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Microbial Mechanism

Microbial Diseases Causative Agent Portal of Entry Mode of Transmission

of Pathogenicity.
T Cells disseminate
varicella-zoster virus
during primary
infection. During
From person to person by directly
The portal of entry is primary infection, VZV
touching blisters, saliva or mucus
nasopharyngeal replicates in respiratory
Chickenpox Varicella zoster of an infected person. It also be
mucosa, sometimes epithelial cells and is
transmitted through the air by
conjunctiva. transferred to T cells
coughing and sneezing.
within the tonsillar
lymphoid tissue, either
directly or via virus-
infected dendritic cells.

Malarial infection
begins when a person is
bitten by an infected
female anopheles
The malaria parasites By being bitten by an infective mosquito and
enter that person’s female Anopheles mosquito. Only Plasmodium species
bloodstream and travel Anopheles mosquitoes can parasites in the form of
Malaria to the liver. When the transmit malaria and they must sporozoites are injected
parasites mature, they have been infected through a into the bloodstream.
leave the liver and previous blood meal taken from an The sporozoites travel
infect red blood cells. infected person. to the liver, multiplying
asexually over the next
7–10 days. During this
time there are no
Bordetella Pertussis
enters the body
through the respiratory These virulence
system. When an Pertussis spreads from person to factors include adhesins
infected person person. People such as filamentous
coughs, sneezes, talks, with pertussis usually spread the haemagglutinin,
or even breathes, the disease to another person fimbriae and pertactin,
Whooping cough Bordatella pertussis
bacteria is released by coughing or sneezing or when which
into the air. This spending a lot of time near one allow B. pertussis to
makes Pertussis a very another where you share breathing bind to ciliated
contagious disease space. epithelial cells in the
with an RO (R nought) upper respiratory tract.
factor of 12-17.

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