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Mary Grace Antenero Andig


Why do Philippine presidents, who already acquired the coveted prize in politics, keep on
running for lower office?

Duterte should not run for Vice President because his motives were self-serving,
although they would probably insist that they only wanted to continue serving the

Duterte has stated that his candidacy as vice president would provide “equilibrium” to
the country’s politics. He did not elaborate, although this contradicted the 76 years’
old’s previous pronouncements about being tired and wanting to retire from politics.

Contrary to Duterte’s claim, his candidacy could be divisive aside from triggering a
potential constitutional crisis. Some experts think that it would circumvent the intent of
the constitution to prevent an incumbent president from seeking another term.

Duterte said during the national assembly of his party Partido Demokratiko Pilipino –
Lakas ng Bayan. The law says that if you are a president, a vice president, you have
immunity. Then I’ll just run for vice president”. This could also be part of Duterte’s plan
to avoid prosecution at the International Criminal Court, which is investigating the
human rights atrocities linked to his bloody war on drugs. There could be corruption
charges as well, which could be brought against him and his family once he leaves
office in 2022. Perhaps the Philippine leader thinks he can evade accountability if he
becomes vice president in the next administration.

Since there is also no law or constitutional provision providing for immunity from suit
of the VP, then there is no rhyme or reason why jurisprudence could possibly not be
widened or why the said immunity could not be extended to the VP. If the President
enjoys such immunity, then the VP is also entitled to it because they belong to the same
category of elective officials who could only be removed from office through the
process of impeachment.

 The legal basis of Duterte’s plan to become vice president should be the least of his
concerns. He should first convince the voting public that he deserves to be elected again
even after he failed to fulfill his campaign promises in 2016. He recently admitted that
he has nothing to show for his presidency, yet is confident that voters will still choose
him to become the second-highest official of the land.

Perhaps Duterte can learn from the experience of his predecessors, who did not retire
but opted to compete again in the electoral arena. Estrada won two terms but lost in his
third attempt to serve as mayor in 2019. Arroyo was elected to Congress but it did not
stop the government of the late President Noynoy Aquino from jailing her after she was
charged with plunder.

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