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Name Type Prerequistites Summary Source System License

All Gnolls Must Die Achievement Deliver the killing blow to 20 gnolls, hyenas, dire hyenas, werehyenas, Gain a bonus on Will saves and a bonus to attack and damage a PCo:LoFPG 3.5e OGC
jackalweres, or minions of Lamashtu number of gnoll-like creatures.
Chainbreaker Achievement Over the course of at least five different occasions, free a cumulative total of Gain a bonus to damage when fighting slaveowners. PCh:ASoL PFRPG OGC
50+ sentient beings held in unjust captivity
Devil’s Foe Achievement Face 10 different devils in combat and take damage or suffer some other sort Bypass the damage reduction of devils with your weapons. PCh:ASoL PFRPG OGC
of injury from five or more attacks made by each one without falling
unconscious, fleeing, or otherwise becoming unable to strike back at them.
Eagle Knight Candidate Achievement Character level 5th, convince four different Eagle Knights and either a Gain a specific bonus based on the branch of Eagle Knights you join. PCh:ASoL PFRPG CUP
member of the People’s Council or an Andoran town mayor to write letters of
commendation on your behalf.
Flame-Tested Survivor Achievement Knocked unconscious or killed by fire damage at least 10 times Gain fire resist 5 and a +2 bonus on saves versus fire effects. PCo:LoFPG 3.5e OGC
Gifted Mesmerist Achievement Successfully affect 25 different targets with charm or compulsion spells Learn a charm or compulsion spell as a spell-like ability. PCo:LoFPG 3.5e OGC
Graverisen Achievement Die and be brought back at least twice Gain an ability to save yourself from death. PCo:LoFPG 3.5e OGC
Healer's Touch Achievement Cure a cumulative total of 1,000 points of damage for other creatures with Healing spells to heal targets other than yourself are maximized. PCo:LoFPG 3.5e OGC
healing spells, dealing damage slows the progress
History of Scars Achievement Take a cumulative total of 1,000 points of damage, being healed reduces this Take a penalty on Charisma checks, but gain a thick natural armor skin. PCo:LoFPG 3.5e OGC
Relentless Butcher Achievement Confirm at least 50 critical hits Stun your opponents with critical hits. PCo:LoFPG 3.5e OGC
Talmandor’s Lifting Achievement Take at least 10d6 falling damage on three different occasions and survive. Your healing spells can be delayed to use at a later time. PCh:ASoL PFRPG CUP
Scent of Fear Bugbear Possess the Scent ability, any evil Improve your scent ability, smell out frightened creatures and gain a PCh:CMR 3.5e OGC
bonus to attack/damage them.
Agile Maneuvers Combat - Use your Dex bonus when calculating your CMB Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Arcane Armor Mastery Combat Arcane Armor Training, Armor Proficiency, Medium, caster level 7th Reduce your arcane spell failure chance by 20% Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Arcane Armor Training Combat Armor Proficiency, Light, caster level 3rd Reduce your arcane spell failure chance by 10% Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Arcane Strike Combat Ability to cast arcane spells +1 damage and weapons are considered magic Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Belier’s Bite Combat Improved Unarmed Strike. +1d4 bleed damage with unarmed strikes. PCo:CEoD PFRPG CUP
Blade Binder Combat Base attack bonus +4, proficiency with khopesh or temple sword +2 bonus to CMB checks with blade-binding. PCh:CS 3.5e CUP
Bleeding Critical Combat Critical Focus, base attack bonus +11 Whenever you score a critical hit, the target takes 2d6 bleed Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Blind-Fight Combat - Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Blinding Critical Combat Critical Focus, base attack bonus +15 Whenever you score a critical hit, the target is blinded Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Bounding Hammer Combat Proficiency with hammer, base attack bonus +6 Learn to bounce thrown hammers off of your opponents so they return PCo:DoG PFRPG OGC
near you.
Catch Off-Guard Combat - No penalties for improvised melee weapons Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Channel Smite Combat Channel energy class feature Channel energy through your attack Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Cleave Combat Power Attack Make an additional attack if the first one hits Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Combat Expertise Combat Int 13 Trade attack bonus for AC bonus Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Combat Reflexes Combat - Make additional attacks of opportunity Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Cornugon Shield Combat Dex 15, Weapon Focus (spiked chain). Shield bonus to AC when wielding a spiked chain. PCo:CEoD PFRPG CUP
Cornugon Smash Combat Power Attack, Intimidate 6 ranks. Make free intimidate checks when you power attack. PCo:CEoD PFRPG OGC
Cornugon Stun Combat Stunning Fist Use Stunning Fist with special monk weapons as well as unarmed PCo:CEoD PFRPG OGC
Cornugon Trip Combat Dex 15, Improved Trip, Weapon Focus (spiked chain) May throw spiked chain to make trip attacks. PCo:CEoD PFRPG OGC
Critical Focus Combat Base attack bonus +9 +4 bonus on attack rolls made to confirm critical hits Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Critical Mastery Combat Any two critical feats, 14th-level fighter Apply two effects to your critical hits Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Crossbow Mastery Combat Dex 15, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Reload, Rapid Shot Reduce the time it takes to reload your crossbows. PCh:CS 3.5e OGC
Darting Viper Combat Base attack bonus +4, proficiency with the dwarven dorn-dergar Become more efficient at switching combat styles with the dorn-dergar. PCo:DoG PFRPG OGC
Dazzling Display Combat Weapon Focus Intimidate all foes within 30 feet Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Deadly Aim Combat Dex 13, base attack bonus +1 Trade ranged attack bonus for damage Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Deadly Stroke Combat Greater Weapon Focus, Shatter Defenses, base attack bonus +11 Deal double damage plus 1 Conbleed Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Deafening Critical Combat Critical Focus, base attack bonus +13 Whenever you score a critical hit, the target is deafened Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Defensive Combat Training Combat - Use your total Hit Dice as your base attack bonus for CMD Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Deflect Arrows Combat Dex 13, Improved Unarmed Strike Avoid one ranged attack per round Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Dervish Dance Combat Dexterity 13, Weapon Finesse, Perform (dance) 2 ranks, proficient with Substitute Dex mod for Str mod on attack/damage with one-handed PCo:QGttE 3.5e OGC
scimitar. scimitar.
Disruptive Combat 6th-level fighter Increases the DC to cast spells adjacent to you Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Dodge Combat Dex 13 +1 dodge bonus to AC Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Dorn-Dergar Master Combat Two-Weapon Fighting, base attack bonus +4, proficiency with the dwarven Learn to use the dwarven dorn-dergar with one hand. PCo:DoG PFRPG OGC
Double Slice Combat Two-Weapon Fighting Add your Str bonus to off-hand damage rolls Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Exhausting Critical Combat Tiring Critical, base attack bonus +15 Whenever you score a critical hit, the target is exhausted Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Exotic Weapon Proficiency Combat Base attack bonus +1 No penalty on attacks made with one exotic weapon Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Far Shot Combat Point Blank Shot Decrease ranged penalties by half Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Fury's Fall Combat Improved Trip Add your dexterity bonus to CMB with trip attacks. PCo:CEoD PFRPG OGC
Fury's Snare Combat Fury's Fall, Improved Trip Entangle your opponent with trip attacks involving a whip. PCo:CEoD PFRPG OGC
Gorgon's Fist Combat Scorpion Style, base attack bonus +6 Stagger a foe whose speed is reduced Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Great Cleave Combat Cleave, base attack bonus +4 Make an additional attack after each attack hits Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Greater Bull Rush Combat Improved Bull Rush, base attack bonus +6 Enemies you bull rush provoke attacks of opportunity Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Greater Disarm Combat Improved Disarm, base attack bonus +6 Disarmed weapons are knocked away from your enemy Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Greater Feint Combat Improved Feint, base attack bonus +6 Enemies you feint lose their Dex bonus for 1 round Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Greater Grapple Combat Improved Grapple, base attack bonus +6 Maintain your grapple as a move action Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Greater Overrun Combat Improved Overrun, base attack bonus +6 Enemies you overrun provoke attacks of opportunity Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Greater Penetrating Strike Combat Penetrating Strike, 16th-level fighter Your attacks ignore 10 points of damage reduction Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Greater Shield Focus Combat Shield Focus, 8th-level fighter Gain a +1 bonus to your AC when using a shield Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Greater Sunder Combat Improved Sunder, base attack bonus +6 Damage from sunder attempts transfers to your enemy Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Greater Trip Combat Improved Trip, base attack bonus +6 Enemies you trip provoke attacks of opportunity Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Greater Two-Weapon Fighting Combat Dex 19, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, base attack bonus +11 Gain a third off-hand attack Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Greater Vital Strike Combat Improved Vital Strike, base attack bonus +16 Deal four times the normal damage on a single attack Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Greater Weapon Focus Combat Weapon Focus, 8th-level fighter +1 bonus on attack rolls with one weapon Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Greater Weapon Specialization Combat Weapon Specialization, 12th-level fighter +2 bonus on damage rolls with one weapon Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Hamatula Grasp Combat Hamatula Strike, Improved Grapple, Strength 13, base attack bonus +9 Deal more damage to foes impaled with Hamatula Strike. PCo:CEoD PFRPG OGC
Hamatula Strike Combat Improved Grapple, Str 13, base attack bonus +7 Impale opponents with grapple checks. PCo:CEoD PFRPG OGC
Hellcat Pounce Combat Hellcat Stealth, Skill Focus (Stealth), sneak attack +2d6 Gain bonus attacks against surprised opponents. PCo:CEoD PFRPG OGC
Impaling Charge Combat Gore attack, powerful charge Start a free grapple when hitting your enemy with a charge attack gore. PCh:CMR 3.5e OGC
Improved Bull Rush Combat Power Attack +2 bonus on bull rush attempts, no attack of opportunity Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Improved Critical Combat Proficiency with weapon, base attack bonus +8 Double the threat range of one weapon Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Improved Disarm Combat Combat Expertise +2 bonus on disarm attempts, no attack of opportunity Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Improved Feint Combat Combat Expertise Feint as a move action Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Improved Grapple Combat Dex 13, Improved Unarmed Strike +2 bonus on grapple attempts, no attack of opportunity Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Improved Initiative Combat - +4 bonus on initiative checks Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Improved Overrun Combat Power Attack +2 bonus on overrun attempts, no attack of opportunity Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Improved Precise Shot Combat Dex 19, Precise Shot, base attack bonus +11 No cover or concealment chance on ranged attacks Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Improved Shield Bash Combat Shield Proficiency Keep your shield bonus when shield bashing Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Improved Sunder Combat Power Attack +2 bonus on sunder attempts, no attack of opportunity Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Improved Trip Combat Combat Expertise +2 bonus on trip attempts, no attack of opportunity Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Improved Two-Weapon Fighting Combat Dex 17, Two-Weapon Fighting, base attack bonus +6 Gain additional off-hand attack Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Improved Unarmed Strike Combat - Always considered armed Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Improved Vital Strike Combat Vital Strike, base attack bonus +11 Deal three times the normal damage on a single attack Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Improvised Weapon Mastery Combat Catch Off-Guard or Throw Anything, base attack bonus +8 Make an improvised weapon deadly Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Intimidating Prowess Combat - Add Str to Intimidate in addition to Cha Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Lightning Stance Combat Dex 17, Wind Stance, base attack bonus +11 Gain 50% concealment if you move Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Lunge Combat Base attack bonus +6 Take a –2 penalty to your AC to attack with reach Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Manyshot Combat Dex 17, Rapid Shot, base attack bonus +6 Shoot two arrows simultaneously Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Medusa's Wrath Combat Gorgon's Fist, base attack bonus +11 Make 2 extra attacks against a hindered foe Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Minotaur's Charge Combat Str 13, Improved Bull Rush, powerful charge Initiate a free bull rush when you make a charge attack. PCh:CMR 3.5e OGC
Mobility Combat Dodge +4 AC against attacks of opportunity from movement Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Mounted Archery Combat Mounted Combat Halve the penalty for ranged attacks while mounted Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Mounted Combat Combat Ride 1 rank Avoid attacks on mount with Ride check Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Osyluth Guile Combat Bluff 8 ranks, Dodge Get a bonus to your AC equal to Charisma modifier against one PCo:CEoD PFRPG OGC
Penetrating Strike Combat Weapon Focus, 12th-level fighter Your attacks ignore 5 points of damage reduction Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Pinpoint Targeting Combat Improved Precise Shot, base attack bonus +16 No armor or shield bonus on one ranged attack Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Point Blank Shot Combat - +1 attack and damage on targets within 30 feet Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Power Attack Combat Str 13, base attack bonus +1 Trade melee attack bonus for damage Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Precise Shot Combat Point Blank Shot No penalty for shooting into melee Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Quick at Hand Combat Ogre May use improvised weapons without penalty. PCh:CMR 3.5e OGC
Quick Draw Combat Base attack bonus +1 Draw weapon as a free action Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Rapid Reload Combat Weapon proficiency (crossbow) Reload crossbow quickly Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Rapid Shot Combat Dex 13, Point Blank Shot Make one extra ranged attack Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Ride-by Attack Combat Mounted Combat Move before and after a charge attack while mounted Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Scorpion Style Combat Improved Unarmed Strike Reduce target's speed to 5 ft. Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Secret of Steel-Shattering Spirit Combat Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +6, must be lawful Gain a new ki pool used to bypass hardness. PCh:CS 3.5e CUP
Serpent Lash Combat Weapon Finesse, proficient in whip PCo:OLoP 3.5e OGC
Shatter Defenses Combat Dazzling Display, base attack bonus +6 Hindered foes are flat-footed Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Shield Focus Combat Shield Proficiency, base attack bonus +1 Gain a +1 bonus to your AC when using a shield Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Shield Master Combat Shield Slam, base attack bonus +11 No two-weapon penalties when attacking with a shield Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Shield Slam Combat Improved Shield Bash, Two-Weapon Fighting, base attack bonus +6 Free bull rush with a bash attack Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Shot on the Run Combat Dex 13, Mobility, Point Blank Shot, base attack bonus +4 Make ranged attack at any point during movement Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Sickening Critical Combat Critical Focus, base attack bonus +11 Whenever you score a critical hit, the target is sickened Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Sliding Axe Throw Combat Dex 13, base attack bonus +1 You may aim your thrown axe to avoid an enemy’s shield and even trip PCo:DoG PFRPG OGC
your opponent
Snatch Arrows Combat Dex 15, Deflect Arrows Catch one ranged attack per round Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Spellbreaker Combat Disruptive, 10th-level fighter Enemies provoke attacks if their spells fail Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Spirited Charge Combat Ride-By Attack Double damage on a mounted charge Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Spring Attack Combat Mobility, base attack bonus +4 Move before and after melee attack Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Staggering Critical Combat Critical Focus, base attack bonus +13 Whenever you score a critical hit, the target is staggered Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Stance of the Xorn Combat Wis 15, base attack bonus +3. Flanking creatures do not gain a bonus to hit you. PCo:DoG PFRPG OGC
Stand Still Combat Combat Reflexes Stop enemies from moving past you Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Name Type Prerequistites Summary Source System License
Step Up Combat Base attack bonus +1 Take a 5-foot step as an immediate action Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Strike Back Combat Base attack bonus +11 Attack foes that strike you while using reach Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Stunning Critical Combat Staggering Critical, base attack bonus +17 Whenever you score a critical hit, the target is stunned Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Stunning Fist Combat Dex 13, Wis 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +8 Stun opponent with an unarmed strike Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Throw Anything Combat - No penalties for improvised ranged weapons Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Thunder and Fang Combat Str 15, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (earth breaker), Weapon Learn the Shoanti fighting style of Thunder and Fang. PAP10:CotCT4 3.5e CUP
Focus (klar)
Tiring Critical Combat Critical Focus, base attack bonus +13 Whenever you score a critical hit, the target is fatigued Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Tower Shield Proficiency Combat Shield Proficiency No penalties on attack rolls when using a tower shield Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Trample Combat Mounted Combat Overrun targets while mounted Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Two-Weapon Defense Combat Two-Weapon Fighting Gain +1 shield bonus when fighting with two weapons Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Two-Weapon Fighting Combat Dex 15 Reduce two-weapon fighting penalties Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Two-Weapon Rend Combat Double Slice, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, base attack bonus +11 Rend a foe hit by both your weapons Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Unseat Combat Improved Bull Rush, Mounted Combat Knock opponents from their mounts Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Vital Strike Combat Base attack bonus +6 Deal twice the normal damage on a single attack Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Weapon Finesse Combat - Use Dex instead of Str on attack rolls with light weapons Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Weapon Focus Combat Proficiency with weapon, base attack bonus +1 +1 bonus on attack rolls with one weapon Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Weapon Specialization Combat Weapon Focus, 4th-level fighter +2 bonus on damage rolls with one weapon Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Wheeling Charge Combat Mounted Combat, Ride-By Attack, Ride 5 ranks, Lastwall affinity May turn while making a mounted charge. PCh:CoG PFRPG CUP
Whirlwind Attack Combat Dex 13, Combat Expertise, Spring Attack, base attack bonus +4 Make one melee attack against all foes within reach Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Wind Stance Combat Dex 15, Dodge, base attack bonus +6 Gain 20% concealment if you move Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Bleeding Critical Critical Critical Focus, base attack bonus +11 Whenever you score a critical hit, the target takes 2d6 bleed Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Blinding Critical Critical Critical Focus, base attack bonus +15 Whenever you score a critical hit, the target is blinded Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Deafening Critical Critical Critical Focus, base attack bonus +13 Whenever you score a critical hit, the target is deafened Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Exhausting Critical Critical Tiring Critical, base attack bonus +15 Whenever you score a critical hit, the target is exhausted Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Sickening Critical Critical Critical Focus, base attack bonus +11 Whenever you score a critical hit, the target is sickened Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Staggering Critical Critical Critical Focus, base attack bonus +13 Whenever you score a critical hit, the target is staggered Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Stunning Critical Critical Staggering Critical, base attack bonus +17 Whenever you score a critical hit, the target is stunned Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Tiring Critical Critical Critical Focus, base attack bonus +13 Whenever you score a critical hit, the target is fatigued Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Acrobatic General - +2 bonus on Acrobatics and Fly checks Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Acrobatic Steps General Dex 15, Nimble Moves Ignore 20 feet of difficult terrain when you move Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Additional Traits General - You have more traits than normal P:CTWE PFRPG OGC
Advance Warning General Cha 15. You can shout warnings to nearby allies, preventing them from being PAP22:LoF4
caught off guard.
Alertness General - +2 bonus on Perception and Sense Motive checks Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Alignment Channel General Channel energy class feature Channel energy can heal or harm outsiders Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Altitude Affinity General Con 19, Endurance Become unaffected by problems with high altitude and gain a +4 bonus PAP6:RotR6 3.5e OGC
to Survival in high altitudes.
Animal Affinity General - +2 bonus on Handle Animal and Ride checks Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Armor Proficiency, Heavy General Armor Proficiency, Medium No penalties on attack rolls while wearing heavy armor Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Armor Proficiency, Light General - No penalties on attack rolls while wearing light armor Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Armor Proficiency, Medium General Armor Proficiency, Light No penalties on attack rolls while wearing medium armor Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Athletic General - +2 bonus on Climb and Swim checks Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Augment Summoning General Spell Focus (conjuration) Summoned creatures gain +4 Str and Con Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Black Marketeer General Appraise 1 rank, Diplomacy 1 rank, Knowledge (local) 1 rank Use black market connections to gather illegal/illicit items. PCo:OLoP
Bloatmage Initiate General Spell Focus (any school) Learn the secret art of hemotheurgy to enhance your spells. PAP12:CotCT6 3.5e CUP
Boon Companion General Animal companion or familiar class ability. Calculate your animal companion/familiar abilities as if they were PCh:SoS PFRPG OGC
Brain Eater General Ghoul, Int 17 Eat the brains of other creatures to gain a small bonus on skill checks PCh:CHR PFRPG OGC
and Will saves.
Burn Rider General Mounted Combat, Ride 6 ranks, Handle Animal 6 ranks Through the ancient tradition of the Sklar-Quah, you can protect both PAP7:CotCT1 3.5e CUP
yourself and your mount from flame while traveling at high speeds.
Civilized Ghoulishness General Ghoul, Cha 18 Learn how to better pass off as a living creature. PCh:CHR PFRPG OGC
Combat Casting General - +4 bonus on concentration checks for casting defensively Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Command Undead General Channel negative energy class feature Channel energy can be used to control undead Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Conceal Scent General Stealth 1 rank, Survival 1 rank Creatures cannot track you by scent. PCo:OLoP
Corsair of Taldor General Spent at least 1 month working on a ship for Jean Coremont +2 initiative while on ships, +1 damage with light or one-handed PCh:CoG PFRPG CUP
weapons on ships.
Country Born General 1st-level character, cannot have City Born or Lone Wolf. Learn to ignore various fatigue and exhaustion effects along with PAP:RotRPG 3.5e CUP
gaining a +1 bonus on Will saves.
Cypher Magic General Int 14, Scribe Scroll Cast spells from scrolls at +1 caster level. PCo:SD 3.5e CUP
Cypher Script General Int 12, Linguistics 1 rank Scribe spells in your spellbook at half the cost and half the space. PCo:SD 3.5e CUP
Dark Adept General Drow, character level 3rd You gain three new spell-like abilities, usable once per day. PAP14:SD2 3.5e OGC
Deceitful General - +2 bonus on Bluff and Disguise checks Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Deft Hands General - +2 bonus on Disable Device and Sleight of Hand checks Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Diehard General Endurance Automatically stabilize and remain conscious below 0 hp Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Dilettante General 2 ranks each in 5 different Knowledge skills +2 bonus in Knowledge skills with 1-5 ranks and make higher DC PCh:SoS PFRPG OGC
untrained Knowledge checks.
Draconic Defender General Con 17, Toughness Grant a nearby ally your dodge bonus from fighting defensively or PCh:DR 3.5e OGC
combat expertise.
Draconic Discipline General Wis 17, base Will save +10, any lawful alignment, dragon type. Get a second retry on necromancy or mind-affecting enchantment PCh:DR 3.5e OGC
Elemental Channel General Channel energy class feature Channel energy can harm or heal elementals Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Endurance General - +4 bonus on checks to avoid nonlethal damage Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Endure Pain (Zon-Kuthon’s Kiss) General Survived being tortured 10 or more times May make a saving throw to reduce nonlethal damage. PCh:CoG PFRPG CUP
Eschew Materials General - Cast spells without material components Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Experienced Vagabond General Bluff 1 rank, Knowledge (local) 1 rank, member of an underclass Bonus when dealing with criminals and unsavory characters. PCo:TEoG 3.5e OGC
Extra Channel General Channel energy class feature Channel energy two additional times per day Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Extra Ki General Ki pool class feature Increase your ki pool by 2 points Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Extra Lay On Hands General Lay on hands class feature Use lay on hands two additional times per day Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Extra Mercy General Mercy class feature Your lay on hands benefits from one additional mercy Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Extra Performance General Bardic performance class feature Use bardic performance for 6 additional rounds per day Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Extra Rage General Rage class feature Use rage for 6 additional rounds per day Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Fiendish Façade General Tiefling, must be taken at 1st level Be easily mistaken for another race and gain a bonus to disguise as PAP25:CoT1 3.5e CUP
Fiendish Heritage General Tiefling, must be taken at 1st level. Gain different ability modiifers from being tied to a specific race of PAP25:CoT1 3.5e CUP
Fleet General - Your base speed increases by 5 feet Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Friendly Switch General Base attack bonus +1 Switch places with an ally as part of a 5-foot-step. PCh:SoS PFRPG OGC
Frightful Suggestion General Frightful Presence, true dragon Make a suggestion to an opponent affected by your frightful presence PM:J2 3.5e OGC
one time per round.
Galley Slave General Profession (sailor) 1 rank, current or former galley slave +2 bonus to Profession (sailor) checks and +2 damage bonus to first hit PCo:TEoG 3.5e OGC
on ship.
Great Fortitude General - +2 on Fortitude saves Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Greater Spell Focus General Spell Focus +1 bonus on save DCs for one school Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Greater Spell Penetration General Spell Penetration +2 bonus on level checks to beat spell resistance Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Green Faith Acolyte General Ability to cast 2nd level divine spells Avoid hurting plants when you cast damaging spells around them, and PCh:CS 3.5e CUP
gain a +2 bonus on Diplomacy checks with plants.
Green Faith Acolyte General Ability to cast 2nd level divine spells Avoid hurting plants when you cast damaging spells around them, and PCh:GtDV 3.5e CUP
gain a +2 bonus on Diplomacy checks with plants.
Gunslinger General Base attack bonus +4, Weapon Focus (any firearm), proficiency with firearm Do not provoke attacks of opportunity when attacking with a firearm. PCh:CS 3.5e OGC
Harmonic Spell General Perform (any) 5 ranks, bardic performance ability Weave bardic performances into your spells to increase their duration. PAP12:CotCT6 3.5e OGC
Harmonic Spell General Perform (any) 5 ranks, bardic performance ability Weave bardic performances into your spells to increase their duration. PCh:CS 3.5e OGC
Harrowed General Cha 13 Gain a +2 bonus on various skills based on the draw of a Harrow card. PAP:CotCTPG 3.5e OGC
Harrowed General Cha 13 Gain a +2 bonus on various skills based on the draw of a Harrow card. PCh:CS 3.5e CUP
Heightened Trap Sense General Perception 3 ranks, trap sense +1 You receive an automatic Perception check when passing close to a PCo:OLoP 3.5e OGC
Hellcat Stealth General Skill Focus (Stealth), Stealth 6 ranks Learn how to use Stealth in the light. PCo:CEoD PFRPG OGC
Improved Channel General Channel energy class feature +2 bonus on channel energy DC Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Improved Counterspell General - Counterspell with spell of the same school Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Improved Familiar General Ability to acquire a familiar, see feat Gain a more powerful familiar Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Improved Great Fortitude General Great Fortitude Once per day, you may reroll a Fortitude save Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Improved Iron Will General Iron Will Once per day, you may reroll a Will save Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Improved Lightning Reflexes General Lightning Reflexes Once per day, you may reroll a Reflex save Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Indigestible General Favored enemy (ooze) or survived engulfing by an ooze You gain acid resistance 5 PCh:DDR 3.5e OGC
Invested Magic General - Substitute spell material components with coins, gems, and jewelry. PAP30:CoT6 PFRPG CUP
Iomedaean Sword Oath General Proficient in longsword, Weapon Focus (longsword), base attack bonus +4, Select longsword-related feats as if a 4th-level fighter. PAP26:CoT2 PFRPG CUP
worshiper of Iomedae.
Iron Will General - +2 bonus on Will saves Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Irrisen Icemage General Sorcerer, Irrisen affinity, may only be taken at first level. Enhance spells of the cold descriptor. PCh:CoG PFRPG CUP
Jackal Blood General - +4 bonus on saves against sleep effects, +2 bonus to Perception. PCh:DM 3.5e OGC
Lamashtu’s Mark General Con 13, Lamashtu as patron deity Deform your enemies with a melee attack. PAP1:RotR1 3.5e CUP
Leadership General Character level 7th Gain a cohort and followers Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Lightning Reflexes General - +2 bonus on Reflex saves Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Lost in the Crowd General - Bonus to Stealth checks in urban areas and a bonus to AC when PCo:OLoP 3.5e OGC
adjacent to multiple enemies.
Lucky Halfling General Halfling Give your allies the same luck which blesses yourself. PCh:DM 3.5e CUP
Magical Aptitude General - +2 bonus on Spellcraft and Use Magic Device checks Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Martial Weapon Proficiency General - No penalty on attacks made with one martial weapon Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Master Craftsman General 5 ranks in any Craft or Profession skill You can craft magic items without being a spellcaster Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Master Delver General Explored part of Cassomir's locker Bonus to Knowledge (dungeoneering) and Perception to find traps. PCh:CoG PFRPG CUP
Master of the Ledger General Appraise 3 ranks, Profession (any one) 3 ranks Learn how to make investments and produce extra income. PCo:TEoG 3.5e OGC
Monstrous Mask General Tiefling, must be taken at 1st level. +5 bonus on Intimidate against all humanoids. PAP25:CoT1 3.5e CUP
Natural Spell General Wis 13, wild shape class feature Cast spells while using wild shape Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Night Stalker General Stealthy, darkvision, Large or larger Ignore size penalties to Stealth checks in dark areas. PCh:CMR 3.5e OGC
Nimble Moves General Dex 13 Ignore 5 feet of difficult terrain when you move Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
One Finger General Dex 13, Wis 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Weapon Finesse, Learn to make stunning fist attacks as touch attacks and give bonuses PCh:CS 3.5e OGC
base attack bonus +8, ki pool class ability to your Combat Maneuvers.
Name Type Prerequistites Summary Source System License
Ooze Companion General Ooze Whisperer, animal companion, wild empathy Add a number of oozes to your animal companion list. PCh:DDR 3.5e OGC
Ooze Whisperer General Wild empathy class feature Use animal-only spells/abilities on oozes, target oozes with wild PCh:DDR 3.5e OGC
Osiriontologist General Knowledge (history) 1 rank, Knowledge (local) 1 rank, must be able to speak Bonus to numerous skill checks in Osirion. PCo:OLoP 3.5e CUP
Osiriani and Ancient Osiriani
Persuasive General - +2 bonus on Diplomacy and Intimidate checks Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Pesh Euphoria General Pesh Addict or sahir-afiyun Gain a bonus to your Willpower while under the effects of Pesh. PCh:DM 3.5e CUP
Pesh Healing General Pesh Addict or sahir-afiyun Heal by using Pesh. PCh:DM 3.5e CUP
Pesh Rejuvenation General Pesh Addict or sahir-afiyun Stave off the effects of death while using Pesh. PCh:DM 3.5e CUP
Possess Creature General Cha 20, any evil outsider with 10 or more Hit Dice. A fiend gains the ability to merge its physical form with another PAP28:CoT4 PFRPG CUP
creature’s body, spreading its foul influence from within a living vessel
Possess Location General Cha 16, any evil outsider with 8 or more Hit Dice. A fiend learns to disperse its essence over an area, gaining mastery PAP28:CoT4 PFRPG CUP
over features and structures there and tainting the place with its
Possess Object General Cha 18, any evil outsider with 9 or more Hit Dice. A fiend gains the power to bind its malign essence to a single object, PAP28:CoT4 PFRPG CUP
corrupting it into a relic of undeniable evil
Religious Pilgrim General Knowledge (geography) 1 rank, Knowledge (religion) 1 rank Bonus to Will, Diplomacy, and Survival, along with a discount on PCo:OLoP 3.5e OGC
religious items.
Run General - Run at 5 times your normal speed Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Sahir-Afiyun General Able to cast 2nd-level spells, pesh user, Spell Focus (enchantment or Gain the sahir-afiyun spells along with a greater familiarity with Pesh. PCh:DM 3.5e CUP
Sandwalker General Dex 13, Con 13 Move faster and scavenge supplies easier in the desert. PCo:LoFPG 3.5e OGC
Selective Channeling General Cha 13, channel energy class feature Choose whom to affect with channel energy Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Self-Sufficient General - +2 bonus on Heal and Survival checks Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Shade of the Uskwood General Druid level 1st, neutral evil, Zon-Kuthon worshiper Your spell-list has different druid spells based on your worship of the PCh:CS 3.5e CUP
Midnight Lord.
Shambling Monolith General Shambling mound. Grow in size by drawing extra vegetable matter into yourself. PCh:DDR 3.5e OGC
Shield Proficiency General - No penalties on attack rolls when using a shield Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Silent as Stone General Roper, Stealthy. Learn how to silently choke your enemies in the surprise round. PCh:DDR 3.5e OGC
Simple Weapon Proficiency General - No penalty on attacks made with simple weapons Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Skill Focus General - +3 bonus on one skill (+6 at 10 ranks) Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Slow Exhalation General Breath weapon, true dragon. You have mastered a technique that allows you to release your breath PM:J2 3.5e OGC
weapon as you bite an opponent.
Sneaky Vagabond General - Numerous bonuses when trying to avoid being found. PCo:TEoG 3.5e OGC
Sow Terror General Stealthy. Learn to scare your enemies with extreme stealth. PCh:CMR 3.5e OGC
Spell Focus General - +1 bonus on save DCs for one school Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Spell Mastery General 1st-level Wizard Prepare some spells without a spellbook Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Spell Penetration General - +2 bonus on level checks to beat spell resistance Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Spirit of the River General Aquatic subtype, Knowledge (nature) 1 rank. You carry in body and mind the spirits of the river that f low and sustain. PCh:CS 3.5e OGC
Spirit Strike General Knowledge (religion) 2 ranks, ability to turn undead, at least one favored You can call upon the sprits of ancient heroes to convey the blessings PCh:CS 3.5e OGC
enemy. of the gods in battle.
Stealthy General - +2 bonus on Escape Artist and Stealth checks Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Stone Clinger General Roper Gain a climb speed. PCh:DDR 3.5e OGC
Stone Magic General Stone giant elder (700 years or older), Cha 17 Gain additional spell-like abilities. PAP4:RotR4 3.5e OGC
Stormstruck Shambler General Shambling mound, must have been struck by lightning. Charge your limbs with electricity to give you a bonus 5d6 electricity PCh:DDR 3.5e OGC
Strength of the Diamond General Con 13, Wis 13, character level 3rd, member of the Diamond Regiment. Your extensive training with fellow Diamond Regiment solders has PCh:GtDV 3.5e OGC
bolstered you against fear.
Suffocating Strangulation General Improved grab, constrict. Your constriction attack forces the air out of your victim’s lungs and PCh:DDR 3.5e OGC
leaves him helpless and gasping for breath.
Swarm Dodger General Dex 15, evasion. You have learned tricks to avoid being engulfed by the swarms of PCo:OLoP 3.5e OGC
crawling horrors that frequently inhabit Osirion’s lost tombs and
desolate wastes.
Taldan Conscript General Taldan serf in service to a lord Bonus when wielding farm implements and fighting beside other PCo:TEoG 3.5e CUP
Taldan Knight General Base attack bonus +6, heavy armor proficiency, proficient in a martial weapon Gain a cohort as if using the leadership feat and other bonuses when PCo:TEoG 3.5e CUP
near your squire.
Taldan Squire General Base attack bonus +1, proficient in a martial weapon Bonus to initiative when near mounted ally, bonus to AC when near PCo:TEoG 3.5e CUP
injured ally.
Toughness General - +3 hit points, +1 per Hit Die beyond 3 Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Turn Undead General Channel positive energy class feature Channel energy can be used to make undead flee Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Umbral Scion General Drow female, Dark Adept, character level 7th You gain four new spell-like abilities, each usable once per day PAP15:SD3 3.5e OGC
Urban Forager General Knowledge (local) 1 rank, Survival 1 rank. Gain bonuses to Survival checks in Urban regions. PCo:TEoG 3.5e OGC
Varisian Tattoo General Spell Focus in matching school. Get a +1 caster level to your chosen school along with a minor spell-like PAP:RotRPG 3.5e CUP
Veiled Vileness General Half-orc. +1 bonus to Diplomacy and Intimidate checks and Will saves. PCh:CS 3.5e OGC
Vermin Companion General Vermin Heart, animal companion class feature, wild empathy class feature Add a number of vermin to the list of companions you may have. PCh:CS 3.5e OGC
Vermin Heart General Wild empathy class feature. Apply spells and abilies that target animals to vermin, along with wild PCh:CS 3.5e OGC
empathy checks.
Wand Dancer General Dex 13, Dodge, Mobility, Acrobatics 1 rank, Perform (dance) 1 rank, caster Move before and after using a spell trigger item. PCh:CS 3.5e OGC
level 5th
Warren Digger General Ghoul, Str 17 Gain a burrow speed of 10 ft. PCh:CHR PFRPG OGC
Brew Fleshcrafting Potion Item Creation Caster level 10th, 5 or more ranks in Craft (alchemy) Learn the ancient drow art of creating fleshcrafting poisons. PAP16:SD4 3.5e OGC
Brew Potion Item Creation Caster level 3rd Create magic potions Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Craft Magic Arms and Armor Item Creation Caster level 5th Create magic armors, shields, and weapons Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Craft Rod Item Creation Caster level 9th Create magic rods Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Craft Staff Item Creation Caster level 11th Create magic staves Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Craft Wand Item Creation Caster level 5th Create magic wands Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Craft Wondrous Item Item Creation Caster level 3rd Create magic wondrous items Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Forge Ring Item Creation Caster level 7th Create magic rings. Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Inscribe Rune Item Item Creation Caster level 3rd You can create runes PAP5:RotR5 3.5e OGC
Scribe Scroll Item Creation Caster level 1st Create magic scrolls Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Acadamae Graduate Local Specialist wizard 1st, cannot have Conjuration as forbidden school, Korvosa Learn to cast conjuration (summoning) spells faster. PAP:CotCTPG 3.5e CUP
Aldori Dueling Mastery Local Dex 17, Greater Weapon Focus (Aldori dueling sword), Weapon Finesse, Make additional attacks and do bonus damage with the Aldori dueling PCh:CS 3.5e CUP
Weapon Focus (Aldori dueling sword), Weapon Specialization (Aldori dueling sword.
sword), base attack bonus +12, proficient with Aldori dueling sword, member
of Aldori school
Andoren Falconry Local Cha 13, Animal Affinity, animal companion class feature, Andoran affinity Improve your bond with a bird of prey companion. PCh:CS 3.5e CUP
Arcane Vendetta Local Spellcraft 1 rank, Numeria affinity Deal bonus damage to spellcasters. PCh:CS 3.5e CUP
Berserker’s Cry Local Cha 13, Linnorm Kings affinity Unleash a morale boosting bloodthirsty cry. PCh:CS 3.5e CUP
Big Game Hunter Local Varisia affinity +1 bonus to attack rolls and +2 bonus to damage against Large or PAP:RotRPG 3.5e CUP
larger creatures.
Careful Speaker Local Wis 13, Galt affinity Gain a greater awareness to scrying attempts made on you and a PCh:CS 3.5e CUP
bonus versus being intimidated.
City Born Local 1st-level character, cannot have Country Born or Lone Wolf. Gain a +1 bonus to Reflex and a +2 bonus to one of three charisma PAP:RotRPG 3.5e CUP
Cosmopolitan Local Katapesh affinity Gain two languages and two new Int, Cha, or Wis class skills. PCh:CS 3.5e CUP
Country Born Local 1st-level character, cannot have City Born or Lone Wolf. Learn to ignore various fatigue and exhaustion effects along with PAP:RotRPG 3.5e CUP
gaining a +1 bonus on Will saves.
Demon Hunter Local Base attack bonus +6, Mendev affinity +2 Knowledge (planes) with demons, +1 damage to demons in melee. PCh:CS 3.5e CUP
Desert Dweller Local Con 13, Thuvia affinity Gain 5 fire resistance against low fire damage and a +2 bonus to avoid PCh:CS 3.5e CUP
taking damage from starvation and thirst.
Desperate Battler Local Sargava affinity Gain +1 to melee attack and damage when no allies are near. PCh:CS 3.5e CUP
Enforcer Local Intimidate 1 rank, Razmiran affinity Make intimidate checks when you deal nonlethal damage. PCh:CS 3.5e CUP
Eye Of The Arclord Local Spellcraft 1 rank, ability to cast arcane spells, Nex affinity Learn how to open a third eye to enhance divination spells, grant PCh:CS 3.5e CUP
darkvision, and give a bonus to notice invisible creatures.
Fey Foundling Local Irrisen affinity Gain DR 1/cold iron, +2 on wild empathy, and a small weakness to cold PCh:CS 3.5e CUP
iron weapons.
Flagbearer Local Cha 13, orc, member of a Belkzen clan Give morale bonuses to you and your clan by bearing your clan's PCh:CS 3.5e CUP
Focused Shot Local Int 13, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Kyonin affinity May add Intelligence modifier onto a single attack each round. PCh:CS 3.5e CUP
Fortune Teller Local Ustalav affinity Use a fortune telling focus in your divination spells to cast them at +1 PCh:CS 3.5e CUP
caster level.
Free Spirit Local Chaotic alignment, River Kingdoms affinity +2 save vs. enchantment/mind-affecting, +2 bonus to escape a grapple PCh:CS 3.5e CUP
Godless Healing Local Rahadoum affinity Heal yourself without magic. PCh:CS 3.5e CUP
Hamatulatsu Local Intimidate 2 ranks, Improved Unarmed Strike, female, raised by the Sisters of Your unarmed attacks become more flexible and can do different types PCh:CS 3.5e CUP
the Golden Erinyes of damage.
Hermean Blood Local Hermea affinity Gain a +1 bonus on all skills tied to a single ability score. PCh:CS 3.5e CUP
Indomitable Mount Local Mounted Combat, Handle Animal 5 ranks, Ride 5 ranks, Lastwall affinity Use your Ride skill in place of your mount's saving throw. PCh:CoG PFRPG CUP
Katheer Scholar Local Int 15, Qadira affinity Grant your allies a bonus to damage against creatures you identify with PCh:CS 3.5e CUP
Knowledge checks.
Lone Wolf Local Varisia affinity +4 bonus to stabilize, +1 bonus on Fort saves PAP:RotRPG 3.5e OGC
Massed Charge Local Mounted Combat, Handle Animal 1 rank, Ride 6 ranks, Lastwall affinity Suffer no penalties when sharing space with other riders, +2 CMD PCh:CS 3.5e CUP
against certain maneuvers while mounted.
Molthuni Discipline Local Molthune affinity Take redcued penalties from fear effects. PCh:CS 3.5e CUP
Mounted Blade Local Ride 3 ranks, Mounted Combat, Ride-By Attack, base attack bonus +1, May "cleave" to an additional foe when using ride-by attack. PCo:QGttE 3.5e CUP
Qadira affinity
Mounted Onslaught Local Mounted Combat, Trample, Ride 5 ranks, Lastwall affinity Use overrun on more than one opponent per round. PCh:CoG PFRPG CUP
Necromantic Resistance Local Con 13, Geb affinity Gain a resistance to necromancy spells, negative levels, and ability PCh:CS 3.5e CUP
score damage inflicted by the undead.
Noble Scion Local Cheliax affinity, member of Chelish noble house Gain benefits based on the noble house to which you belong. PCh:CS 3.5e CUP
Parting Shot Local Dex 13, Dodge, Mobility, Point Blank Shot, Shot on the Run, base attack Make a ranged attack during a withdraw action. PCh:CS 3.5e CUP
bonus +6, Nirmathas affinity
Profits of Kalistrade Local Diplomacy 1 rank, Druma affinity Use your mercantile connections to gain a pool of liquid assets. PCh:CS 3.5e CUP
Rugged Local Endurance, member of a Mammoth Lord's following +2 bonus on saves against cold, increase your mobility on ice. PCh:CS 3.5e CUP
Ruincaster Local Wis 15, ability to cast spells, Mwangi Expanse affinity Improve your spellcasting by tapping into the spiritual energies of PCh:CS 3.5e CUP
Mwangi ruins.
Sable Company Marine Local Ranger level 4th, Korvosa affinity Gain a hippogriff as your animal companion. PAP:CotCTPG 3.5e CUP
Secret Signs Local Int 13, Absalom affinity Teach your allies a secret communication technique. PCh:CS 3.5e CUP
Shingle Runner Local Dex 13, Acrobatic, Korvosa affinity +2 bonus on Acrobatics (Jumping) and Climb checks, reduced damage PAP:CotCTPG
from falling.
Name Type Prerequistites Summary Source System License
Shrewd Liason Local Mediogalti affinity Prevent being flanked and gain a +2 bonus versus an attempted feint. PCh:CS 3.5e CUP
Sniper Shot Local Int 13, Wis 13, Far Shot, Focused Shot, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Deal more damage based off of your weapon's range increment. PCh:CS 3.5e CUP
Kyonin affinity
Stoic Local Cha 15, Sodden Lands affinity Use Charisma instead of Constitution for Fortitude saves and gain +2 PCh:CS 3.5e CUP
versus fear.
Storm-Lashed Local Profession (sailor) 1 rank, Shackles affinity Ignore many of the effects of severe weather. PCh:CS 3.5e CUP
Survivor Local Con 13, Diehard, Endurance, River Kingdoms affinity Take less damage from powerful attacks and better survive critical hits. PCh:CS 3.5e CUP
Taldorian Duelist Local Dex 13, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (falcata), Weapon Focus (falcata), Gain a bonus to AC and Acrobatics when fighting with a falcata and PCh:CS 3.5e CUP
proficient with buckler, Taldor affinity buckler.
Teleport Sense Local Wis 13, Mendev affinity Learn to better sense someone teleporting nearby. PCh:CS 3.5e CUP
Totem Spirit Local Member of a Shoanti tribe Gain benefits to various skills/saves based off of your Shoanti tribe. PAP:RotRPG 3.5e CUP
Touvette Defender Local Touvette affinity Smite enemies of Touvette. PCh:GttRK PFRPG CUP
Twisted Flesh Local Con 15, Worldwound affinity Gain a natural armor bonus, resistance to multiple energy types, and a PCh:CS 3.5e CUP
bonus to Intimidate in exchange for a penalty to Charisma based skills
and Fortitude saves.
Warped Mind Local Wis 15, Worldwound affinity Cause damage to creatures that attempt to read your mind, along with PCh:CS 3.5e CUP
improving your initiative and Will saves in exchange for a penalty on
Intelligence based skill checks.
Empower Spell Metamagic - Increase spell variables by 50% Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Enlarge Spell Metamagic - Double spell range Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Extend Spell Metamagic - Double spell duration Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Heighten Spell Metamagic - Treat spell as a higher level Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Maximize Spell Metamagic - Maximize spell variables Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Quicken Spell Metamagic - Cast spell as a swift action Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Silent Spell Metamagic - Cast spell without verbal components Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Still Spell Metamagic - Cast spell without somatic components Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Thanatopic Spell Metamagic Spell Focus (necromancy), Knowledge (religion) 7 ranks Your spells can penetrate defenses that protect against death effects. PCo:OLoP
Threnodic Spell Metamagic Spell Focus (necromancy), Knowledge (religion) 2 ranks Your mind-affecting spells can affect undead creatures normally. PCo:OLoP
Widen Spell Metamagic - Double spell area Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Ability Focus Monster Special attack. +2 bonus to DC for saving throws against a monsters special ability. Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Awesome Blow Monster Str 25, Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush, size Large or larger. Knock an opponent 10 feet away and prone. Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Craft Construct Monster Caster level 5th, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Wondrous Item. You can create any construct whose prerequisites you meet. Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Empower Spell-Like Ability Monster Spell-like ability at caster level 6th or higher. Choose one of the creature's spell-like abilities, subject to the Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
restrictions below. The creature can use that ability as an empowered
spell-like ability three times per day (or less, if the ability is normally
usable only once or twice per day).
Flyby Attack Monster Fly speed. When flying, the creature can take a move action and another standard Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
action at any point during the move. The creature cannot take a second
move action during a round when it makes a flyby attack.
Gift of Sight Monster Troll, patron deity Urxehl Learn to read the future in your own entrails. PCh:CMR
Hover Monster Fly speed. This creature can hover in place with ease and can kick up clouds of Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
dust and debris.
Improved Natural Armor Monster Natural armor, Con 13. The creature's natural armor bonus increases by +1. Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Improved Natural Attack Monster Natural weapon, base attack bonus +4. Increase damage from one of a creatures natural attacks by one step. Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Multiattack Monster Three or more natural attacks. The creature's secondary attacks with natural weapons take only a –2 Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Multiweapon Fighting Monster Dex 13, three or more hands. Penalties for fighting with multiple weapons are reduced by –2 with the Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
primary hand and by –6 with off hands.
Noxious Bite Monster Acidic breath weapon, bite attack Deal extra acid damage with your bite attack along with nauseating the Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Quicken Spell-Like Ability Monster Spell-like ability at CL 10th or higher. One of a creatures spell-like abilities is usable as a swift action. Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
Snatch Monster Size Huge or larger. The creature can start a grapple when it hits with a claw or bite attack, Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
as though it had the grab ability.
Wingover Monster Fly speed. Once each round, a creature with this feat can turn up to 180 degrees Pathfinder Core Rulebook PFRPG CUP
as a free action without making a Fly skill check. This free turn does not
consume any additional movement from the creature.
Agile Feet Prayer Worshiping a deity with the Travel Domain. For one round per day, you ignore all difficult terrain and do not take Book of the Faithful I PFRPG OGL
any penalties when moving through it.
Armor of Law Prayer Worshiping a deity with the Law Domain, Lawful alignment. Against a single blow a day, you gain DR (1/2 your character level) Book of the Faithful I PFRPG OGL
/Law. You may decide to use this after a successful attack roll but
before damage is rolled.
Blessed Spell Prayer Worshiping a deity with the Magic Domain Choose a school of magic. Once per day the DC for a saving throw Book of the Faithful I PFRPG OGL
against a spell of the chosen school is increased by 2. This effect
stacks with Spell Focus.
Dastardly Deception Prayer Gain +5 divine bonus to a single Bluff check, once per day. If you have Book of the Faithful I PFRPG OGL
Worshiping a deity with the Trickery Domain 10 or more ranks in Bluff, the bonus increases to +10.
Flame Strike Prayer Worshiping a deity with the Fire Domain Once per day flames engulf your melee, ranged, or natural weapon, Book of the Faithful I PFRPG OGL
causing half the damage inflicted from one attack to be fire damage.
Flash of Divine Insight Prayer Worshiping a deity with the Knowledge Domain Gain +5 divine bonus to a single Knowledge, Craft or Profession check, Book of the Faithful I PFRPG OGL
once per day. If you have 10 or more ranks in the skill the bonus
increases to +10.
Held at Death's Door Prayer Worshiping a deity with the Death Domain Once per day, when a blow strikes you that would otherwise kill you, Book of the Faithful I PFRPG OGL
the god of death allows you to retain a single hit point short of dying.
You are stable and do not need to roll for stabilization. You are still
unconscious and are not immune to additional attacks that may kill you.
Holy Inspiration Prayer Worshiping a deity with the Nobility Domain Allies within 30' receive a +2 divine bonus on attack rolls, skill checks, Book of the Faithful I PFRPG OGL
ability checks, and saving throws for a single round. You can use this
ability once per day.
In Glorious Madness Prayer Worshiping a deity with the Madness Domain Gain +5 divine bonus to Intimidate once per day. If you have 10 or more Book of the Faithful I PFRPG OGL
ranks in Intimidate, the bonus increases to +10. If you use this bonus
while making an Intimidating Glare rage power, your divine bonus
increases by an additional +2.
Lucky Dodge Prayer Worshiping a deity with the Luck Domain Gain +3 divine bonus to Reflex save, once per day. If Reflex is at least Book of the Faithful I PFRPG OGL
+5, increases to +6.
Jaguar Pounce Combat Base attack bonus +4. When making a charge or using Spring Attack against an opponent Pathfinder Companion: PFRPG CUP
who is flat-footed or helpless, you treat your first melee attack against Sargava, the Lost Colony
that target as if you had the Improved Critical feat.
Elephant Stomp Combat Str 13, Power Attack, Improved Overrun, base attack bonus +1. When you overrun an opponent and your maneuver check exceeds Pathfinder Companion: PFRPG CUP
your opponent's CMD by 5 or more, instead of moving through your Sargava, the Lost Colony
opponent's space and knocking her prone, you may stop in the space
directly in front of the opponent (or the nearest adjacent space) and
make one attack with an unarmed strike or a natural weapon against
that opponent as an immediate action.
Monkey Lunge Combat Lunge, Acrobatics 1 rank. As a standard action, you can use the Lunge feat to increase the reach Pathfinder Companion: PFRPG CUP
of your melee attacks by 5 feet until the end of your turn, without Sargava, the Lost Colony
suffering a penalty to your AC. You cannot use this feat if you carry a
medium or heavy load.
Piranha Strike Combat Weapon Finesse, base attack bonus +1. When wielding a light weapon, you can choose to take a -1 penalty on Pathfinder Companion: PFRPG CUP
all melee attack rolls and combat maneuver checks to gain a +2 bonus Sargava, the Lost Colony
on all melee damage rolls. This bonus to damage is halved (-50%) if
you are making an attack with an off-hand weapon or secondary natural
weapon. When your base attack bonus reaches +4, and for every 4
points thereafter, the penalty increases by -1 and the bonus on damage
rolls increases by +2. You must choose to use this feat before the
attack roll, and its effects last until your next turn. The bonus damage
does not apply to touch attacks or effects that do not deal hit point
damage. This feat cannot be used in conjunction with the Power Attack
Rhino Charge Combat Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush, base attack bonus +5. You may ready a charge, though you may only move up to your speed Pathfinder Companion: PFRPG CUP
on the charge. Sargava, the Lost Colony

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