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School of Business

Post Graduate Diploma in Management

Semester 2

Marketing Management-II

Faculty Name
Dr. Deependra Sharma

Submitted By
Rashmi Yadav


I would like to convey my heartfelt thanks to module leader Dr. Deependra Sharma who guided
me through the assignment and also gave valuable suggestions and guidance for completing the
assignment. He helped me understand the intricate issues involved in assignment making besides
effectively presenting it. These intricacies would have been lost otherwise. The assignment has
been a success only because of his guidance.


The text reported in the project is the outcome of my own efforts and no part of this project
assignment has been copied in any unauthorized manner and no part of it has been incorporated
without due acknowledgement.


-Types of Advertisement
-Colgate Advertisement in Rural Market
-Colgate Advertisement in Urban Market


An advertisement is the promotion of a product brand or service to an audience in order to attract
interest participation and sales. It is a paid form of non-personal communication by an identified
sponsor. Ads come in many forms from copy to interactive videos and have become an important
feature in the app market.

An ad differs from other types of marketing because it is paid and because the creator of an ad
has full control over the content and message. Ads are a guaranteed way to reach an audience.
By creating an engaging ad and spending enough to reach many users ads can have an immediate
impact on business. This effect could be seen in better commerce or greater brand recognition
among many different measures.


Online Advertising:
If you look at an ad on the Internet it is classified as an online ad. In fact there are ads on this
same page and most of the other websites you visit because they are the main income generator
on the internet. Another avenue of online advertising is native advertising which is the digital
variant of the old print infomercials and sponsored content. There are many digital marketing
strategies out there including placing ads on popular websites and social media sites.

Cell phone & Mobile Advertising:
A dominant force in digital advertising is through mobile devices such as cell phones, iPads,
Kindles and other portable electronics with Internet connectivity. Current trends in mobile
advertising involve significant use of social media such as Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat,
LinkedIn, and Facebook. Mobile advertising is similar to online advertising and is gaining in
importance as a means of reaching new customers.

Print Advertising:
Huge sales engine. Print takes precedence over the many forms of digital advertising that are
now available to marketers. However, if there is one certainty in advertising it's that being
different is good. Generally printing can be divided into three subcategories: Brochures, Leaflets,
Flyers, Handouts, Point of sales Advertising, Periodical Advertising, Direct mail Advertising,

Guerrilla Advertising:
Also known as environmental media guerrilla advertising has grown in importance over the past
20 years. It's a term widely used for anything that isn't conventional and generally invites the
consumer to participate or interact with the room in some way. Location is important as is the
weather. The driving forces behind guerrilla advertising are creative ideas and innovation not a
big budget.

Broadcast Advertising:
A form of mass market communication that includes television and radio was until recently the
most popular means of reaching large numbers of consumers. Advertising on radio and television
has been affected by the popularity of DVRs and “advertising jump” technology. Although it's
still an effective way to reach millions of people especially when the Super Bowl hits.

Outdoor Advertising:

Known as far from home advertising. This is a general term that describes any type of
advertising that reaches consumers when they are away from home. Think of the billboards, bus
stop signs, traffic signs and even the large digital whiteboards in Times Square.

Public Service Advertising:

Unlike traditional advertisements Public Service Announcements (PSAs) are primarily designed
to inform and educate rather than to sell a product or service. Public service announcements are
traditionally broadcast on television and radio but are also widely broadcast online.

Product Placement Advertising:

Product placement is the promotion of branded products and services in the context of a show or
movie rather than in the form of explicit advertising.


Rural market encompasses marketing activities, demand verification, product planning,
distribution and facilitation of the entire marketing process with aim of satisfying the rural
consumer. Rural market includes all the commercial activities involving the flow of goods and
services from producers to rural consumers. Advertising is a form of promotional mix that helps
increase sales. In the case of rural areas, the audience is sensitive and so can their reactions to
any type of medium used for this purpose.

Advertising in the rural market is a big challenge due to the lack of standard opportunities and
there is a sense of solidarity and complexity in the rural market. Therefore, creating an
advertising campaign for rural people is often seen as a big responsibility. Rural markets are
extremely unpredictable and have unique characteristics. The illiterate has lower and irregular
income levels. They do not have a stable or predictable reaction pattern due to inconsistent
income. The demand for a product depends on the availability of needs such as energy, transport,
schools and hospitals. Rural markets depend heavily on the government's contribution to the
rural sector.

Few methods used in rural areas for advertising are Local Newspaper, Puppet show, Gram
Sabha, Folk shows and songs, Farm Field school.

● Street shows are quite popular in rural areas.

● Local Newspaper.
● Wall painting: used in villages to promote the products. It is a popular technique which
has two advantages. The wall is painted at no cost to the owner and on the other hand the
advertiser doesn't have to spend more on the paint than they do. So, it's a win-win
● Audio advertising at bus stops has a big impact on promoting brands and products in
small towns. Many companies have made history by using bus racks to promote their
products and branding. With smart product selection and amazing ideas, the companies
have succeeded and made the most of the situation.
● An experienced rural service provider can do wonders in marketing and advertising.
Working with local agencies to carry out a rural advertising initiative is like learning a

new language. Employing an experienced service provider can help avoid these
drawbacks. Familiarity of experienced staff with rural markets can avoid common
mistakes and increase chances of a successful rural advertising opportunity.
● Personal communication has tremendous value in rural communities. A personal
presence in a community helps a brand build its reputation for “being in the community”.
Inclusion in a loyal customer base assures those in the community that those who are not.
● A few years ago, consumer electronics company LG launched a special wedding package
for rural markets. The package included a basic TV washing machine and refrigerator.
Realize that these are the items that people in rural areas donate for weddings which
turned out to be a successful plan.
● Demonstration: Direct or face-to-face demonstration of the product with individuals and
groups such as panchayats and other village groups has been found to be effective. This
contact makes it possible to stimulate the interest of the villagers and to motivate them
towards development. The demonstrations can be a method demonstration, a results
demonstration, a simple demonstration and a compound demonstration.
In any form of rural communication, we need to think and act locally and at the same
time the need for targeted communication targeting the rural market should not be
LG targeted the Rural Market for growth. The company entered the rural market by the launch
of customized TV “Sampoorna” for the rural market. It was a runway hit selling in the first year.
Advertisement was done through Word of mouth, Direct engagement with customer,
Mobile vans (Garam Garam Khana ) Exhibition

LG RoadShow

“Khushiyon ki doli” by Hindustan Unilever Ltd

Hindustan Unilever Ltd's (HUL) 'Khushiyon Ki Doli' campaign also known as the 'Caravan of
Happiness' was very popular in rural areas. The main objective of this campaign was to implant
the HUL brand in rural areas or dark villages and to develop a deep engagement with the
customer for the adoption of the brand. As part of this campaign different HUL home and
personal care products or brands have been promoted such as Surf Excel, Fair and Lovely,
Lifebuoy, Wheel and Close-Up according to the daily needs of rural customers. The company
advertised the product by mohalla activity, organised games with prizes (winners were given
with special bundle offers and few sachets as a price), door to door, consumer home visits
generated trials, offers were given to the consumer.



1. Widely spread and scattered market. Mostly concentrated market.

2. Weak and low Infrastructure level. Strong/ High infrastructure (display/


3. Poor physical connectivity and low Good physical connectivity and high
mobility. mobility.

4. Developing and Underdeveloped markets. Developed Market

5. Lower influence of social media. Higher Influence of Social Media

6. Low brand awareness. High Brand Awareness

7. Social norms influencing individuals. Social norms are less visible

8. Low exposure to a variety of products. High exposure to a variety of products.

9. Low exposure to marketing researchers and High exposure to marketing researchers

limited sources of information. and multiple sources of information.

10. Small shops have limited displays. Mall Culture/ Buying Convenience.

11. Limited products and brands. Higher no of products and brands.

12. Low responses and low exposure to Higher responses and higher exposure
marketing. to marketing.

13. Low penetration of plastic money - credit Higher Penetration of plastic money -
card/ debit card. credit card/ debit card.

14. Less aware of consumer rights. More aware of Consumer rights.

Heterogeneous market Logistics problem. Homogeneous concentrated market.


Colgate primarily used advertising as its primary promotional strategy. Its various products
designed for different segments are aimed at the public by highlighting their characteristics.
Their common motto for all # 1 brand products recommended by dentists.

Colgate Advertisement in Rural market:

The company came up with sachets(Super shakti) of toothpowder. Dental checkup camps were
conducted with ITC E-Choupal, Advertisement through road shows, Melas, door to door selling,
Haats, Vans, Free samples . Colgate “Sampak” Campaign as they were specialists in the rural
advertising category. Sampark decided to do their advertising by door to door selling and
through publicity vans also called as A/V vans. The vans traveled from village to village and did
other activities like spot selling, sampling, retailing. Vans were parked in strategic locations
highly decorated to get more curious eyes and in the process educate the rural folk. Educational
movies, 22 minutes oral hygiene movies were shown. Awareness in schools and colleges were
also done. Colgate as a brand has made haat with an umbrella of colgate printed on it. To make
people aware about the brand and they give them samples about the product. Sometimes even
through newspapers samples were given.

Colgate Advertisement in Urban Market:

In urban 85% of the population is literate they understand what the advertisement is all about. In
Urban Market the company has countless advertising, Campaigns through media like television,
radio, magazines, social media platforms, collaboration with influence & experts and numerous


Rural advertising activities vary considerably from urban markets which require separate
planning and the development of different messages for different audience groups. Rural
advertising also depends on cultural, geographic and social life formats. Rural markets are the
way forward urban markets are becoming saturated. Demand is increasing in the rural market
and there is stiff competition in the urban market.


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