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Write in the missing numbers in each sequence. 1-2 20 30 40 50 3-5 | 101 HW [12 131 What position is each shape in the pattern? Example The first white square is fourth. BAOCIIA® On 6) he third circleis === 7 The first white triangle is _________. 8 The second white square is ________.. Write the time shown under each clock. 10 Write in the missing number. 11 10 more than 39 is 12 10 more than 190 is 13 10 more than 493 is 6 This is a pizza cut into four equal pieces. = How many quarters of the pizza are shaded? a How many halves of the pizza are shaded? How many quarters of the pizza are not shaded? CB oe a Ring the shortest length. 8im 18m 39m 93m 38m Ring the longest length. 217em 172cm_—27lcem_—72lcem_——127cm ie: Write in the missing numbers. 9 271 = 70+ 1+ 9 tens and 4 units 20 394 = hundreds, 2i{ 5 _|hundreds and[ 7 units = Cp Write in the missing numbers. 2249 Hasse n6 et 23/32 + 10 = 3127 mm o9- 6 HS 7 - 23 615 - 4 = 20 - [Ere ee ee ee Eapetabaen Write in the answers. ra-o=[ | What is the answer? 3 two fives 4% 5 multiplied by 10 2 53-48 = 5 multiply 8 by 2 Jill sorts names of colours. gtetters | letters | Stetters | 6 letters | ere tnan red | grey green yellow turquoise blue brown orange magenta pink mauve purple white 6 How many of the colours h How many of the colours hi on Which two groups have the same number of colours? 9 How many colours did Jill sort altogether? ave exactly 6 letters? ave fewer than 6 letters? and 10 Write the colour name ‘black’ in the correct place on the chart. Ring the addition that has a different answer to the other four. u[fat+4 2+6| [1+7 5+3 6+3 efits 7+2 5+4 7T+3 3+6 [ets] [4+3 5 +2 6+] 9+0 2 23 24-25, [s+5 2+8 3+7 6+2 4+6 [4+8 5+7 B+2 6+6 7+5 Simon started for school at 8:30. He got there 15 minutes later. At what time did he get to school? Claire is 120cm tall. Her mum is 160cm tall. How much shorter is Claire than her mum? To bake a cake Jade needs 25g of mixed peel. How many grams does she need for two cakes? Justine shares a one litre bottle of juice equally between herself and a friend. How much juice does each get? A plane leaves at 3:00. It is due to arrive at 5:15, but it is 30 minutes late. At what time does the plane arrive? Put a ring around the number that cannot be divided exactly by 5. 100 50 65 52 25 Put a ring around the number that can be divided exactly by both 2 and 5. 44 15 52 90 25 Write the odd number that is less than 17 and more than 13. Write two even numbers that are between 84 and 90. and > to the Progress Chart to record your score! LEBEL ry +8 2 60+ 50= 3-5 Draw lines to match each calculation to its answer. 47 add 12 add 30 to 8 60 plus 20 [28 69 80 38 59 6 Write these amounts in order, smallest first. £4 195p £1.59 40p 7 What day comes six days after a Tuesday? 8 Which letter is the 25th letter of the alphabet? Put a ring around the correct missing number. 91x =I 123 4 beige 10 w[]x 0 = 60 1234567 10 ox = 90 ee lo ef |xt=7 1234567 10 13 8 x =8 be 12 Sade 61 oF 10 14 Shade the triangle in the Turn clockwise square after the turn. a ‘one right angle rn A } 15 Geri pours another 200 ml into the jug. 600 How many millilitres are in the jug now? @® vu vv 2 Write 22 23 2h Ring two numbers with a sum of 90. 30} 5| 10 20 | 25 | 35 15 | 60 | 40 In three games Javed scores 7, 8 and 3 points. How many points does he score altogether? I think of a number and subtract 8. The answer is 12. What was my number? A lorry has 6 wheels. How many wheels do 10 lorries have? Lucas has 70 books. He puts them into ten equal piles. How many books are in each pile? Debbie plants ten groups of bulbs. In each group she plants 5 daffodil bulbs and 6 tulip bulbs. How many bulbs does she plant altogether? a in the missing numbers. 40 halve double 26 halve double — ——— double halve 45 | ——— —_ Estimate the number of small shaded squares needed to go around the edge of the rectangle. to the Progr

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