupled diffusion is studied for the case of growth on a spherical sub-
Received 24 July 2019 strate. The considered material system is composed of two species, a solid matrix and a permeating
Revised 8 October 2019
solvent, which can interact by a chemical reaction on the boundaries of the body. It is shown that, for
Accepted 18 November 2019
arbitrary substrate curvature, a transient diffusion dominated response is rapidly exhausted before the
Available online 29 November 2019
system arrives at a universal path that is independent of initial conditions. Along this path, the system
Keywords: evolves up to arrival at a steady state, called treadmilling, in which addition and removal of mass are
Universal path balanced. This result confirms that the universal path, recovered in previous work for growth on a flat
Driving force rigid substrate, generalizes to additional geometrical settings and also to situations in which the substrate
Surface growth is deformable. The universal path thus facilitates the investigation of the coupling between growth, dif-
fusion and substrate deformation that is induced by buildup of internal stress. This complex coupling is
shown to result in a non-monotonic evolution, before arriving at the treadmilling state.
© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction the evolution follows a universal path that is independent of initial

conditions. This universal path, which is driven by the harmonious
Surface growth by association or dissociation of material on the action of surface reaction and diffusion, appears following a rapid
boundary of a body is a process that is omnipresent in a variety of transient response that is dominated by diffusion. Being indepen-
natural and engineering contexts. For instance, in nature, surface dent of initial conditions, evolution along the universal path was
growth is a key process in growth and remodeling of living tissues shown to be amenable to analytical investigation. Hence, it was
[1], development of seashells [2–5], degradation processes [29] and proposed in [13] that taking advantage of this response can sim-
growth of trees [6]. Most available studies of surface growth are plify the analysis of surface growth in additional, more complex,
based on kinematic assumptions [3,4,7–11]. In that context, Sozio settings. However, it has not been confirmed that similar evolution
and Yavari [12] have recently presented a geometric theory that would appear in different settings.
captures the nonlinear mechanics and incompatibilities induced by In this work, we use the framework developed in [13] to study
accretion. To couple between the kinematics and the kinetic laws the evolution of a material grown on a spherical substrate. Be-
that drive the growth, while requiring conservation of mass, Abi- yond the convenience of spherical symmetry to study the effect
Akl et al. [13], take advantage of the notion of a reference config- of substrate curvature, surface growth in spherical settings is also
uration that can exist in a higher dimensional space, as described prevalent in nature and thus provides an additional motivation for
for the special case of growth on a spherical substrate in [14], and this study and the specific choice of constitutive relations. For in-
generalize it to develop a framework for surface growth in a ma- stance, in the context of cell mechanics, polymerization through
terial system composed of two species (i.e. a solid matrix and a cross linking of actin filaments to form an elastic gel is a funda-
solvent) coupled with diffusion. In this framework, the configura- mental mechanism that drives cell motility [15–18] which has mo-
tional forces that drive association and dissociation are obtained tivated a number of theoretical studies that focus on this growth
and allow for identification of a thermodynamically consistent ki- pattern [14,19–22]. In this manuscript we first consider a rigid sub-
netic law of growth. strate to evaluate the effect of different curvatures on the growth
Applying this framework to the case of growth on a flat sub- process, then we allow the spherical substrate to deform in re-
strate [13] revealed that before the system arrives at a treadmilling sponse to the buildup of internal stresses and investigate how this
state, in which association and dissociation reactions are balanced, coupling between the growth and the substrate curvature influence
the response. It will be shown that the universal path appears in

both cases, and can be taken advantage of to simplify the solution
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (T. Cohen).
0093-6413/© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 R. Abi-Akl and T. Cohen / Mechanics Research Communications 103 (2020) 103457

2. Problem formulation Constitutive assumptions. Assuming that the energetic state of a ma-
terial unit relies on both the elastic deformation of the matrix and
The governing equations of surface growth coupled with sol- the solvent concentration, we take the free energy per unit refer-
vent diffusion, in a general setting, were developed in [13]. Before ential volume to have the form ψ = ψ (F, φ R ). Using the Coleman–
specializing the formulation to the spherically symmetric problem Noll methodology on the dissipation rate, constitutive relations for
setting considered in this work, we begin by briefly summarizing the stresses and for the chemical potential μ can be obtained and
that formulation. a thermodynamically consistent kinetic law for diffusion of solvent
In a non-dilute solution, composed of solvent units, we intro- can be chosen to satisfy the non-negativity of the dissipation rate,
duce an object of arbitrary shape. On its surface, a chemical re- i.e. jR · Grad μ ≤ 0. Through this procedure, the hydrostatic pres-
action promotes association of solvent units to form a solid ma- sure p arises as a reaction to the volume conservation constraint
trix. That matrix can, in-turn, absorb the solvent and swell to form and is constitutively indeterminate.
an aggregate body composed of both a solid matrix and an im- Interface equations and growth kinetics. In writing the conditions
pregnating solvent. A binding reaction can occur only on the as- for conservation of volume across the boundary of the growing
sociation surface where it is energetically favorable. Consequently, body, the motion of the boundary (V) and the flux should be con-
new layers that are formed at the association surface push away sidered to write3
the previously formed layers and internal stresses may build up.
Dissociation of the material can then occur on the free surface of −j+ · n + V · n = −j− · n + (V − v ) · n. (5)
the grown body. Throughout this process, the surface growth reac- Additionally, we require continuity of chemical potential across the
tion is strongly coupled with solvent diffusion, since conservation boundary, i.e. μ+ = μ− , which is consistent with a Fick’s type dif-
of mass requires that the growth reaction is sustained by a con- fusion law. Displacement and stress boundary conditions are also
tinuous supply of solvent units. In this work, we consider each of applied on the growing body.
the species to be separately incompressible, hence conservation of Finally, it was shown in [13] that the driving force of growth
mass translates directly to conservation of volume. acting on the boundary can be written as
Variables. In the physical configuration, the body R(t ) is de-
scribed by y and its boundary moves at a velocity V. We denote f = SnR · FnR + ψ + μJ, (6)
the solvent volume fraction by φ = φ (y, t ), the solvent flux by
where ψ = ψ + − ψ − is the latent energy of the growth reaction.
j = j(y, t ), and the Cauchy stress tensor by T = T(y, t ). The corre-
The growth rate is the thermodynamic conjugate to the driving
sponding variables in the reference configuration are described by x
force. The two can be related through a kinetic law of the form
and are denoted by a superimposed ( )R . The first Piola–Kirchhoff
stress tensor is denoted by S = S(x, t ). VR = G ( f ), which obeys the dissipation inequality if f G ( f ) ≥ 0.
The correspondence between the physical and the refer-
ence configurations relies on the mapping y = yˆ (x, t ). The de- 3. Growth on a spherical surface
formation gradient is F(x, t ) = ∂ yˆ (x, t )/∂ x, and the volume ra-
tio is J (x, t ) = det(F(x, t )), with the particle velocity given by1 We now apply the theory to the specific problem of growth on
v(x, t ) = ∂ yˆ (x, t )/∂ t . The boundary velocities in the current and a rigid, impermeable and spherical surface of radius ra . We will
reference configurations are related by first write the formulation considering a rigid growth surface of
V = FVR + v, (1) constant curvature. It will be shown that in absence of inertial ef-
fects the formulation can be directly applied to consider situations
and field variables in the current and reference configurations are in which the growth surface can deform in response to the growth
related through the following transformations: φ R = Jφ , jR = JF−1 j, process that leads to accumulation of residual stresses. Ultimately,
and S = J TF−T . The following formulation takes advantage of both the goal is to describe the time evolution of the growing body and
configurations as they become useful. to identify a treadmilling response, shall it exist.
Bulk governing equations. In the physical configuration, species
balance and conservation of volume result in the compact set of
equations 3.1. Sperical problem setting
∂φ 1
+ div (φ v + j ) = 0, div (v + j ) = 0, J = , (2) The physical configuration is described by spherical system of
∂t 1−φ
coordinates (r, θ , ϕ ), where the association surface is at the con-
where the latter two field equations assure conservation of each stant location r = ra and the dissociation surface is at r = rd (t ), as
separately incompressible species in any subregion of the body. shown in Fig. 1. Growth is initiated at time t = 0. For any t > 0, the
The former equation relates the volume ratio of the solid matrix growing body manifold occupies the region r ∈ [ra , rd (t)], θ ∈ [0,
and the solvent volume fraction. In absence of body forces, me- π ], and ϕ ∈ [0, 2π ].
chanical equilibrium implies div T = 0, (with T = TT ). Note that in As shown in [14] and further discussed in [13], within a four-
deriving (2)3 the undeformed configuration of the solid has been dimensional space, the material manifold occupies the surface of
chosen as the dry state (for which φ = 0). In the reference config- a hyper-cylinder whose base is a spherical surface of undeformed
uration, conservation equations simplify to the form radius R (note the difference in notation R which denotes the
φ˙ R + Div jR = 0, J = 1 + φ R , (3) body), described by the coordinates ∈ [0, π ], and
∈ [0, 2π ].
The axis of the hyper-cylinder spans along the Z coordinate, and
and mechanical equilibrium reads Div S = 0, (with SFT = FST ). We its caps move to accommodate association or dissociation, such
also make use of the relation2 that the association surface is given by Z = Za (t ), and the disso-
1 ∂J
v ciation surface is given by Z = Zd (t ). Thus, the reference configu-
= div . (4)
J2 ∂ t J ration can be described by the set of coordinates (Z, ,
). The
radius of the base can be obtained by considering the tangential
For simplicity, we will use the same notation, J, and v for functions expressed in
terms of the reference configuration coordinates, (x, t), and in terms of the physical
configuration coordinates, (y, t). 3
The superscripts ‘+’ and ‘−’ on a quantity denote its limiting values on the outer
This relation can be derived from the commonly used identity J˙ = J div v. and inner side of the, respectively.
R. Abi-Akl and T. Cohen / Mechanics Research Communications 103 (2020) 103457 3

Using a diffusion law of the general form jR = −M(F, φ R ) Grad μ

with Eq. (12) and, specializing to the present setting, we can ex-
press the velocity v as
λ2r ∂μ
v= M11 , (14)
J ∂r
where M11 > 0 is the (1,1)-component of the positive semi-definite
mobility tensor M.
Mechanical equilibrium implies
∂ Tr 2
+ ( Tr − Tθ ) = 0, (15)
∂r r
where Tr and Tθ are the radial and tangential components of the
Cauchy stress tenor. Considering situations in which the dissoci-
Fig. 1. Continuum representation of a body growing on a spherical substrate and ation surface is stress free, we can write the boundary condition
corresponding boundary velocities in both the reference and the physical spaces.
Tr ( rd ) = 0.
In this specific spherical setting, assuming isotropy, we can
write the Helmholtz free energy as a function of the princi-
stretch imposed on the layer as it grows on association surface4
pal stretches and the solvent volume fraction in the form ψ =
−λ0 to write R = ra /λ0 . Due to spherical symmetry, the mapping
ψ (λr , λθ , λϕ , φ R ). The principal components of the Cauchy stress
between the reference and current configurations can be written as
tensor, and the chemical potential thus read
(r, θ , ϕ ) = (rˆ(Z, t ), ,
). The principal stretches in the radial and
circumferential directions and the swelling ratio are thus 1 ∂ψ 1 ∂ψ ∂ψ
Tr = λr − p, Tθ = λ − p, μ= + p, (16)
J ∂λr J ∂λθ θ ∂φ R
∂r r ∂ r  r 2
λr = , λθ = λϕ = , J = λr λ2θ = , (7) respectively. Substituting (16) in (15), we can write
∂Z R ∂Z R    
∂p ∂ 1 ∂ψ 2 1 ∂ψ 1 ∂ψ
respectively. = λ + λr − λ . (17)
Motion occurs only in the radial direction in the physical con- ∂ r ∂ r J ∂λr r rJ J ∂λr J ∂λθ θ
figuration, hence the material velocity and flux can be written as Recall that p, the hydrostatic pressure, arises as a response to the
v = v(r )er and j = j(r )er , where v(r ) = ∂ rˆ/∂ t . In this setting, the incompressibility constraint.
velocity of the association and dissociation boundaries in the phys- Using relations (3)2 and (7), all the relevant physical quantities,
ical configuration are Va = 0 and Vd = r˙ d (t )er , respectively, and in that depend on φ R , λr and λθ , can be rewritten in terms of r and J
the reference configuration only: ψ (r, J), T(r, J), p(r, J) and μ(r, J). Additionally, substituting the
VRa = −VRa eZ and VRd = VRd eZ , (8) derivative of (16)3 in Eqs. (12) and (14) we can write
r2 ∂J
where VRa = −Z˙ a and VRd = Z˙ d are the association and dissociation v = L r, J, , (18)
rates, respectively. From here on the subscripts ( )a and ( )d denote J ∂r
values at the association and dissociation boundaries (i.e. ra and where for brevity, we specify the function L in the next section for
rd ), respectively. a specific constitutive response.
Let (t) denote the thickness of the body in the physical config- Now, returning to the relation for the driving force (6), we find
uration, it can be expressed as that in contrast to the case of growth on a flat surface (considered
in [13]), the term SnR does not vanish on the association bound-
(t ) = rd (t ) − ra . (9)
ary. Hence, stresses play a role in determining the driving force of
Similarly, let R ( t)
denote the thickness of the growing layer in the growth, which in spherical symmetry reads
reference configuration, that we shall refer to as the dry thickness, f = JTr + ψ + Jμ. (19)
it can be written as
On the association surface the latent energy of growth has the
R (t ) = Zd (t ) − Za (t ). (10) form ψ = ψa − ψ − , with ψ a denoting the chemical binding po-
tential [13]. Consequently, since VRa = G ( fa ) and VRd = G ( fd ), the as-
By combination of (8) and (10), the dry thickness evolves at the
sociation and dissociation rates can be expressed in terms of ra , Ja ,
rd and Jd . Thus the coupling between surface growth and swelling
˙ R = VRa + VRd . (11) is generated by the dependence of the association and dissociation
rates on the local values of the swelling ratio J.
Now, specializing the conservation equation (2)2 , and integrat-
For a complete formulation of the initial-boundary value prob-
ing it, while employing the condition that association surface is
lem, there remains the definition of additional boundary condi-
impermeable, we obtain the simplified form
tions. On the dissociation boundary (r = rd (t )), the continuity of
v + j = 0, ra < r < rd (t ). (12) chemical potential implies

We also specialize Eq. (4) to the present spherically symmetric set- μ(rd , Jd ) = μ0 , (20)
ting to write thus resulting in an implicit equation relating Jd and rd . By the
  kinematic relation (1), the particle velocity at association and dis-
∂J J ∂ r 2 2
sociation boundaries are
= v . (13)
∂ t r2 ∂ r J
R2 R2
va = Ja VRa and vd = r˙ d − Jd VRd , (21)
ra2 rd2
This is a property of the growth surface that can be determined for example
by the distribution of binding sites; it represent the in-plane predeformation of the respectively. The boundary condition on the association surface is
newly associated material. thus obtained by combination of (18) and (21)1 .
4 R. Abi-Akl and T. Cohen / Mechanics Research Communications 103 (2020) 103457

In summary, the initial-boundary value problem can be written Combining the kinetic law (27) with (18) we can write
in terms of the swelling field J(r, t) in the physical configuration as     
∂J r2 1 R4 1 1
⎧    L r, J, = D 1− Nν + −
∂ J J2 ∂ ∂J ∂r J J r4 J−1 J

⎪ = L , ra ≤ r ≤ rd (t ),  
⎪ ∂ t r2 ∂ r

r, J,
∂r 1 − Nν

⎨ −
− 2χ 3 − 2N ν
R4 r
J+ 2 . (31)
μ (rd , Jd ) =μ0 , r = rd (t ), J2 J ∂r r5 R J

⎪ ∂J

⎪L r, J, = R2 VRa (ra , Ja ), r = ra , Finally, from (26), the continuity of chemical potential at the dis-

⎩ ∂ r
sociation boundary is
J (r, 0 ) = J0 (r ), t = 0,  
 1 χ Nν R4 2
where the moving boundary obeys ln 1 − + + 2 + J −1 = 0. (32)
Jd Jd Jd Jd rd4 d
⎨r˙ = Jd L r , J , ∂ J |r=r + R2 V (r , J ) Notice that in contrast to the case of growth on a flat surface, Jd is
d d
∂r d d d d
(23) not constant in time as it depends on rd that varies with time.
⎩ A full description of the material response is thus defined
rd ( 0 ) = r0
by a set of material parameters (ν , N, χ , ψ 0 , D, b). In solv-
It is important to note that the system is fully described at ing for treadmilling in the next section we will use values of
a given time by the thickness and swelling ratio, ( (t), J(r, t)) in the model parameters within common ranges found in the liter-
the physical configuration, which can be directly translated to de- ature [13,24,26,28]: ν = 10−28 m3 , N = 1024 m−3 , χ = 0.2 and ψ0 =
termine ( R (t), J(Z, t)) in the reference configuration. This initial- −4 × 105 Jm−3 , and assuming room temperature we have kT = 4 ×
boundary value problem is written here for a general material sys- 10−21 J, DNν = 10−8 m2 s−1 and b = 10−7 ms−1 . While holding these
tem composed of two species (a solid matrix and a solvent). Next, values constant, investigation of the sensitivity of our results will
to evaluate solutions we will consider a specific constitutive model. center on the curvature of the growth surface.

4. Results for growth on a rigid substrate

3.2. Specific constitutive model
Treadmilling. When addition and removal of mass are balanced,
Considering a growth reaction of polymerization to form a poly-
all time derivatives in the current configuration vanish and the sys-
mer network permeated by a solvent, we employ a Helmholtz
tem arrives at a treadmilling state. In this steady state, the layer
free energy following the Flory and Rehner [23] approach as in
thickness, (or equivalently R ), remains constant, although asso-
[13,24–26], we write
ciation and dissociation persist. If a treadmilling state exists, the
 χ boundary value problem (22) and the associated boundary motion
ψ (F, J ) = (J − 1 )ψ0 + (J − 1 ) ln 1 − +
ν J J (23) can be solved to determine these thicknesses and the corre-
sponding steady field J˜(r ). The superior (˜) will be used henceforth
NkT  2 
+ |F| − 3 − 2 ln (det F ) . (24) to denote quantities associated with the treadmilling state, e.g. ˜ is
2 the value of at treadmilling.
Here we have readily substituted φ R = J − 1. Next, using (16), the According to (11), when addition of solid mass at r = ra is bal-
principal stress components thus read anced by the removal of solid mass at r = rd , we can write
NkT R4 2 NkT r2 VRa (ra , J˜a ) = −VRd (r˜d , J˜d ), (33)
Tr = J −1 − p, Tθ = Tφ = −1 − p, (25)
J r4 J R2 where J˜a = J˜(r = ra ) denotes the steady swelling ratio at the associ-
ation boundary. Since the association surface is rigid, ra is constant.
and the chemical potential is Eqs. (20) and (33) are independent, and relate the three unknowns
 1 χ  J˜a , r˜d and J˜d . We thus need to identify a third independent equa-
μ = μ0 + ln 1 − + + 2 + p. (26)
ν J J J tion to determine all three unknowns. When the time derivatives
in the current configuration vanish, it follows from (22)1 and (22)3
The solvent diffusion within the solid matrix is assumed to follow that the steady field J˜ obeys the differential equation
the classical model [27], hence (14) translates to  
∂ J˜
Dν ∂μ L r, J˜, = R2 VRa (ra , J˜a ), ra < r < r˜d . (34)
v= φ , (27) ∂r
kT ∂r
Integrating the above relation between ra and r˜d , and enforcing
where D is the diffusion coefficient.
J˜(r = ra ) = J˜a and J˜(r = rd ) = J˜d yields an implicit relation between
As in [13], the growth function is taken of the Arrhenius form
J˜a , r˜d and J˜d , which, combined with (20) and (33), provides a solu-
    tion for these three variables. Then, integrating this same relation
b νf νf νf (34) between ra and r ∈ [ra , r˜d ], we obtain an implicit relation be-
G( f ) = e kT − e− kT = b sinh . (28)
2 kT tween the swelling ratio J˜ and the spatial coordinate r.
The pressure throughout the thickness is obtained by integra-
Now, replacing (25) in the equilibrium equation (15), the pres- tion of Eq. (29) with boundary condition (30) and the stress state
sure gradient is simplified to the form can be determined using (25).
 4   4 
∂p R r R 1 ∂J To understand the sensitivity of the treadmilling response to
= NkT −2 5 J + 2 + + . (29) the problem geometry, we introduce the curvature γ = 1/ra . Let
∂r r R J r4 J2 ∂ r
˜0 denote the treadmilling thickness in the flat surface limit ex-
From (25), the traction free condition at rd implies amined in [13], corresponding to γ = 0. The thickness ˜0 will be
  used to normalize lengths. We thus define the normalized radius
NkT R4 2 ra∗ = ra / ˜0 , the normalized curvature γ ∗ = 1/ra∗ , and the normal-
p( rd ) = J −1 . (30)
Jd r4 d ized treadmilling thickness for a given curvature ˜∗ = ˜/ ˜0 . We will
R. Abi-Akl and T. Cohen / Mechanics Research Communications 103 (2020) 103457 5

Fig. 2. (a) Dependence of the treadmilling thickness on the normalized curvature of the growth surface represented on a logarithmic scale shown using two different
normalizations. (b) Effect of γ ∗ on the universal path. The universal paths determined by numerical simulations are indistinguishable from the analytical relation obtained
by integration of (35) in the reference frame.

focus our discussion in this section to the sensitivity of the growth straight vertical line connecting some initial state, to the univer-
process to the substrate curvature. It has been confirmed that the sal path. This response is identical to what has been observed for
sensitivity to model parameters λ0 and ψ a is comparable to those the limiting case of growth on a flat surface [13]. Here we confirm
observed for growth on a flat surface [13]. In all of the results pre- that the existence of a universal path generalizes to more complex
sented in this manuscript we will use representative values from growth geometries, which involve buildup of residual stresses.
[13], (i.e. λ0 = 4.96 and ψa /(kT /ν ) = −0.325). While evolving along the universal path, the body is at a quasi-
Fig. 2 (a) shows the sensitivity of the normalized treamilling equilibrated state in which the time derivative on the left hand
thickness to the curvature of the growth surface (shown in a log- side of (22)1 becomes negligible, although the thickness continues
arithmic scale). Focusing on the blue curve, it is observed that to evolve. Dropping this time derivative and using the boundary
for γ ∗ → 0, the solution converges towards the flat surface limit condition (22)3 leads to
˜∗ → 1. As γ ∗ increases, ˜∗ vanishes. This behavior is due to transi-  
tion from a diffusion-limited to a stress-limited response for higher L r, J, = R2 VRa (ra , Ja ), ra ≤ r ≤ rd (t ), (35)
curvatures. ∂r
To better characterize the treadmilling response for growth sur- which is different from (34), in allowing for time dependent rd and
faces with γ ∗  1, we examine the product γ ˜ = ˜/ra that is rep- Ja which have not yet arrived at their treadmilling value. By inte-
resented by the black curve in Fig. 2(a). It is shown that for in- gration of the above relation between Za and Zd , using the relation
creasing curvatures the ratio between the grown thickness and in (7)3 for the swelling ratio, provides an implicit relation between
the substrate radius arrives at an asymptotic maximum. Essentially, R and Ja which describes the of the universal path in the ( R , Ja )-
even though the treamilling thickness vanishes as the radius of the plane. Universal curves obtained directly using this approach, are
growth surface vanishes, the geometric ratio becomes more signif- identical to the ones obtained numerically (Fig. 2). Note that at the
icant for smaller growth surfaces. limit γ ∗ → 0, the present analysis retrieves the curve obtained in
Evolution towards treadmilling. Although the analysis of the [13] for growth on a flat surface.
treadmilling response provides us a means for analytical investiga-
tion of the sensitivities of the growth process, it is also insightful 5. Growth on a deformable substrate
to examine the evolution of growth prior to its arrival at a tread-
milling state. Hence, the initial boundary value problem (22) is We now show that the previous analysis of growth on a rigid
solved for various initial conditions, employing a specialized fi- sphere can be extended to account for deformability of the growth
nite difference method that employs two integration time scales, surface. We thus consider situations in which the substrate radius,
to track both the moving boundaries and the diffusion mechanism ra (t), can change throughout the growth process, as a response to
[13]. the buildup of internal stresses in the growing body. For simplic-
By examining numerical solutions for growth starting from ity, we restrict our attention to situations in which the dry, stress
different initial conditions (conducted using a finite difference free, configuration of a spherical layer has the same radius R as
scheme that employs two integration timescales) we find that the the unloaded substrate. Hence, the circumferential stretch of the
system undergoes a two stage evolution: first, a rapid diffusion- layer formed at the association surface can vary, as is given by
dominated regime in which changes in dry thickness are negli- λ0 (t ) = ra (t )/R. Essentially, this assumption implies that the num-
gible, then a sharp change in the evolution trend towards a uni- ber of binding sites on the substrate remains constant as it de-
versal path, which is independent of initial conditions. Along this forms. For the analysis we choose R = DNν /b, which as shown in
path surface growth and solvent diffusion are fully coupled and [13], is a characteristic length scale, and will allow us to remain in
act harmoniously to determine the evolution. Universal paths for the stress-limited regime in this analysis.
layers grown on substrates with different curvatures are shown in When on the universal path, for a given ra , the system is fully
Fig. 2(b) in the form of phase maps exhibiting the swelling ratio characterized by R , through the bijection that exists between R
at the association surface as a function of the dry length of the and Ja that is the universal path described in the previous section.
layer. Both variables are normalized by their treadmilling value, so Thus, when we consider a deformable sphere, we will take advan-
that for all curves treadmilling appears at the point (1,1). If shown, tage of the universal paths associated with different values of ra
the diffusion dominated response would appear in this map as a (or equivalently γ ∗ ), and will complement them by tracking the
6 R. Abi-Akl and T. Cohen / Mechanics Research Communications 103 (2020) 103457

dius undergoes an initial overshoot before converging towards its

treadmilling value. This is due to competition between build-up of
stresses and diffusion, which act at different characteristic times.
At onset, rapid diffusion leads to a fast increase in radius, which is
later countered by stresses that build-up due to the thickening of
the layer.
The initial layers formed at the association surface of radius ra
close to R are dense (λ0 = 1 ) and thus have a propensity to swell
and increase the tangential stretch (thus increasing ra ). This first
phase of the evolution is limited by diffusion. Then, as the grow-
ing body thickens, stresses start building up and the grown layer
pushes against the substrate thus reducing its radius. Ultimately,
the final treadmilling reached is a balance between swelling ef-
Fig. 3. (a) Quasi-static evolution path shown by the dashed–dotted line in the (ra , fects, growth reactions and residual stresses.
R )/R. Black line distinguishes between regions of positive and negative values of the
Concluding statement. We have shown, in the spherical setting,
macroscopic growth rate ˙ R . (b) Time evolution of and ra starting from inception.
The time has been normalized by the characteristic time-scale τ = R/b = DNν /b2 . how the harmonious interplay between surface growth, diffusion
effects and mechanical constraints governs the growth of a body
and the deformation of the substrate on which it grows. This study
can be adapted to different scenarios by tuning the constitutive
evolution in the (ra , R )-plane to describe the variety of problem and kinetic parameters, and varying the substrate properties. Fur-
configurations. The problem can be fully described by determining ther computational models will allow to extend it to arbitrary ge-
the four variables: ra (t), rd (t), Ja (t) and Jd (t). ometries.
The procedure is as follows: for a given point (ra , R ) there ex-
ists a unique Ja , as determined from the universal path (35). There Declaration of Competing Interest
remains rd and Jd , that can be determined by requiring continuity
of chemical potential (20). Then the remaining unknown is iden- There are no conflicts of interest to declare.
tified by imposing the continuity of radial stresses at the associa-
tion boundary, which is a result of the mechanical response of the References
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