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Effects on Employment Revision Questions

1. Underline two developments in ICT that make it easier for people to work from home.

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2. Describe two ways the Internet has allowed people to trade from home.

Way 1 ......................................................................................................................
People could develop their websites online and target a specific audience and earn

money from home.


Way 2 .......................................................................................................................
Secondly, there are apps that allow you to invest money and earn profit online if your

trade is successful

3. A computer company is introducing computer-controlled robots into its production line.

Give two advantages to the company of making this change.

Firstly, robots will be more time efficient than manual labor as they are much
Advantage 1 .............................................................................................................

faster than humans.


Secondly, the salaries that the company pays to the workers will be saved and
Advantage 2 .............................................................................................................

resulting into saving money.


4. Give two jobs that have been created by the increased use of computers.

Firstly, in offices , to promote the company online graphic designers are needed, resulting
1 ..............................................................................................................................

into more job opportunities.

Then, web designers and software engineers are needed create and develop websites.
2 ..............................................................................................................................


5. Developments in ICT have reduced the need for a company’s employees to travel to
meetings. Describe the developments that have made this possible.

Firstly, projectors and multimedia items are now easily available at houses and have made

online meetings and conferences very easy. As you can now easily give presentations and

see each other through webcams. Secondly, headphones and mics have now made online

meetings very easy due to the clear voice quality that they deliver and the person on the other

side of the screen can hear you very clearly. Further, the development of internet has made

sharing of data very and through the internet you can hold the meetings worldwide without

having to leave the office. Furthermore, the development of email has greatly reduced the

workers workload as they do not have to physically go to hand in the files to clients. Then, the .

development of computer networks has made the sharing of files, data and resources very easier

So, for meetings you do not have to personally distribute the resources to the workers, you could

rather share it on the network and everyone could print the files needed themselves saving

your time.








Effects on Employment Revision Questions

6. Many cinemas have introduced electronic booking systems.

(a) State three ways this would affect the staff.

Way 1 .............................................................................................................
This results into reduced job opportunities as the staff manually selling the

tickets will lose their jobs.


Secondly, if your system crashes then the staff will have to work overtime to
Way 2 .............................................................................................................

fix the bugs and errors

Thirdly, a more organized system would be establishes as all your data is

Way 3 .............................................................................................................

being recorded online and make the staffs job easier..


(b) State three ways this would affect the customers.

Firstly, some people that are not computer literate would find this system
Way 1 .............................................................................................................

very difficult to use.


Secondly, this system saves your time as you do not have to line up in ques and
Way 2 .............................................................................................................
can easily online book tickets

If the system crashes, then the customers will have to wait till the staff fixes the
Way 3 .............................................................................................................


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