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yourself for
A Guide Book
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

All praise is due to Allah alone, and peace and blessings be

upon Muhammed (pbuh) after whom there is no other
Preparing for Ramadan, everyone looks forward to it. Kids
see with excitement, the preparations going on at home , be
it stocking our bookshelves or our pantry. Children need
guidance how to prepare for Ramadan. How they can attain
the most out of each day. They need to be guided and taught
the best ways to perfect their ebadah. This book was designed
keeping just that in mind.
All Islamic information is taken from authentic sources.

There are not many days until Ramadan, and preparing our
soul for the whole month ahead can seem difficult. This guide
book can help children step by step to achieve a better
Ramadan this year, Insha Allah. This guide has lists and
trackers for Ramadan. Two deed charts for older children and
younger children.
May Allah make this a beneficial resource and accept all our
efforts. Aameen

Jazakallahu khairan
Jollybeens Team
‫اﻟﺴﻼم ﻋﻠﻴﻜﻢ ورﺣﻤﺔ ﷲ وﺑﺮﻛﺎﺗﻪ‬
Hope you are doing well.
Ramadan is just around the corner.
It’s a once in a year visitor. How
well have your prepared yourself
to welcome this guest.
If you haven't , do not fret, there is
still time and this book will guide
you.. So open up, and lets get you
WAYS TO Fasting voluntarily:
If any fasts from previous Ramadan hasn’t been
PREPARE FOR made up, its best to start making up for them asap
before Ramadan.
RAMADAN Make up for the missed fasts by 15th of Sha’baan
Fast on Mondays and Thursdays.
Fast during the white days- 13th, 14th and 15th of
Narrated Aisha
each Islamic month.
“ I never saw the
Messenger of Allah (pbuh) Allah’s Messenger (saw) said:
complete a month of “When Sha’baan is half over, do not fast.”
fasting except Ramadaan, (Al-Tirmidhi)
and I never saw him fast
more in any month than in
Sha’baan. “ Practice Quran Reflect upon the Quran :
recitation: Read the meanings of
(Bukhaari and Muslim).
Read one page per day. the verses you have
May be a few verses read.
after every salah. Understand what
Correct errors and Allah (swt) wants to
perfect the recitation communicate with you,
Insha Allah (swt). make a note of it if
Repent for your sins:
“That is a month that Ask Allah (swt) to forgive you, for all your mistakes
people neglect between and errors which you have committed knowingly or
Rajab and Ramadan, but it
Repent sincerely and have your sins erased and
is a month in which people’s washed away.
deeds are taken up to the Forgive others and empty your heart from any
Lord of the Worlds and I grudge or pain.
would like my deeds to be Seek forgiveness from those who you have wronged
taken up when I am intentionally or unintentionally.

fasting.” Allah’s Messenger (saw) said:

(Al-Nasaa’i) “O people, repent to Allah , for I repent to Him one
hundred times each day.”

Perform extra prayers:

Inculcate the habit of performing all the
12 rak'aat of sunnah salah everyday.
Salamah ibn Kuhayl said: Offer the witr and Ishraq salah too.
It was said that Sha’baan Make it a habit to perform 2 rak'aat after
was the month of the performing ablution and after entering a
Qur’an readers.
Practice the Sunnah:
Learn more about the life of our beloved
Prophet(saw) .
Let’s Get Ready
Practice as many of his beloved sunnah as
possible. The Muslim should ask Allah
(swt) to let him live until
Improve your character: Ramadan with a strong
Write a list of characters within you which you religious commitment and
would like to change and work on. good physical health, and he
If you do not know, ask someone dear to you who
should ask Him to help him
can help you with recognizing your flaws, which
need to be worked upon. obey Him during the month,
Focus on them and try to improve yourself. and ask Him to accept his
good deeds.
Practice healthy eating habits :
Prepare a healthy menu and practice eating
healthier foods before Ramadan. That way while
fasting, your body will not crave for unhealthy
Give in charity:
Practice giving charity. Make a sadaqa box, put some
amount in it every day and give to a poor person or The Muslim should rejoice at
needy neighbor at the end of each week. the approach of the blessed
Look out for some homeless people and offer them month. Ramadan is one of the
something to eat or drink with a smile. occasions of good in which the
Keep aside some amount from your pocket money to gates of Paradise are opened
give to the needy in the month of Ramadan. and the gates of Hell are
closed. It is the month of the
Practice making Duaa: Qur’an and of decisive battles
Build a bond with Allah (swt) your Creator and in the history of our religion.
Sustainer. Seek and beg from Him whatever your
heart desires. Abu Bakr al-Balkhi said:
Make a list of duaa you want to ask Allah and read it The month of Rajab is the
everyday before bed. month for planting, the
Make duaa for your parents, siblings, relatives, month of Sha’baan is the
friends and the whole ummah. month of irrigating the
crops, and the month of
Ramadan Gifts : Ramadan is the month of
Prepare dawah kits or packs with lovely hand made harvesting the crops.
cards, a small packet of dates and informative books
on Islam and gift them to your non Muslim friends
and teachers in Ramadan.
Prepare small packs with booklets of Adhkar and
Sunnah and distribute to the Muslims on the first
taraweeh in the masjid.
Prepare a small gift basket with some food to give
to needy people you see.
My Goal For Now Until Ramadan

For My Salah

For My Qur’an

For Myself

For My Duaa
IMPROVE In the month of Ramadan, a Muslim wants to
earn as much reward as possible because no one
UPON YOUR knows whether a person will live in the coming
year. One of the easiest and best ways to attain
lots of rewards is to perfect all the obligatory
SALAH ebadah and include some Sunnah along with it.
Salah Sunnah Fard Sunnah
Fajr 2 2 --
Dhuhr 4 4 2
Asr - 4 -
Maghreb - 3 2
Isha - 4 2

"Allah will build a house in Heaven for whoever is

diligent in observing 12 Sunnah Rak'aat (as
follows): 4 Rak'aat before and 2 after the Dhuhr
(Midday) Prayer, 2 after the Maghrib (Sunset
Prayer), 2 after the ‘Ishaa’ (Evening) Prayer and 2
before the Fajr (Dawn) Prayer."

"Allah (swt) will

build a house in
Heaven for
Ibn Qudaamah said:
whoever is “The time for every Sunnah prayer that comes
diligent in before a fard prayer is from the beginning of the
observing 12 time for that prayer, until the prayer is done, and
the time for every Sunnah prayer that comes after
Sunnah Rak'aat … a fard prayer is from after the prayer is done until
the end of the time for that prayer.”
Taraweeh are the extra Sunnah prayers
performed every night after Salatul Isha in
the month of Ramadan. It is a recommended Taraweeh
Sunnah . It comes under the heading of qiyaam
al-layl (night prayers). It is performed in almost
all of the mosques. The command to observe "Whoever prayed at
night prayers during Ramadan was given
without specifying a particular number of night in it (the month of
rak’aat. Ramadan) out of sincere
Faith and hoping for a
The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of
Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever prays qiyaam
reward from Allah (swt),
– i.e., Taraweeh – with the imam until he then all his previous sins
finishes, it will be recorded as if he spent the will be forgiven.“
whole night in prayer.” (Sahih Bukhari-226)
(At- Tirmidhi)

Praying qiyaam in Ramadan means spending

its nights in prayer. It is one of the greatest
acts of worship by means of which a person
can get closer to Allah (swt). In Ramadan the
believer engages in the spiritual struggle
within oneself against sin on two fronts :
during the day by fasting and during the night
by praying qiyaam. Whoever combines these
two types of spiritual struggles will be given
reward without limit
A person who prays Taraaweeh, in twenty
rak’ahs, or thirty-six rak’ahs, or with thirteen
or eleven rak’ahs, he has done well, as Imam
Ahmad said, because there is nothing to With the start of the
specify the number. So the greater or lesser
number of rak’ahs depends on how long or
last ten days of
short the qiyaam (standing in the prayer) is. Ramadan, the Prophet
used to tighten his
Taraweeh can be performed in congregation
or individually waist belt (i.e. work
hard) and used to
pray all the night, and
used to keep his
family awake for the
(Sahih Bukhari-241)

Other Salah You Can Practice

Tahyatul Wudhu
Tahyatul Masjid
The Prophet asked Bilal “Tell
me about the most hopeful act Abu Qatada narrated that the
you have done since your Prophet said : “If any one of
acceptance of Islam because I you enters a mosque, he should
heard the sound of the steps of pray two raka’ats before
your shoes in front of me in sitting.”
paradise.” Bilal said : “I do not (Al-Bukhari )
consider any act more hopeful
than, whenever I make wudhu Salat ul Ishraq
at any time of night or day, I
offer salah for as long as I can.”
can The Prophet said:
( Al-Bukhari) “Whoever prays Fajr in
congregation then sits
remembering Allah
until the sun rises, then
Witr prays two rak’ahs,
rak’ahs, will
The Prophet said : have a reward like that
“Make Witr as your last of Hajj and ‘Umrah
salah) at night.” complete, complete,
(Al-Bukhari.) complete.”

The Prophet offered the 'Isha' prayer and then
got up at the Tahajjud time and offered eight
Rakat and then offered two Rakat while sitting.
He then offered two Rakat in between the Adhan
and Iqama of the Fajr prayer and he never missed
them. (Al-Bukhari)
Salah Tracker
Day Fajr Dhuhr Asr Mghreb Isha
Ramadan Day 1
Ramadan Day 2
Ramadan Day 3
Ramadan Day 4
Ramadan Day 5
Ramadan Day 6
Ramadan Day 7
Ramadan Day 8
Ramadan Day 9
Ramadan Day 10
Ramadan Day 11
Ramadan Day 12
Ramadan Day 13
Ramadan Day 14
Ramadan Day 15
Ramadan Day 16
Ramadan Day 17
Ramadan Day 18
Ramadan Day 19
Ramadan Day 20
Ramadan Day 21
Ramadan Day 22
Ramadan Day 23
Ramadan Day 24
Ramadan Day 25
Ramadan Day 26
Ramadan Day 27
Ramadan Day 28
Ramadan Day 29
Ramadan Day 30

PRACTICE "Whoever obeys the Messenger has obeyed Allah
FORGOTTEN (Surat an-Nisa`: 80)

“Whoever revives
my Sunnah then he
has loved me. And
whoever loved me,
he shall be with me
in Paradise.”
(Tirmidhi )

The companions of
the prophet
everything the
prophet did and said,
out of pure love for
Allah (swt) and His
Messenger (saw). The Prophet (saw) urged us to adhere to his
sunnah and not neglect it. He said:
“You must adhere to my Sunnah and the way of
the Rightly-Guided Caliphs who come after me.
Adhere to it and cling to it strongly, and beware of
newly-invented matters, for every newly-
invented matter is an innovation (bid’ah) and
Imam Malik said: every innovation is going astray.”
“The Sunnah is like (Abu Dawood)
the ark of Nuh .
Whoever embarks
upon it achieves __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ (R.A)
salvation and (R.A) (R.A)
whoever rejects it,
is drowned”
Miswaak Few forgotten Sunnan
‘Siwaak cleanses
the mouth and
pleases the Lord.’”

“Take a nap at midday, Good Speech
for the Shaytan does “He who believes in
not take a nap at Allah (swt) and the
midday.” Hereafter, if he
(Albaani in as-Saheehah,)
witnesses any matter
he should talk in good
terms about it or keep

Moderately Food Air

“A human being fills no worse

vessel than his stomach. Water

It is sufficient for a human

being to eat a few mouthfuls to
keep his spine straight. But if he
must (fill it), then one third of
food, one third for drink and
one third for air.’
(Ibn Maajah)

When Allah (swt)’s
Messenger went to
bed, he used to
sleep on his right


Daily Sunnah Schedule

Wake up before fajr ** praise Allah, wipe face and

Sahih Bukhari, 6312
use miswak

Last 10 verses of Surah Ale Imran Sahih Bukhari, 1120

Pray tahajjud Al-Bukhaari, 4569

2 rakaats sunnah before Salatul Fajr Sahih Muslim,112

Morning adhkar Sahih Abu Dawud 698.

2 rakaats of Salatul Ishraq At- Tirmidhi 586

Be productive during the day Ahmad, 26194

4 rakaats sunnah before and 2 after dhuhr At-Tirmidhi No. 379

Midday nap At-Tabaraani In Al-awsat, 28

Sahih Abu Dawud 698.

Evening adhkar after Salatul Asr

2 rakaats of sunnah after Salatul Maghreb At-Tirmidhi, 380;

Nawafil salah any no. of rakaats according to

Ahmad 22926
ones ability between Salatul Maghreb and isha

2 rakaats sunnah after Salatul Isha At-Tirmidhi No. 379

Spend some time with family Al-Bukhaari, 4569

Al-Tirmidhi 2892
Recite surah As Sajda and Surah Al Mulk

Al-Bukhaari, 4628
Recite surah Al Ikhlas and the Muawwidhatain

Al-Bukhaari 5009
Last two verses of surah Al Baqara

Say, “Allahumma bismika ahyaa wa amoot (O Al-Bukhaari 6324

allah, in your name I live and die)”

** at least an hour before the adhaan of Fajr

Allah (swt)says in the Quran
IMPROVE “Is there any reward for good other than good?”
(Surah Rahman :60)
YOUR Goodness in life comes from being good or practicing good
character. It means one’s practice of good morals and
CHARACTER manners not only with one’s self but also with everybody
around them. A persons character defines the person. His
behavior towards his family, friends, neighbors and even
their enemies speaks a lot about them.
Prophet (pbuh), was asked about doing good and evil. He
replied, "Doing
Doing good is having good manners. Doing evil is
what troubles you inside and what you would not like
others to know about.“

“The most complete

of the believers in
faith, is the one
with the best
character” Prophet Muhammad (saw) was sent to humanity as a
perfect model human being. He said, “Allah (swt) has sent
(Tirmidhi) me as an apostle so that I may demonstrate perfection of
character, refinement of manners and superiority in

He was always concerned about treating the people around

him in the best possible manner, he used to pray,
“No deed that will "O Allah ! I am but a man. If I hurt anyone in any manner,
be placed on the then forgive me and do not punish me."
scale of deeds [on
the Day of
Judgment] will be
heavier than good
(Tirmidhi) Prophet MUHAMMED (s.a.w) said:
“A person with good character will attain the rank of
those with a good record of voluntary fasts and prayers.”.
All human beings are born with good character,
sometimes emotions come in between and the test
begins .Will one be strong enough to hold onto their
good side or not. Its not always easy. With the Good Character
constant whispering of the shayateen. It actually
becomes more difficult. Nobody is perfect except
Allah (swt). So we are bound to have flaws in our character Improving ones
or attitude which would need improvement character takes
Good character is simple and easy to inculcate. A little bit 3 simple steps
of patience and perseverance helps attain good
So lets get our character in shape for Ramadan Note down a couple
of your character
which you feel needs
Be Be to be changed to
truthful. Responsible Be make you a better
Generous person.

Select one positive
Be Be Be character you would
Thankful polite trustworthy like to develop.

Keep your character
in check. Be aware
of your actions
Be Be Be throughout the day.
Creative Organized Kind Consider your tone
and attitude
towards people and
different situations

Be Be Be "He will not

Respectful Humble Fearless enter Jannah
whose neighbour
is not secure
from his
Be Be wrongful
Keep your Accountable conduct".
Promises (Bukhari)


Today I,

recited the
supplication did morning helped at
upon waking adhkar. suhoor.
said assalaau
alaikum wa
entering and did adhkar
rahmatullahi made my bed.
exiting the after salah.
wa barakatuh

prayed helped
listened to a controlled
tahyatul prepare for
good lecture. my anger.
wudhu. ifar.

did my read a page

remained in took a
evening from the
wudhu. midday nap.
adhkar. Qur'an.

woke up and
did my helped my prayed
school work. sibling. tarwaeeh.

prayed 12
read a good made duaa at went to bed
rakaat of
book. iftar. supplicating.

helped with
Recited surah
chores revised
used siwaak. Mulk before
around the quran.
Today I,

learnt a
did few helped did my school
verse from
worksheets. cleaning up. work.
the Qur’an

did morning helped at
smiled. waking up
adhkar. suhoor.

said assalaau
alaikum wa opened my
entering and
rahmatullahi made my bed fast with
exiting the
wa barakatuh dates

did some arts controlled helped

had a bath.
and crafts. my anger. prepare ifar.

did my read
fasted a full took a
evening a page of
day midday nap
adhkar. nooraniyya.

was patient
woke up for played with prayed
when i was
suhoor. my sibling. tarwaeeh

prayed 5 read a good shared my went to bed

times book. things. supplicating.
Prophet Muhammed (saw) has taught us many
PRACTICE etiquette’s of eating and living a healthy life. He
practiced very clean and healthy eating habits
HEALTHY and encouraged us to do so too.

EATING As Ramadan is nearing , we all have to keep in

mind the healthy ways of eating. Eating too
much at iftar will make us lazy and sick, which
HABITS may in turn, prevent us from performing acts of
ebadah in the best of ways.

Practicing to eat less and healthy before

Ramadan, helps our body to adjust to the fasting
routine smoothly and easily. Eating less is even
recommended by our prophet Muhammed (saw).

Allah (swt) swt says in the Quran

“Eat Suhoor; “Eat and drink, but be not excessive. Indeed, He
Indeed, there is a likes not those who commit excess.”
blessing (Surah Araf :31)

in Suhoor.”
[Bukhari - Muslim] Allah (swt)'s Messenger said, "A believer eats in
one intestine (is satisfied with little food), and
an unbeliever or a hypocrite eats in seven
intestines (eats too much). (Bukhari)
5 Eating a balanced diet is very necessary for the
development of the body and mind. A little bit
The key to healthy from every food group is necessary. Even
eating is to enjoy a excessive eating from within the groups can be
variety of nutritious bad for your health.
foods from each of the 5
food groups. Your body
will receive all the
nutrients and vitamins it
needs to function.
The five food groups are
Vitamin and minerals
.Food groups.
Suhoor and Iftar are the two prescribed
meals in the month of Ramadan. Suhoor
is eaten before the break of dawn. Its
called the pre dawn meal, and iftar is Ramadan meals
when you break the fast in the late
evening. In between these two meals a
fasting person doesn’t eat or drink “Whoever wants
anything and practice only good deeds to to fast, let him
please Allah (swt). eat something
Fasting has been prescribed not only for the for suhoor.”
ummah of prophet Muhammed (saw). It was even (Ahmed)
practiced by the ummah of other prophets.
Allah (swt) says in the Quran,
"O you who believe, fasting is prescribed for you
as it was prescribed for those who were before
you, in order that you may learn taqwa (piety)“
(Surah Al-Baqara:183)

Verily the difference between our fast and the

fasting of the People of the Book (i.e. Jews and Holy Prophet used
Christians) is the eating before dawn (Suhoor
[Bukhari - Muslim]. to do Iftar with
fresh dates before
Prophet Muhammed (saw) has asked the Muslims to the (Maghrib) Salah.
always hasten to break the fast. It is a good habit to If the fresh dates
get to the Iftar spread ready at least 15-20 minutes
before Maghreb, so that one can spend their time
were not available
making duaa. he would eat a few
Muslims are advised to share their food with others
dry dates instead
who are fasting. Feeding the hungry is always a very and if they were
good deed and its an act loved by Allah (swt). not available either,
he would drink a
‘People will always remain well as few handfuls of
long as they hasten to do Iftar.’ water.
(Bukhari) ( Abu Dawood)

“Suhoor is a blessed meal, so do not omit it, even if

one of you only takes a sip of water, for Allah and
His angels send blessings on those who eat
suhoor.” (Ahmad)
The Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
“The best suhoor for the believer is dates.”
(Abu Dawood)

Duaa after Iftar

Dhahaba adh-Dhama’ wabtallatil-urooq wa thabatal-ajr

Thirst has gone, the arteries are moist, and the reward is sure, if
Allah wills
(Abu Dawud)
PRACTICE "Call upon Me; I will respond to you."
MAKING (Surah Al Ghafir : 60)

“And when My servants ask you, concerning

DUAA Me - indeed I am near. I respond to the
5 steps to have invocation of every supplicant when he calls
your duaas upon Me …”
(Surah Al Baqara :186)
Allah (swt) loves His servants. He always wants them
1 to ask of Him, anything their heart desires. Even if a
Complete trust person has sinned equal to the ocean, their sincere
that Allah (swt) will duaa can have them all erased. There is no special
respond to the fees required to speak to the King of kings, the Ruler
of all the worlds
duaa. There
He knows what is in every heart
shouldn’t be even a Duaa has immense power, that many do not fully
speck of doubt understand or know how to utilize. Duaa will not
about it. always be answered immediately. Only Allah (swt)
knows if what is asked is beneficial or will it cause
Never lose hope in
the duaa’ and The duaa is answered in one of three different ways..
become impatient actually giving the thing being asked;
when results are by warding off a harm that would have
not seen otherwise afflicted the person;
as gifts and rewards awaiting the person
in the next life, which is the best form
Being persistent in of duaa being answered. [Musnad Ahmad]
making the duaa.
Being sincere, is an important factor. One should
always have the yaqeen and trust that Allah (swt) will
Make sure there always answer. He is always listening, whatever He
isn't any sin that is chooses for His servant is the best. Do duaa with full
being committed. It certainty and beg to Allah (swt) for forgiveness.
can get in the way
Keep asking the duaa till its fulfilled.
of the duaa being
answered. “Call on Allah (swt) while having
5 full conviction that He will
Repent and seek answer, and realize that Allah
forgiveness for the (swt) does not answer the du’a
that proceeds from a heedless,
sins. Repentance is inattentive heart.”
18 the key. [Tirmidhi]
Making Duaa:
Raise your hands Asking of ALLAH swt
Call out to Allah (swt) by His beautiful names
Ask Allah (swt) by your good deeds.
Glorify and praise Allah (swt).
Recite salutations upon the Prophet
Be humble and repent sincerely
Confess to Allah (swt) your weakness and
shortcomings and sins
Make use of the best times when your duaa will be
Beg and cry to Allah (swt) , seek his help sincerely
to help overcome the weakness or sickness or help
achieve whatever you are striving for.
Include prayers for your family like parents,
siblings, relatives, friends, and many Muslims
around the world and for all people.
Use the supplications of the prophets and the many
other supplications from the Quran.
End with being grateful , thanking Allah (swt)and
begging Him to accept your duaa.

Times when duaa is accepted

After salah (Tirmidhi)
While fasting (Tirmidhi)
Late at night before dawn. (Bukhaari)
Between the adhaan and iqama (Abu Dawud)
In sujood (Muslim)
On special time on friday (Bukhari)
When it rains (Abu Dawud)
While drinking zamzam (Ahmed) FRIDAY
Upon hearing the rooster crowing (Bukhaari)

Name three occasion when duaa is accepted

(excluding those mentioned above)





My Duaa list

“The best of you
are those who Ramadan and Qur’an always go together.
The month of Ramadan is also known as the
learn the Qur’an
month of the QUR’AN.
and teach it“
(Bukhari) “(It is) the month of Ramadan in which the Qur’an
was revealed as a guidance for mankind, clear proofs
giving guidance, and the Criterion (for
distinguishing right and wrong). So whoever of you
witnesses this month, let him fast it.”
[Surah al-Baqara:185]

The first verses of “Allah (swt) has His own people among
the holy Quran were mankind.” They said: “O Messenger of Allah
sent to Muhammed (swt), who are they?” He said: “The people of the
(saw) in the cave of Qur’an, the people of Allah (swt) and those who
Hira in Makkah, in are closest to Him'“
the month of (Ibn Majah)
“The most beloved deeds to Allah (swt) are those
done regularly, even if they are small.”
[Agreed Upon ]

So you see, it’s very important that you include

recitation of the Quran in your Ramadan schedule
The first verses . We must continue the practice of reciting Quran
which were revealed even after Ramadan so that we can be counted
to the Prophet from among the people of the Quran.
Muhammed (saw)
through angel
Jibreel were the
first five verses
from Surah Al Alaq

Unscramble the words to find the different names
of the Quran.

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ AL-QURAN
meaning : The Criterion
__ __ __ __ __ __ __
meaning : The Healing
Quran is the direct
__ __ __ __ __ __ __
AKLMLAA Between Allah (swt)
meaning : The Word
and yourself.
And We have indeed made the Quran easy to
understand and remember: then is there any that If you wish to
will receive admonition? speak to Allah
[Surah Qamar :17] (swt), then fall
down in sujood.
What you need: (swt) should speak
15 mins everyday
A choice of surah to you, then open
A Mushaf** with translation up and Quran and
A notebook
A writing tool read.
Use the S.O.A.P method to study the Quran by yourself.
S: Scripture
O: Observation
A: Application
P: Prayer
Scripture: Write down the verse and the translation , you wish
to learn more about. When you are in
Observations: Read through the translation and note down doubt or lonely
any points that Allah (swt) is asking of you, any orders, any
guidelines, any warnings and glad tidings. reach out to the
Applications: Think and note down the ways u can apply the Quran . Read and
verse and follow through with the guidance in your life. reflect upon the
Prayer: Write down a little prayer asking Allah (swt) swt to words. It will light
help and guide you in the best possible manner to follow and
apply what you learnt fom the verse. your way even on
** Quran refers to the specific revelation that was read to Prophet the darkest of
Muhammad whereas the term Mus’haf denotes the written form of
that revelation which we have today.
days. 22
Quran Tilawa Tracker
Day Surah Name Verse No. Verse No. No. of
(begin) (end) verses
Ramadan Day 1
Ramadan Day 2
Ramadan Day 3
Ramadan Day 4
Ramadan Day 5
Ramadan Day 6
Ramadan Day 7
Ramadan Day 8
Ramadan Day 9
Ramadan Day 10
Ramadan Day 11
Ramadan Day 12
Ramadan Day 13
Ramadan Day 14
Ramadan Day 15
Ramadan Day 16
Ramadan Day 17
Ramadan Day 18
Ramadan Day 19
Ramadan Day 20
Ramadan Day 21
Ramadan Day 22
Ramadan Day 23
Ramadan Day 24
Ramadan Day 25
Ramadan Day 26
Ramadan Day 27
Ramadan Day 28
Ramadan Day 29
Ramadan Day 30
Supplication upon sighting the new moon
Allah (swt)'s Messenger
(saw) said: Whenever
you sight the new
moon (of the month of
Ramadan) observe
fast, and when you
sight it (the new moon
of Shawwal) break it,
and if the sky is cloudy
for you, then observe
fast for thirty days.

An Islamic calendar is
also known as the Hijri
calendar, is a lunar
calendar .
It is based on the orbit Allahumma ahillahu ‛alaynaa bil-amni wal-
of the moon. Around eemaani, was-salaamati wal-islaami, wat-tawfeeqi
once per month, every limaa tuḥibbu watarḍaa, rabunaa wa rabbuk-Allahu
29.53 days, the phases of
the moon make a
complete cycle. That is
usually when a new
month begins in a lunar

Phases of the Moon
The phase of the
moon is how much of
the moon appears to
us on Earth to be lit up
by the sun. Half of
the moon is always lit
up by the sun. As the
moon orbits or circles
the Earth, the phase

As the New moon begins its

orbit and we see more and
more of the moon, this is
called Waxing. After the moon
A Moon Miracle gets to its Full phase, we start
The Meccan people requested Allah's to see less and less of the
Messenger to show them a miracle, and so moon. This is called Waning.
he showed them the splitting of the moon
Sahih al-Bukhari 3869

Different phases of the moon

New Moon
Waxing Crescent
First Quarter
The moon was split ( into two pieces ) Waxing Gibbous
while we were with the Prophet n Mina. Full
He said, "Be witnesses."Then a Piece of Waning Gibbous
the moon went towards the mountain.” Third Quarter
Sahih al-Bukhari 3869 Waning Crescent
Dark Moon 25


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