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22. 23. te 25. 28. 2. 28. 2. 30. 2. 38. me 35 36. 7 5 SEEKRIEG aan 4. CRITICAL DAMAGE EFFECTS Service to 10% of AA battery OOK for H turns - reduce AA Factor by 10% in affected battery. If ship has no AA battery, thon use CO #12. 1 bunker hit - double Fuel consumption (half the reesining cruising radius) during search. If oil Fuel, ship will leave trail each remaining gaye turn which will be visible for 24 hours. Autoratic shipboard fire, severity 8 for both coal and ofl fuel ships. Sonar/Asdie destroyed ~ no underuater detection capabilities. IF ship has no Sonar or Asdic, then use vo #15. Sonar/Asdic ODA for @ turns'- as CO #242 Fire contro} radar GOK for fl turns (roll ts deteraine which battery PRIMARY/SECONDARY/2A). If no radar, then use CD #28. Fire control radar destroyed ~ as #26 except permanent. If no radar, then use CO #79. Fire control director OOK fer.fl turns (roll to determine which battery PRINARY/SECORDARY/RA is affected and roll again to deteraine location of guns being serviced by director). lo OCT bonus for all guns serviced by director for duration of CD. IF no OCT, then reduce total Fron CHART H by 6. Fire control director destroyed - as #28 xcept permanent Surface search radar ODA for H turns ~ use visual sighting during search. If no radar, then reduce visual sighting range by 20% during search. Surface search radar destroyed ~ as #30 except permanent. Air search radar OOA for tums - use vioual detection on OHART M1. If "no radar, then reduce visual signting range by 20% during search. Nir search radar destroyed - as #32 excopt permanent. Rangefinder destroyed ~ if using visual fire control, reduce total fron CHART H by 6 for battery being serviced by this AF. Barbette of one mount fanned for H turns ~ cannot traversé or Fire (detersine location as in CD #18). Powerplant QOA For fl turns - all radar out, no radio consunications, reduce AOF by 50% for all batteries and reduce #A (if any] by 25% for duration of effect. Bridge hit ~ chip wust continue on same course at sane speed as this gone turn for the next 4 gane Structural damage - double the OP caused by thie hit. Severe structural damage - triple OP caused by this hit Prop/shaft dosage - reduce maxinue speed by 10 knots permanently. a te 4. CRITICAL DAMAGE EFFECTS SEEMRIEG on Danage control party trapped For fl tuens ~ ne davage contro! reduction available du turns of effect. If ship currently under the effects of a shipboard fire, then add 2 itis poll when determining Fire damage control. Excessive Flooding - ships over 75% damaged capsize. Ships with 75% danage or under must reduce speed by 10 hnots and nay not coamence evasive nancuver. If affected by this C0 agsin, ship capsizes regardless of current damage. Auges storage hit = aultiply danage points caused by this hit by 5 and add this to total. Autamatic shighoard Fire severity 16. Mo Further launch or recovery operations possible until fire is aute Reody-use ato hit - multiply davage points caused by this Rit by 4 and add this to total. Reduce #4 by 25% for the next fl turns. Autonatic shipboard fire severity 10. ongar Fire - roll dice to deterine percentage of aircraft remaining aboard desteoyed by Fire. Autonatic shipboard fire saverity 8. No further launch or recovery operations possible until fire is outs Elevator OOA for Ml turns — reduce launch and recovery operations by S0% for duration of effects Elevator destroyed ~ as above excopt permanent. Launch control 90k for B turns ~ no launch or recovery operation for duration of effect. Excess Flooding causes severe List ~ as above except permanent. Severe Floading - ships aoving faster than 18 knots sultiply danage caused by this hit by 4 and add to total. Ships aoving 18 knots or slover multiply desage caused by this hit by 2 and add to total. Flooding in conpartaonts = sub must aurface during any ef next 3 turns. Hull crushed ~ sub is destroyed. Conning tower hit - no further offensive operations possible Danage to bow TT = 50% of bow 17 OOM permanently. Sevare danage to bow IT ~ all bow TT 0K peensnently- Danage to stern TT ~ as 0D #54 except for’ stern TT. Sea water in battery compartnents - sub ust sueface next tuen (regardless of depth}. Ho offensive operations possible for next 4 turns an surface. Yo submerged operations for next 30 turnse Siving planes janted ~ eub aust dive 100 Feet per turn for the next 4 turns. Oiving planes jammed ~ sub aust surface 100 fet per tura for the next 4 turns. Giving ploncs jammed ~ sub aust remain at current depth for the next 2 tuens Sub Laaking oi] ~ eub must revasl location (not depth) to all ships within §,000 yards as Mell as all aiveraft for each turn. Leaks in hall ~ sub may dive to $ of Sts naximun depth. Prop danage ~ sub must reduce speed to J of its maximus in arder to renain undetected. SEEKRIFG 4 1, RADAR TYPES & FUNCTIONS [near sersare type 271 3941 25ne Surface warning for all ainor warships Type 272 194) 25na Surface warning For Ch, CL, and 00 Type 273 141 25ne Surface warning for 6B and CA Type 27% 194-208 ——Replacenent for 284 Type 275 1945 16mm ——Replacesest For 285, Type 278 1943 30ne Replaced 272 in some 09 Type 277 1943 35mm Conbined air & surface warning with height-finder € PPT Type 79 1938 G0nn Air warning only (First set aboard HAS SHEFFIELD) Type 279 1939 100mm ‘Ar warning only with AR barrage predictor -~ widely used Type 280 1940 6mm Ar warning and AA ranging used on old AK cruisers 1940-62 Type 281 1940 1208 warning only =~ widely used on large warships CL to 8B Type 282 191 4na_—Close range AA Fire control for Large ships Type 283 1sk2 Sn RA Barrage for CA to 88 main arnanent Type 286 1940 Qn Main battery fire contro! for CL te 88 Type 285 1341 ns Surface and air warning (also long range AK) for ell ships Type 286 1940 Rie and surface ASV radar For aircraft Type 290 194 Air warning nat widely used and replaced by 272 and 272, Type 291 1941 35n8 “ir warning for small ships -- widely used Type 293 1943 13pm Air and surface target IFF Type 294 1944 35ne_———Replacenent for 277 Type 295 1965 Sone —~Replacenent for 271, 272, and 273 NITED STATES var 1998 40nn ir warning For OB New York only ox 1909 25mm ir warning For 8B Texas énly cx 1940 Onn «ir and surface warning (California, Yorktown, Chester, Chicago, Aorthaapton & Pensacola) | cx 1040 80nn——ir- and surface warning for all C¥-and 88 ! S06 St 1941 G0nn——Replavad CXEN aodels — widely used on BB to 0 5-2 & 3k 1943 Onn Surface and air wareing -- widely used on CY, 88, CA | x2 rate Air warning and fighter direction for C¥y, 80, C8 | x 1946 Fighter sirection For CY, 88, CA and Surface search--uidely used st 1943 Replaced by $? (only 23 sets produced) | ss 1961 208 ir and surface warning for all ships in wide use by 1942. By 7-42 a1] 00 0 BB had SG with PPL and CIC a 19421808 Surface warning For OF and saaller ships--widely used 1965 25an—SurFace warning replacing SL sets 1963 one Air warning for 0D and smaller ships 1943 20ne Surface warning for CL, OD and sealer ships | 1942 208 “Surface warning for PT boate i 1943 208 Surface warning for $9 -- in wide use by 1949 | tack a 1961 12mm—Rain battery fire control for 88, CA, CL | Mark 1242 15pa “Secondary battery Fire control for aB, CA, and CV Yack 8 1943-2008 Replaced Mark 3 Mack 13.627 194 20m ——Replaced Mark & (used with Mark 36 Director) Wark 22.632 1944 200m Replaced Mark & (used with Mark 37 Director) Mark 36 142 Lznn AN Fire conteal For HG batterses Mark 38 19h4 15pm Replaced Mark 34 (used with Nark 50 Director) 2. RADAR TYPES & FUNCTIONS 161 Gann Air warning set installed aboard Strasbourg ee) 1942 Minn warsing set installed abused Richelieu 1042 42nn “Gir warning set Installed abasrd Jean Bart oennany ol radar Funo 25 6 26 £938 dor Air and surface warning and gunnery Fire con wseetakt used on all eajor warships 88 te G0 . Also called GENE and O16 1962 30nm_— Ap and surface warning aboard CV, 88, CA, CL, and 09 | 3952 30nm Air warning only For Langer warships 1946 Snk—Surface warning ufo 1942 30m Air and surface warning aboard Vittoric Veneto, Africana, A, Regolo, Maestrale, Leone, Pancaldo, and 8 others HRIEG Lavo ano ; ri ane muse ot notes Type F SCHNEIDER MILD STEEL 1876-1869 0.62 Developed in France 0.60 (Used primarily by French) 1076-1880 0.60 Developed in Great Britain 0.60 Sype F COMPOSETE and COMPOUN ’ 18ei-1089 0.64 (Widely used) 0.60 Type E — SOHNELDEN NICKEL STEEL 1888-1910 0.57 eveloped in France 70 (Widely used) ype weaver wncket STEEL 1099-1950 0.77 Developed in United States 0.80 : (Widely used) vse © ANP CEMENTED CHRONE-ACKEL ‘1885-1915 0,90 Developed in Germany 2.90 siete (Replaced Warvey by 100) ype BRAUER CENENTECO CHROME-MIOKEL” 1910-1925 1.00 * 1.00 sites 120-1935 1.20, 1.00 Type A MOMOGENONS CHROME-NECKEL or 100-1928 75, 1.00 CRORE -NICEEL-MOLYBDENUK STEEL 1915-1945 90 1.00 1922-1980 1.10 100 Tae Acnor types Visted above correspond to the types Listed in the SHIP DATA SHEETS. For gane purposes, the facter Usted in Caluen 2 can be used to reduce the anount of arnor Listed for the Sip {by aultiplying the seouot of arnor by the Factor Listed above]. Column 1 nay be used if gore dstailed casulte are cequieed RANGE TH YARDS: 00 2,800 7,600 12,600 17,600 22,000) 27,600 32,600, 37,600 2,800 7,500. 12,500 17,500: 22,500 27,800. 32,500 $7,860! 42,500 [a4] [as 167 SEEKRIEG {30} | 175 38.8 1a.01/40 2 [30] | 17.3 16.8 J s6.or/50 C2 [26] | 18.8 al 16.00/45 ¢2 [26] | 15.5 Hea 4 5 3 8 5 5.00/50 01 [24] | 15.3 15.00/45 2 (24) | 15.0 5.00/42 03 [26] | 14.8 we.on/s0 €1 [22] | 14.8 14.0"/45 €2 [22] | 14.5 0 2 @ 13.50/45 FL [21] | 1441 AS 13,5"/30 F2 [21] | _13.: w.2 13.00/50 61 (20].-,213,1 1: 13.04/35 62. [20] -} 13.0 9,3 2et/oe nt (19) | 19.0 10.4 ee 0 12.00/50 ¥2 [18] } 12.8 re.onfes ¥3 C18] | 12.5 12.00/40 we [18] | 12.3 12.00/35 ws fis} | 12.0 11.0%/54 Jt (46) | 12.0, 10.2 8 5 3 5 u1or/s0 a2 {16] | 11. i1ovjas 32 {6} | 1. 11.0¥/a0 aw fi) | a1. rolovyas xx a6) | 20. ro.orjs0 x2 (24) | 10.3. 7b 1o.0"/35 43 4) | 10.0 7-0 @ auras ur fi] | 0018 sceryvo 2 U3] | 88 e140/35. a fia) | ols scov/eo mi [10] | 9.3 e.on/ss x2 fio] | 9.0 f.0¥/s0 m3 [10] | 2.8 onus me Lio) | 8:5 B.ov/40 a5 (10) | 2.3 s.or/as 16 Lio] | 8.0 re ao no ee 6s 63 2 2 z 2 5. 730/50 mf 8] 3.50/45 12 [ 9] 6.00/85 PL [7] 0 6 5 0 S 1 7 1 2 8 1 6 7 2 C 2 4 5.0N/50 P2 [ 7) z 8 9 5.00/45 P3 [77 ! oh 1.6 6.040 P&C 7) : a1 1b 6.030 P57] Jo a5 oe 5.5750 91 [ 6)] 63 ad 16 18 25m/s0RL [8] | 8.8 hl SOLE 5.01/55 SLES] ] 6.0 bad 18 bk s.0n/50 S25] | 5.8 38 LS LL 5.0m/45 53 [5] | 5.5 8.6 2 1 S.0foo sof sh] 5.3 38 Ll 10 5.0125 58 [5] | 4.5 28, 100 somes TT 4] | 8.8 ho 1? ad soso 2 (4) | eat Lae ores 314) | 45 Be 1.0 e s.orjso Ts fa) |. 26 1.0 3.0r/s0 ul [3] | 3.8 1.0 sores uefa] 35 28 3.0n/40 v9 [3] | 3.2 18 - sameten at ET | 18 ne wo.anies eons 18.08/40 13.0"/50 15.08/45 15.04/50 ios soe 1.08/80 wove 13 tsiy30 1.0750 13.0795 reba B.Dje0 2 2, 2 nas eowes Boss a aon) 35 ony40 Sys oO vote Pu [o} fo} oT be) hal us) he} ie} 2 (te) fe) us] is} 2 tis) i iol fol iol ho} [ua} iio} ho} lus} fe) rar Tol v1 ia i a] i lal nys0nt 1 6] tol fs] Is] Is} is} tsi 2 NAVAL ORDNANCE PENETRATION CVERTICAL/HORIZONTAL] In cases where 00.0 app thie meet te cantidered a4 3" oy the aotual penetration 1s less than 1, but for gate nursoses é an oo 2,600 7,400 t7en0 007 27,600 2.600 27,600 230075500 12,500 500, «22,800 8002 50D 7 8002880 ss.0/a0.0 DA.6IOH.7 21.2706.8 19.1/07-8 W7.2/t6.8 15.9120 34.0/00.0 aae/oe-t 7.8/0.8 s.9/06.5 aa.afiet 12.2/18.8 sulsjoa.o 75/035 wes/ok.a i2.s/os.2 a0.7/082 91/8 susfon.2 921/08. ojos. 19.2/0s.2 AB.s/ii.7 y2.0visce 3.0/00.0 (8LA/03.3 decafoe.e 22.1/05.0 yeLs/ow.e 9.a/ti7 29.5/00.0 Uyfons aslejes.a 13.7/05-6 fe aoe 22.ar00.0 4/029 r2.A/a3.3, 1022/06.2 Taye 2a.0/00.0 2laj02.8 a0.6/03.6,9.7/03.8, sia/o7s ° : H9/08.0 wBLefOg.t 1017/08. repo. ° wsleJor.e 12.5/02.5+ 10.z/o3.«° 8.8/05.6 742/983 53.9/07.7 0 wia/oi.7. 11.5/02.2Saos.e7.6/03.1 s.0/06. 5/00.0 Brayole ay9/o§ tonne a 25.5/00.0 1218/0215 Adeioze —8.7/08.6 - roren.0 Ts/01.8 5.5/0.8 25.0/00.0 a 9 1708s Ss aya2 s.ercus 3/00.0 9 1 as)0z7 6.9roe.e | S.8fiNee W.5/0s.8 24.6/08.0 0 8. e.sj0n2 S.y02.2 + A.z/8? 33/0000 pus/on.0 0 rajors s.sjet8 2u.aio0.0 0 e202 ajo : 2.avon.0 1 nisioz.a “s.6/0d-4 8.1/03.8 2nsi0n0 0 sus/oi.s | s.ayen. 9100.0 2 yiajons 5.8/0 au.sf00.0 0 savone 4s/ot 29.0/00.0 9 6.07012 A.ajot = 195/00-0 ° elsfo0lo 3s/er, 18.0/00.0, 0 wcajoo.e 19,0/00.0 10.4/90.0, sujont 4 3/00.0, 9700.0 eajonie é 1.0/00.0, 8.1g00.0 3.6/00.0 eae 17.5/00.0 0/008 11.2/00-0 azj01.4 soos 9.7702 27.0/00.0 9/000 90-8 s.7/01.4 aiayen.s —2.5/02-? tes/00.0, 8.9/00.0 7/000 Pisyoi.2 1.0/0.8 16.9/08-0, "00.9 sayon.o. Layee 13/o1-t 1:5/06.0, 9700.0 sooo $s.0/00.0, 1700-0 25/00.0 : 155/00-0, eaja0.0 6 2p00.0 2.2/01.0 ts.0/00-0, 200.0 aaron. ejoe-0 13./00-0 s790°0 Msvou.e reaioae 12'5/00.0 5.a/o0.0 20 f0L0 12/018 12.0/00.0 S000 2100.0 ojos 11 s/00.0 5 700:0 1 7400-0 i 1ol8/00-0, 3460.9 Yojoo.0 : ni sfon.0 s.1y00.0 22/000 1 10,8/00.0, 9700.0 2.0/00.0 7 in9/m0.6 Si2ze0.0 2 sfoo.e 3 10:5/00.0 sc4j00.0 t3f00.0 ° o.0/00.0 ajo. siajoo-e —1.0f00.0 sis/a0.6 yt 121006 9.070010 z0foe 4.0/0.0 10-9/00.6 capone 300.9 23/0010 s.s/00.0 Si2j00.0 f.9f00.0 —3.7/00.9 s.0/00.0 2orjon.e 1600.0 1.0100.0 ssjon.0 2.sjoo.8—1:2f00.0 1 -0700.6 eisioo.0 Pijoo.e 2/009 1.0%00.0, s.0/00.0 127/00-0 1.0/00.0 Suafoo.o 2/000 1,0f00-8 sieo.8 N6/00.0 wteseene fap CHART Bee See _ = 1. TORPEDO DATA TABLES = @ g GREAT ORITAIN 14.0" Whitehead wee0 C/A F 1000/24 2, 000/16 14.0" Mork war c/k F — 1,900/28 2, 000/20 8.0 Mark TY 1992 C/E 1,000/25 —2,000/18 18.0" Mark ¥ 180s CfA E —1,000/28 2000/26 18.0" Mark #1808 C/A 2000/26 4,000/18 18.0" Fuse 1903 c/k E 2,000/28 —6,000/20 18.0" Hark YLT 1914 C/A 2,500/34 —4,000/30 Std. sub and surface torpedo 18.0" Mark 11915 C/A 2,000/36 -———--— Aerial torpedo 18.0" Mork 3 1928 C/A 1,800/24 —-—-—-_Deral torpedo 18.0" Mark XI «1996 C/A 1,500/40 3,000/28 Aerial torpedo 16.0" Wark XT 1998 C/A C—*1,500/60 4,000/28 Std. serial and MIB torpedo 21.0" Wark 1 c/a & 1,000/50 7,000/30 21.0" vark It G/A $,000/34 12,000/28 Sud and surface torpedo e 21.08 Mark 1 1917 C/A 4,800/44 9000/30 Sub and surface torpedo 22.0" Mark V 1920 C/A C 9,000/36 14,000/30 Sub and surface torpedo 21.0" Mark VITI* 1933 C/A 8 .5,000/40 7,000/30 Std. sub torpedo 210" vark VIIIPE 1939 C/A 8 7000/40 -"-—--—- Std. sub torpedo 21.0" Hark VIIT#* 1962 C/A 8 5000/44 7,000/40 Std. sub and TB torpedo 21.0" Mark 1x 1932 C/R_B10,500/34 _13,500/30 Std. surface torpedo 24.5" Mark T 1922 CRB 15,000/36 “20,000/30 NELSON Clase torpedo semen a." ess C/A F — 1,000/28 — 2,000/20 | re 1900 ¢/A 0 1,000/30 2000/26 20.0" 1907 c/A 0 2000/32 «000/20 22.0" 1910 c/A 9 1,000/38 _4,000/34 21.0" 67a 1990 C/A 6 200/40 13,700/30 Std. aurFace torpedo ai 1935 cle 5000/30, ~ Std. subsarine torpedo 5 Acoustic honing torpedo Far/uut a) @15,400/40 Pattern running sub torpedo aly , 17.7" AN0 c/A 0 2,000/38 6, 000/28 v7.7 4200 c/s 3,000/46 = CAGMT Claes sub torpedo 17.78 ani0s c/n 0 2000/44 — std. HTB torpedo 21.0" 53270-1 C/A 4,000/48 12,000/30 Ste. surface torpedo 210m S328 c/k ¢ 3000/40 12,000/28 NOTE: hove models were in use 1998-43. Carlier aodels were prisarily British Whitehead torpedors TORPEDO DATA TABLES wrreD_sTares 14.2" Howell ta95 cA —1,000/28 2, 000/18 18.0" ML TE 1901 ¢/A F — 1,000/28 2, 000/22 f taco» av 1908 c/k& 1000/36 4000/26 21.0" BL 190s C/A 0 1000/35 4.00/28 21.0" Mark 8 Ime cA 10,000/28 = Std. 00 torpedo for WL 21.0" Mark 9 11s C/A 7,080/26, -- 21.0" Mark 10 1917 c/t ¢ 3, 500/36 7 21.0" Hark 15 13 C/A & 6000/44 15,000/26 Sta. 00 tarpedo For MN? 21.0" Mark 1531964 C/A B 6000/44 15, 000/26 Surface tarpedo 71.0" Mark 14 C/A 4,800/46 — 9,000/32 Std. sub torpedo 12.8" Mark 26 13 © 8000/15 Aerial acoustic honing torpedo 22.8" Mark 13 1936 © B,c00/32 Aerial torpedo for TBF Avenger 21.0" Mark 18 1944 Elec 4,000/28 Surface torpedo-uakelese nan 17.7 Type 91M) 1934/24, 000/42 Neral torpedo [12-7 Type 91N2 get c/a 22, 000/42 Aerial torpedo 17.79 Type 91Me 1948 A 22,000/44 Aerial torpedo 21.0" Type 6 1918 c/a € —8,000/34 15,000/26 Sub and surface torpedo a 89 1930 C/A 6000/44 1. Submarine torpedo 2. som 1946 FE 8,000/20 Submarine torpedo a 95m 1960 C/A A 10,000/48 13,000/42 SubRarine torpedo a 96 143 C/A 5,000/48 +> Subsarine torpedo a osaz 1045 6000/68 9000/44 Subearine terpedo 24.0" Type 8 21 C/A B 11,500/38 22,000/28 surface torpeda 2» %0 1927 C/A 8 8,000/44 16,000/36 Surface torpedo for O0 2 B31 1996 C/A A 22,000/48 44,000/36 Surface torpedo-standard 2 352 A 74,000/48 43,700/38 Surface torpade RaWCE 15.0% Type 1687 G/n 1,000/28 1.0" Type 1261926 C/A Tsao /44 Subsarine torpedo 15.7" Type OR 1902 C/A 3,300/34 =. arial and HTB torpedo 17." Type rane cf {100/38 3300/28 Std. surface torpedo 18.0" Type y8s2 c/a 1,000/28 1000/32 2,000/24 4,000/34 —3,000/22 11,000/40 15,300/3¢ std. 00 torpedo 4.00/62 8,000/30 submarine torpeds 7,000/44 13,500/38 Std. eurface torpede 18.0" Type 1908 c/a 18.0" Type 1906 cf 21.0" Type OF 1923 G/® 21.6" Type YH 1928 o/h 21.6" Type 0

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