Lesson Plan

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Teacher’s Name: Zölde Júlia

Date: 09.09.2018
Class: VII
Level: Pre-Intermediate
Book: Snapshot
Objectives: To get to know each other
To activate vocabulary
To revise topic-related vocabulary (animals/ food and drink)
To revise irregular verbs
Methods: discussion, word snake, team game
Materials: blackboard, notebook


Activity 1: Warmer
Aim: To get to know each other
Procedures: Ss introduce themselves and they talk about their personal interests and hobbies
Time: 10 min
Skills: , S
Interaction: T>S, S>T

Activity 2: Game
Aim: To get to know each other
Procedures: Ss write 3 sentences, two of them is true and one is false, the classmates need to
find the false one
Time 15min
Skills: W, S
Interaction: S>S, S>T, S>S

Activity 3: Word snake

Aim: To activate vocabulary
Procedures: students are divided into two groups, they need to make their word snakes as long
as possible
Time: 5 min
Skills: S, W
Interaction: T>Ss, S>S, S>T

Activity 4: Vocabulary revision

Aim: to gather names of food/drink
Procedures: the groups try to collect as many food/drink-related words as possible within 5
Time: 5 min
Skills: S,W
Interaction: T>Ss, S>T, S>S

Activity 5: Vocabulary revision

Aims: To gather names of animals

Procedures: the groups try to collect as many food/drink-related words as possible within 5
Time: 5 min
Skills: S, W
Interaction: T>Ss, S>T, S>S

Activity 6: Vocabulary revision

Aims: To gather names of furniture

Procedures: the groups try to collect as many furniture-related words as possible within 5
Time: 5 min
Skills: S, W
Interaction: T>Ss, S>T, S>S

Activity 7: Speaking
Aims: To revise irregular verbs
Procedures: the T dictates different verb forms, Ss in groups write the other verb forms and
translate them, T provides feedback
Time: 5 min
Skills: S
Interaction: T>S, S>T, S>T

Teacher’s Name: Zölde Júlia

Date: 15.09.2018
Class: VII
Level: Pre-Intermediate
Book: Snapshot
Objectives: To revise body parts
To revise the present simple affirmative forms
To revise present simple question forms
To revise present simple negative forms
to revise the modal verbs can/ can’t/ must/ mustn’t
To revise present continuous forms
Methods: discussion, word snake, team game
Materials: blackboard, notebook

Activity 1: Warmer
Aim: To revise body parts
Procedures: Ss play Simon says
Time: 10 min
Skills: , S
Interaction: T>S, S>T

Activity 2: Grammar revision

Aim: To revise present simple forms
Procedures: Ss revise present simple forms and write down the rules
Time 15min
Skills: W, S
Interaction: S>S, S>T, S>S

Activity 3: Grammar revision

Aim: To practice the use of present simple forms
Procedures: students complete the sentences with the correct verb forms
Time: 5 min
Skills: S, W
Interaction: T>Ss, S>S, S>T

Activity 4: Grammar revision

Aim: to practice the use of present simple forms
Procedures: Ss write with their deskmate short dialogues using the questions/ negations of
present simple forms
Time: 5 min
Skills: S,W
Interaction: T>Ss, S>T, S>S

Activity 5: Grammar revision

Aims: To revise the modal verbs can/ can’t/ must/ mustn’t

Procedures: Ss complete the sentences with the correct forms of the modal verbs
Time: 5 min
Skills: S, W
Interaction: T>Ss, S>T, S>S
Activity 6: Grammar revision
Aims: To revise present continuous forms
Procedures: students complete sentences with the correct present continuous forms
Time: 5 min
Skills: S, W
Interaction: T>Ss, S>T, S>S

Activity 7: Speaking
Aims: To revise irregular verbs
Procedures: the T dictates different verb forms, Ss in groups write the other verb forms and
translate them, T provides feedback
Time: 5 min
Skills: S
Interaction: T>S, S>T, S>T

Revision: 7 th grade
4. School ________ (finish) at
1. Put the verbs into the correct present simple form
three o´clock.
Put the verbs into the correct form.
5.You ________ (live) near me.
1. I ________ (go) shopping with my brother. 6. He ________(like) rap music.
2. We sometimes ________ (use) a dictionary in class. 7. She ________ (do) her
3. My friends ________ (study) Italian at their school. homework before dinner.

2. Complete with can, can’t, must or mustn’t

1. You….do your homework carefully.

2. ………use your phone
3. You…….drink too much at a party.
4. I…..buy a new car. I have no money.
5. It is warm so the children……swim today.

3. Put the verbs into the correct present continuous form.

Form: to be+ Ving

Use: right now/ only for a limited period of time
Time adverbials: now, today/ this month/this year

1. Trina ___________ (walk) past the supermarket.

2. Where are you? We ___________ (wait) for you!
3. I´m on a bus and it ___________ (not move).
4. When ___________ you ___________ (come) to see me?
5. I ___________ (sit) on a bus.

4. Put the verb in the past simple tense to fill the gaps.
Past Simple
Form: V+ ed (in case of regular verbs)
Use: Finished actions, states or habits in the past
Time adverbials: yesterday, 2 minutes ago, in 1990, the other day, last Friday

1. I _______bought________ (buy) some food for lunch.

2. I ………………(try) playing the piano two years ago.
3. Who _______________ (meet) you at the airport?
4. We all _______________ (have) the same idea.
5. _______________ (do) you speak to Sophie?
6. I _______________ (see) the weather forecast earlier.

5. 3. A Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect Simple form of the verbs in brackets.
Present Perfect Simple
Form: have/has+ V3
Use: action which took place in the past and has an influence on the present, / action that stopped recently
Time adverbials: already, ever, just, never, not yet, so far, till now, up to now

1. I………have spent .. (spend) too much money.

2. Tina……….. (forget) her backpack again.
3. I ……………….. (not have) a routine checkup yet.
4. Both doctors………………(take) my blood pressure already.
5. Christopher……………(suffer) from allergies until this year.
6. Carol and I……………….(not sprain) our ankles.
7. They…………….(live) here for 5 years.
8. They ………… (live) here since 2013.

6. Choose the correct relative pronoun (who, which, whose)

1.This is the bank…….. was robbed yesterday.

2.A boy…… sister is in my class was in the bank at that time.
3.The man…… robbed the bank had two pistols.
4. He wore a mask…… made him look like Mickey Mouse.
5. He came with a friend waited outside in the car.
6. The woman gave him the money was young.
7. The bag contained the money was yellow.

Write sentences about what Ramón will do when he goes back to Mexico.
1 He / go back to school. ✔
2 He / take a vacation. ✘
3 He / send lots of e-mails. ✔
4 I think he / see his friends. ✔
5 I’m sure he / forget his time in the U.S. ✘

8. Match sentences 1–5 with sentences a–e.

1 What should I visit when I go to London? a We don’t want to get lost.
2 You shouldn’t go off on your own. b You should visit The London Eye.
3 We should take a map with us. c In front of the monument.
4 You shouldn’t forget to take an umbrella. d We should stay together.
5 Where should we meet you? e It often rains in London.


Teacher’s Name: Zölde Júlia

Date: 18.09.2018
Class: VII
Level: Pre-Intermediate
Book: Snapshot
Objectives: To revise past simple forms- use
To revise present perfect simple forms- use
To revise the use of relative pronouns
To revise the future tense with will
To revise the use of the modal verb should
to revise the comparison of adjectives
Methods: discussion, explanation, exercise
Materials: blackboard, notebook

Activity 1: Warmer
Aim: To revise past simple forms- use
Procedures: Ss work in pairs, they write a sentence in which they describe something they
both did in the summer using the past simple form of the verb
Time: 10 min
Skills: , S
Interaction: T>S, S>T

Activity 2: Grammar revision

Aim: To revise past simple
Procedures: T reminds Ss of grammar rules and Ss solve exercise 4
Time 15min
Skills: W, S
Interaction: S>S, S>T, S>S

Activity 3: Grammar revision

Aim: To present perfect simple
Procedures: T reminds Ss of grammar rules and Ss solve exercise 5
Time: 5 min
Skills: S, W
Interaction: T>Ss, S>S, S>T

Activity 4: Grammar revision

Aim: to revise relative pronouns
Procedures: T reminds Ss of grammar rules and Ss solve exercise 6
Time: 5 min
Skills: S,W
Interaction: T>Ss, S>T, S>S

Activity 5: Grammar revision

Aims:To revise the use of the future tense with will

Procedures: Ss complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs to describe future
Time: 5 min
Skills: S, W
Interaction: T>Ss, S>T, S>S
Activity 6: Grammar revision
Aims: To revise the use of the modal should
Procedures: students complete sentences with the correct verb forms
Time: 5 min
Skills: S, W
Interaction: T>Ss, S>T, S>S

Activity 7: Grammar revision

Aims: To revise the comparison of adjectives
Procedures: Ss complete the sentences with the correct forms of the adjectives
Time: 5 min
Skills: S
Interaction: T>S, S>T, S>T

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