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ag rith vb running
A ag súil le vb expecting
ag tumadh vb diving
a aithint vb to recognise agall nf2 exclaimation, interjection
a dó nm two agallamh nm1 interview
ab nm3 abbot aghaidh nf2 facade, face, front
abair vb recite [prayer], say, suppose agóid nf protest
[mathematics] aguisín nm appendix [document]
abairt nf2 phrase, sentence agus and
ábalta vb able áibhéal exaggeration
abhac nm dwarf áibhéil nf2 exaggeration
abhaile adv home, homewards aibhléis nf2 electricity
abhainn nf river aibigh vb mature, ripen (of cheese)
ábhar nm subject, topic Aibreán nm1 April
abhatár nm4 avatar aiceann nm accent
abhlann nf2 host [religion] aicearra nm4 abridgement, short-cut
acadamh nm1 academy aicíd nf disease
ach but aicme nf4 class (of society), denomination
achainí nf petition (maths)
achar nm1 area (maths), distance, duration, aicmiú nm classification
extent, period aidhm nf2 aim, goal
achoimre nf summary, synopsis aidiacht nf3 adjective
achomharc nm1 appeal (legal); vb appeal (legal) aiféala nm regret
achrannach adj confrontational, quarrelsome áiféiseach adj absurd, ridiculous, senseless
aclaí adj agile aifir vb punish, rebuke
aclaigh vb exercise, flex, limber aigéad nm1 acid
acmhainn nf2 capacity, endurance, equipment, aigéad líseirgeach dé-eitiolaimíde nm1
means, resources diethylamide lysergic acid
acmhainní nf2 capabilities, resources aigéan nm ocean
acra nm4 acre aigeantach adj gay, vivacious
adamh nm1 atom aill nf cliff
adamhach adj atomic áilleacht nf beauty
ádh nm fortune, luck ailléirge nf4 allergy
adhain vb ignite, inflame, kindle ailléirgeach adj allergic
adharc nf2 erection, horn ailp nf2 gulp, large bite of food, large portion of
adhlaic vb to bury [after death] something
adhmad nm timber, wood ailse nf3 cancer
ádhúil adj fortunate, lucky ailtire nm architect
admhaigh vb acknowledge, admit, confess ailtireacht nf3 architecture
admháil nf3 acknowledgement, aimhleas nm3 damage
acknowledgment, receipt aimhréidh nf2 entanglement
aduain adj apart, strange, unfamiliar aimsigh vb find, hit
ae nm4 liver aimsir nf weather
aer nm air aimsiú n discovery
aerach adj gay aindiathaí nm4 atheist
aerfort nm airport ainéimiméadar nm anemometer
aerlíne nf4 airline aingeal nm angel
aeróg nf2 aerial, antenna ainm nm name
Aetópach adj Ethiopian ainm cleite nm4 pen-name
áfach adv however ainm sráide n street name
ag prep at, by, with ainmfhocal nm noun
ag caoineadh vb crying ainmhí nm animal, creature
ag dul vb going ainmnigh vb assign, designate, identify, name,
ag fanacht vb waiting nominate
ag foghlaim vb learning ainneoin prep despite, in spite of
ag lorg vb looking for ainnis adj awful, miserable - Copyright eTeanga 2011

aintéine nf4 antenna [biology] altú nm grace (before meals)
aintín n aunt am nm time
aipindic nf appendix [biology] amach adv aloud, forth, out; adj outward, sheer,
air prep on him utter
aire nf4 attention amadán nm fool, idiot [man], sucker
aireagóir nm3 inventor amaideach adj foolish, idiotic
áireamh nm count [enumeration] amaidí nf4 folly, nonsense
áireamhán nm calculator amárach n tomorrow; adv tomorrow
airgead nm money, silver [metal] amas nm1 aim [of gun], attack, hit (web site),
aischothú nm feedback shot [sport]
áiseanna nf facilities ambasáid nf2 embassy
aisíoc nm3 refund amh adj crude, raw
aisling nf daydream, fantasy, vision amhail prep like; like
aiste nf4 essay amháin adj exclusively, only [one], solely
aisteach adj odd, peculiar, strange, weird ámharach adj lucky
aistear nm journey, trek amharc vb look, view; nm sight [vision], view,
aisteoir nm3 actor vision
aisteoireacht nf3 acting amharclann nf2 theater
aistrigh vb migrate, remove, shift, transfer, amhlaidh adv so, the same, thus
translate amhrán nm1 song
aistriú nm shift, transfer amhránaí nm4 singer
aistriúchán nm1 translation amhras nm1 doubt, suspicion
ait adj comic, eccentric, odd, strange amhrasach adj debatable, dubious,
áit nf2 place, position, room questionable, suspicious
aiteann nm1 gorse amú adv astray
aiteas nm1 fun, pleasure amuigh adv outside
aitheantas nm identification, recognition an art the; pref very
aithin vb distinguish, identify, recognize An Afraic Theas nf2 South Africa
aithis nf2 disgrace, slur An Áis nf Asia
aithne nf4 awareness An Albáin nf2 Albania
aithris nf2 imitation, mimicry An Astráil nf2 Australia
áitiúil adj local An Bhealarúis nf2 Belarus
ál nm1 brood (of animals), litter An Bheilg nf2 Belgium
alabhog adj lukewarm An Bhrasaíl nf2 Brazil
áladh nm1 grab, lunge, snap An Bhulgáir nf2 Bulgaria
álainn adj beautiful An Cabhán nm1 Cavan
Albain nf Scotland An Chéadaoin n Wednesday
albam nm1 album An Chipir nf2 Cyprus
Albanach nm1 Scot, Scottish person; adj Scotch, An Chróit nf2 Croatia
Scots, Scottish an Cúpla nm4 Gemini
alcaileach adj alkaline An Danmhairg nf2 Denmark
alcól nm1 alcohol An Déardaoin n Thursday
alcólach nm1 alcoholic; adj alcoholic an domhain nm Earh
alcólacht nf3 alcoholism an domhan nm the earth, the world
alfa-gha nm4 alpha ray An Domhnach nm1 Sunday
allas nm1 perspiration, sweat an duine nm4 human, human being, man,
allasaigh vb sweat mankind
allasúil adj sweaty An Eastóin nf2 Estonia
allmhairigh vb import An Eilvéis nf2 Switzerland
allta adj wild (animals) An Eoraip nf3 Europe
almóinn nf2 almond An Fhionlainn nf2 Finland
alp vb devour, swallow An Fhrainc nf2 France
Alpach adj Alpine an Gabhar nm1 Capricorn
alt nm article, joint [biology], knuckle, An Ghailís n Galicia
paragraph An Ghearmáin nf2 Germany
altóir nf3 altar An Ghréig nf2 Greece - Copyright eTeanga 2011

An Iaráic nf2 Iraq andúileach nm addict
An Iaráin nf2 Iran anlann nm1 dressing, relish, sauce, trimmings
An Iarmhí nf4 Westmeath anlann soighe nm1 soya sauce
An India nf4 India ann prep in, there
An Iodáil nf2 Italy annamh adj rare, seldom
An Iordáin nf2 Jordan anocht tonight
An Iorua nf4 Norway anois adv now
An Íoslainn nf2 Iceland anord nm1 chaos
An Ísiltír nf2 Holland, The Netherlands anraith nm4 broth, soup
An Laitvia nf4 Latvia ansa adj favourite
an Leon nm1 Leo anseo adv here
An Liotuáin nf Lithuania ansin adv then, there
An Luan nm1 Monday ansmachtaí n slave driver
an Mhaighdean nf2 Virgo antasubstaint nf anti-substance, antibody
An Mháirt n Tuesday antraipeolaíocht nf3 anthropology
an Mheá nf4 Libra anuasal adj ignoble; nm1 ignoble, low-born
An Mholdóiv nf2 Moldova person
an mhórchuid pron most anuraidh adv last year; adj last year's
An Nua-Shéalainn nf2 New Zealand aoibh nf2 mood, smile, temper
An Ostair nf2 Austria aoibhinn adj glorious, very nice
An Phacastáin nf2 Pakistan aoibhneas nm1 bliss, enjoyment
an Pháil nf2 the Pale aois nf age, century
An Pholainn nf Poland aoluisce nm4 limewater
An Phortaingéil nf2 Portugal aon nm1 ace, one, unit
An Phrúis n Prussia aonach nm fair
an Portán nm1 Cancer aonad nm1 unit
an Reithe nm4 Aries aonarach adj alone, one, single
An Rómáin nf2 Romania aonaracht nf3 singularity, solitude
An Rúis nf2 Russia aontacht nf unison, unity
an Saighdeoir nm3 Sagittarius aontaigh vb agree
an saol mór nm1 everybody aontú nm agreement
An Satharn nm1 Saturday ár pron our; nm1 havoc, slaughter
an Scairp nf2 Scorpio ar prep on
An Spáinn nf2 Spain ar a fhad adv lengthwise
An tAontas Eorpach nm1 European Union ar a laghad at least
an Tarbh nm1 Taurus ar aghaidh adv next; prep forward
An tSeapáin nf2 Japan ar an taobh side order
An tSeirbia nf Serbia ar buile adj angry, crazy
An tSín nf2 China ar éigean adv barely, hardly
An tSionainn nf2 River Shannon ar fad altogether; adj fully, outright
An tSlóvaic nf Slovakia ar feadh prep during, for, for the period of,
An tSlóvéin nf2 Slovenia throughout
An tSualainn nf2 Sweden ar meisce drunk
An Tuirc nf2 Turkey árachas nm insurance
An Ungáir nf2 Hungary araid nf2 bin [rubbish or coal], closet, press
anagram nm1 anagram araíonacht nf3 disciplinary, restraint
análaigh vb breathe arán n bread
anall adv hither arán sinséir nm1 gingerbread
anallód adv in ancient times, long ago árasán nm1 apartment, flat
anam nm soul arbhar nm1 cereal, corn
anamchara nm confessor, spiritual advisor ard adj high, tall
anann nm1 pineapple ardaigh vb elevate, increase, raise
anás nm destitution, poverty ardbhrú nm4 high pressure
Andóra nm Andorra ardleibhéal n high level [advanced exam]
Andraiméide nf4 Andromeda Ardteistiméireacht n Leaving Certificate
andúil nf2 addiction, craving ardteistméireacht nf3 leaving certificate - Copyright eTeanga 2011

arís adv again babhla nm4 bowl [eating]
arm nm1 army babhta nm bout, round [sport]
ársa adj ancient, old bábóg nf2 doll
artola nf4 gasoline, petrol babún nm1 baboon
as from, off, out bacach nm beggar, cripple; adj lame
as an nua adv afresh bácús nm1 bakery
asal nm ass, donkey bád nm boat
asfalt nm1 asphalt badmantan nm1 badminton
aslonnaigh vb evacuate bádóir nm3 boatman
asma nm4 asthma bagair vb threaten
aspairín nm4 aspirin bagrach adj threatening
aspal nm1 apostle bágún nm bacon
aspalóid nf2 absolution báicéir nm3 baker
asphrionta nm4 print-out [computers] baicle nf4 clique, group of people
astitim nf2 (radioactive) fallout báigh vb drown, wreck
Astrálach nm1 Australian; adj Australian baile nm home
astralaíocht nf3 astrology Baile Átha Cliath nf Dublin
at nm1 swelling [medical]; vb swell baile fearainn nm townland
atáirg vb reproduce baile mór n town
atáirgeach adj reproductive baileabhair [to make a] fool [of a person]
atáirgeadh nm reproduction bailigh vb to collect, to gather
atarlaigh vb recur bailíochtú nm validation
atarlú nm recurrence bailiúchán nm collection, whip-around
ateangaire nm4 interpreter bain vb harvest, mow, reap
atéigh vb reheat, warm up bainbhín nm Piglet
áth nm3 ford baincéir nm3 banker
ath- pref former, old, re-, rejected, retired baineann adj female
ath-inúsáidte adj reusable baineannach nm female [zoology]
athaimsigh vb relocate bainis nf2 wedding
athair nm father bainise adj bridal
athair baiste nm godfather bainisteoir nm3 manager
athair céile nm father-in-law bainne n milk
athair mór nm grandfather bainniúil adj milky
athaithne nf4 renewal (of acquaintance) bainseo nm4 banjo
athaontaigh vb reunite baint nf2 association, digging, relationship,
athartha adj fatherly, paternal removal
áthas nm1 happiness, joy baintreach nf2 widow, widowed parent
áthasach adj happy, jolly báire nm4 contest, game of hurling, goal, match
athbheochan nf3 renaissance, revival báisín nm4 basin
athbheoigh vb resuscitate, revive báisteach nf rain
athbhliain nf new year baisteadh nm baptism
athbhreithnithe adj revised báistiúil adj rainy
athfhilleadh nm reflex baitín nm4 baton
athlíon vb refill, replenish baitsiléir nm3 bachelor
athnuachan nf refreshing, rejuvenation, balbh adj dumb, mute
renewal ball nm1 member
athnuaigh vb refresh, renew balla nm wall
athraigh vb change, reduce ballnasc nm1 ligament
athraithe adj changed, transformed ballóg nf2 ruin
athrú nm alteration, change, conversion balscóid nf2 blister, blotch, smudge
atmaisféar nm atmosphere bán adj blank, white
banaltra nf4 nurse
B banana nm4 banana
banbh nm piglet
b'fhéidir maybe, perhaps bánbhuí adj cream [colour]
bá nm4 inundation, sympathy banc nm bank - Copyright eTeanga 2011

banchliamhain nm4 daughter-in-law béarlachas nm1 Anglicism
banda adj feminine béarlagair nm jargon, slang [incomprehensible]
bándearg adj pink bearna nf gap
bandia nf goddess bearr vb shave
banlaoch nm1 heroine bearradh nm shave
banna nm4 band [of musicians] béasach adj polite
banna práis nm4 brass band beatha nf life [duration of a person's life]
banóstach nm1 hostess béic nf2 outcry, roar, scream, shout, yell; vb
banphrionsa nm4 princess roar, yell
banríon nf queen beidh vb will be
bánú nm dawn; daybreak; brightening béile nm4 meal
baois nf2 vanity (futility) Beilgeach nm1 Belgian; adj Belgian
baolach adj dangerous, unsafe béilín amach nm4 take-away
baoth adj daft, silly beilt nf2 belt
baraiméadar nm1 barometer béim nf blow, emphasis, stress
barántúil adj authentic beir vb bear, bring, catch, give birth to, lay
bard nm1 poet [egg], take, win
bardas nm1 corporation (of a town or city), beir barróg ar vb hug
council, municipality beith nf2 being, birch, entity
barra seacláid nm4 chocolate bar beo adj live; nm4 life
barraicín nm1 toe beoir nf beer
barraíocht nf excess beola n lips
barróg nf2 embrace, hug, wrestling grip bheith nf existence
barúil nf comment, feeling, idea, observation, bheith suite i to be located in
opinion bhí sé vb it was
bás nm death bhuel
basadóir nm matchmaker bhur adj your
básaigh vb die bí vb be
basal nm4 basil bia nm food
béabhar nm1 beaver bia coisir adj kosher food
beacán nm1 mushroom biachlár nm1 menu
beach nf2 bee bialann nf2 restaurant
beacht adj exact biatas nm1 beet, beetroot
beag adj little, minor, small bídeach adj minute, tiny
beagán nm1 a little bileog nf2 flyer, leaflet, page, sheet
beagnach adv almost, nearly bille nm4 bill
béal nm brim, mouth, opening binid nf2 rennet
Béal Feirste nm Belfast binn nf2 cliff, gable; adj melodious, sweet
bealach nm direction, way binse nm4 bench
bealach isteach nm access Bíobla nm4 Bible
béaldath nm3 lipstick biogóid nm4 bigot
béalmhír nf2 bit (tool) biongó nm4 bingo
béaloideas nm folklore biorach adj pointed, sharp
Bealtaine nf4 May bioróir nm3 pencil sharpener
bean n woman biseach nm improvement, recovery
bean chéile nf wife bitheolaíocht nf3 biology
bean cleamhnais n matchmaker [woman] bithiúnach nm scoundrel, villain
bean rialta nf nun bláithín nm4 little flower
beann nf2 antler, horn, peak blaosc nf2 shell, skull
beannacht nf benediction, blessing blas nm accent, flavor, flavour, taste
beannaigh vb bless, greet blasta adj savoury, tasty
beannaithe adj blessed, holy, sacred bláth nm flower
beannú nm blessing, greeting bláthadóir nm3 florist
béar nm1 bear bláthaigh vb flower
beár nm1 bar bleacht nm3 milk
Béarla nm English [language] bleachtaire nm detective, private eye - Copyright eTeanga 2011

bléin nf2 groin brabach nm1 gain, profit, spin-off
bliain nf3 year brabhsáil vb browse [computers]; nf3 browsing
bliantúil adj annual, yearly brabhsálaí nm browser
bligh vb milk brabhsálaí Gréasáin n Web browser
bliosán nm1 artichoke brabús nm1 profit
bloc nm1 block brach nm3 pus
blúisléine nf4 blouse bradán nm1 salmon
bó nf cow brádán nm1 drizzle
bob nm4 hoax, trick braich nf2 malt; vb malt
bocht adj poor; nm1 poor person bráillín n sheet
bochtaineacht nf3 poverty bráisléad nm1 bracelet
bochtanas nf3 poverty bráithreachas nm1 brotherhood
bod nm penis braon nm drop
bodach n bloke, guy Brasaíleach nm1 Brazilian; adj Brazilian
bodhar adj deaf brat nm1 blanket, broth, coat, cover, flag
bodhraigh vb deafen (computers), layer (of paint), sheet
bodhrán nm1 bodhrán - Irish frame drum bratach nf flag
bodhránacht an lae nm dawn brathadóir nm detector, informer
bog vb move; adj soft bráthair nm brother [religious]
bogásach adj smug breac nm1 fish, trout
bogearraí n software breacadh an lae nm1 dawn
bogha nm4 bow bréag nf lie [not the truth]
bogha báistí n rainbow bréagán nm1 toy
boglach nm1 thaw, wet weather bréan adj fetid, foul, rancid
boige nf4 softness breathnaigh vb consider, examine, observe
boilgeog nf2 bubble breathnú nm consideration, examination,
bóín Dé nf4 ladybird observation
boladh nm smell breithlá nm birthday
bolaigh vb smell Breithlá sona duit! Happy birthday!
bolb nm1 caterpillar breosla nm4 fuel
bolcán nm1 volcano brí nf4 meaning, sense, significance
bolcán beo nm1 active volcano briathar nm1 verb, word
bolcán marbh nm1 extinct volcano bríce nm4 brick
bolcán suanach nm1 dormant volcano bríceadóir nm3 bricklayer
bolg nm1 abdomen, belly (of fish) bricfeasta nm breakfast
bolgán nm1 bubble, [lamp] bulb brídeach nf2 bride
bollán nm1 block of stone, boulder Brídíní n Brownies
bollóg nf Loaf brionglóid nf dream, vision
bolta nm4 bolt briosca nm4 biscuit, cookie
bomaite minute [time] bríste nm4 trousers
bómánta adj stupid briste adj broken
bonn nm basis, coin, medal, sole (of shoe or bríste géine nm4 jeans
foot), tyre broc nm1 badger
bonnachar nm1 basal area, ground brocailí nm4 broccoli
bord nm table bród nm pride
borróg nf2 bun, cake bródúil adj proud
bos nf2 base, blade, fluke, palm of hand bróg nf2 shoe
bosán n scrotum [slang]; purse brógaí n shoes
bosca nm4 box broid vb goad, nudge, prod; nf2 captivity,
bosca bruscair nm4 rubbish bin distress, misery
bosca ceoil nm4 accordion brón nm sorrow
both nf3 kiosk brónach adj sad, unhappy
bothán nm1 cabin, hut, shed bronnadh céime nm1 graduation (with degree)
bóthar nm road bronntanas nm gift, present
bóthar iarainn nm1 railway brostaigh vb hasten, urge
botún nm blunder, mistake brothallach adj sultry - Copyright eTeanga 2011

brú nm pressure, push
brú óige nm4 youth hostel C
bruach nm bank [water], brink, raised ground
[Monaghan] C.L.G. G.A.A.
brúigh vb press, push cá pron how, what, where
bruith vb boil cab nm4 mouth [pejorative], muzzle [of animal]
brúitín nm4 mashed potatoes, pulp cabáiste nm4 cabbage
bruitíneach nf2 measles cábán nm1 cabin
bruitíneach dhearg nf2 german measles, cabhair nf help
rubella cabhalra nm4 bodywork
bruscar nm1 garbage, rubbish, trash cabhlach nm1 fleet, navy
bua nm ability [talent], victory cabhraigh vb help
buachaill nm boy, boyfriend, lad cábla nm4 cable
buaf nf2 toad cac n bad, crap, useless; dung, excrement, shit
buaigh vb to win cac capaill horse dung (an insult)
buail vb hit cáca nm cake
buail le vb meet with cáca milis nm4 cake
buairt nf3 sorrow, vexation cách nm4 everybody, everyone
buaiteoir nm3 winner cad what
bualadh nm beat, hit cadás nm1 cotton
bualadh bos n applause Caerdydd nm4 Cardiff
buan adj constant, continual, fixed, permanent, caibidil nf2 chapter
perpetual caibinéad nm1 cabinet
buatais nf2 boot [footwear] caife nm café, coffee
buí adj yellow; nm4 yellow caighdeán nm norm, standard
buidéal nm bottle cailc nf2 chalk
buidéal te nm1 hot-water bottle cailín nm girl, girlfriend, lass
builín nm4 loaf cailín coimhdeachta nm4 bridesmaid
buille nm beat, hit cáilíocht nf qualification
buille an chroí heartbeat cáiliúil adj famous
buime nf4 nanny, nurse caill vb to lose
buinneach nf2 diarrhoea cailleach nf hag, witch
buinneán nm1 bunion, sapling, shoot caillte adj lost
buíocán nm1 primrose, yolk cáin nf fine, penalty, tax
buíoch adj appreciative, grateful caint nf dialogue, speech, talk [with an
buíochas nm thanks audience]
búistéir nm3 butcher cainteach adj chatty, talkative
Bulgáiris nf2 Bulgarian language cairde n credit, respite
bullaí nm bully cairdeagan nm1 cardigan
bultúr nm vulture cairdeas nm amity, friendship
bumbóg nf2 bumblebee cairdín nm4 accordion
bun nm base [mathematics and science], basis, cáirdiúil adj friendly
bottom, foot [of slope], origin, original cairéad nm1 carrot
bunachar nm1 base, foundation, origin cairéal nm1 quarry
bunachar téarmaíochta nm1 terminology cáiréas nm caries
database cáiréiseach adj tactful
bunaigh vb establish cáis nf cheese
buncar nm1 bunker Cáisc nf3 Easter, Passover
bunchóip n original copy caisearbhán nm1 dandelion
bunchuarc nm1 bottom quark caisleán nm castle
bunreacht nm3 constitution caismirt nf2 commotion, conflict, disorder, fray
bunscoil nf2 grade school, primary school caith vb spend, throw, toss, wear [clothes]
buntús nm1 basics, rudiments caitheamh nm (use) wear, consumption,
bunús nm1 basis, most, origin spending, throw
bunúsach adj basic, fundamental cáithnín nm4 particle
bus nm4 bus Caitliceach adj Catholic; nm1 Catholic - Copyright eTeanga 2011

cál nm1 cabbage castán nm1 Spanish chestnut
calaois nf2 deceit, foul, fraud casúr nm hammer
callán nm racket [noise] cat n cat
callánach adj loud, noisy catach adj curly-haired
calma adj brave, fine, splendid, strong cath nm3 battle
calóg nf2 flake cathain when
calóg shneachta n snowflake cathair nf city
calóga arbhair nf2 corn flakes cathaoir nf chair
cam adj bent, crooked, dishonest, gay, wry cathaoir rotha nf5 wheelchair
cam an ime n buttercup cathaoirleach nm chairman
camán nm1 camomile, hurling stick cé nf pier, quay, wharf; pron who
camóg nf2 camogie stick, comma ceacht nm3 exercise, lesson
camógaíocht nf3 camogie cead nm clearance, permission, permit
campáil vb camp [document], sanction
canablach nm1 cannibal; adj cannibal céad nm century, hundred; adj first
canadh nm singing céadchosach nm1 centipede
canáraí nm4 canary ceadúnaigh vb to license
canna nm can ceadúnas nm license
cannabas nm1 cannabis cealgach adj deceitful, deceptive
canta nm4 stave ceallalós nm1 cellulose
cantalach adj fractious, grumpy Ceanada nm4 Canada
canúint nf3 dialect Ceanadach nm1 Canadian; adj Canadian
caoga fifty ceangail vb connect, join
caoin vb cry, mourn ceangal nm1 attachment
caoineadh nm lament, lamentation ceann nm head
caoineog nf smoothie ceann ar aghaidh adj headlong
caoinfhulaingt nf tolerance céanna adj same, very
caoireoil nf3 mutton céannacht nf3 identity
caol adj narrow, shrill (music), slender ceannaigh vb buy, purchase
caolsráid nf2 alley ceannairc nf2 conspiracy, coup d'etat, mutiny,
caomhnóir nm guardian rebellion
caonach nm moss ceannairceach adj rebellious
caora nf ewe, sheep ceannaire nm4 leader
caorán nm1 bog, heath, moor ceannaitheoir nm3 buyer
capall nm1 horse ceannas nm authority, dominance
cara nm friend ceanncheathrú nf headquarters
carachtar nm character ceannlíne nf4 headline
carbón nm1 carbon ceansa adj meek, tame
Carghas nm1 Lent ceantar nm area [geographical], district sector
carr nm1 car [of city], locality
carraig nf rock ceanúil adj fond
carráiste nm4 carriage ceapach nf2 tillage plot
carrchlós nm car park ceapachán nm appointment (job)
cárta nm card ceapadóireacht nf3 composition
cártaí nm4 cards ceapaire nm4 sandwich
carthanach adj charitable, kind ceapairí nm sandwiches
carthanacht nf3 charity, friendliness ceapann sé vb he thinks
cartlann nf2 archives cearc nf fowl, hen, poultry
cartún nm1 cartoon ceardaí nm craftsman
cás nm affair, case ceardchumann nm trade union
cás peann luaidhe nm1 pencil case ceardlann nf craft shop, shop, workroom,
casacht nf3 cough workshop
cásmhar adj thoughtful cearnóg nf2 square
casóg nf jacket cearr adjf wrong
casta adj complicated, elaborate, knotty, ceart adj correct, right
winding ceárta nf4 hotbed [figurative] - Copyright eTeanga 2011

ceartaigh vb accommodate, correct ciníochas nm1 racism
ceartúchán nm correction cinn vb decide, determine
céas vb hound cinneadh nm1 decision
céasadh nm1 agony, crucifixion, torture cinniúint nf chance [fate], destiny, fate, fortune
ceathach adj showery cinnte adj certain, definite, stingy
ceathair n four [numeric] cinntigh vb confirm
ceathrair nm1 cousin cinsireacht nf3 censorship
ceathrú nf5 quarter cíoch nf2 breast
ceil vb conceal, disguise cíochbheart nm1 bra
céile nm4 mate ciombal nm1 cymbal
céilí nm social gathering involving traditional ciontach adj guilty
dancing ciontacht nf3 guilt
ceiliúradh nm celebration cíor nf comb
Ceilteach adj Celtic ciorcal nm1 circle
céim nf2 degree ciorcalach circular
ceimic nf2 chemistry cíos nm3 rent, rental, tribute (tax)
ceimiceoir nm3 chemist ciotach adj awkward, clumsy, left-handed
céir nf5 wax ciotóg nf left-handed person
ceird nf2 craft, occupation, trade círéib nf2 riot, uproar
ceirmeacht nf3 ceramics ciseán nm1 basket
céislín nm4 tonsil cispheil nf basketball
ceist nf2 question císte nm cake
ceistigh vb question cistin nf kitchen
ceithre adj four [quantity of something] citeal nm1 kettle
ceo nm4 fog cith nm shower
ceobhrán nm1 light drizzle, mist, misty rain ciúin adj quiet, silent
ceobhránach adj drizzly ciúnas nm1 calm, hush, quiet, silence
ceoch adj foggy cladhaire nm4 coward, rogue, villain
ceol music cláirseach nf harp
ceolchoirm nf concert clamhán nm1 buzzard
ceoldráma nm4 opera clampar nm1 commotion, disturbance, rumpus
ceolsiamsa nm4 musical clann nf children, descendants, followers
ceoltóir nm3 musician, singer claonadh nm bias, inclination
cheana adv already claonta adj biased, partial, prejudiced
choíche ever, never clár nm1 board, counter, flat surface, index, list,
chomh adv as [comparison] table
chonaic vb saw clár bán nm1 white board
chun in order to, to clárú nm registration
ciall nf meaning, sense clárúchán nm1 registering, registration
ciallaigh vb explain, interpret, mean, signify clé adj left
cianrialtán nm remote control cleamhnas nm1 marriage, match
ciap vb hound cleas nm1 joke, prank, trick
ciaróg nf beetle cleasach adj cute [cunning], shifty, tricky
Ciarraí nf4 Kerry cléir nf2 band, clergy, company
Ciarraíoch nm1 person from Kerry cléireach nm clerk
ciclipéid nf2 encyclopaedia cleithiúnach adj dependent
cigire nm inspector cleithiúnaí nm4 dependant
ciliméadar nm1 kilometre cleithiúnas nm1 dependence
cill nf2 cell, churchyard cliamhain nm4 son-in-law
Cill Chainnigh Kilkenny clib nf2 tag [computers, argiculture]
cillín nm4 cell clibirt nf2 scrum, scrummage
cime nm4 captive, inmate, prisoner cliceáil vb click
cine nm4 race [peoples] clis vb to breakdown, to fail
cineál nm type, variety cliste adj brainy, intelligent, smart
cineáltas nm kindness cloch nf2 stone
ciniceas nm1 cynicism clog nm bell, clock - Copyright eTeanga 2011

clogad nm1 helmet cochán nm1 straw
clogad rialaithe círéibe nm1 riot control cócó nm4 cocoa, coconut
helmet cód nm1 code
clogáil amach vb clock out cód poist nm1 zip code
clogáil isteach vb clock in codail vb sleep
cloigeann n skull; head codán nm1 fraction
cloigeann ramhar nm1 hangover codarsnacht nf contrast
cloígh vb conquer, defeat, subdue codladh nm sleep
clois vb to hear codlatach adj sleepy
clóraform nm1 chloroform cófra nm4 chest, cupboard, press, trunk
clú nm4 fame, reputation cogadh nm war
cluain nf meadow cogain vb chew
Cluain Meala Clonmel cógaiseoir nm3 pharmacist
cluaisín nm tab cógaisíocht adj pharmaceutical
cluas nf ear cogal nm corncockle
clúdach nm cover cogar nm1 whisper
clúdaigh vb cover cógaseolaí nm4 pharmacologist
cluiche nm4 game, match cógaseolaíocht nf3 pharmacology
cluiche táiplise n checkers, draughts cógaslann nf2 pharmacy
clúidín nm4 nappy coicís nm fortnight
cluimhreach nf2 feathers, plumage coileach nm1 cock, fowl, rooster
cluimhrigh vb pluck (feathers) coileán nm puppy
cluin vb hear cóilis nf2 cauliflower
clúiteach adj famed, renowned coill nf2 forest, wood; vb castrate, geld, spay
clúmh nm1 coat [of animal], down [fur], coimeád vb keep, retain
feathers, hair [on body] coimeádach adj conservative
clutharaigh vb comfortable, keep secret, make cóimheáchan nm1 counterbalance
warm, shelter coimhéadaí nm4 observer
cnádánach adj disagreeable coimpeart nf3 conception, procreation
cnáfairt nf2 bones, remains coincheap nm3 concept
cnagaire nm4 woodpecker coincréit nf2 concrete
cnagbheirigh vb parboil coinín nm4 rabbit
cnaipe nm4 button, key [computers], know [of coinne nf4 appointment, engagement
radio etc.] coinneáil ort vb persevere
cnámh nf2 bone coinneal nf2 candle
cnámharlach nm1 skeleton coinnealbhá nm4 excommunication
cnapánach adj gnarled, lumpy, rugged coinnigh vb hold, retain
cneá nf4 sore, wound coinníoll nm condition
cneasaigh vb heal [wound] cóipleabhar nm copy book, copybook
cneasta adj honest, kind coir nf2 crime, fault, offence
cniogaire nm4 knacker cóir nf3 equity, justice
cniotáil vb knit; nf3 knitting coirce nm4 oats
cnó capaill nm4 horse chestnut coireanna cogaidh war crimes
cnó coill nm4 hazelnut coiriúlacht nf criminality
cnoc nm1 hill, mountain coirne nf4 cornea
cnocach adj hilly coirnéal nm1 corner
cnuasach nm1 accumulation, collection, cois prep beside
portfolio cois farraige on the sea-shore
cnuasaigh vb collect, gather, store coiscéim nf step
cócaire nm4 cook coiscín nm condom
cócaireacht nf3 cooking coisíocht nf3 footwork, walk
cócaireán nm1 cooker, stove cóisir nf party
cócaireán leictreach nm1 electric cooker, coiste nm4 board, committee, jury
stove coitianta adj colloquial, common, usual
cóch nm1 squall coitiantacht nf generality
cochall nm hood coitinne general - Copyright eTeanga 2011

col nm col cónasc nm1 conjunction [ling]
col ceathar nm1 cousin cóngarach adj near
col ceathrar first cousin conradh nm contract
col seisir n second cousin consairtín nm4 concertina
coláiste nm4 college consan nm consonant
coláisteánach nm1 student (college) conspóid nf2 argument, controversy, dispute
coll nm1 hazel constaic nf obstacle; barrier
colm nm1 dove, scar contae nm county
colmán nm1 dove Contae Dhoire n County Derry
colpa nm4 calf (part of leg) copar nm1 copper
colscaradh nm divorce cor nm1 eventuality, turn, twist
colún nm1 column, pillar córas nm system
colún veirteabrach nm1 vertebral column córas na gréine n solar system
colúr nm1 pigeon corcra adj purple
combhrón nm1 sympathy corda nm4 chord, cord, string
comhábhar nm ingredient corn beaker, cup [sport], horn [music]
comhad nm file [computer; paper] cornfhoiche nf4 hornet
comhair vb count coróin nf5 crown
comhaireamh nm count [enumeration] corp nm body
comhairle nf4 advice, council corr éisc nf2 heron
comhairleoir nm counsellor, mentor corrabhuaiseach adj abashed, ill-at-ease
comhairleoir croí chráite nm agony aunt corrach adj erratic, shifty, uneven, unreliable,
comhairleoireacht nf counselling unstable, wavy
comhairligh vb advise corradh le adj more than
Comhaontas Glas n Green Party [political] corruair adv occasionally
comharba nm4 successor corruimhir nf5 odd number
comhardaigh vb balance, equalize cos nf foot, leg
comharsa nf neighbor, neighbour cosaint nf3 defence, protection
comhartha nm4 emblem, sign, signal, symbol, cosán nm path
token cosán sráide n footpath, sidewalk
comhbhá nf4 emphaty cosanta adj guarded, protected
comhchiallach nm1 synonym cosc nm1 ban, inhibition, prohibition
comhchosach adj isosceles coscair vb disintegrate, hack, mangle, shatter,
comhchuibheacht nf harmony thaw
comhdaigh vb file [documents] cosnochta adj barefoot; adv barefoot
comheagraí nm co-ordinator, coordinator [of cósta nm4 coast
subjects] costas nm cost
comhfhuaim nf2 assonance, consonance cosúil adj alike, similar
comhghairdeas nm1 congratulations cosúlacht nf3 appearance, similarity
comhionannas nm1 equality cóta nm coat
comhlach adj associate, valvular cothrom adj equal, even
comhlíon vb fulfil, fulfill craic n enjoyment, fun
comhluadar nm company [social] craiceáilte adj crazy, loony, zany
comhoibriú nm collaboration (including with craiceann nm skin
enemy), cooperation cráifisc nf2 crayfish [freshwater]
comhrá nm4 chat, chatting, conversation, cráigh vb hound
dialogue cráin nf5 sow
comhroinn vb share cráitéar nm1 crater
comhthéacs nm context crann n tree
comóir vb commemorate, convene, summon crann castán nm1 chestnut tree
comóradh nm anniversary [celebration] crann coill nm1 hazel tree
comóradh dhá chéad bliain bicentenary crann Nollag nm1 Christmas tree
comórtas nm1 competition, contest, tournament crann úll nm1 apple-tree
comrádaí nm4 comrade crannóg nf pulpit
cónaigh vb live (place) craobh nf bough, branch, stick
conas how craol vb broadcast - Copyright eTeanga 2011

creachadóireacht nf3 vandalism cuardach nm search, seek
créacht nf3 wound cuardaigh vb search, seek
créachtaigh vb wound cuas nm1 cavity, sinus
creathán bainne nm1 milk shake cúcamar nm1 cucumber
creid vb believe, guess, suppose cuí nm direction, way
creideamh nm belief [religion], faith [religion] cuibheasach adj reasonably, so-so
críochnaigh vb accomplish, finish cuid nf3 part, portion, section, share
críochnú nm end, finish, termination cuidigh vb help
crios nm belt, zone cuidiú nm assistance
Críost nm Christ cúig five
Críostaí adj Christian cuil nf bug, fly [insect]
crith talún nm3 earthquake cuil tí nf2 house fly
cró nm enclosure, hut cuileog nf fly [insect]
crobh nm1 paw cuimhne nf memory
croch vb hang, lift, suspend cuimhnigh vb bear in mind, recall, remember
crochadh nm hang up, hanging, suspension cuimsitheach adj comprehensive, inclusive
crochta adj hung cuir vb bury, lay, plant, put, send, sow
cróga adj brave, hardy cuir i gcomparáid vb compare
crógacht nf3 bravery cuir i gcomparáid le vb compare to
croí nm heart cuir in ord tosaíochta vb prioritise, prioritize
croith vb shake, sprinkle cuireadh nm1 invitation
croitheadh nm shock cúirséid nm1 zucchini
cróm nm1 chrome cúirt nf2 court
crom vb bend, crouch, droop cuirtín nm4 curtain, drape
cromán nm1 crank, hip cúis nf2 reason
cronaigh vb miss cúisín nm4 cushion
crónghiúis nf2 redwood cuisle nf4 pulse
cros nf2 cross cuisneoir nm fridge
crosfhocal nm1 crossword cúiteamh nm1 compensation, recompense;
crú capaill nm4 horseshoe restitution
crua adj difficult, hard, solid; nm4 difficult cúl nm back, behind
circumstances, hard state, hardness culaith nf2 dress, suit
cruach nf steel cúlra nm4 background
cruachan nf hardening, hardening off, set, cúlráideach adj quiet, secluded, secret
setting cúlsruth nm3 slip-stream
cruan nm1 enamel cúlú nm recession
crúigh vb milk cum vb compose, invent, make up
cruinn adj accurate, exact, precise, round cuma nf appearance, condition
[shape], rounded cumadóir nm3 composer
cruinnigh vb collect, gather cumadóireacht ar an láthair nf3 improvisation
cruinniú nm meeting cumann nm association, club, society
cruiscín nm4 jug cumarsáideach adj communicative
cruithneacht nf3 wheat cumas proficiency
cruth nm shape cumasach adj capable, powerful
cruthaigh vb create, prove cumasc nm compound
cruthaitheach adj creative cumha nm4 nostalgia
cruthanta adj unmitigated cumhacht nf authority, power, strength
cú nm4 greyhound cúnamh nm1 aid, assistance, help
cuach nf2 cookie [computers], cuckoo cúng narrow
cuaille nm4 pole, post, stake cuntar nm1 (shop) counter
cuainín nm4 cove cuntas nm1 account, record
cuairt nf visit, visitation cuntasóir nm accountant
cuairteoir nm3 visitor cúntóir nm3 assistant
cuan nm bay cupán nm cup
cuarán nm1 sandal cupard nm1 cupboard
cuarc nm1 quark cúpla nm couple [of things], several, twins - Copyright eTeanga 2011

cur ar ceal vb to abolish Dé Domhnaigh Sunday
cur i láthair nm1 presentation de ghnáth nm as a general rule, usually
cúram nm care Dé hAoine Friday
cúramach adj careful, cautious Dé Luain nm1 on Monday
curfá nm chorus Dé Máirt Tuesday
cúrsa n course, route de rogha air sin adv alternatively
cúrsaí nm affairs Dé Sathairn Saturday
cuspóir nm3 objective, target dea prep good
cúthail adj shy deacair nf difficulty, distress, hardship
cúthaileacht nf3 shyness deacracht nf difficulty, problem
déagóir nm3 adolescent, teenager
D dealg nf2 thorn
dealrachán nm1 clavicle, collarbone
dá bhrí sin therefore dealramh na gréine nm sunshine
dada nm nothing déan vb do
daichead nm1 forty déan bulaíocht ar vb bully
daid nm4 dad, father déan greanntaíocht vb joke, tell a joke
daideo nm4 grandad déan idirbheartaíocht vb negotiate
daidí dad, daddy déanta adj complete
Daidí na Nollag nm Santa Claus dear vb design
dáil nf3 assembly, circumstance, condition, dearadh nm design
convention, encounter, meeting, parliament; vb dearbhnialas nm1 absolute zero
bestow, distribute, give out, serve dearbhú nm declaration
dáilia nf4 dahlia dearcán nm1 acorn
daingean adj secure Déardaoin Thursday
dainséar nm1 danger dearfach adj positive
dair nf oak dearg red
dáiríre adj serious deargiomaíocht nf3 cut-throat competition
daite adj colored, coloured, dyed dearmad vb forget; nm lapse, mistake,
dall adj blind; vb blank; nm1 blind person oversight
dalta nm student [school] dearóil adj bleak, cold, needy, poor, wretched
damanta adj confounded, damned deartháir nm brother
damh nm1 ox dearthóir nm3 designer
damhán alla nm spider deas adj nice, right [side]
damhsa nm4 dance deasc nf2 desk; vb deposit, precipitate
damhsoir nm3 dancer deatach nm smoke
dán nm art, destiny, faculty, fate, poem deataigh vb smoke
dána adj audacious, bold, confident, daring, déchéileachas nm1 bigamy
naughty deich ten
Danar nm1 Dane deifir nf2 haste, hurry, rush
dánlann nf art gallery, gallery deighil vb segregate, separate
Danmhairgis nf2 Danish (language) deilbh nf2 frame, lines
daoine nm4 people deilf nf2 dolphin
daonáireamh nm1 census deilt nf2 delta
daonlathaí nm democrat deimhnigh vb check, verify
daonlathas nm1 democracy déirc nf alms, charity
daoraí to be furious (with somebody) Deireadh Fómhair nm1 October
dara adj second deireadh seachtaine n week-end
dáta nm date deireanach adj final, last, ultimate
dath nm3 appearance, color, colour deirfiúr nf sister
dathaigh vb colour, dye, paint deis nf chance, opportunity
dátheangach adj bilingual deisceabal nm disciple
dathúil adj good-looking, handsome, pretty deisceart nm1 south
de prep from, of deisigh vb fix [something broken]
Dé Céadaoin Wednesday déistineach adj disgusting
Dé Chéadaoin adv Wednesday dénártha adj binary - Copyright eTeanga 2011

deoch nf drink dísle nm dice
deonaigh vb consent, grant diúc nm1 duke
deorach adj tearful diúltach adj negative; nm1 negative
deoraí nm4 exile dleacht nf3 custom, dues, duty, fee, right (law),
dhoirt mé vb I spilled royalty (on books), toll
dhúisigh vb woke dlí nm4 law, rule
dia nm god dlíodóir nm3 lawyer, solicitor
Dia daoibh hello [at more than one person] dlús nm1 compactness, density, intensity
Dia duit hello [at one person] do prep for
diabhal nm1 devil dobhareach nm1 hippopotamus
diabhlaíocht nf devilment, mischief dobhriathar nm1 adverb
[naughtiness] dócha adj likely, probable
diafram nm1 diaphragm dóchas nm hope
diaidh after, bit by bit dochrach adj harmful
dialann nf2 dairy, journal dochreidte adj incredible
dian adj hard, intense, intensive, severe, strong dochreidthe adj unbelievable
dianscaoil vb decompose dochtúir nm doctor
díbhinn nf dividend doghrainn nf2 affliction, difficulty, distress
díbir vb deport, drive out, expel doicheall nm1 inhospitality, reluctance,
díchéillí adj senseless resentment
díchreidmheach nm1 disbeliever doicheallach adj grudging, reluctant,
dide nf4 nipple [anatomy], teat [on bottle] unwelcoming
dífhabhtaigh vb debug [computer] doiciméadúchán nm1 documentation
dífhostaíocht nf3 unemployment dóideacaihéadrán nm1 dodecahedron
dífhostaithe adj unemployed dóigh nf2 condition, confidence, expectation,
difríocht nf3 difference, discrepancy hope, manner, state, way
difriúil adj different, various doiléir adj ambiguous, dim, obscure, vague
díghalraigh vb disinfect doiligh adj difficult, hard, tough
díghalrán nm1 disinfectant doire nm oakwood
dil adj beloved, dear doirteal nm1 kitchen sink
díle nf deluge, flood, torrent dóite adj burned
díleá nm4 digestion, dissolution domhain nf2 deep; adj deep
dílis adj faithful, genuine, loyal domhan nm1 earth, world
dílleachta nm orphan domhanda adj global, terrestrial, worldly,
dílse nf4 allegiance, loyalty, pledge worldwide
dílseacht nf allegiance, commitment, domhantarraingt nf gravity
faithfulness, fidelity, loyalty donn nm1 brown
dílseánach nm1 holder, proprietor doras nm door, doorway
dílsithe adj proprietary, vested dorcha adj dark, murky, obscure, shadowy
dinnéar nm dinner dorchadas nm darkness
díochlaonadh nm declension dord nm double bass [instrument], hum
díog nf2 drain, trench dordán nm1 buzz, hum
díograis nf2 zeal dorn nm1 punch [fist]
díol vb sell; nm3 sale, selling dorú nm fishing line
díoltas nm reprisal, retribution, revenge, dóthain nf enough
vengence draein nf5 drain
dioltóir leabhar nm3 bookseller dragan nm1 dragon
díomá nf disapointment, dismay draíocht nf3 charm, magic, romance, spell,
díomách adj disappointed, sorry witchcraft
díon nm1 roof draíochtach adj enchanting, fascinating
diongbháilte adj determined, resolute draíodóir nm3 magician, wizard
díorma nm4 band, troop dráma nm4 drama, play
díosc vb creak, grate, grind drámata adj dramatic
díospóireacht nf3 debate, discussion drandal nm gum [anatomical]
dírbheathaisnéis nf2 autobiography draoidín nm4 prawn, shrimp
díreach nm straight drár nm1 drawer - Copyright eTeanga 2011

dream nm3 group (of people), set, tribe
dreancaid duine nf2 human flea E
dreap vb climb
dreapadh nm climbing é féin himself
dréim nf2 conation ea pron is
dreoilín nm4 wren each-chumhacht nf3 horsepower
dreoilín teaspaigh nm4 grasshopper éacht nm accomplishment, achivement, feat
driseacha n brambles eachtra nf4 adventure, affair, tale
driseog nf2 briar eachtrannach nm1 alien, foreigner; adj alien,
driuch nm3 angry appearance, creepy feeling, foreign
fretfullness eacstais nf2 ecstasy
droch pref bad éad nm3 envy, jealousy
drochíde nf4 abuse, mistreatment éadach nm1 cloth
drogall nm1 reluctance éadaingean adj insecure, irresolute, unstable
droichead nm1 bridge éadálach adj acquisitive, profitable, rich
drong nf2 gang éadan nm1 face, forehead
dronuilleog nf2 rectangle éadmhar adj envious, jealous
drugaí nm drugs éadóchas nm1 despair
druid nf2 starling; vb close, shut eadra nm4 interval, morning milking-time, noon
druidte adj closed, shut éadrom adj delicate [of tone], light [weight]
druma nm4 drum éadromaigh vb lighten
drúthlann nf2 brothel éadromchroíoch adj light-hearted
duais nf2 prize éag vb die
dualgas nm1 duty, obligation éaganta adj giddy, silly
duán nm kidney éagaoin vb complain, lament, moan
duanaireacht nf3 recitation eagarthóir nm3 editor
dúbalta adj double eagla fear
dubh adj black, dark eaglach adj afraid, fearful, timid
dúch nm ink eaglais nf church [building or organisation]
dúchan nf blight eaglaiseach nm1 churchman, clergyman
dúchas nm1 heritage, instinct eagna nf4 wisdom
dufair nf2 jungle eagnaíocht nf3 learning, skill, wisdom
dúghorm adj dark blue, navy blue éagobhsaí adj unstable
dúiche nf district, locality éagóir nf3 injustice, wrongdoing
dúil nf desire éagórach adj unfair, unjust, wrong
duille nm leaf eagraíocht nf organization
duilleog nf leaf eagrán nm edition
duine nm4 human being, person eagras nm body, organisation, organization
duine uasal n sir éagsúil adj different, diverse, unlike
dúisigh vb boot up, evoke, flush, start, wake up éagsúlacht nf3 diversity, variety
(imperative) eala nf4 swan
dul chun cinn n progress éalaigh vb abscond, elope, escape
dul i bhfeidhm ar dhuine vb to impress a ealaín nf art
person ealaíona cruthaitheacha nf2 creative arts
dúlamán nm seaweed [a common type] ealaíonta adj artistic, skilful, tricky
dumhach nf sand dune ealaíontóir nm artist
dún vb close; nm fort éalang nf2 defect, weak spot
dúnmharaigh vb murder éalangach adj debilitated, defective, weak
dúnmharú nm murder eallach nm1 cattle
dúnta adj closed éamú nm4 emu
durdáil vb coo éan nm bird
dúshlán nm challenge éanadán nm1 bird cage
dusma nm4 blur, haze Eanáir nm January
dúthracht nf3 zeal éaneolaíocht nf3 ornithology
éanlaith nf2 birds, fowl
éanlann nf2 aviary - Copyright eTeanga 2011

éar vb deny, refuse eolach adj aware, educated, informed, learned
earnáil nf area, category, part, sector eolaí nm4 scientist, tutor
earra nm good [product], ware eolaíoch adj scientific
earrach nm1 spring (season) eolaíocht nf3 science
eas nm waterfall eolas nm information, knowledge
easaontú nm disagreement eorna nf4 barley
éasc nm1 fault, flaw, palpitation, weak spot Eorpach adj European
éasca adj easy eotanáis nf2 euthanasia
eascair vb shoot, spring, sprout
eascann nf2 eel F
eascra nm4 beaker
easlán nm1 invalid, sick person; adj infirm, fabhal nf2 fable
invalid, morbid, sick, unhealthy fabhcún nm1 falcon
easpag nm1 bishop fad nm distance
Eastóinis nf2 Estonian language fada accent mark over vowel; adj long
Eastónach adj Estonian; nm1 Estonian fadálach adj lingering, slow, tedious
éiceolaíocht nf3 ecology fadhb nf problem
éide scoile nf4 school uniform fadó adv a long time ago
éifeacht nf effect, impact, significance fág vb leave to set, stand
éifeachtach adj effective, efficient faic nf nothing
éigean nm1 compulsion, necessity faiche nf field [sports], green [grassy plot], lawn
éigeandáil nf3 crisis, emergency [grass]
éigh vb cry, scream fáidh nm4 prophet, sage, wise man
éiginnte adj indecisive, indefinite, indistinct, faigh vb acquire, get, receive
obscure, unsure, vague faigh bás vb die
éigríoch nf infinity faighin nf2 vagina
éigríochta adj infinite fáilí adj friendly, furtive, pleasant, stealthy
eile adj other fáilte nf welcome
éileamh nm demand, plea fáilteach adj hospitable, welcoming
eilifint nf2 elephant fáinleog nf2 swallow [bird]
éiligh vb claim, demand fáinne n ring
Eilvéiseach nm1 Swiss (person); adj Swiss fáinne gealltanais nm4 engagement ring
éinín n little bird faire nf4 watch (visual)
éinstéiniam nm4 einsteinium fairsingiú nm expansion (of the universe)
Éire nf5 Ireland fáisc vb brace, extort, squeeze
eireaball nm1 tail faisean nm1 fashion
Éireannach nm1 Irishman; adj Irish faiseanta adj chic, popular, stylish
[nationality] faisnéis nf2 information
éirí nm4 erection, rising faisnéisíocht nf3 informatics
éirí na gréine nm4 sunrise faiteach adj fearful, shy, timid
éiric n2 revenge faitíos nm1 fear, shyness
éirigh vb rise fál nm1 hedge
éirigh amach vb rebel falla n wall [Munster dialect]
éirim nf aptitude, gist, intellect fan vb stay, wait
eisceacht nf exception fána nf incline, slope
éisealach adj fastidious fánach adj occasional, trivial, wandering
éist vb hear, listen fanacht nm waiting
éisteacht nf3 hearing fánaí nm nomad
eitigh vb reject faocha nf5 periwinkle
eitil vb fly faofa adj very poor
eitleán nm airplane, plane [aviation], faoi prep about, below, beneath, under
shuttlecock faoi dheireadh adv finally
eitleog nf2 kite faoileán nm1 seagull
eitlíocht nf3 aviation faoileoir nm3 glider
eochair nf5 key (on keyboard) faoiseamh nm1 relief, respite
eochairfhocal nm1 keyword faoistin nf2 confession - Copyright eTeanga 2011

faolchú nm wolf féinriail nf autonomy
faon adj limp féinsmacht nf3 self-control
fargán nm1 ledge feirm nf2 farm
farraige nf sea feirmeoir nm3 farmer
fás nm1 growth; vb grow feirmeoireacht nf3 farming
fásach nm1 desert, overgrowth, wilderness Feisire nm4 member of parliament
fáscadh nm1 clasp, squeeze Feisire Eorpach nm4 Member of the European
fáslach nm1 upstart Parliament
fásra nm4 vegetation Feisire Pairliminte nm4 member of Parliament
fásta adj adult feisteas nm1 costume, dress, wardrobe
fáth nm3 reason feistigh vb arrange, dress, equip, fit, secure
fathach nm1 giant féith nf2 vein
feá nf4 beech feithealann nf2 waiting room
feabhas nm improvement féitheog nf2 muscle, sinew
Feabhra nf Febuary feitheoir nm3 supervisor
feabhsaigh vb improve, recuperate feitheoireacht nf3 supervision
feac vb bend feithid nf2 insect
féach vb look, see, watch feithidicíd nf2 insecticide
feachtas nm campaign féithleog nf2 honeysuckle, vine
fead nf whistle [sound] féithuar adj chilly
feadaíl vb whistle feochadán nm thistle
feadh along, during feoigh vb decay, wither
feadhain nf3 band feoil nf3 flesh, meat
feadóg nf whistle feoilséantach adj vegetarian
feadóg stáin nf2 tin whiste feoilséantóir nm3 vegetarian
feall nm1 deceit, foul, treachery fia nm deer
feallmharú nm assassination fiabhras nm1 fever
feamainn nf2 seaweed fiabhras dearg nm1 scarlatina, scarlet fever
fear nm man fiacail nf2 tooth
féar nm grass, hay fiach nm1 chase, debt, duty, hunting; vb chase,
fear airgid moneyed man hunt
fear céile nm husband fiaclóir nm dentist
féarach nm1 grassland, pasture fiafraí nm inquiry, question
fearastúil adj furnished, well-equipped fiafraigh vb ask, inquire
fearb nf2 weal, welt fiaile nf4 weed
fearg nf anger, exasperation, irritation, outrage fiailí nm weeks
feargach adj angry fiáin adj lawless, wild
fearmón nm1 fermion fial adj hospitable
feart nm3 grave, miracle, mound, prodigy, fianán nm cookie [computers]
tumulus fiarlán nm1 zigzag
fearthainn nf rain fiche twenty
féasóg nf2 beard ficheall nf2 chess
féasta nm4 banquet, feast ficsean nm1 fiction
feic vb to see fidil nf2 fiddle
féidearthacht nf3 possibility fige nf4 fig
feidhm nf function, purpose file nm4 poet
feidhmeannach nm officer, official filíocht nf3 poetry
féile nf feast [religious], festival, hospitality filleadh nm1 bend, crease, fold, pleat, return
féileacán nm butterfly filleadh beag nm1 kilt
feileastram nm1 iris [plant] fillteán nm folder
féilire nm4 calendar fínéagar nm1 vinegar
feilt nf2 felt finiúin nf3 vine
féin nm ego [individual self], I, self; pron actual, finné nm4 best man
even, own, particular, self finscéal nm fable, legend
féin- pref auto-, self- finscéalach adj fabled, legendary, romantic
féinmharú nm suicide fíon nm wine - Copyright eTeanga 2011

fíonchaor nf2 grape foirgneamh nm1 building, collection of
Fionlannach nm1 Finn; adj Finnish buildings, structure
Fionlannais nf2 Finnish language foirm nf form
fionn vb detect, discover; adj blond, blonde; foirmiúil adj formal
nm1 cataract folach adj hiding, latent
fionnadh nm fur folaigh vb hide
fionnrua adj sandy foláireamh nm1 command, notice, warning
fionnuar adj cool folamh empty
fiontar nm1 adventure, enterprise, risk, folcadan nm1 bath
undertaking, venture folcadh n bath
fíor nf truth; adj true folláin adj fit, healthy, hearty, sound,
fíor- pref pure wholesome [food]
fíoras nm1 fact follas adj clear, evident, open
fios nm knowledge folúsghlantóir nm3 vacuum cleaner
fiosrach adj curious, inquisitive fómhar nm1 autumn
fireann adj masculine fónamh nm1 servicing
fírinne nf4 truth fonn nm enthusiasm, melody, tune, urge
firinscneach adj masculine [ling] forainm nm4 pronoun
fís nf2 vision foraois nf forest
físeán nm video [video film] foraoiseacht nf3 forestry
fisic nf2 physics foraoiseolaíocht nf3 siviculture
fisicí nm4 physicist foras nm body, establishment, institute,
fithis nf2 orbit institution
fithisigh vb orbit forás nm1 development, progress
fiúntach adj generous, respectable, worthwhile forásach adj progressive
flaitheas nm1 kingdom forbairt development
flaithiúil adj generous, hospitable forbartha adj developmental
flaithiúlacht nf3 generosity, hospitality forc nm1 fork
flichshneachta nm4 sleet foréigean nm violence
fliuch adj wet forfhocal nm1 byword
fliúit nf2 flute forhalla nm4 foyer
flosc nm3 zest forlár nm1 epicentre
fobhríste nm4 underpants forleathan adj general, widespread
focal nm1 expression, word formáid nf2 format
fochupán nm1 saucer forneart nm violence
foclóir nm3 dictionary fós nevertheless, still, yet
fód nm1 sod foscadh nm1 screen, shelter
foghlaí mara nm pirate foscríbhinn nf appendix [law], caption [image]
foghlaim vb learn fosta also, as well, too
foghlaimeoir nm3 learner fostaí nm employee
foghraíocht nf3 phonetics, pronunciation fostaigh vb employ
fógra nm advert, advertisement, announcement, fostaíocht nf employment
notice, placcard, sign fostóir nm employer
fógraí n advertisements, adverts, fotháirge nm by-product
announcements fotheideal nm1 subheading, subtitle
fógraíocht nf3 advertising fothoradh nm outcome, side effect, side-effect
foiche nf4 wasp fothrach nm1 ruin
foighne nf patience Fraincís nf2 French language
foighneach adj patient francach nm rat
foilsigh vb publish, reveal, uncover Francach nm1 French person; adj French
foilsitheoir nm3 publisher fraoch nm1 heather
foinse nf4 origin, source fraochán nm1 bilberry, blueberry, whortleberry
foirbhigh vb perfect freagair vb answer, correspond, reply
foireann nf staff, team freagairt nf3 response
fóiréinsic nf2 forensics freagra nm answer, reply
foirfe adj perfect freagrach adj accountable, answerable, - Copyright eTeanga 2011

responsible Gailísis nf Galician
freagracht nf3 accountability, responsibility gailít nf2 evaporite
freastail vb attend, serve gáilleach nm1 gills
freastal nm attendance Gaillimh n Galway
freastalaí n waiter; server [computers] gaimbín nm4 interest [commerce, banking]
freasúra nm4 (parliamentary) opposition gainéad nm1 gannet
freisin also, besides, too gaineamh nm sand
fríd nf2 bug gáir nf2 cry, news, rumour, shout; vb laugh
frídín nm germ [micro-organism] gairbhéal nm1 gravel
friochta adj fried gairdín nm4 garden
frith-dhíbhunaíochas nm1 gáire nm4 laugh, laughter
antidisestablishmentarianism gaireas nm1 gadget
frog nm frog gairgeach adj abrupt, curt, terse
fuacht nm3 chill, cold gairid adj short
fuadach nm hijacking gairleog nf2 garlic
fuadaigh vb abduct, hijack, kidnap gairm nm occupation [job]
fuáil nf3 sewing, stitching gairmiúil adj professional
fuaim nf noise, sound gaiscíoch nm1 hero, warrior
fuaimeolaíocht nf3 acoustics gála nm4 gale
fuaimnigh vb pronounce galar nm1 disease
fuaimniú nm articulation, pronunciation galareolaíocht nf3 pathology
fuaite adj sewn, stitched galf nm1 golf
fual nm1 urine galfaire nm4 golfer
fualán nm1 chamber pot, urinal gallchnó nm4 walnut
fuar adj cold gallúnach nf2 soap
fuarchúis nf2 apathy, coolness, frigidity, gamal nm1 fool
indifference gamhain nm3 calf
fuath nm3 hate, hatred, phantom, spectre gan prep without
fuil nf blood gan mhaith adj useless
fuilteach adj bloody Gána nm4 Ghana
fuin vb knead gaofar adj breezy, windy
fuineadh vb work [food] gaol nm relationship
fuineadh gréine nm1 sunset gaolmhar adj cognate, related
fuinneamh nm1 energy, power, vigour gaolmhara adj related
fuinneog nf window gaoth nf wind
fuinseog nf ash [tree] gar adj near
fuíoll nm1 residue, scrap, waste garáiste nm4 garage, service station
fulaing vb suffer garbh adj coarse, rough
fulaingt nf suffering garda nm gaurd, police woman, policeman
furasta adj easy; adv easily [member of An Garda Síochána], policewoman
gariníon nf2 granddaughter
G garmhac nm1 grandson
gás nm1 gas
gabh vb arrest, capture, come, go, take gasta adj clever, fast, quick, smart
gabh leithscéal vb apologise, apologize gasúr nm boy
gabha nm4 smith gé nf4 goose
gabhal nm crotch, fork, junction geadán nm1 bum, buttock, patch [of land], rump
gabhar nm goat géag nf arm
gach adj each, every geal adj bright, light [colour], white
gach rud all, everything gealach nf moon
gach uile adj every gealbhan nm1 sparrow
gadaí nm4 thief geall nm1 bet, promise
gadhar nm1 dog geallta adj engaged [to be married]
Gaeilge nm Irish Language geallta bád nm regatta
Gael n Irish person [heritage] gealltanas nm1 pledge, promise
gaelach adj Gaelic, Irish gealltanas pósta nm1 engagement - Copyright eTeanga 2011

gealt nf2 lunatic, madman, maniac glas smaragaide nm1 emerald green
gealtach adj lunatic glasáil vb lock; nf3 locking
geansaí nm4 jersey, jumper, sweater glasán nm1 finch
geansaí spóirt nm4 sports jersey glasóg nf2 wagtail
geantraí nf4 lively music glasra nm4 vegetable, vegetation
geanúil adj lovable, loving glé adj bright, clear
géar adj acute, keen, sharp [knife], sour gleacaíocht nf gymnastics
géaraigh vb sharpen gleann nm glen, valley
gearán nm complaint, protest gléas nm apparatus, device, dick [slang], gadget
géarchéim nf2 crisis gléasta adj dressed
gearg nf2 quail gleo nm4 babble, noise
Gearmáinis nf German language gleoite adj gorgeous, lovely
Gearmánach nm1 German; adj German glic adj clever, sly
gearr vb charge [fee], cut; prep short gliondar nm euphoria, glee, joy
gearradh nm cut, deduction, removal gliúáil vb glue
(medicine), slit, snip, wound gloine nf4 drinking glass
gearrscéal nm1 short story glóir nf2 glory, heaven
geata nm4 gate glór nm1 sound, voice
géibheann nm1 bond, fetter glóthach nf2 gel, jelly [cooking]
géibheannach adj critical, distressing glóthán nm1 jelly
géill vb obey, submit gluais vb flow, move; nf2 glossary, vocabulary
geilleagar nm1 economy gluaiseacht nf3 movement
geilleagrach adj economic gluaisrothar nm1 motorbike, motorcycle
géim nm4 game [hunting] gluaisteáin nm cars (plural)
geimhleach adj captive; nm1 captive gluaisteán nm1 car
geimhreadh nm1 winter glúin nf generation, knee
géin nf2 gene gnách adj normal, ordinary, usual
geiréiniam nm4 geranium gné nf aspect, feature, form
geit nf2 fright, start gnéas nm1 sex
geonaíl nf3 whimpering, whining gnéasach adj sexual
giall nm1 hostage gníomh nm act, action, deed
gin vb conceive [child], generate; nf embryo gníomhach adj active
ginearálta adj general gníomhaíocht nf3 activity
ginmhilleadh nm abortion gníomhaire nm4 agent
gioblach adj ragged, unkempt gníomhú nm action [process], activity
giorraisc adj abrupt, sudden, unforeseen [chemistry; biology]
giorria nn4 hare gnó nm4 affair, business, concern, dealings,
giorrúchán nm1 abbreviation, contraction trading
giota nm bit, part, piece gnóiteán nm1 benefit, result
giotár nm1 guitar gnóthach adj busy
giotár clasaiceach nm1 classical guitar gnóthaigh vb earn, gain, get, obtain
giotár fuaimiúil nm1 acoustic guitar gnóthas nm1 business, enterprise, firm
gircín nm4 gherkin gnúis nf2 face, facial expression
glac vb accept, assume, receive go prep to, until
glacadh nm acceptance, admission, reception go beo adv vividly
[phone] go deo adv forever
glaidiólas nm1 gladiolus go fóill adv yet
glan adj bright, clean, clear, well-made (person); go h-uathoibríoch adv automatically
adv completely; vb clean, cleanse, clear go híseal adv low
(obstacle), open (road, view) go húrnua adv afresh
glantóir nm3 cleaner, cleanser, cleansing agent go luath shortly, soon
glao nm1 call, vocation go mall adv slowly
glaoigh vb call for, cry out, shout go minic adv often
glár nm1 (soft) mass, silt go raibh maith agat thank you [to one person]
glas nm lock; adj green [colour of vegetation], go tapa adv quickly
grey go tintrí adv hotly - Copyright eTeanga 2011

go tobann suddenly groí adj robust, sturdy, vigorous
gob nm beak, bill, spout, tip [of knife] gruagaire nm hairdresser
goid vb steal; nf3 theft gruaig nf hair
goilliúnach adj sensitive, touchy [person] grúm nm1 groom
goirín nm4 pimple, spot grúmaeir nm3 groom
goiríneach adj spotty grúpa nm group
goirmín nm4 delicate person, pansy [botany] guais nf2 hazard
goirt adj bitter, salty gual nm coal
gol nm1 crying, weeping gualainn nf2 shoulder
gonc nm1 rebuff, snub guarantee nf ráthaíocht
gonta adj abrupt, hurt, hurtful (remark), pained, guí nf prayer
pithy, terse, wounded guigh vb pray
good day dia dhuit guine nf4 guinea fowl
gor vb heat; nm1 hatch guma nm4 gum
goradán nm1 incubator gúna nm4 dress, frock, gown
gorm adj blue gunna nm4 gun
gort nm1 field guth nm3 voice
gorta nm4 famine, hunger guthán nm phone, telephone
gortach adj barren, hungry, mean guthán póca nm cell phone, mobile phone
gortaigh vb harm, hurt, injure
gortaithe adj hurt, injured H
gortú nm injury
grá nm4 love, sweetheart haca nm4 hockey
gradam nm prestige haemaifiliach adj haemophiliac; nm1
graifítí nm4 graffiti haemophiliac
gráin nf disgust, distaste Háig nf2 The Hague
gráinneog nf2 hedgehog haingear nm1 hangar
gram nm gram hairicín nm hurricane
gramadach nf2 grammar haiste nm4 hatch
grámhar adj affectionate, loving halla nm4 auditorium, hall
gránna adj disagreeable, ugly hamstar nm1 hamster
grásta n grace hanla nm4 handle, handlebar
grástúil adj graceful hart nm1 heart (cards)
gráta nm4 grate, hearth hata nm4 hat
gread vb batter, beat (wings), bump, chatter hearóin nf2 heroin
(teeth), hammer [fig], pound, shove, smach, héileacaptar nm1 helicopter
stamp (feet), swish, thump, wallop (tail), whisk héiliam nm4 helium
(eggs) hi-fi nm4 hi-fi
greamaigh vb fasten, grip, stick, tape hiatas nm1 hiatus, interruption
greamán nm1 sticker hidrigin nf2 hydrogen
greann nm1 humour hidrileictreach adj hydroelectric
greannach nm1 irritant; adj irritant, irritating hiéana nm4 hyena
greannmhar adj funny híleantóir nm3 highlander
greanta adj beautiful (literature), graven, hiodrálach adj hydraulic
incised, lapidary, polished, shapely hiodrant nm1 hydrant
gréasaí nm4 cobbler, shoe maker hiodróideach nm1 hydroid
greim nm bite, grip Hiondúch nm1 Hindu
gréine adj solar hiopnóisigh vb hypnotize
gréithe nf tableware hipeartrófacht nf3 hypertrophy
grian nf sun, sunshine hipitéis nf2 hypothesis
grianán nm1 conservatory, summer house histéire nf4 hysteria
grianfhuinneamh n solar energy histéireach adj hysterical
grianmhar adj bright, cheerful, sunny hómaighnéasach adj homosexual; nm1
grianstad nm solstice homosexual
grinneall nm1 bed, bottom [of a river, valley], hopa nm4 hop (botanic)
floor hormón nm1 hormone - Copyright eTeanga 2011

huscaí nm4 husky imníoch adj anxious, nervous
imprisean nm1 impression [mental image]
I imreasc nm1 iris [eye]
imreoir nm player
í pron her imscríobh vb circumscribe
i prep in imscrúdaigh vb investigate
i do aonar alone in aghaidh prep against
i gceannas ar in charge of in aice láimhe prep close by
i gcónaí adv always in-athnuaite adj renewable
i mbaol prep in danger in-bhithmhillte adj biodegradable
iad pron they ina dhiaidh sin adv afterwards
Iarácach nm1 Iraqi, Iraquian; adj Iraqi, Iraquian inadhainte adj flammable, inflammable
Iaránach nm1 Iranian; adj Iranian inathnuaiteán nm1 renewable
iarann nm1 iron inbhear nm estuary, firth
iarchéimí nm postgraduate inbhuanaithe adj sustainable
iargúltacht nf3 remoteness inchinn nf2 brain
iarmhairt nf consequence, consequent, effect, Indiach nm1 Indian; adj Indian
impact, ramification, repercussion, spillover indiúscartha adj disposable
iarmhír nf2 extension, suffix ingearán nm1 helicopter
iarnáil nf3 ironing; vb iron inghlachta adj acceptable
iarnóin nf3 afternoon inimirce nf immigration
iarr vb request, seek iníon nf daughter
iarracht nf effort Iníon nf Miss [person's title]
iarraidh nf attempt, demand, request inis nf2 island; vb relate, reveal, tell
iarratas nm1 query iniúch vb audit
iarrthóir nm3 candidate iniúchadh nm audit, inspection
iarsmalann nf2 museum iniúchóir nm3 auditor
iasacht nf3 loan inlasta adj flammable, inflammable
iasc nm1 fish; vb fish inlíon nm1 intranet
iasc órga n goldfish inné adv yesterday; n yesterday
iascaire nm4 fisherman inneall nm1 engine, motor
iascaireacht nf angling, fishing inneall níocháin nm1 washing machine
idéalach adj ideal, perfect innealtóir nm3 engineer
idir prep about, between inní nm4 bowels
idirbhliain nf3 transition year inniu adv today
idirchontae adj inter county inscríbhinn nf2 inscription
idirdhealú nm differentiation, discrimination, insint nf2 narrative
distinction insligh vb insulate
idirlíon nm internet insliú nm insulation
idirmheánach adj intermediate instealladh nm injection
idirspléachas adj interdependence intinn nf2 intent, intention, mind
ídiú nm consumption íobairt nf3 sacrifice
ifreann nm hell íoc nm3 charge, pay, payment, rate; vb pay
ilchríoch nf2 continent íochtarach adj bottom, inferior, lower, northern
ildaite adj multicolored, multicoloured íoctha adj paid
ilphósadh nm polygamy Iodáilis nf2 Italian language
im nm butter Iodálach nm1 Italian; adj Italian
imeachtaí nm proceedings íogair adj delicate, sensitive
imeall nm border, edge, fringe, margin, iógart nm1 yoghurt, yogurt
outskirts [of city] íol nm1 idol
imigh vb depart, deviate, take off iolar nm1 eagle
imir vb play; nf overtone, shade, tint iomaí adj many
imir bulaíocht ar vb bully iomáin nf3 hurling; vb hurl, play hurling
imirce nf migration iomáint nf3 hurling
imirt nf play iomaíocht nf3 competition, rivalery
imní nf anxiety, worry iomaire nm4 furrow, ridge - Copyright eTeanga 2011

iomarca nf4 excess istigh adj inside
iomard nm1 affliction, hardship, reproach istír adv ashore
iomchuí adj appropriate, fitting ith vb to eat
íomhá nf4 image Iúil nf4 July
iomlachtadh nm1 ferrying, passage, transport iúl nm1 attention, knowledge
iomlán adv absolutely; adj all, complete, overall, Iúpatar nm Jupiter
thorough, total, utter, whole; nm1 all, total,
whole J
iomlaoid nf2 change, fluctuation, shift
iomlat nm1 mischievousness jab nm job
iomluaigh vb agitate, exercise, mention, move,
iompair vb carry K
iompar nm behaviour, transport
iomparán nm van
Iompróir an Uisce nm3 Aquarius L
iompú thart nm U-turn
íon adj pure lá nm day
ionad nm center [e.g. touristic centre], centre, lá breithe birthday
venue Lá breithe sona duit Happy birthday
ionadaí nm representative, substitue [person] Lá Fhéile Pádraig n Saint Patrick's Day
ionadaigh vb replace, represent, substitute Lá Fhéile Vailintín n Valentine's Day
ionadh nm surprise, wonder labhair vb speak
ionann adj equal, identical, same labhairt nf3 manner of speech
ioncam nm1 income lacáiste nm4 allowance, discount, rebate
ionchur nm input lách adj affable, friendly
ionfhabhtú nm infection lacha nf duck
ionga nf5 fingernail, nail [anat.] láchan nf3 dawning
ionracas nm honesty, integrity, sincerity lachín nf4 duckling
ionsá nm4 insertion, intrusion lachna adj drab, dull grey, dun
ionsaí nm attack, attempt lacht nm3 milk, yield of milk
ionsaigh vb attack lachtach adj lactic, milky, tearful
ionsaitheach adj aggressive lachtadh nm lactation
ionstraim nf2 instrument lád nm1 watercourse
iontach adj amazing, wonderful ládáil nf3 cargo, lading; vb lade
iontas nm1 amazement, suprise ládanam nm1 laudanum
ionúin adj beloved, dear ladar nm1 ladle
iora rua nm4 (red) squirrel ládasach adj obstinate, self-willed
iora talún nm4 chipmunk ladhar nf2 claw, fistful, fork, interdigital, prong,
íoróin nf2 irony toe
Ioruach nm1 Norwegian; adj Norwegian ladhrach adj clawed, forked, pronged, toed
Ioruais nf2 Norweigan language ladrann nm1 robber
Ioruas nf2 Norwegian (language) ladúsach adj pert, silly, wheedling
Íosa nm4 Jesus laethanta nm days
íoslach nm1 basement laethanta saoire nm holidays, vacation
Íoslainnis nf2 Icelandic language laethúil adj daily
Íoslannach adj Icelandic; nm1 Icelander laftán nm ledge [geology]
íoslódáil vb download lag adj weak
Iosrael nm4 Israel lagachar nm1 faintness, weakness
Iosraelach nm1 Israeli; adj Israeli lagaigh vb weaken
iris nf2 journal, magazine lágar nm1 lager
iriseoir nm journalist laghairt nf2 lizard
is fearr best laghdaigh vb decrease, diminish
is lú adj smallest laibhe nf4 lava
íseal adj low Laidin nf2 Latin (language)
ispín nm4 sausage láidir adj strong - Copyright eTeanga 2011

laige weaknesses léan nm1 anguish, sorrow, woe
láir nf5 mare lean ort vb continue
láirinciam nm4 lawrencium léana nm4 lawn
láithreach adj immediate, present leanbaí adj childish, childlike, infantile
Laitviach nm1 Latvian; adj Latvian leanbaíocht nf3 childhood, childishness,
Laitvis nf2 Latvian (language) puerility
lámh nf hand leanbh nm baby, child
lámhainn nf2 glove léanmhar adj agonizing, distressed, grievous,
lamhnán nm1 bladder, cyst sorrowful
lámhscríbhinn nf2 manuscript léann nm1 learning, scholarship, study
lampa nm lamp leannán nm lover
lán pref full leantóir nm3 fan, follower, trailer
lánaimseartha adj full-time leaptón nm1 lepton
lánchosc nm1 embargo léargas nm insight, sight, visibility
lándeic nf2 flush deck léarscáil nf2 map
lántaca nm4 full-back leas nm3 benefit, fertiliser, fertilizer, good,
lánteas nm3 total heat interest
lántosaí nm4 full-forward léas nm1 blister, glimmer, radiance, ray of light,
lánúnas nm1 sexual union weal
lao nm4 calf leas- pref by-, deputy, step-, vice-
laoch nm hero, warrior leasathair nm step father, stepfather
laofheoil nf3 veal leasmhac nm1 stepson
lapa nm flipper, paw leasmháthair nf5 stepmother
lapadaíl vb paddle [shallow water] leathan adj broad, wide
lár nm1 centre, floor, ground, middle leathanach nm1 page
lárnach adj central leathar nm1 leather
las vb fire, ignite, light leathnú vb Extending
lasair nf5 blaze, flame leathscoite adj semi-detached
lasán nm1 flame, flash, match leathstad nm4 semicolon
lasc nf2 beat, flog, lash, switch, trounce, whip leatrom nm1 bias, inequality, injustice,
lastóir nm lighter oppression
láthair nf location, site léibheann nm1 level space, plateau, platform,
láthair na coire nm3 crime scene terrace
le prep against, by, for, to, with leiceann nm cheek
le do thoil please leicneach nf2 mumps
leaba nf bed leictreachas nm1 electricity
leabhal nm1 libel leictreon nm1 electron
leabhar nm book léigh vb read
leabharlann nf2 library leigheas vb heal [health]; nm cure, healing,
leabharlannaí nm4 librarian medicine [medicinal], medicine [practice],
leabhragán nm book case, bookcase remedy [law]
leacan nm1 tile léim vb jump, jump up
léacht nf lecture léine nf shirt, tunic
leachtaigh vb liquefy, liquidate leipreachán nm1 leprechaun
léachtóir nm3 lecturer, reader (at University) léirigh vb demonstrate, depict, explain, graph
leadóg nf tennis [mathematics], illustrate, make clear, show
leadóg faiche nf2 lawn tennis léiriúchán nm illustration
leadránach adj boring léirmheas nm3 review
leag vb demolish, knock down, lay, lower léirsteanach adj insightful, perceptive
leagan nm1 version léirthuiscint nf3 appreciation
leáigh vb dissolve, melt, thaw leis nf2 thigh; adv also, exposed, uncovered
léamh nm1 read, reading leisce nf4 reluctance
leamhachán nm1 marsh-mallow, marshmallow leisciúil adj lazy
leamhán nm1 elm leispiach nm1 lesbian; adj lesbian
leamhan nm1 moth leite nf5 porridge
lean vb continue, extend [mathematics], follow leithead nm1 breadth, cloth (sailing), fly (of - Copyright eTeanga 2011

flag), gauge, width lobhra nf4 leprosy
leitheadach adj broad, prevalent, proud, wide; loch nm lake
nm1 spoonbill lochlannach n viking
léitheoir nm reader lóchrann nm1 lamp, lantern, light
léitheoireacht nf3 reading lofa adj decayed, rotten
leithinis nf2 peninsula logall nm1 socket
leithleach adj distinct, selfish, separate, unique logánta adj local
leithreas nm1 lavatory, toilet loiceadh nm failure, refusal
leithscéal nm apology loighic nf2 logic
leitís nf2 lettuce lóis nf2 lotion
leochaileach adj frail, tender loisc vb burn, scorch, sting
leon nm1 lion lóiste nm4 lodge
leor adj ample, sufficient lóistín nm accomodation, lodging
leoraí nm4 lorry loit vb damage, hurt, injure, spoil
liamhás nm ham lom adj bare, close, flat (denial), thin; adv flatly;
liath adj grey vb denude, lay bare, mow, shear
liathán nm1 spleen lomaire faiche nm4 lawn mower
liathróid nf ball lomán nm1 log, tree trunk
Liatroim nm3 Leitrim lomnocht adj naked
lig vb let lomra nm4 fleece
ligean nm1 leak, leakage, let (sport), play lón nm1 food, lunch, provision, repast, supply
lile nf4 lily lon dubh nm1 blackbird
limistéar nm1 area, district, territory long nf2 ship
líne nf4 line, row (line) lonnú nm settlement, stay
líníocht theicniúil technical drawing lonrach adj luminous, shiny
linn nf2 pond lonraigh vb shine
linn snámha nf2 swimming pool lorg vb seek
linntreog nf2 pothole loscann nm frog
lintile nf4 lentil luaidhe nf lead [metal]
liobrálach adj liberal luaigh vb cite, mention
liobrálaí nm liberal luaith nf3 ash, ashes
líofa adj fluent luaithreadán nm1 ashtray
liom prep with me luamh nm1 yacht
líomh vb file [make smooth] luamhaire nm4 yachtsman
líomhán nm file [tool] luamhaireacht nf3 yachting
líomóid nf lemon Luan nm1 Monday
líon vb fill; nm flax, linen, net [fishing] luas nm1 pace, speed, velocity
líonánach nf2 spiked water-milfoil luascadh suas nm upswing
líonléitheoir nm web browser luath adj early, fast, quick
líonmhar adj complete, full, numerous lúbra nm4 maze
lionn nm3 humour [bad] luch nf mouse
lionn dubh nm depression, melancholy lúcháir nf delight, glee, joy
líonrith nm4 panic lucharachán nm1 elf, leprechaun, pigmy
lionsa nm4 lens luchóg nf mouse
liopa nm4 lip lucht nm4 group (of people); charge
liosta nm4 list Lucsamburg nm4 Luxembourg
liostáil vb enlist, subscribe [computers] lúfar adj agile, athletic
líreacán nm1 lollipop luí gréine nm4 sunset
liteartha adj literal, literary, literate luibh nf2 herb
litir nf letter lúide prep minus
litrigh vb spell Luimneach n Limerick
litríocht nf3 literature luimneach nm1 limerick [poetry]
liú nm yell luisne nf4 glow, glow, lustre
liúigh vb yell lúithnire nm athlete
liúntas nm1 allowance Lúnasa nm4 August
lobh vb decay, rot lus nm3 herb, plant - Copyright eTeanga 2011

lus an chromchinn nm3 daffodil mallaithe adj damned
lus mic rí nm3 basil mamaí n mam, mammy, mom
lus mín nm3 dill mamó grandma, granny
lus míonla nm3 forget-me-not manach nm monk
lus na gloine nm3 glasswort mangaire nm4 chapman, hawker
lus na gréine nm3 sunflower maoin nf2 property, wealth
lus na mbrat nm3 thyme (wild) maoineach adj wealthy
lúthcleasaiocht nf3 athletics maoinigh vb endow, finance, fund
maol adj bald, blunt
M maor nm supervisor
maorlathach nm1 bureaucrat
má if mapa nm4 map
mac nm son mar because; prep as, for, like
mac léinn n student [college] maraigh vb kill
mac tíre nm wolf marbh adj dead
macalla nm echo marbhlann nf2 morgue, mortuary
macántacht nf honesty, sincerity, [moral marcach nm1 horseman, rider
soundess] integrity marcaíocht n ride [fair; carnival]; horse riding
madra nm4 dog marfach adj deadly, fatal, lethal, mortal
madra rua fox margadh nm1 bargain, deal, market, market
madra uisce nm otter place
magadh nm1 derision, mockery, ridicule margaíocht nf3 marketing
magairle nm testicle marla nm4 marl, modeling clay
maide nm4 stick marmar nm1 marble
maidin nf morning marmat nm1 marmot
maígh vb boast, claim, envy, state maróg nf2 pudding
Maigh Eo nf Mayo Mars nm Mars
maighdean nf2 maiden, virgin mart nm1 bullock, cow [slaughtered]
maighdeanas nm1 virginity Márta nm March
maighdeanúil adj virgin marthanóir nm survivor
maighdeog nf2 pivot marú nm killing, slaughter
maignéisiam nm4 magnesium más nm1 buttock, thigh
máinlia nm4 surgeon masc nm1 mask
mainséar nm manger masla nm4 insult
maíomh vb to claim; nm assertion, boast, maslaigh vb insult
statement mata nf2 maths
mair vb to live [exist], to survive matamaitic nf2 mathematics, maths
mairg nf2 sorrow, woe máthair nf mother
mairnéalach nm1 mariner, sailor, seaman máthair shúigh nf squid
Máirt n Tuesday mathshlua nm horde
mairteoil nf3 beef mé pron I, me
maisitheoir nm3 decorator meá nf4 balance, measure, scales
maisiúchán nm1 decoration meabhrach adj conscious
maistíneacht vb bully meabhrán nm1 memo, memorandum
maith vb forgive, waive; adj good meacan nm1 root crop, tuberous root
maitheamh nm1 abatement, forgiveness, meacan bán nm1 parsnip
remission meacan biatais nm1 beetroot
maithiúnas nm amnesty, forgiveness meacan dearg nm1 carrot
máithreachas nm1 maternity, motherhood meáchan nm1 weight
mála nm bag méadaigh vb enlarge, increase
mala nf4 eyebrow meadaracht nf3 metre (poetry)
mála láimhe nm4 handbag meadhg nm1 whey
mála scoile nm4 schoolbag méadú nm enlargement, increase
maláire nf4 malaria meafar nm1 metaphor
malartán nm1 job center, job centre meáin chruthaitheacha nm creative media
mall adj slow meáin chumarsáide n communications media - Copyright eTeanga 2011

méala nm4 grief, sorrow meitiolamfaitimín nm4 methamphetamine
mealbhacán nm1 melon meon nm1 attitude, character, disposition, mind,
mealbhacán uisce nm1 water melon temperament
meall vb charm, coax, deceive, delude, mí nf month
disappoint, entice, persuade; nm1 ball, lump, mí na meala nf honeymoon
protuberance mí- pref bad, dis-, evil, ill, mis-, un-
mealltach adj sexy mí-ionraic adj dishonest
meán nm1 average, medium, middle; pref mian nf2 desire, wish
average, mean, medium, middle miangas nm1 concupiscence, craving, desire
Meán Fómhair nm September mianra nm4 mineral
meán oíche nm midnight miasniteoir nm3 dishwasher
meancóg nf2 blunder, mistake Mícheál nm Michael
méanfach nf2 yawn mícheart adj incorrect, wrong
meangadh nm smile micrea pref micro
meánscoil nf2 secondary school micreascóp nm1 microscope
méar nf2 finger micreathonn nf2 microwave
méar coise nf2 toe micreathonnach adj microwave
méara nm4 mayor mídhleathach adj illegal
mearbhall nm dizzness mífheilteachas nm1 malapropism
mearcair nm mercury mífhoighne nf4 impatience
Mearcair nm Mercury mígheanasach adj indecent
meargánta adj foolhardy, reckless mil nf3 honey
méaróg chuimhne nf2 memory stick míle thousand; nm mile
meas vb assess, estimate, evaluate, guess; nm milis adj sweet
respect míliú nm4 thousandth; adj thousandth
measc vb mix up, stir mill vb destroy, ruin, spoil
meascán nm1 compound, mix, mixture milliún nm1 million
meata adj gastly, gone bad, sick, spineless millte adj destroyed, ruined, spoiled
meatacht nf3 cowardice, decay, decline milseáin nm sweets
meath nm decay, decline, fade, rot milseán nm candy, sweet
meathán nm1 sapling, splinter, sucker milseog nf dessert, sweet
meathlaigh vb decay, decline, deteriorate, fail, minc nf2 mink
sicken míneas nm1 minus
méathras nm fat [culinary] minic adv frequently, often; adj frequent
Meicsiceach nm1 Mexican; adj Mexican míol mór nm whale
Meicsiceo nm4 Mexico mionchúiseach adj meticulous, minor
méid nf2 magnitude, size, value mionghearrthóir nm3 shredder
meidhreach adj frisky, jolly, perky mionn nm3 crown, oath
méin nf2 bearing, disposition, mind mionsonra nm4 detail
méiniúil adj friendly, well-disposed, [of land] mionsonraigh vb detail, specify
fertile miontóir nm3 meat grinder, mincer
meirbh adj close, languid, sultry, weak mionúr nm1 minor
meirdreachas nm1 harlotry, prostitution míorúilt nf miracle
meirge nm4 banner, standard mioscaiseach adj malicious, mischievous,
Meiriceá nm4 America spiteful, wicked
Meiriceánach adj American míosúil adj monthly
meirleachas nm1 banditry, outlawry, villainy miotal nm1 metal
meirtne nf4 dejection, weakness, weariness miotas nm1 myth
meisce nm4 drunkeness, inebriation, miotaseolaíocht nf3 mythology
intoxication mír nf2 item, part, portion, share
meisceoir nm3 drunk, drunkard mire adj angry, mad
meitéar nm1 meteor mírialta adj irregular, unruly
méith nf2 fat, fat meat, fertility, richness; adj fat, mise nm I, me
fertile, rich míshlachtmhar adj untidy
méithe nf4 fatness, richness misneach nm courage
Meitheamh nm1 June misniúil adj brave, cheerful, courageous - Copyright eTeanga 2011

mithid adj convenient time, due time na hÉisc nf Pisces
mná nf ladies, women Na Scigirí n Faroe Islands
mo adj my nádúr nm nature
mo bhreithlá nm my birthday naimhdeach adj hostile
modartha adj overcast naimhdeas nm1 hostility
móide prep plus naíonán nm1 infant
moill nf2 delay, hindrance, stop naíonra nm nursery school, play school,
móin nf3 peat, turf pre-school
móinéar nm meadow náire nf4 shame
mol vb advocate [put forward], applaud, náireach adj shameful
commend, praise, propose, recommend, náisiún nm1 nation
recommend submit, suggest náisiúnta adj national, nationwide
moladh nm applause, commendation, náisiúntacht nf3 nationality
compliment, compliment, praise, proposal, namhaid nm5 enemy
proposition, suggestion naofa adj divine, hallowed, holy, sacred
moncaí nm monkey naofacht nf3 holiness, sanctity
mór adj big, great, large, large-scale naoi nine
móramh nm1 majority naomh nm1 saint
mórán adj many, much Naomh Bhríde nf St. Brigit
muc nf pig naoscaire nm sniper
múch vb extinguish (flame), muffle, quench, naprún nm1 apron, roach (sailing), skirt
shut down, stifle, switch off; nf2 fume nasc nm connection, link; vb connect, link, tie
muiceoil nf3 pork nathair nf5 serpent, snake
muid pron we nathair nimhe nf snake
muiléad nm1 millet neach nm being
múin vb teach neacht nf3 niece
muince nf4 necklace neachtlann nf laundry
múineadh nm politeness nead nf2 nest
muinéal nm1 neck, neckline neamh nf heaven
muinín nf2 confidence, dependence, trust neamhaí adj celestial, heavenly
muiníneach adj dependable, trustworthy neamhchiontach adj innocent, not guilty
múinte adj polite, well-bred neamhchoinníollach adj unconditional
muintearas nf1 belonging, friendship, neamhchoitianta adj extraordinary, unusual
relationship [religion], sense of belonging neamhdhleathach adj illegal
múinteoir nm teacher neamhní nm4 nothing, nought
muintir n extended family, folks neamhréadúil adj unrealistic
muir nf sea neamhshiméadrach adj asymmetric,
muireitleán nm1 seaplane asymmetrical
muireolaíocht nf3 oceanography neamhshonrach adj indefinite [grammatical]
muirín nm4 scallop neamhshuim nf2 disregard, indifference,
muirnigh vb cherish unconcern
muirnín nm4 beloved, darling, sweetheart neamhspleách adj independent
muisiriún nm1 mushroom neamhspleáchas nm1 autonomy, independence
mullach nm1 ridge, summit, top neantóg nf2 common nettle
mún vb piss, urinate; nm1 piss, urine néaróg nf2 nerve
muna if [negative: if you don't] neart nm strength
murnán nm1 ankle neas-suigh vb juxtapose
murtall nm obesity neascóid nf2 boil
músaem nm1 museum Neiptiún nm Neptune
neodrón nm1 neutron
N nia nm4 nephew
niachas nm1 chivalry
ná do not, don't nialas nm1 zero
na art the [plural] nigh vb wash
Na Bahámaí n Bahamas nimh nf2 poison
na healaíona nf2 arts nimhigh vb poison - Copyright eTeanga 2011

nimhiúil adj poisonous oibreoir nm3 actor, operator
nimhneach adj painful, sore, spiteful, touchy oibrí nm4 worker
[person} oibrigh vb work
nimhniú morgach septic poisoning oíche nf4 evening, night, night time; adj nightly
níos lú adj less; adv less; pron less oíche mhaith good night, goodnight
níos mó more than; adj more Oíche Shamhna Hallowe'en, Halloween
níos mó ná adj bigger óid nf2 ode
nirbheána nm4 nirvana oide nm4 teacher, tutor
nítrigin nf2 nitrogen oideachas nm education
nó or oideas nm prescription, recipe
nócha ninety oideasra nm software [uncommonly used
nocht adj bare, nude; vb disclose, expose, reveal, translation]
strip, uncover oidhreacht nf3 heritage, inheritance, legacy
nod giorrúcháin nm1 abbreviation oifig n office
nóiméad n minute [time] oifigiúil adj civil, official
nóin nf3 noon óige nf4 childhood, youth
nóinín nm4 daisy oigheann nm oven
Nollaig nf5 Christmas, December, Yule oigheann micreathonnach nm1 microwave
Nollaig Shona Happy Christmas oven
nós nm custom, habit, trend oighear nm ice
nóta nm4 annotation, note oigreach adj glacial
nua adj new oil educate, nurture, rear
nua-aimseartha adj modern Oileáin Fharó n Faroe Islands
Nua-Eabhrac nm4 New York Oileáin Fhidsí n Fiji Islands
Nua-Shéalannach nm1 New Zealander oileán nm1 island
nuachtán nm1 journal, newspaper oileánach nm islander, islandman; adj insular
nuair nf when Oilimpeach nm1 Olympian; adj Olympic
nuálach adj innovative oilte adj qualified, trained
núicléach adj nuclear oinniún nm1 onion
núicléas nm1 nucleas óinseach nf fool [woman], idot [woman]
oir vb fit, suit
O óir because, for
oireachtas nm large gathering
ó prep from, since oiread n amount, quantity
obair nf labour, work oiriúnach adj suitable
obair bhaile n homework oirthear nm east
óbó nm4 oboe oisre nm4 oyster
obrádlann nf2 operating theatre ól vb drink
obráid nf2 (surgical) operation olann nf wool
ócáid nf2 incident, occasion olc adj bad, evil
ócáideach adj occasional, opportune olcas nm1 badness
ócar nm1 ochre Ollainnis nf2 Dutch [language]
ochlán nm1 cause of sorrow, groan, sigh ollamh nm1 professor
ocht eight ollmhargadh nm supermarket
ócht nf3 virginity ollmhór adj huge, massive
ochtach nm1 octave ollscoil nf2 university
ochtapas nm1 octopus ólta adj drunk
ochtó eighty ómós nm respect
ocrach nm1 hungry person; adj hungry onnmhairigh vb export
ocras nm1 hunger, starvation Onóir nf honour
ocsaídeach adj oxidizing onóir nf honor, honour
ocsaigin nf2 oxygen onórach adj honorable, honourable
óg adj young ór nm gold
ógánach nm1 adolescent, juvenile, youth ór Muire nm1 marigold
ogham nm1 ogham [script, inscription] óráid nf2 address, oration, speech
ógra nm young people, youths orainn prep on us - Copyright eTeanga 2011

oráiste n [fruit] orange; adj orange parthas nm1 paradise
Oráisteach nm1 Orangeman pasáiste nm passage, passageway
ord nm1 order, procedure, sequence, patrarc nm4 patriarch
sledgehammer patrún nm1 patron, role model
ordóg nf thumb patuaire nf4 apathy, tepidity
órga adj golden [colour], golden [made of gold] patuar adj apathetic, lukewarm
orgánach nm1 organism; adj organic péacán nm1 shoot, sprout
orm prep on me péacóg nf2 peacock, peafowl
os comhair prep before, in front of, opposite peaindí nm4 mashed potatoes with milk and
oscail vb open butter, tin mug
oscailt nf2 opening peann nm pen [writing]
oscailte adj open peann luaidhe n pencil
osna nf4 sigh pearóid nf2 parrot
osnaigh vb sigh pearsa nf character, figure, person
ospidéal nm1 hospital pearsanta adj personal
óstach nm1 host, hostess peata nm pet
óstán nm1 hotel peil nf2 football
Ostarach nm1 Austrian; adj Austrian peil gaelach nm gaelic football
osteilgeoir n overhead projector peil Meiriceánach nf2 American football
óstlann nf2 hotel peilbheas nm1 pelvis
ostrais nf2 ostrich péinteáil vb paint; nf3 painting
othar nm1 patient péintéir nm3 painter
otharcharr nm1 ambulance peirsil nf2 parsley
otharlann nf2 hospital péist nf2 monster, reptile, worm
peiteal nm1 petal
P peitreal nm1 petrol
peitriliam nm4 petroleum
pá nm4 pay, wages péitseog nf2 peach
pábháil nf3 pavement, paving; vb pave pian nf pain
paca nm4 pack pianó nm4 piano
pacáil nf3 packing; vb pack piardóg nf2 crayfish [saltwater]
paidir nf2 prayer piasún nm1 pheasant
paidrín nm4 rosary, rosary beads píb uilleann nf2 uilleann pipes, union pipes
páil nf2 paling, stakes píceáil nf3 peek purchase
pailéad nm1 palette pictiúr nm1 picture
pailin nf2 pollen pictiúrlann nf cinema
pailis nf2 fortress, palace, palisade piléar nm1 bullet
pailliún nm1 pavilion piliúr nm1 pillow
pailm nf2 palm pingin nf2 penny
pailnigh vb pollinate pinsean nm1 pension
paimfléad nm1 pamphlet pinsinéir nm3 pensioner, senior citizen
paincréas nm1 pancreas píobaire nm4 piper
painéal gréine n solar panel píobán nm1 hose
páipéar nm paper píobán copair nm1 copper pipe
páirc nf field, park, pitch píobán gairdín n1 garden hose
Páirc an Chrócaigh Croke Park piobar nm1 pepper
páirt nf2 role pioc vb pluck
páirtaimseartha adj part-time piongain nf2 penguin
paisean nm1 passion [strong emotion] pionna nm4 peg, pin
paiseanta adj passionate pionós nm1 penalty, punishment
paiste nm patch [computers] pionsúirín nm4 tweezers
pálás nm1 palace pionta nm4 pint
pancóg nf2 pancake píopa nm4 pipe, pipeline
pápa nm4 pope piorra nm4 pear
paráid nf2 parade píosa nm4 bit, coin, length, piece, section
paraisiút nm1 parachute píotsa nm Pizza - Copyright eTeanga 2011

pis nf2 pea póraigh vb breed
pis thalún nf2 peanut port nm1 centre, harbour, haven, jig,
piscín nm kitten landing-place, mound, river-bank, seat,
piseán nm1 pea strong-hold, tune
piseog nf superstition Port Láirge Waterford
piteog nf camp, effeminate man, homosexual Portaingéalach nm1 Portuguese; adj
man [slang], pansy, queer, sissy Portuguese
pitseámaí nm4 pyjamas Portaingéilis nf2 Portuguese language
plaisteach nm1 plastic portán nm1 crab
plait nf2 scalp pós vb marry
plámás nm flattery pósadh nm marriage, matrimony, wedding
pláta te nm4 hotplate [on cooker] post nm job, mail, post
plean nm plan pósta adj married
pléasc vb explode, shoot; nf2 blast, explosion, postáil vb mail, post
shot postas nm1 postage
pléascach adj explosive pota nm4 pot
pléascadh nm blasting, explosion, shooting potaire nm4 potter
pléascán nm1 explosive prae nf4 acquisition, prey
pléascánta adj breezy, exuberant praghas nm1 price
pleidhce nm4 fool, simpleton práinn nf emergency, urgency
pluais nf cave práinneach adj imperative, pressing, urgent
plucach adj chubby praiséidimiam nm4 praseodymium
plúch vb jam, muffle, suffocate, wreck pram nm4 pram
pluid nf2 blanket prás nm1 brass
pluiméir nm3 plumber práta n potato
plúirín sneachta nm snowdrop preab vb bounce; nf2 bounce, twitch
pluma nm4 plum préachán nm1 crow
plúr nm1 flour préachta adj freezing, perished
plus nm4 plus Preispitéireach adj Presbyterian; nm1
plútóiniam nm4 plutonium Presbyterian
Plútón nm Pluto printíseach nm1 apprentice
pobal nm1 community, population, public príobháideach adj private
pobalbhreith nf2 plebiscite, poll, survey príomhchócaire nm chef
poblacht nf republic príomhoide nm4 headmaster, principal teacher
Poblacht na hÉireann Republic of Ireland príomhthéama n main theme
Poblachtánaigh n Republicans prionsa nm4 prince
póca nm4 pocket priontáil nf3 printing; vb print, print off
pócar nm1 poker príosún nm1 jail, prison
póg vb kiss; nf2 kiss profa nm4 proof [of alcahol; literature]
poipín nm4 poppy próifíl nf2 profile
póit nf2 drunkeness, hangover proinn nf2 meal
Pol Theas nm South Pole proinnseomra nm4 dining room
Pol Thuaidh nm North Pole promhadh nm1 proof
polach adj polar Protastúnach nm1 Protestant
Polainnis nf2 Polish language prótón nm1 proton
polaiteoir nm3 politician puball nm1 tent
polaitíocht nf3 politics púca nm4 ghost
polaitiúil adj political puifín nm4 puffin
Polannach nm1 Pole; adj Polish puimcín nm4 pumpkin
poll vb pierce; nm hole punt nm1 pound
pónaí nm4 pony, ponytail púróg nf2 pebble, round stone
ponc nm1 dot, point putóg nf2 gut, intestine
Poncánach adj Yank, Yankee; nm1 Yank, putóg dhubh nf2 black pudding
popcheol nm1 pop music
pór nm1 breed, seed, strain - Copyright eTeanga 2011

réaltbhuíon nf2 constellation
Q réalteolaíocht nf3 astronomy
réaltra nm4 galaxy
réamhaisnéis nf forecast
réamhchlaonadh nm predjudice
R réamhfhocal nm1 preposition
réamhrá nm4 introduction, preface, prologue
r-phost n email reathaí nm4 runner
rac nm4 rock reibiliúnach nm rebel; adj rebel
rac-cheol nm1 rock music réigiún nm1 region
ráca nm4 rake réigiúnach adj regional
racán nm1 brawl, racket, uproar reilig nf2 graveyard
rachmas nm1 wealth reiligiún nm1 religion
rachmasach adj wealthy réim nf2 career, course, range, regimen,
racht nm3 a fit of anger, anger, passion, succession
violence réimír nf2 prefix
radaíocht nf3 radiation réimniú nm conjugation [ling]
radaíocht ultraibhialait nf3 ultraviolet réir nf2 command, will, wish
radiation réiteach nm1 agreement, clearance, clearing,
radaitheoir nm3 radiator disentaglement, level space, preparation,
radathonn nf2 radio wave settlement, solution
radharc nm1 scene, sight, view, vision reithe nm4 ram
radharceolaí nm4 optician réitigh vb prepare, solve
rafar adj prosperous, thriving reo nm4 freezing, frost
ráfla nm4 rumour reoán nm1 icing
raic nf2 driftwood, racket, ruction, uproar, reoigh vb freeze
wreck, wreckage reophointe nm4 freezing point
raidis nf2 radish rí nm4 king, sovereign
raidis fhiáin nf2 horseradish rí- pref exceedingly, kingly, royal, ultra-, very
rainse nm4 ranch riabhach adj dismal, dull, streaked, striped
ráiteas nm1 comment, statement riachtanas nm1 necessity, need, requirement
ramhar adj fat, plump, thick riail nf authority, regulation, rule, ruler
rampa nm4 ramp rialtas nm1 administration [politics],
Rang nm class government
rang teagaisc nm3 tutorial rialtóir nm3 ruler, sovereign
rangú nm category rialú nm regulation, rule, ruling [law]
rann nm1 rhyme, verse riamh always, ever, never [in the past]
rannach adj departmental ribe róibéis nm4 prawn, shrimp
rannóg nf2 section ridire nm4 knight
raon reatha nm1 running track rinc vb dance; nf2 rink
rapcheol nm1 rap rince nm4 dance, dancing
rás nm3 race rinceoir nm dancer
rásaíocht chapall nf3 horse-racing rinn nm3 planet, star
rásúr nm1 razor ríocht nf3 kingdom
rath nm success ríog nf2 fit, impulse, spasm
ráth nm3 guarantee, ring fort ríoga adj regal, royal
rathaigh prosper ríomhaire nm computer
rathúnas nm fortune, prosperity ríomhaire glúine nm4 laptop
réab vb rip up, shatter, tear, violate ríomhaireacht nf3 computer science,
reachtaigh vb legislate computing
reachtáil nf3 running (managing an event) ríomhchláraitheoir nm3 programmer
reachtúil adj statutory ríomheolaíocht nf3 computer science
réadúil adj pragmatic, realistic ríomhphost nm e-mail
réal vb develop [photography]; nm1 six pence rís nf2 rice
piece [old money] riteoga nf tights
réalta nf star rith vb run
réaltacht nf3 clarity, reality - Copyright eTeanga 2011

robáil nf3 robbery; vb rob saighead nf2 arrow, bolt of lightning
róbat nm1 robot sail nf2 dirt
rogha nf4 choice, option sáil nf2 heel; adj luscious, luxurious, pretentious,
roghnach adj elective, optional self-indulgent
roghnaigh vb choose, select sáile nf4 luxury
roimh ahead [position or place]; prep before [in saileach nf2 willow; adj salic
time] sailéad nm1 salad
roimhe adv previous sailéad torthaí nm1 fruit salad
roinn vb apportion, divide, share; nf department saill nf fat [biology]
roinnt several, some saineloaí nm4 expert, specialist
róisín n little flower, little rose saineolaí nm expert
rollóg nf2 roll saineolas nm1 expertise
Rómáinis nf2 Romanian (language) sainmhínigh vb define
Rómánach nm1 Romanian (person), Rumanian; sainmhíniú nm definition, explanation
adj Rumanian sainordú nm mandate, mandatory instruction
romhat prep before you, in front of you saíocht nf3 accomplishment, learning, skill,
rón nm1 horse hair, horsehair, seal wisdom
ronnach nm1 mackerel, seerfish sáiste nm sage [herb]
rópa nm4 rope saitleog nf2 satellite
ropaire nm4 rascal, scoundrel saitleog chumarsáide nf2 communications
rós nm rose satellite
róst vb roast saitleog gheochobhsaí nf2 geostationary
roth nm wheel satellite
rothar nm1 bicycle, bike saitleog shaorga nf3 artificial satellite
rothlaigh vb gyrate, rotate, spin, twirl salach adj dirty
rua adj red-haired, redheaded salachar nm1 dirt
ruaille buaille nm commotion salaigh vb mire
rud nm3 circumstance, matter, thing salann nm1 salt
ruga nm4 rug salm nm1 psalm
rugbaí nm4 rugby samhail nf3 model, simile
rugbaí sraithe nm4 rugby league Samhain nf3 November
ruibh nf2 sting, sulphur, venom samhlaigh vb imagine
Rúiseach nm1 Russian; adj Russian samhradh nm summer
Rúisis nf2 Russian language sampla nm sample
rúitín nm ankle san áireamh prep including
rún nm1 resolution [formal decision], secret san uair adj hourly; adv hourly
rúnaí nm4 secretary saoi nm prophet, wise man
rúnmhar adj secretive saoire nf4 holiday, leave, vacation
rutarfoirdiam nm4 rutherfordium saoirse nf freedom, freedom, liberty
saoiste nm boss, foreman
S saoithiúil bizzare, pleasant, skilled, wise
saol nm1 life, time, world
sa prep in saonta adj innocent, naive
sábh nm1 saw saor adj cheap; prep cheap
sábháil vb save saor in aisce adj free [of charge]
sábháilteacht nf3 safety saorstát nm1 free state, freestate [history]
sabhaircín nm4 primrose saothar nm1 labor, labour
sabhdán nm1 sultan saotharlann nf2 laboratory
sacsafón nm1 saxophone sáraigh vb negotiate (difficulty), overcome,
sadhlann nf2 silo violate
sagart nm clergyman, priest sárlaoch nm1 super hero
saghas nm kind, sort, type Sasana nm4 England
saibhir adj rich Sasanach adj English; nm1 Englishman,
saibhreas nm riches, wealth Englishwoman
saicín nm4 sachet sásta adj handy, pleased, satisfied, willing
saighdiúir nm soldier sástacht nf3 contentment - Copyright eTeanga 2011

satailít nf2 satellite rumpus, shouting, yelling
Satarn nm Saturn scoil nf school
scadán nm1 herring scoilt nf2 cleft, crack, fissure, parting, rift, split;
scaif nf2 scarf vb cleave, split
scaip vb disperse, scatter scoir vb break, detach, exit, quit, retire
scairt nf2 phone call, shout; vb burst out scoiteacht nf detachment, isolation
(sudden laughter, or sun breaking through), call, scoláire nm4 academic, scholar
shout sconna nm4 faucet, water tap
scamall nm1 cloud, web [bird's toes] scornach nf2 gorge, throat
scamallach adj clouded, cloudy scréachóg nf jay [bird]
scamhóg nf lung scréachóg reilige n barn owl
scamhóir nm3 potato peeler scríbhneoir nm3 writer
scannal nm1 scandal scríob nf2 score, scrape, scratch
scannán nm1 film, membrane scríobach adj abrasive
scanraithe adj scared scríobadh nm scratch
scaoil vb release scríobh vb write
scaoll nm alarm, fright, panic scrios vb destroy, zap
scar vb detach, diverge, separate scriú nm screw
scaradh nm separation scriúáil vb screw; nf3 screwing
scartha adj estranged, separate scriúire nm4 screwdriver
scátáil nf3 skating scrúdú nm exam, examination, test
scáth nm3 shade, shadow scrúdú béil nm oral test
scáth báistí nm3 umbrella scrúdú iarbháis nm autopsy; post mortem
scáthaigh vb screen, shade, shadow scuab nf brush
scáthán nm1 mirror scúnc nm1 skunk
scáthlán nm1 open-ended shed, screen, shelter scúp nm1 scoop
sceach nf2 thornbush sé six; pron he, him, it
scéal nm1 narrative, story, tale seabhac nm hawk
scéal grinn n joke séabra nm4 zebra
scéalaí nm narrator, storyteller seachain vb avoid, beware, elude, evade
sceallóga n chips, French fries seachaint nf3 avoid, avoidance, evade,
sceallóga prátaí n potato chips prevention
sceanra nm4 cutlery seachmall nm1 illusion
sceideal nm1 menu, schedule seachród nm1 bypass
scéim nf2 design, scheme seacht nf seven
sceimhle nm ordeal, terror, trauma seachtain nf2 week
sceird nf2 fell seachtó seventy
sceitheadh nm eruption, overflow; vb erupt, seacláid nf2 chocolate
overflow seadóg nf2 grapefruit
sceitimíní n excitement, flutter seafóideach adj daft
scí nm4 ski seagal nm1 rye
sciaitíce nf4 sciatica sealadach adj provisional, temporary
scian nf2 knife séalaigh vb seal
scian phóca nf2 penknife sealán nm noose
sciar nm portion, share sealbhú nm acquisition, occupancy [tenancy],
sciath nf2 screen, shield occupation
sciathán nm1 wing sealgaire nm hunter
scidil nf2 skittle seamair nf2 clover
sciorradh nm skid seamlas nm1 slaughter-house, slaughterhouse
sciorta nm4 skirt seampú nm4 shampoo
sciot vb snip seamróg nf2 shamrock
scipéad nm1 cash register sean adj old; prep former
scíth nf rest [from work] séan vb deny, refuse
sciuird nf2 cut, dash, rush seanad nm1 senate
sclábhaí nm4 slave séanadh nm denial
scliúchas nm brawl, dispute, disputing, riot, seanathair nm grandfather - Copyright eTeanga 2011

seanda adj ancient silín nm4 cherry
seanduine nm4 old person siméadrach adj symmetric, symmetrical
seanfhocal nm1 proverb siméadracht nf3 symmetry
seangán nm1 ant simléar nm1 chimney
seanmháthair nf grandmother simpeansaí nm4 chimpanzee
seanmóir nf3 sermon simpleoir nm3 simpleton
seanmóireacht nf3 preaching, sermonizing simplí adj simple, simple-minded
seans nm chance, possibility simpligh vb simplify
Seapáinis nf2 Japanese language simplíocht nf3 simple-mindedness, simplicity
Seapánach nm1 Japanese; adj Japanese sin adj that
searc nf love sín vb extend, hold out, lenghten, stretch
seargaithe adj withered sin-seanathair nm great-grandfather
searrach nm1 foal sin-seanmháthair nf great-grandmother
seasca sixty sinc nf2 zinc
seasmhach adj stable sincigh vb galvanize
seasta adj fixed, permanent, standing sindeacáit nf2 syndicate; vb syndicate
[permanent], static sine nf4 nipple, teat
séasúr nm1 season sineach nf2 mastitis
seic nm check [money], cheque Síneach nm1 Chinese; adj Chinese
seiceáil vb check, verify síneadh nm1 extension, gratuity, stretch,
Seicis nf2 Czech (language) stretching, tip
seift nf2 device, plan, resource síneadh fada nm1 length accent [accent mark
seilf nf4 shelf used in Irish language]
seilide nm4 snail singil adj meagre, single, slender, tenuous
séimh adj gentle, mellow, mild, smooth sínigh vb sign
séipéal nm church [building] Sínis nf2 Chinese language
Seirbiach adj Serbian sínitheoir nm3 signatory
seirindipíocht nf serendipity síniú nm autograph, signature
seithe nf4 hide, skin sinn pron us, we
seo adj this sinsear nm1 ancestor, elder, senior
seodra nm4 jewelry sinséar nm1 ginger
seoid nf jewel, precious object sinsearach adj ancestral, senior; nm1 ancestor,
seol nm1 sail senior
seoladh n address sinsearacht nf3 ancestry, seniority
seomra nm room sinseartha adj ancestral
seomra codlata nm4 bedroom sínteach adj drawn-out, extending, liberal,
seomra folctha nm4 bathroom stretching
seomra leapa n bedroom sínteán nm1 stretcher
seomra ranga n classroom sintéis nf2 synthesis
seomra suí nm sitting room sintéiseach adj synthetic
shroich vb arrived sínteoireacht aimsire nf3 procrastination
siad pron they síntiús nm1 donation, subscription
siadsan pron they síntiúsóir nm3 subscriber
siamsaíocht nf3 entertainment síob nf2 drift, gust, lift, ride; vb blow up, blow
siansa nm4 symphony [away], drift, drive [along]
siar adv back, west síobadh nm blow, drift
sibh pron you [plural] síobadh sneachta nm blizzard
síceolaíoch adj psychological síobaire nm4 hitch-hiker
síceolaíocht nf3 psychology síobhais nm1 chives
sicín nm chicken síobhas nm1 chive
síl vb suppose, think sioc nm3 frost; vb congeal, freeze, set, stiffen
sil vb drip, ooze, run [nose], seep, shead [tears], siocair nf occasion, pretext, [immediate] cause
strain [vegetables], trickle siocaire nm4 chicory
sileacan nm1 silicon, silicone siocán nm1 chilly substance, frost, frozen
síleáil nf3 ceiling person
siléar nm1 cellar síocanailís nf2 psychoanalysis - Copyright eTeanga 2011

siocánta adj chilled, congealed, frosted, stiff slat n penis [slang]; cane, pointer, rod, sapling,
siocdhó nm4 frostbite stick, wand, yard [measurement]
síocháin nf3 peace sleamhain adj sleek, slippery, slippy
síochánachas nm1 pacifism sleamhnaigh vb slide, slip
síochánta adj pacific, peaceful slí nf4 direction, road, space, way
siochta adj fossilised, fossilized, frosted [glass], slí bheatha nf4 career, occupation
iced, icy, petrified sliabh n mountain
siocúil adj frosty Sligeach Sligo
síoda nm4 silk sliocht nm3 breed, offspring, passage [text],
síodúil adj courteous, silky, urbane stock
siofón nm1 siphon; vb siphon sliogán nm1 shell (explosive), shell (on beach)
síofra nm4 changeling, precocious child, sprite sliotar nm1 hurley ball
sióg nf2 fairy slisín nm4 rasher
síog nf2 seam, streak; vb cancel, streak, stroke slog vb swallow
out sloinne nm4 surname
síogach n zebra crossing Slóivéanach adj Slovene, Slovenian; nm1
síogaí nm4 elf, fairy, gossip, know-all, weakling Slovene
síol nm1 bean [of coffee], offspring, pip, seed, Slóivéinis nf Slovene [lang], Slovenian [lang]
semen Slóvacach adj Slovak, Slovakian; nm1 Slovak
síol ainíse nm1 aniseed slua nm4 crowd
siolla nm4 syllable sluaíocht nf3 campaign, [military] expedition
siolla ceoil nm4 musical note, note of music sluasaid nf2 shovel
síolraigh vb breed smacht nm control, discipline
siombail nf symbol smál nm1 stain
siondróm nm1 syndrome smaoineamh nm1 thought
sionnach nm fox smaoinigh vb contemplate, reflect, think
siopa nm shop smaointeachas nm1 body of thinking, idea,
siopadóir nm3 shopkeeper reflection, thought
siopadóireacht nf shopping smaragaid nf2 emerald [stone]
síoraí adj endless, eternal, perennial, timeless sméar nf2 blackberry
síoraíocht nf3 eternity sméar dhubh nf2 blackberry
siorc nm3 shark smig nf2 chin
síos adv down smuga nm4 mucus, snot
sioscadh nm clip smuilc nf2 snout, surly expression
siosúr nm1 (a pair of) scissors smúit nf2 dust, gloom, mist, smoke
sip nf2 zip smúr nm1 ash, dust, grime, rust, soot; vb sniff
síscéal nm1 fairytale snagcheol nm1 jazz
siúcra nm sugar snaidhm nf2 brace, knot, tie
siúil vb tread, walk, wander snámh nm3 swimming; vb swim
siúl nm walk, walking snámhán nm1 float
siúlóid nf2 hike, walk snas nm3 accent, good appearance, lisp, polish
siúr sister [religious] snasán nm1 polish
slacán nm1 bat snasta adj finished, glossy, polished
slaghdán nm1 cold [illness] snáthaid nf2 needle
sláine nf4 healthiness, wholeness snáthaid mhór nf2 dragonfly
sláinte cheers; nf health snáthaidpholladh nm acupuncture
sláintiúil adj healthy sneachta nm4 snow
slán bye, farewell, goodbye; adj safe [unharmed]; sneachtúil adj snowy
nm1 challenge, health, healthy person sní nf4 flow, permeation, pouring
slán go fóill goodbye (for now) snigh vb flow, pour
slán tamall goodbye (for now) sniodh nf nit
slánaigh vb complete [fill in missing parts], snua nm4 appearance, colour, complexion
redeem, round, round off [number], save snúcar nm1 snooker
[religious] só nm4 comfort ease, enjoyment, luxury,
slánaitheoir nm3 saviour prosperity
slándáil nf3 security so- pref easy to, good - Copyright eTeanga 2011

sobalchlár nm1 soap opera spéaclaí nm4 glasses, spectacles
socair adj quiet speiceas nm1 species [biology]
sochaí nf4 society spéir nf sky
sochar nm1 benefit, gain, profit, welfare spéireata nm4 spade [cards]
socheolaíocht nf3 sociology speisialta adj special
sochraid nf2 funeral spideog nf2 robin
socraigh vb arrange, settle spionáiste nm4 spinach
socrú nm arrangement spíonta adj exhausted, worn out
sofaisticiúlacht nf sophistication spiorad nm spirit
sóid nf2 soda spioróg nf sparrowhawk
soighe nm4 soya, soya bean spíosra nm spice
soilbhir adj cheerful splanc nf2 flash, spark
soiléirse nf4 axiom spóla nm4 joint of meat
sóilipseachas nm1 solipsism spór nm1 spore
soilire nm4 celery spórt nm1 sport
soilseán nm1 light, torch spórtúil adj sporty
soilsigh vb enlighten, illuminate, reveal, shine spota nm4 spot
soinéad nm1 sonnet spraoi nm4 fun, play, sport, spree
soiscéal nm1 gospel spréach nf2 spark
sóisear nm1 junior spreag vb encourage
sóisearach adj junior [in hierarchy] spreagadh nm encouragement, impulse,
sóisialta adj social inspiration
soith nf2 bitch spréigh vb disperse, spatter, spread, sprinkle
soitheach nm ship, vessel sprús nm1 spruce
sól nm1 sole [fish] spuaic nf2 spire, steeple
solaid Phlatónacha nm1 Platonic solids spuinse nm4 sponge
solas nm light [visual] spúnóg nf2 spoon
sólás nm1 comfort, consolation sráid nf2 street
solas ultraibhialait nm1 ultraviolet light sráidbhaile nm village
soláthar nm1 provision, supply, supplying sraith nf league, line, ply, row, run, series
sollúnta adj solemn sraoill vb trail
sómas nm1 comfort sraoth nm3 snort
sona adj happy sreabh nf2 flow, flow, stream, trickle
sonas nm happiness sreabhán idéalach nm1 perfect fluid
sonasach adj happy sreang nf string
sonite adj washable srian nm constraint, restraint
sonra nm4 detail, specification sroich vb attain, come up to, reach
sonrach specific srón nf nose
sonraí nm data srónach adj nasal
sonrú nm detail, notice, specification srónbheannach nm1 rhinoceros
sor nm1 tick sruth nm current, flow, river, stream
során nm1 wireworm sruthán nm brook, stream
sorcha nf4 brightness; adj bright, cheerful stábla nm stable
sorn nm1 stove stádas nm1 status
sos nm3 pause, rest [from work] staidéar nm study
sotal nm1 arrogance staighre nm4 stairs
sotalach adj arrogant, insolent stail nf2 stallion
spád nf2 spade stailc nf2 strike
spaga nm4 pouch, purse (for tobacco, money) stair nf2 history
spaigití nm4 spaghetti stairiúil adj historic, historical
spailpín nm migrant worker staitistic nf2 statistic
Spáinneach nm1 Spaniard; adj Spanish stáitse nm4 platform, stage
Spáinnis nf2 Spanish language stalla leabhar nm4 bookstall
spall vb shrivel stampa nm4 stamp
sparán nm billfold [US], purse [for money] stán nm1 can, tin
spás nm1 space stápla nm4 staple - Copyright eTeanga 2011

staraí nm4 historian, historiographer sult nm enjoyment
steallaire nm syringe súmhar adj juicy, luscious
stéig nf2 intestine, slice, steak, strip súmóg nf2 sip
stíl nf2 style súnás nm1 orgasm
stiogma nm4 stigma suntas nm1 attention
stiúideo nm4 studio suntasach adj impressive, noticeable,
stiúir nf5 rudder outstanding
stoc nm1 trumpet súraic vb suck
stoca gearr nm4 sock sursaing nf2 corset
stócach nm1 boy, boyfriend, youth súsa nm4 blanket, rug
stoidiaca nm4 zodiac súsán nm1 bog moss, peat moss
stoirm nf storm suth nm3 embryo
stoirmiúil adj stormy suthaineacht nf3 perpetuity
stól nm1 stool svaeid nf2 suede, swede, turnip
stop vb stop; nm4 stop
stór nm1 hoard, precious [lovingly], store, T
storc nm1 stork T-léine nf4 T-shirt
striapach nf2 loose woman, prostitute, whore tábhachtach adj consequential, important,
striapachas prostitution industrious, significant
strus nm stress tabhair vb bring, give
strusmhar adj stressful tabhair óráid vb speak [to audience]
stua nm arc, arch tábhairne nm tavern
stuaic nf2 peak, pinnacle, vertex tabhall nm1 catapult, sling
stuama adj level-headed, responsible, solemn taca nm4 point (in time), rest, support
sú talún nf strawberry tacaigh vb back, support
sú úill nm4 apple juice tacaíocht nf3 support
suaimhneach adj peaceful, relaxing, serene tacsaí nm4 taxi
suaimhneas nm calm, relaxation, serenity, tae nm tea
tranquillity tafann nm1 bark
suairc adj merry tagairt nf3 mention, reference
suaite adj upset taibhreamh nm dream [in sleep]
suaith vb massage, mix, shuffle (cards) taibhse nf ghost, phantom
suaitheantas nm1 badge taiceon nm1 tachyon
Sualainnis nf2 Swedish language taifead nm1 record, recording
Sualannach adj Swedish; nm1 Swede taifí nm4 toffee
suan nm1 sleep, slumber taighde nm research
suanach adj apathetic, dormant, lethargic táille nf4 charge, entrance fee, fare, fee, tally
suarach adj dirty, light, mean, petty, sickly, táiplis nf2 checkers, draughts
trivial tairbhe nf4 benefit, profit
suas adj upward tairg vb bid, offer, propose
subh nf2 jam táirgiúlacht nf3 productivity
súgach adj merry, tipsy tairiscint nf3 bid, offer, proposition, tender
suigh vb place, position, set, sit tairne nm4 nail
súil nf expectation, eye, hope tais adj clammy, damp, humid, moist
súil sprice nf2 bull's eye taisce nf hoard, resevoir, treasure
suim nf calculation, curiosity, disjunction, taisceadán nm1 locker, safe
interest, sum taiscumar nm1 reservoir
suimint nf2 cement taispeántas nm demonstration, display,
suimiúil adj interesting exhibition, indication, show
suíochán nm chair, seat taisteal nm travel
suíomh idirlín nm1 website taistealaí nm traveler, traveller, traveller
suipéar nm1 supper [member of the Travelling Community]
súitín nm tampon taistil vb travel
súlach nm1 gravy, sap taithí nf experience, practice
sulfar nm1 sulphur taithí oibre nf4 work experience - Copyright eTeanga 2011

táithín nm4 swab teampall nm1 church, temple
taitneamh nm1 enjoyment, pleasure teanga nf language, tongue
taitneamhach adj enjoyable, pleasant teangeolaíocht nf3 lingustics
talamh n earth, ground, land teann adj tense, tight
Talamh an Éisc Newfoundland teannáin n tendon
tallann nf2 impulse, whim tearc adj rare, scarce
tallannach adj impulsive, temperamental téarmaíochta terminology
talmhaíocht nf3 agriculture tearmann nm1 asylum, refuge, sanctuary
tanaí adj slim, thin teas nm3 heat
tanaigh vb dilute, slim, thin teasaí adj hot-headed
taobh nm1 aspect, flank, side teasaíocht nf hot temper, passion
taobh istigh nm1 inside teasc nf2 disc, discus; vb amputate, cut off, hack,
taobh leis prep beside hew, lop, sever
taobh thiar prep behind Teastas Sóisearach Junior Certificate
taobhroinn nf2 aisle teibí adj abstract
taoide nf4 tide teicneoir nm3 technician
taoiseach nm chief teicneolaíocht nf3 technology
taom nm3 fit, seizure; vb teem (potatoes) teicníc nf2 technique
taom croí nm3 heart attack teicstíl nf2 textile
taos nm1 dough, paste teideal nm1 title
taos fiacla nm1 toothpaste téigh vb to go
taoscadh nm drainage teilgean nm1 projection
taoschnó nm4 donut, doughnut teilifís television, tv
tapa adj fast, quick teip vb collapse, fail, miss; nf2 failure
tapaidh adj fast, quick teiripe nf therapy
tar vb approach, come, move towards, reach teiscinn nf sea
tar a éis sin adv afterward teith vb flee, run away
tar éis prep after téitheoir nm3 heater
tarbh nm bull teocht nf3 heat, temperature
targaid nf2 target teolaí adj comfortable, delicate, fond of comfort,
tarlaigh vb happen, occur warm
tarr nm1 belly teorainn nf5 boundary, frontier, limit
tarracóir nm tractor teoranta adj limited
tarraiceán nm1 drawer thairis sin adv furthermore
tarraing vb drag, draw, draw on, extract [tooth], thar prep above, by, over, past
pull, tow thart adv about, by, past, round
tarraingt nf draw, drawing, traction thíos staighre adv downstairs
tarrtháil nf3 help, rescue, salvage; vb help, thit vb fell
rescue thuas adj above; adv above
tart nm thirst thuas staighre upstairs
tathagach adj solid, substantial, well-built tiarna nm lord
tatú nm tattoo tibia nf4 tibia
te adj hot [heat] tigh n house
teach nm house [home] tím nf2 thyme
teach allais n sweathouse timpeall nm around, circuit, circumference
teach gloine nm conservatory timpeallach adj surrounding
teach ósta nm hostel timpeallaigh vb encircle, surround
teach tábhairne n pub, public house timpiste nf accident
teachta nm4 delegate, deputy tine nf fire
teachtaire nm4 courier, messenger, runner tine chnámh nf bonfire
teachtaireacht nf3 message tinn adj sick, sore
téad nm rope tinneas nm1 ailment, illness, sickness
teagasc nm doctrine, instruction tinte ealaíne nf fireworks
teagascóir nm3 instructor, tutor tinteán nm1 fireplace, hearth
teaghlach nm family tintreach nf lightning
teagmháil nf contact tintrí adj hot, hot-headed - Copyright eTeanga 2011

tíogar nm tiger tosaíocht nf priority
tiomáin vb drive tosaithe adj started
tiomáint nf drive toscaireacht nf3 delegation
tiománaí nm4 driver tost nm3 silence
tiomna nm4 testament, will tósta nm4 toast
tiompán na cluaise n eardrum tóstaer nm1 toaster
tiomsaigh vb accumulate, collect tóstáil vb toast
tionchar nm1 impact, influence tosú nm beginning, start
tionscadal nm1 project trá nf4 beach, ebb, recession, strand
tionscnamh nm1 initiative trach nm4 trough
tíreolaíocht nf3 geography trácht vb comment, discuss, mention; nm3
tírghráthóir nm3 patriot comment, discussion, instep (of foot), traffic,
tirim adj dry tread (of tyre)
tit vb fall tráchtáil nf3 commerce, trade
titim nf decline, drop, fall, height [of fall] tráchtaire nm4 commentator, narrator
tiubh adj thick tráchtaireacht nf3 commentary
tiúilip nf2 tulip tráchtála adj commercial
tobac nm tobacco tráchtas nm dissertation, thesis
tobar nm1 well traein nf train
tochailt nf2 digging, excavation traenáil vb coach
tocsaineach adj toxic traicé nf4 trachea
todhchaí nf future tráidire nm4 tray
tóg vb build, construct, hold, lift, pick up, tráidire bácála n baking tray
remove, take traochta adj exhausted, exhausting
tógáil nf3 building, construction, upbringing trasna adv across
togra nm proposal trasrian nm1 zebra crossing
toilleadh nm content, storage tráta nm4 tomato
tóin n3 arse, bottom, bottom [of boat], bum, butt tráthchlár nm1 timetable
tóin poill bottom [of sea] tráthnóna nm afternoon, evening
tóir nf chase, pursuit trealamh nm1 equipment, gear, kit
toirmeasc nm1 dissuasion, mishap, prohibition trédhearcach adj diaphanous, transparent
toirneach nf2 thunder tréibh nf2 people, tribe
toirtín nm4 cake, tart tréidlia nm4 vet, vetinary surgeon
toise nm4 dimension, measurement, size tréig vb abandon, desert, evacuate
toitín nm cigarette tréigean nm1 abandonment, abdication, exodus
tolg nm1 couch, sofa; vb catch, contract, treisigh vb boost, reinforce, strengthen
develop tréith nf attribute, character, trait
tolglann nf2 lounge treo nm4 direction
tollán nm1 tunnel treoluas nm1 velocity
tomhais vb gauge, measure treoraí nm4 director, guide
tomhas nm1 gauge, guess, measure, puzzle, treoraigh vb direct, lead
riddle trí three; prep through
tonn nf inc. radio wave, wave triail nf test; vb experiment, test, try
tonn ultraibhialait nf2 ultraviolet wave triantán nm1 triangle
tonnmharcaíocht nf3 surfing tríd adv through
tor nm1 bush, shrub trioblóid nf2 distress, trouble
toradh nm1 attention, fruit, heed, product, tríocha thirty
result triomach nm1 drought
tóraí nm outlaw triomadóir nm3 drier, dryer
torbán nm1 tadpole triomadóir gruaige nm3 hair dryer
tormán nm1 boom, noise triomaigh vb beach (of ship), dry, dry out,
tornapa nm4 turnip strand
torrach adj pregnant triuch nm3 whoop, whooping cough
torthaigh vb fructify, fruit trócaire nf mercy
torthúil adj fertile, fruitful, rich trócaireach adj compassionate, lenient,
tosaigh vb begin, incept, start merciful - Copyright eTeanga 2011

trodaí nm fighter uaigh nf2 grave, plot
troid vb fight; nf fight uaigneach adj creepy, lonely, spooky
troimpéad nm1 trumpet uaigneas nm lonliness
trom adj bold (typeface), heavy, severe; nm1 uaim nf seam, suture; prep from me [literal]; nf3
elder tree alliteration
tromlach nm majority uaimh nf2 cave
tromluí nm4 nightmare uaine adj green
trosc nm cod uaineoil nf3 lamb
troscán nm1 furniture uair nf2 hour, season, time
trua nf pity uaireadóir nm watch [time piece]
truailliú nm pollution ualach nm load
truamhéalach adj pathetic uan nm1 lamb
truicear nm1 trigger; vb trigger uanach adj foaming, frothy
trumpa nm4 trumpet uanán nm1 froth
tú pron you [singular] uasal adj noble
tua nf4 axe, hatchet uaschamóg nf apostrophe
tuáille nm4 towel uatha nm4 singular [ling]
tuairim nf guess, idea, perspective uathachas nm1 autism
tuairisc nf2 account, description, log, report, uathoibríoch adj automatic
return, returns (accounts), work record uathriail nf autonomy
tuaisceart nm1 north uatuairisciú airde nm automatic altitude
Tuaisceart Éireann n Northern Ireland reporting
tuar nm1 forecast, omen, sign; vb bleach, dry, ubh nf2 egg
season ubh scrofa nf2 scrambled egg
tuar ceatha n rainbow ubhchruth nm3 oval
tuarastal nm1 salary údar nm1 author
tuaslagán nm1 solution údarás nm1 authority, jurisdiction, mandate
tuí nf4 straw, thatch uibheacha nf eggs
tuig vb understand uigeacht nf3 texture
tuilí nm4 bastard uilechumhachtach adj almighty
tuill vb command, deserve, earn uillinn nf elbow
tuilleadh nm1 addition; adv further; adj further uimhir nf number, numeral
tuirling vb descend úir nf2 soil
tuirse nm fatigue, tiredness úire nf4 freshness, novelty
tuirseach adj tired uirísligh vb abase, humiliate
tuirsiúil adj tiring uirlis nf2 tools
tuismitheoir nm parent uisce nm water
tuismitheoirí nm parents uisce beatha nm whiskey, whisky
tumadh nm diving, immersion uisce súilíuneach nm4 sparkling water
turas nm trip uisceadán nm1 aquarium
turasóir nm3 tourist uiscigh vb irrigate, water
turcaí nm4 turkey uisinn nf2 temple [anat.]
turgnamh nm1 experiment Ulaidh n Ulster
turscar nm1 spam [computers] ulchabhán nm1 owl
turtar nm1 turtle úll nm1 apple
tús nm beginning, start úllagán nm1 dumpling
tusa pron you [singular; emphasised] ullamh adj prompt, ready, willing
ullmhaigh vb prepare
U úllord nm1 orchard
ulpóg nf a serious cold, influenza
uachtar nm1 cream ultraibhialait adj ultraviolet
uachtar reoite n ice cream umar nm1 tank (water)
uachtarach adj superior, upper umha nm4 bronze, copper, copper alloy
uachtarán nm1 president umhlaigh vb bow
uafás nm1 horror, outrage, terror uncail nm uncle
uafásach adj awful, horrible, terrible ung vb anoint - Copyright eTeanga 2011

Ungáiris nf2 Hungarian language véarsa nm4 verse
Ungárach nm1 Hungarian; adj Hungarian veidhlín nm4 violin
úr adj fresh, new vicí nm wiki
uraigh vb eclipse vodca nm4 vodka
Úránas nm Uranus vombat nm wombat
urla nm4 butt, lock of hair vóta nm4 vote
urlacan nm1 vomit vótáil nf3 poll
urlaic vb vomit
urlár nm1 floor, ground W
urlios nm3 forecourt
urraim nf2 honour, respect, reverence
urramaigh vb respect, revere
ursal nm1 firetongs X
úrscéal nm1 novel
úsáid vb deploy, use, utilise, utilize; nf2 x-gha nm X-ray
consumption, usage, use, utilisation, utilization x-ghathach adj x-ray; nf2 radio wave
úsáideoir nm3 user xeanón nm1 xenon
xileafón nm1 xylophone
vacsaín nf2 vaccine
vaigín nm4 wagon yóyó n yo-yo
vardrús nm1 wardrobe
vása nm4 vase Z
vata nm4 watt
veain nf4 van zú nm4 zoo - Copyright eTeanga 2011

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