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Why Japan has

300+ flavors of
Flavors change
constantly, with many
appearing as limited-
edition runs.

The reason

Convenience-store business
model in Japan

Unlike products in supermarkets

that changed according to a 6-
month cycle, Convenience stores
reviewed their shelf space decisions
on a weekly basis.
#Nestle realized that it needed to
expand the scope of its offering in
order to expand the presence in

They made a huge #investment

decision in capabilities to mix different
flavors into the milk chocolate of
• Many of the flavors are sold in specific
areas of Japan only, created to mimic
regional specialties.

• This focus on regional specialties

allows Nestlé to package the candy
bars as souvenirs travelers to bring
back to their friends and family.

• So instead of bringing back the actual

roasted green tea or red bean
sandwich, one can bring back a
flavored KitKat bar.
Kitkat Japan is a classic
example of adaption and
development #strategy
where #brand
capitalized on:

- convenience stores
requirement for variety
and frequent change

- Japanese consumer's
preference for new
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