Essay On Gender and Society

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An open letter to society,

I am writing this letter as an expert. Still, as a concerned citizen on why this 21st-century era is
advancing incredibly, but the world has shackled women in inequality and discrimination. Today,
women had fun doing things that specifically lead to new roles, through which they define
themselves for who they are and what they want to do. The saddest part is that discrimination
against women is constantly evolving and widespread. Women have faced discrimination based
on careers, politics, food allocation, medical care, education, and fertility options. They suffer
from discrimination such as harassment, threats of violence, socio-economic and cultural
injustice. Did you know? According to the world's recent alarming data concerning women's real-
life situation, it had been found that women are the majority of the world's poor, which has
increased by 50%. Most of them are illiterate or less paid. Rape and sexual harassment cases are
occurring all over the world. There are around 80 000 rape cases pending legal investigation in
Asia, where the police officers and the government have made no significant changes in their
efforts to resolve the issue. With that, I think people's attitudes towards discrimination against
women have not changed.
In many parts of the world, women are abused both verbally and physically. In 28 countries from
east to west, there are cases of female genital mutilation (FGM) that absolutely no benefit to
women. Have you ever thought that only one-third of women (35% of them) will experience
violence at some stage in their lives and become the victims of an estimated 1 billion female
inequality worldwide? However, the oppression of women and girls has become a hidden global
disaster, and it isn't easy to discern geographical or cultural boundaries. A large proportion of
women, especially the vulnerable ones, are prone to sexual harassment, violence, and abuse by
their husbands or partners and usually require various structures, including violence,
harassment, and abuse at home. Victims, premature and illegal participation, human trafficking
for sexual exploitation, suspected abuse of honor, and genital mutilation. It has permanently
been established initially on the gender inequality that women experience in their lives, from
childhood to adulthood. Thus, many perpetrators truly believe whether viciousness against
women and young women has always been average or acceptable behavior that the social
environment would support.
Some recent studies found that women exhibited worse psychological well-being in a context in
which gender discrimination was pervasive. Have you ever thought that discrimination and
stigma can exacerbate mental health problems and delay or hinder access to care, treatment,
and recovery? It killed many people emotionally, physically, mentally, and economically. Can you
imagine having more cases about women who are discriminated against and will be discriminated
against in the future? I am writing this letter to speak my stand concerning this issue to educate
other people, the children, and the society today who tend to neglect such. After all, we are all
humans; we are all equal – who need to be accepted, respected, and loved. And there is one
thing that I want to ask everyone, if we won't start now, then when? If we, human beings,
whether men and women, don't make an action, then who?

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