MYP Drama Subject Overview

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Year level: MYP

Subject: Drama

Overview Wks Key Concept Global Context Related Concepts Statement of Inquiry Content Objectives ATL Skills Service as Action

Introduction to 5 Systems Identity and Structure We need collaboration, structure, Collaboration Drama workbook Social
Drama Relationships Boundaries clear boundaries and systems for Process Journal A: Knowing and understanding Self-management
recording our creative processes in Creating safe environment i. demonstrate awareness of the art form
order to create drama studied, including the use of appropriate
D: Responding
i. identify connections between art forms,
art and context, or art and prior learning iii.
evaluate certain elements or principles of

Improvisation 6 Creativity Personal and Structure Improvisation skills will help you to Improvisation technique Performance Communication
Cultural Genre be creative and open minded with DWB A: Knowing and understanding Social
expression in a structure or context of a scene Creating impulse i. demonstrate awareness of the art form
studied, including the use of appropriate
ii. demonstrate awareness of the
relationship between the art form and its
B: Developing skills
i. demonstrate the acquisition and
development of the skills and techniques
of the art form studied
ii. demonstrate the application of skills and
techniques to create, perform and/or
present art.
C: Thinking creatively
i. identify an artistic intention
ii. identify alternatives and perspectives
iii. demonstrate the exploration of ideas.

Talking Bodies 3 Communication Personal and expression Communicate meaning to an Tableau Fairy tale tableaus performance Self management
Cultural audience using body language Mime B: Developing skills Thinking
Expression and mime i. demonstrate the acquisition and
development of the skills and techniques
of the art form studied
ii. demonstrate the application of skills
and techniques to create, perform and/or
present art.
C: Thinking creatively
iii. demonstrate the exploration of ideas.

Overview Wks Key Concept Global Context Related Concepts Statement of Inquiry Content Objectives ATL Skills Service as Action

Shadow Puppets 8 Creativity Personal and Narrative Turning narratives into puppet Turning stories into scripts Research Communication Put on a show for the
Cultural Composition plays requires many creative Techniques of puppetry A: Knowing and understanding Social community. Parents and/or
Expression Presentation skills. Voice ii. demonstrate awareness of the students.
Presentation relationship between the art form and its


B: Developing skills
i. demonstrate the acquisition and
development of the skills and techniques
of the art form studied
ii. demonstrate the application of skills
and techniques to create, perform and/or
present art.
C: Thinking creatively
i. identify an artistic intention
ii. identify alternatives and perspectives
iii. demonstrate the exploration of ideas.
Feedback essay
D: Responding
iii. evaluate certain elements or principles
of artwork.

Playing a Role 4 Change Identities and Role Roles are created by showing Creating characters Performance/process Communication
Relationships changes in our body language, Stereotypes B: Developing skills Thinking
voice and emotions. i. demonstrate the acquisition and
development of the skills and techniques
of the art form studied
ii. demonstrate the application of skills
and techniques to create, perform and/or
present art.
C: Thinking creatively
ii. identify alternatives and perspectives
Drama workbook
D: Responding
ii. recognize that the world contains
inspiration or influence for art

Year level: MYP 2
Subject: Drama

Overview Wks Key Concept Global Context Related Concepts Statement of Inquiry Content Objectives ATL Skills Service as Action

Trapped in an 3 Change Orientation in Composition Creating a narrative of Mime Performance mimi Self-management
Enclosed Space Time and Narrative characters trapped in an Creation of Location B: Developing skills Thinking
Space enclosed space requires an Line of Tension ii. demonstrate the application of skills and techniques to
awareness of different create, perform and/or present art.
elements of composition C: Thinking creatively
including staging and iii. demonstrate the exploration of ideas through the
tension. developmental process to a point of realization.

Stories and Story 8 Communication Personal and Narrative 'The mystery of storytelling Story Telling Techniques Drama workbook Thinking
Telling Cultural Audience is the miracle of a single Modernising a Fairy tale A: Knowing and understanding Self-management
Expression Structure living seed which can i. demonstrate knowledge of the art form studied,
populate whole acres of including concepts, processes, and the use of appropriate
human minds. ' Ben Okkri language
Performance / drama workbook fairy tale
B: Developing skills
i. demonstrate the acquisition and development of the
skills and techniques of the art form studied
ii. demonstrate the application of skills and techniques to
create, perform and/or present art.
C: Thinking creatively
i. outline a clear and feasible artistic intention
ii. outline alternatives, perspectives, and imaginative
iii. demonstrate the exploration of ideas through the
developmental process to a point of realization.
Drama workbook reflection
D: Responding
i. outline connections and transfer learning to new
ii. create an artistic response inspired by the world around
iii. evaluate the artwork of self and others.

The Romans 6 Communities Identities and Interpretation Power and social class are Role Role biography Thinking
Relationships Play important in defining the A: Knowing and understanding Research
Role different roles people have iii. use acquired knowledge to inform their artwork.
in their communities. Performance
B: Developing skills
ii. demonstrate the application of skills and techniques to
create, perform and/or present art.
C: Thinking creatively
iii. demonstrate the exploration of ideas through the
developmental process to a point of realization.
Essay reflection
D: Responding
i. outline connections and transfer learning to new

lapstick 6 Aesthetics Personal and Genre Aesthetics of an acting Role Dramawork book essay Social The end result is a slapstick
cultural Interpretation genre provide you with a Film A: Knowing and understanding Thinking video about one strand of the
expression Structure structure were you can Slapstick technique iii. use acquired knowledge to inform their artwork. IB learning profile which will
discover your own Editing Movie and process be shown on the school
interpretation within. Mime B: Developing skills screens
ii. demonstrate the application of skills and techniques to
create, perform and/or present art.
C: Thinking creatively
iii. demonstrate the exploration of ideas through the
developmental process to a point of realization.
Drama workbook Reflection
D: Responding
i. outline connections and transfer learning to new

The Wolf Boy 3 Culture Identities and Boundaries Playing the role of an Role Tv show Communication
Relationships Presentation expert be used to present Teacher in Role C: Thinking creatively Self-management
Role our expertise in a dramatic TV Show ii. outline alternatives, perspectives, and imaginative
way and explore the Reflective Letter solutions
boundaries of what it Drama workbook reflection
means to be human. D: Responding
ii. create an artistic response inspired by the world
around them

Year level: MYP 3i
Subject: Drama

Overview Wks Key Concept Global Context Related Statement of Inquiry Content Objectives ATL Skills Service as Action

The Lost valley 10 Communities Orientation in Play By playing different roles as Mantle of Expert 1.Research tribes on blog Self management
space and time Role explorers living in a so called Biography & Hot Seating 2.Research expertise Research
'primitive tribes' we can Ritual & Dance 3.Role biography
understand more about the Mime A: Knowing and understanding
interconnectedness ii. demonstrate knowledge of the role of the art
between ourselves and form in original or displaced contexts
other communities. Tv show
B: Developing skills
i. demonstrate the acquisition and development
of the skills and techniques of the art form
Reflection on blog
D: Responding
ii. create an artistic response inspired by the
world around them

Masks 10 Change Personal and Audience Showing more by hiding - the Maskwork Masks research Social
Cultural Expression anonymity of wearing a mask Focus A: Knowing and understanding
expression Role transforms the student into a Physical Expression ii. demonstrate knowledge of the role of the art Thinking
new role and liberates the Creating a storyline & storyboards form in original or displaced contexts
student to use the body as an iii. use acquired knowledge to inform their
expressive tool. artwork.
B: Developing skills
i. demonstrate the acquisition and development
of the skills and techniques of the art form
ii. demonstrate the application of skills and
techniques to create, perform and/or present art.
C: Thinking creatively
i. outline a clear and feasible artistic intention
ii. outline alternatives, perspectives, and
imaginative solutions
iii. demonstrate the exploration of ideas through
the developmental process to a point of
D: Responding
iii. evaluate the artwork of self and others.

Overview Wks Key Concept Global Context Related Statement of Inquiry Content Objectives ATL Skills Service as Action

Family Drama 10 Perspective Identities and Narrative Creating strong roles and Perspectives Performance and evidence on blog Critical thinking
Relationships Role narratives for characters Split Stage techniques A: Knowing and understanding Creative Thinking
Structure provides a variety of Flashbacks ii. demonstrate knowledge of the role of the art
perspectives to structure form in original or displaced contexts
conflict in drama iii. use acquired knowledge to inform their
B: Developing skills
i. demonstrate the acquisition and development
of the skills and techniques of the art form
ii. demonstrate the application of skills and
techniques to create, perform and/or present art.
C: Thinking creatively
ii. outline alternatives, perspectives, and
imaginative solutions
Theatre in my life on blog
D: Responding
ii. create an artistic response inspired by the
world around them

Year level: MYP 3b
Subject: Drama

Overview Wks Key Concept Global Context Related Statement of Inquiry Content Objectives ATL Skills Service as Action

Masks 6 Change Personal and Audience Showing more by hiding - the Maskwork Masks research Social
Cultural Expression anonymity of wearing a mask Focus A: Knowing and understanding Self-management
expression Role transforms the student into a Physical Expression ii. demonstrate knowledge of the role of the art
new role and liberates the Creating a storyline & storyboards form in original or displaced contexts
student to use the body as an iii. use acquired knowledge to inform their
expressive tool. artwork.
B: Developing skills
i. demonstrate the acquisition and development
of the skills and techniques of the art form
ii. demonstrate the application of skills and
techniques to create, perform and/or present
C: Thinking creatively
i. outline a clear and feasible artistic intention
ii. outline alternatives, perspectives, and
imaginative solutions
iii. demonstrate the exploration of ideas through
the developmental process to a point of
D: Responding
iii. evaluate the artwork of self and others.

Meisner acting 6 Aesthetics Identities and Role Camera acting is based on Perspectives Film scene Thinking
Camera acting Relationships Expression minimal expression, realistic Split Stage techniques B: Developing skills
Composition acting related to Flashbacks i. demonstrate the acquisition and development
composition of the camera of the skills and techniques of the art form
shot. studied
ii. demonstrate the application of skills and
techniques to create, perform and/or present
C: Thinking creatively
ii. outline alternatives, perspectives, and
imaginative solutions
Selfreflection on blog
D: Responding
ii. create an artistic response inspired by the
world around them

Year level: MYP 4
Subject: Drama

Overview Wks Key Concept Global Context Related Concepts Statement of Inquiry Content Objectives ATL Skills Service as Action

Greek Theatre 8 Culture Orientation in Genre Western theatre originated Greek Theatre Presentation Research
Space and Structure in Ancient Greece and Unities A: Knowing and understanding
Time contained many of the Chorus i. demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the art Thinking
elements of genre and form studied, including concepts, processes, and the use of
structure that evolved to subject-specific terminology
become the theatre that ii. demonstrate an understanding of the role of the art form
we know today. in original or displaced contexts
iii. use acquired knowledge to purposefully inform artistic
decisions in the process of creating artwork.
Tradegy performance
B: Developing skills
i. demonstrate the acquisition and development of the skills
and techniques of the art form studied
ii. demonstrate the application of skills and techniques to
create, perform and/or present art.
C: Thinking creatively
i. develop a feasible, clear, imaginative and coherent artistic
ii. demonstrate a range and depth of creative-thinking
iii. demonstrate the exploration of ideas to shape artistic
intention through to a point of realization.
D: Responding
iii. critique the artwork of self and others.

Theatre Lighting 6 Aesthetics Scientific and Composition The student will develop Lighting Ligthing guide Communication
Technical Interpretation technical skills to operate Lamps A: Knowing and understanding Social
Innovation lights, design a clear Lighting Plan i. demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the art
lighting plan that can be Cue Sheets form studied, including concepts, processes, and the use of
communicated to others subject-specific terminology
and interpret content of a ii. demonstrate an understanding of the role of the art form
short scene in the context in original or displaced contexts
of theatre lighting. iii. use acquired knowledge to purposefully inform artistic
decisions in the process of creating artwork.
Recreating artwork tableau
B: Developing skills
i. demonstrate the acquisition and development of the skills
and techniques of the art form studied
ii. demonstrate the application of skills and techniques to
create, perform and/or present art.
C: Thinking creatively
i. develop a feasible, clear, imaginative and coherent artistic
iii. demonstrate the exploration of ideas to shape artistic
intention through to a point of realization.

Overview Wks Key Concept Global Context Related Concepts Statement of Inquiry Content Objectives ATL Skills Service as Action

Emotions 6 Change Identities and Expression Drama is about change and Emotions Emotional performance/blog journal Social
Relationships the expression of emotions B: Developing skills Self-management
is what changes individuals i. demonstrate the acquisition and development of the skills
and their relationships and and techniques of the art form studied
so drives the narrative ii. demonstrate the application of skills and techniques to
forward. create, perform and/or present art.
Written scene
C: Thinking creatively
i. develop a feasible, clear, imaginative and coherent artistic
iii. demonstrate the exploration of ideas to shape artistic
intention through to a point of realization.

Elizabethan 10 Aesthetics Personal and Genre Knowing the aesthetics of Globe Theatre Visit to the globe assignment Research
Theatre Cultural Interpretation how Shakespeare's plays Romeo and Juliet A: Knowing and understanding
Monologues Expression Expression were performed in his own Monologues i. demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the art Thinking
Audience time can help us to form studied, including concepts, processes, and the use of
interperate his subject-specific terminology
monologues. ii. demonstrate an understanding of the role of the art form
in original or displaced contexts
iii. use acquired knowledge to purposefully inform artistic
decisions in the process of creating artwork.
Proces journal and improvement work
B: Developing skills
i. demonstrate the acquisition and development of the skills
and techniques of the art form studied
ii. demonstrate the application of skills and techniques to
create, perform and/or present art.
C: Thinking creatively
i. develop a feasible, clear, imaginative and coherent artistic
ii. demonstrate a range and depth of creative-thinking
iii. demonstrate the exploration of ideas to shape artistic
intention through to a point of realization.
D: Responding
i. construct meaning and transfer learning to new settings
ii. create an artistic response which intends to reflect or
impact on the world around them
iii. critique the artwork of self and others.

Year level: MYP 5
Subject: Drama

Overview Wks Key Concept Global Related Statement of Inquiry Content Objectives ATL Skills Service as Action
Context Concepts

Status 4 Relationships Identity and Role Every relationship is a High Status Critique of status in a film Reflection
Relationships status relationship. Low Status A: Knowing and understanding Creative Thinking
Status Relationships i. demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the art
form studied, including concepts, processes, and the
use of subject-specific terminology
D: Responding
iii. critique the artwork of self and others.

Art is a Weapon 10 Change Fairness and Audience Art is not just for Effects of World War Presentation of Dada and Agitprop Information In school performances of
Development entertainment - it can I on theatre A: Knowing and understanding Literacy final product.
be used to manipulate Dada i. demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the art Media Literacy
an audience and so Political Theatre form studied, including concepts, processes, and the Critical Thinking
provoke change in Agitprop use of subject-specific terminology
individuals and ii. demonstrate an understanding of the role of the art
societies. form in original or displaced contexts
D: Responding
iii. critique the artwork of self and others.

Proposal and Creative Ideas

C: Thinking creatively
i. develop a feasible, clear, imaginative and coherent
artistic intention
ii. demonstrate a range and depth of creative-thinking

Process and Product: Making and performing a piece

of agitprop
B: Developing skills
i. demonstrate the acquisition and development of the
skills and techniques of the art form studied
ii. demonstrate the application of skills and techniques
to create, perform and/or present art.
C: Thinking creatively
iii. demonstrate the exploration of ideas to shape
artistic intention through to a point of realization.

E- Portfolio 10 All strands of all four MYP 5 arts objectives will be


Overview Wks Key Concept Global Related Statement of Inquiry Content Objectives ATL Skills Service as Action
Context Concepts

Clowning – Why 8 Aesthetics Orientation in Structure Clear roles, structured Clowning Proposal and Creative Ideas Creative thinking
is that Funny? Time and Role routines and playfulness Traditional clown C: Thinking creatively
Space Play are universal features of types i. develop a feasible, clear, imaginative and coherent
comedy whatever the Clown techniques artistic intention
historical time or and routines ii. demonstrate a range and depth of creative-thinking
location. behaviours

Process and Product: Making and performing a clown

A: Knowing and understanding
iii. use acquired knowledge to purposefully inform
artistic decisions in the process of creating artwork.
B: Developing skills
i. demonstrate the acquisition and development of the
skills and techniques of the art form studied
ii. demonstrate the application of skills and techniques
to create, perform and/or present art.
C: Thinking creatively
iii. demonstrate the exploration of ideas to shape
artistic intention through to a point of realization.

Commentary: Written or visual response to clowning

D: Responding
i. construct meaning and transfer learning to new
ii. create an artistic response which intends to reflect or
impact on the world around them


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