Phoenix Backstory

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Eun-Tine was brought to Robindoor as an

infant within her father's cloak. She has no
recollection of her mother, nor any idea of whom
she could be, apart she was clearly part of the Aarakocra for the feathers that
cover Eun-Tine's body are clearly not from her father. As she grew it was discovered she
had no talent in the magical arts, no matter how many lessions she attended or times she tried. In an
attemt to prove herself to her father, who was deeply diapointed in this fact almost to the point of
disownment, she trained in the way of the sword. It did not take long however for Eun-Tine to
understand that this was no redemption in his eyes and so at the age of 13 (as she found that she
aged faster than any children around her) she packed a bag and flew, in the dark of night, to the
island of the monks.
Lasair Jeruank is the father of Eun-Tine, a high sorcerer in the
company of Maul, the king of Robindoor. How they came to meet,
or how Lasair became on of Mauls advisors is unknown. It is known
however that the family of Jeruank has for many years been a family of
influence and power, but this is the first time of the direct involvement with
the crown.
Lesair is part of the resurgence of the thought process that those without
magic are lesser than those with magic, they are the cattle that needs
to be slaughtered to keep the highers high.
Age - 45
Alinement - Chaotic Neutral
Aspiration - To become the King.
Its ma mother

It's a big unknown

(Have fun with it idk)

When she reached the isle of the monks, she was greeted with a warmer welcome than she anticipated,
they had many runaways or 'rejects within their mists. Through the year that she spent upon that
island Eun-Tine learnt much of the way of thr monk, the importance of dexterity and mobility, but
also the importance of those around you. There were two firends Eun made durin this time,
Jeradid and Kenith.

Jeradid is a dragonborn monk from the heated Isle of

Robindoor learning the Way of the Ascendant Dragon.
He became close friends with Eun (under
that name) when she arrived, his family have been
apart of this discipline for 3 generations, he felt
it was his desteny to become the leader of this
disaplin and to teach others this way of life.
He is purly kind hearted and taught
Eun to think of others more than herself.

Age: 19
Alinment; Chaotic Good
Asperation: To be the leader of the Way of the Ascendant Dragon

Kenith is that laid back surfer dude kinda guy, His

parents were nobles in the last royalty, after the overhaul
his parents ran to a different continent, but not before dropping
him with the tribe of monks, He hasn't seen them since.
He, seeing his parents leaving him behind, desided that he wanted
nothing more to do with them, changed his name from his birth name.
Before Eun left the Heated Isles for the forseeable future
he desided to gift a name to her, Phoenix, and she weares it
every day with pride.

Age: 23 Asperation: Unknown, just go with the flow.

Alinement: Chaotic Neutral

After a year, Phoenix decided that although she was learning much from the monks, it was not
the way of life that she wanted, she wanted to see the world, not be confined by the limits of the sea.
And so Phoenix, left the Heated Isles a new person looking for a way of this
contanent. She went to the nearest docs looking for passage to Faustfell.
When she arrived at the Docs dusk had settled in,
it was monstrously quiet, no lights on any ships, but out
in the harbor one green candle flickered on a ship.
Knowing this was a bad idea Phoenix flew her way to the
outside of the ship and eavesdropped at its side. Inside was a small
group of people, a woman who was clearly the captain shown by the gigantic
hat upon her head, a large bear, and a small halfling with an eyepatch. She couldnt
fully hear what the were talking about, but a few keywords did slip through, "Faustfell, Island,
Curse and skull. Phoenixs heart started racing, some adventure, finally. She landed upon the
deck of the ship, bathing her in green light, not sure how to aproch thi, sort of hoping that they
would hear her landing, but nothing... Then a loud yelp from below deck, sounded like it was from
the halfling. Phoenix waited for a second more before desiding to use her wings to blow out the
candles below deck and land a ittle harder on the deck, hoping to be somewhat ominus. It didnt
work. The crew came rushing up to the deck with their wepons drawn, the captain in front. Poenix
insisted she was their to join the crew and did not mean any of them harm, after a beat of the
captain looking down upon her she sheithed her sword. the others did the same. And there started
the relationship between Phoenix and the crew of the Volnokhod (wave-walker).


There were 3 members of the crew before Phoenix joined, Eala the captain,
she is a human woman tha has an air about her that can not be mistaken, she is
charismatic, startigic and one of the most beautiful creatures that Phoenix had
ever laid her eyes on. Although the crew is in its early year it is clear to
Phoenix that, given a few years, they would
Mathan become one of the most fearsome crews to sail the
seas. Mathan was a fearmongering bearfolk
on the outside, but after having one conversation
with her, it is very clear she is the largest
softies, she cares about her friends and if anything
or anyone tries to harm them, they have her to trifle with. She
became the closest with Phoenix in their time together, they
understood each other on a level neither of them had felt
before if given more time, it may have Oochi
developed into something more than friendship.
Oochi was the most off to Phoenix, she never
tried to understand the people she surrounded herself with, but as Phoenix
learned, this was just Oochi, although she showed no interest on the outside,
her friendship was shown quietly in saving a bowl of food or in the training sessions
that often were partaken upon of the deck of the ship. Over the two years this
group of rag-tag nobodys slowly became closer and its own type of family, however,
some things must come to an end. Once, porting in Icezepher Phoenix
alighted the boat for supplies, she spent an hour gathering them untill she
returned to the port, the boat that she now called home, was gone... She asked
around the docs, "when did they leave?", everyone repleyed "Who?"
"The ship with green sails." she would answer. "Never seen a ship like that in my
life." She had been left, but by a ship that had never existed.

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